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Chapter 928

Baldrick thought for a moment. It seemed that Old Master's disapproval did not cause them to waver, but instead made them more determined.There were no accidents in this world, but only the inevitable.

Ctherwise, why would Mr. Sebastian fall in love with Madam Minerva again after losing his memory? And why would he be so determined?"You're right. Do you mean that... you won't force Mr. Sebastian to get engaged to Miss Dormer in the future?” Badrick asked

Jarold was displeased right away. "What do you mean by forcing them to get engaged? Baldrick, what are you talking about? Also, given Manica'scurrent situation, she probably won't be able to get engaged to Sebastian anymore.”

Speaking of her situation, Baldrick felt a little sorry. "It's a pity as she is such a good girl. How could she do such a thing?"

Both of them sighed.

However, soon, Jarold thought of an important matter.

He had a great-grandson and he wanted to see him again.

Jarold promptly left the room with Baldrick's help. However, the living room was completely empty this time. There wasn't a single person.It gave Jarold the impression that nothing had happened just now. All of this was just his own imagination.

Meanwhile, Minerva and Vera opened the door and came back home.

When she entered the house, she happened to meet with Jarold's gaze.

Minerva was taken aback for a moment. She then grinned and remarked, "Grandpa, you're awake. How do you feel? Do you feel uncomfortableanywhere?"

Jarold felt uncomfortable when he heard her call him ‘Grandpa’. However, thinking that she would be with Maddox from now on, there was nothingwrong with her calling him that.

However, he hadn't completely accepted it yet and he felt very awkward.

Jarold snorted lightly and didn't answer her question. He only asked, "Why did you guys go out?"

Minerva and Vera looked at each other and then explained, "We sent Auntie Stark down to take a car. She went back to the hotel.”Jarold frowned. "Abigail returned to the hotel?"

"That's right.”

At first, Jarold wanted to stay here a bit longer that night so he could spend more time with his great-grandson. However, now... It seemed like hewouldn't be able to stay any longer.

Ctherwise, his precious little daughter would probably criticize him again

Thinking up to this point, Jarold let out a light cough. "Just now..."

"Grandpa, it's getting late. Why don't you stay here? I plan to cook some pasta later since we aren't full. What do you think, Grandpa?”

Was she inviting him to stay?

He became arrogant again and snorted coldly, "Do you plan to cook only pasta? You guys can eat by yourselves. I'm going back home with Baldrick."Huh? Abigail was right. Jarold really wouldn't stay overnight.

Fine. She did feel that randomly cooking some pasta wasn't enough, but if he wasn't staying, then it was a different story.

"Vera and I will send you out," Minerva spoke.

Jarold was speechless.

He was surprised that she didn't even ask him to stay. He was so enraged that he wanted to glare at her, but he was the one who wanted to leave. Itwould be embarrassing if he changed his mind now.

Thus, leaning on his crutch, he walked forward, in a bad mood, and Baldrick hurriedly followed him.Minerva and Vera sent them downstairs together.

Jarold and Baldrick came here by car. The driver had been waiting downstairs for a long time and had fallen asleep in the car.

Baldrick went to knock on the carwindow, and. he driver abruptlywoke up. Probably because he was.still groggy; he was quite confused:The driver reached out his hands”and wiped his face to wake himselfup--Soon, he opened the dager andgreeted them respectfully=0ldMaster, Baldrick." Content belongsto NovelDrama.Org

After that, he opened the door of the back seat.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Jarold turned around to glance at Minerva. When their eyes met, she smiled in an instant.

"Grandpa, Baldrick, be careful on the road,” she said.

She still didn't ask him to stay. It seemed like she was determined to get him to leave.

Jarold retracted his gaze. Without saying a single word to her, he bent down and sat in the back seat.

Cn the contrary, Baldrick spoke to her with a grin on his face and a gentle tone.

"Madam Minerva, we will make a move. It's dark and cold outside. You should hurry and go upstairs,” he advised her."Baldrick, thank you for your concern. I'll see you off, then I'll go back home," she responded.


Baldrick followed Jarold and got into the car. As he closed the car door, the car gradually drove away from the parking lot.

Not far away, Jarold set his eyes onMinerva's figure i in the rearview

mirror and.snorted with odissatisfaction. ‘She called me ~

Grandpa so intimately, but when sheheard'that I was about to leave, sheseri me downstairs in a haste.”Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

When Baldrick heard this, he knew that Jarold was complaining. He couldn't help but ask.

"Old Master, did you prefer to stay?"

Jarold answered curtly, "Who said that?"

"Uh..." Baldrick smiled awkwardly. "After listening to you just now, I thought you wanted to stay."

"Even if I wanted to stay, that's because I want to spend time with my great-grandson. As a result, not only did I not see him, I was also driven out,” hecomplained

"Old Master, you can't say that. Madam Minerva just told us that she cleaned up the guest room for us. She also invited us to stay there and eatpasta. It's just that... you didn’t want to," Baldrick commented.

"I didn't want to?" Jarold raised his voice as if he had been trampled on. "Why can't she persuade me?"Baldrick was at a loss for words.

After a moment of silence in the car, Baldrick decided to speak up for Minerva.

"Old Master, I believe it's not thatMadam Minérva doesn't want you tostay there. Jt s because you are hepelder. fyou say no, she'll definitelydo as you say. She's just afraid-thatif she*forces you to stay, youwill beunfappy.’ Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org =

After he finished speaking, he sighed helplessly in his heart.

When did Old Master become so arrogant? If he wanted to stay, then just stay there. Did he need to be coaxed to stay there?"Are you on her side?"

Baldrick replied, "No, I am not..."

"Then, stop talking!”

Baldrick had no choice, so he shut his mouth and stopped talking.

When Minerva and Vera were on their way back home, Vera endured it for a long time before she said, "Why do I feel that Young Master Yardley'sgrandfather doesn’t seem to want to leave?"

"No way." Minerva's expression was a little surprised. "Auntie said that he wouldn't stay, and when he heard that I was planning to cook pasta, heobviously had a very disgusted expression.”

Vera touched her nose and asked, "Could it be that I got the wrong impression?”

After both of them returned home, Minerva planned to go to the kitchen to cook, but Vera wanted to do it. She wanted to show off her cocking skills,so Minerva did not stop her and let her go instead.

Minerva put away the leftover ingredients.To be honest, she still had the desire for fondue after getting discharged from the hospital.

However, she didn't expect so many things to happen, so she was really not in the mood to enjoy her meal

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