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Chapter 925

Jarold noticed that he was about to turn around. At first, he was still thinking about whether or not his thoughts were reliable. When he went backhome, he wanted to find another person to investigate whether this child was...

Before this idea could fade away, he saw Beanie's face as he had turned around.That face...Jarold's pupils dilated as he stared at Beanie in disbelief.

For a moment, he suspected that there was something wrong with his eyes. Otherwise, it was probably because he was too worried about hisgrandson which was why he saw the child's face as Maddox.

However, it was clearly a child's face.

Although he looked exactly the same as Maddox, he was still a child. His eyes were dark, clear, and bright, which represented the purity andinnocence of a child.

He looked at Maddox again. His eyes were as sharp as an eagle's and dark. However, there was no warmth at all.

"Huh?" Beanie's gaze met Jarcld's thick and turbid gaze. The little fellow immediately asked with a curious face, "Who is this old man?"Actually, he already knew his identity.

However, if he showed it in front of the adults, they would definitely be astonished.

Although Abigail hated Jarold, Beanie was the one who had asked the question. He was still a child who hadn't grown up yet. She didn't dare to insulthim in front of Beanie, or else she would be a bad role model for the child.

After all, he was still young. He was still learning and he could imitate adults' movements.

She couldn't insult Jarold, but she wouldn't introduce him either, so she turned her head to the other side.

There was a moment of silence in the room, and Jarold's trembling voice could be heard.

"You, you are..."

Baldrick approached him and whispered, "Old Master, his face looks exactly the same as the Young Master. He must be Young Master's child, right?"Jarold only felt that his chest was trembling. He wasn't able to say a single word

"I can't believe that he and that woman already have a child. Also, he is already grown up." he pondered to himself.

Minerva smiled and said softly to the boy, "Beanie, he is your daddy's grandfather.”

She didn't dare to tell him that Jarold was his great grandfather. What if he wasn't willing to be acknowledged as such? What if he heard her wordsand wasn't happy? She just told him about the relationship between him and Maddox.

Whether Jarold was willing to acknowledge this child or not, it was not particularly important to her.

"Daddy's grandfather?” Beanie blinked his eyes and glanced at Jarold innocently, "Mommy, do I need to call him 'Great-Grandpa'?"She paused for a moment and slowly locked at Jarold.

His eyes were filled with agitation as he walked over step by step. He was so agitated that he couldn't even speak coherently."Yes... I'm your great grandfather. You... you..."

After saying the word "you" for a long time, Beanie suddenly stretched out his hands to him.

Jarold was dumbfounded

"Th-This is..." He asked.

Maddox's face was emotionless and his voice

was cold.

"He wants you to hug him," Maddox pointed out.

Jarold didn’t react in time

He didn't expect that both of them actually had a child, and... this child actually had actually asked for a hug when they first met.

"Huh?" When Beanie saw that he did not respond for a long time, his little face became distressed. He peered at Jarold and then looked at Minerva,"Mommy, dogs Great-Grandpa not like me? That's why he doesn't want to hug me..."Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

She was lost for words.

"This little fellow has asked me a tough question,” she thought to herself.

"I'm in a very awkward situation, so how can I answer it? If I say that he doesn't like him, I will offend him. However, I can't say that he likes him...""Bad boy, don't you know how to ask your daddy? You scolded him for being a bad Daddy. but you didn't ask him a tough question," she thought.Just as Minerva was silently saying these words in her heart, Jarold’s voice trembled as he spoke.

"No, no... Why... would I hate you?"

He forced himself to calm down. He said a complete sentence to Beanie with difficulty. At the same time, he stretched out his hands towards the child."Come here, let me hug you."

Beanie blinked his eyes and stared at him without any movement.

Jarold's handswere frozen inmid-air. Whetrhe noticed that Beaniehad beensiaring at him, he became’Nervous : sll of a sudden, "Are youmad because of what had happenedjust Row? I didn't do it on purposejusEnow. I. " Conten belongs tosnovel net ol

Before he could finish his sentence, Beanie stretched out his hand and pounced on him unexpectedly. Jarold quickly caught him and held him in hisarms.

He was old and his legs were not as strong as young people, so he usually used a crutch. However, he could still stand while holding Beanie.

After holding the child in his arms, Jarold felt his heart beating faster and faster. He was old, but he was still very vigorous. Although he tried his bestto cover it up, his hand was still trembling slightly.

The little guy in his arms...was.


great grandson.

He was his family member.

He was his family member apart from Abigail and Maddox.

There was a lmp in his chest andthroat, causing him to be unable tomake any-sound. After being held ihis arms;-Beanie wrapped his armsaroundhJarold s neck in a fawningmanner and he looked extremelyobedient and cute. Content belongsto NovelDrama.Org =

Indeed, Beanie knew that his great grandfather had troubled his mother. He had heard Auntie Vera mention this before, but she did not want to sayanything further.

Therefore, he thought about it again and again, and then he decided to look for his mother. He wanted to uphold justice for her, to subdue his fatherand great grandfather!

Seeing this scene, Abigail couldn't help but complain softly."Is it really necessary? It's like you've not hugged a child for several lifetimes..."

Although she was complaining, she looked quite helpless.

As for Minervay-she had witnessed

Jarold's agitation. She curled her lipsup and there was a hint of warmth-nher gaze'-She had never thought thathe waqoid be so fond of BeaniesFurtRermore, he seemed to be verystartled. Content belongs 10NovelDrama.Org :

"Will he still insist on his previous action after he found out that Maddox and I already have a child?" She pondered to herself.

Jarold held Beanie in his arms carefully. He didn't dare to exert force with his hands, as if he was afraid that he would break the little fellow in his armswith a little force.

It took him a long time to get his voice back. He asked Beanie in a hoarse voice.

"Good boy, call me Great-Grandpa."

Beanie opened his mouth wide, revealing a row of clean and white teeth. He looked at Jarold obediently and called out."Nice to meet you, Great- Grandpa. My name is Bruno. You can also call me Beanie just like my mommy.”

These words stabbed deeply into the bottom of Jarold’s heart

Holding the child in his arms, he suddenly felt his vision become blurry. He was quite frantic, "Is it because I'm dreaming?" However, his vision beganto grow darker and darker.

In the end...Maddox was standing nearby and his expression changed. He lifted his hand to support Jarold.

He was too agitated, so he passed out.

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