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Chapter 918

However... She did not meet often with Jarold. It was all because Maddox had protected her very well.

Thinking of this, Minerva smiled faintly and said calmly, "I'm not suffering at all. His survival is my greatest wish. The heavens gave me a chance tomeet him again and let me return to his side. Even if I suffer again, I think that it is reasonable. Furthermore... I don't hate his grandfather.”

Cn the contrary, she was extremely grateful towards Jarold.

Minerva looked at Jarold, who was sitting on the sofa in the living room.

Vera replied, "Gosh! You even don't hate such a stubborn old man. It's the first time I've met him and I think he's not easy to deal with."

After saying that, Vera asked curiously, "But, why don't you hate him?"

Minerva lowered her eyes, and her mood seemed to be depressed.

"Because he saved Maddox's life," she responded

At first, Vera didn't really care about it. After hearing Minerva's words, her expression instantly stiffened, and then she didn't say a word.

When the plane crashed, many people had died in the sea, and even their corpses could not be found.

After such a serious incident, everyone thought that Maddox would not come back home, but... he was still alive. He had only changed his name.This was a great luck bestowed upon him

The person who had bestowed Maddox with a new life was Jarold.

"What if Jarold didn't happen to save him?"

Thinking of this, Vera shivered coldly. She didn't dare to think about it. She glanced at Jarold and couldn't even say any hurtful words anymore."From Minerva's standpoint, Jarold indeed didn't seem to be very annoying.”

"After all, Maddox was Minerva's biggest hope when she was in her darkest times."

"She must be particularly grateful to Jarold."

"I know. I won't talk bad about him in future. Don't worry, Minerval" Vera reassured her.

Minerva turned around and glanced at her with a smile. She was indeed very approachable.

Minerva had never wanted to be enemies with Jarold. Even if he didn't like her, she would try her best to settle things with him in a gentle way andmake him accept her.

However, she would never hate him. She did not care what others thought, but she would not change her opinion.As everyone sat down and prepared to eat dinner, Jarold locked at the scene in front of him in a daze."How many years has it been?" He pondered to himself.

When he ate dinner, he had always been alone. There were servants standing beside him and they served him food, but there was no one who wasclose to him.

Sometimes, Jarold would speak to Baldrick, but after all, he had his own family. He wouldn't stay by his side when there were important occasions."Baldrick, have a bowl of soup to warm your stomach first,” Minerva suggested.

Jarold recovered back to his senses when he heard her voice. He looked up and saw Minerva carrying a bowl of hot soup for Baldrick with a widesmile. He stood up quickly and received the bowl with both hands. He thanked her, "Thank you, Madam Minerva ."

She was embarrassed, "Baldrick, you can just call me Minerva."

Since he was an elder. she felt embarrassed when he called her Madam Minerva. Furthermore, he even mentioned it in front of Jarold and remindedhim

As expected, Jarold's moustache immediately perked up. and he looked offended.

The reason that he was incensed might be because Baldrick had called her Madam Minerva or because she didn't serve him soup.Just as Jarold was gradually feeling unhappy. a bowl of hot soup was served in front of himContents belong to NovelDrama.Org


Jarold raised his head and happened to notice Minerva's smiling face.

"Why did you serve me soup? It's none of your business!”

Even though Jarold scolded her, he didn't push the bowl of soup away. Instead, he stared at it longingly to see whether the amount of his soup wasless than Baldrick's soup or not.

When he saw that he had slightly more soup than Baldrick, he felt very satisfied.

Minerva didn't seem to mind at all. She grinned and walked back to her seat.

Cn the contrary, Abigail was displeased and glared at Jarold, who sat opposite her. Then, sheinsulted him.

"Jarold, if you are not satisfied, you'd better go back home. Go back to your large house and let your servants serve you soup. Don't look down onothers here."

After being insulted by her, Jarold fell silent abruptly and didn't reply.

She was at ease after insulting him. She served herself a bowl of soup and took a sip.

Seeing him deflated, it really made her feel at ease physically and mentally.

Abigail had prepared some fondue. It was nice to have fondue in winter, especially after sweating, it was particularly warm.Minerva opened the window so that she could get rid of the smell of food and so that it would be safe.

The ingredients were prepared. They could cook whatever food they wanted to eat.

When Vera saw that there weremushroomsand croutons that sheliked veryxouch, she was so excitedthat she scooped up a bunch of ~them and put them in the pot. Whenshe picked them up, they wereready, which looked very appetizing.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

It was hot, but she was in a hurry. She blew on the food while eating it.After seeing Vera's behavior, Jarold didn't know what to say. She didn't even have any proper table manners.

Just as he was about to criticize her, he saw his daughter, Abigail, taking a bunch of bacon from the pot. Then, just like Vera, she began to eat it withher mouth wide open while blowing it.

After that, Abigail still felt that it was tasteless, so she dipped the food in some sauce and ate it with her mouth wide open.Jarold was speechless.He didn't expect Abigail, whom he hadn't seen for so many years, had become like this

He was very disappointed. He took a look at Minerva and found that she did not gobble down her food like Vera and Abigail. She quietly took out afork and dipped her food in the fondue

She rapidly cooked the food and put it onto a white plate. Soon, she served it with a saucer of sauce. Then, she got up and walked over to Jarold'sside.

"Grandpa," she called him.

He was dumbfounded. He didn't expect that Minerva would not eat on her own, and that she would even give him foodEven though he hadn't considered that she would take care of him, he was still very surprised

However, he spoke arrogantly, "What's this? The meat is not tender. How can I eat it?"

Minerva lowered her head and peered at the cooked meat.

In fact, the copked meat was quitetender and ity'softness was justright. In addition, if they only pursuedthe tastewhen eating meat, but it

was not t cooked well, there was ahigh-chance for them to eat theparasites in the meat as well

Conten belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Thinking of this, Minerva smiled andsaid, 'G andpa, this is the first tingeI'm cooking this, so I'm not veryski Ifuf- Please put up with it and I'lltry aboking something else for youlater " Content belongs to .°NovelDrama.Org

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