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Chapter 900

Geoffrey pursed his lips and turned away with a terrible expression on his face. "Don't call the police.”If he wanted to call the police, he would have called them when he was coming over.However, Geoffrey was still harboring a little selfinterest

If he called the police, perhaps... Manica would be finished. According to the influence of the Dormer family, once this matter involved the police, itwould become complicated, and then it would be infinitely expanded by others.

That was because this was not a simple matter.

It was the Collins family and the Dormer family.

Geoffrey didn't know why he still had a little sympathy for Monica. However, he thought that this would be the last time.After this time, he would definitely cut off all his affections for her.

"Why don't we call the police?" Lolita was still puzzled. "How can we get in?"

He replied, "You go to the side. I'll settle it." "No." She didn't know what he was thinking. She shook her head and said, "You treated me to a meal. Ican't pay you back. If you don't let me call the police, then... Shall I open the door for you?"

Geoffrey was utterly confused.

She put away her phone and opened her bag. She tock out a thin steel wire from the small box, walked to the door, and began to pick the lockGeoffrey was speechless.

Everyone else didn't know what to say.


The steel wire broke. Lolita laughed awkwardly and said, "l got it wrong."

Then, she threw away the one in her hand and took out another one from the small box.

Geoffrey looked at her strange movements. He felt that it was probably better if he had let her call the police just now rather than let her carry outthese strange actions.

Monica, who was hiding in the bathroom, was shivering in fear. She walked towards the window, only to find that she had nowhere to run. Sheretreated into the bathroom and realized that the person who had just gone out had not flushed the toilet after using it. The bathroom was filled with anauseating smell.

She almost vomited and quickly retreated

There was no place to hide in the small hotel, and Geoffrey's men had already arrived at the door. She even heard him talking to those people.She knew that it would be useless for her to hide here.

Since Monica had no way to seek help, it was best for her to take out her phone and call Zaydon.

Ring, ring..

The phone rang for a long time before he answered the phone.

He was about to go to the meeting when he saw her call. He answered it and said unhappily, "What's the matter?”"Zaydon..."

Before he had even finished speaking, Monica's suppressed sobs could be heard from the other end.

When Zaydon heard this, he frowned and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Zaydon, help me! Can you save me?" She cried as she tried to beg him for help.

He stopped. and the secretary next to him looked at him in puzzlement. Zayden said coldly, "You go first. Don't wait for me."The secretary could only nod and then leave first.

After the others left, Zaydon walked to the other side and started to talk again, "What happened? Didn't I tell you to stay in the hotel? Did you runout?"Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Monica couldn't help but cry. He was really annoyed. He rebuked, "If you keep crying, I'll hang up the phone."She was so frightened that she took a deep breath and quickly stopped her crying"No, don't hang up!"

"Then let's make things clear. Why are you crying?”

Monica's tears began to flow again.She really regretted her actions andcouldn't saywhat she had done.However there was no other way.She could only confess what she?had dohe to him and then cried;‘Zaydon, I really know I was.wrong. Iwas really wrong this time.Pleasehelp me. I will never daré'to do itagain!" Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

After hearing her words, Zaydon's breath was stuck in his chest and he almost couldn't breathe.

It took him a long time to control his anger. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't say a word. Finally, he laughed angrily, "Monica, I'm sodisappointed in you."

"Zaydon..."He helplessly closed his eyes and thought of Minerva's face. That woman... If anything was to happen to her, then his sister..

Monica was so bold. He should ignore her and let others teach her a lesson, but after all, she was his sister. He couldn't bear to see her go on likethis.

"Where?" Zaydon's voice sounded deeply exhausted.

After Monica reported the address, he directly hung up the phone. Then, he turned around and walked towards the elevator with no expression on hisface.

After entering and exiting the elevator, then arriving at the parking lot, Zaydon called his secretary.

"Tell them to cancel the meeting."

The secretary was extremely shocked, but she still didn't dare to ask anything. She could only do as he ordered.Meanwhile, on the other side, Lolita had already broken two steel wires.

"Believe me, this time, it was also an accident!" When she said this, her ears were a little red. She was so embarrassed.

At first, she thought that her ability was stable, but she didn't expect that she would actually break the steel wire and be unable to open the door.

"It's so strange’ Lollita bit her lowerlip and couldht help but murmur,"The lock of this small hotel shouldbe the easiest to open. Why can’ =open {t itafter such a long time?ds itbecabse I haven't practiced for solong that I'am not used to it it?"Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Geoffrey, who stood behind her, heard this and his expression darkened. He couldn't help but ask her, "You haven't practiced for so long that you'renot used to it?"

She nodded but soon felt that something was wrong. She turned her head and found that Geoffrey and the people around were looking at her in astrange way, and then she realized something.

Cnly a thief would do such things.

And just now, she..

As she thought of this, her facechanged, anf she defended herselfina hurry, "Well, I am not a thief, andI'am rol pect ized in this kind ofthing. just. . used to be curious:and played with my friends for.sometie because I thought it was fun,bat I am sure that I have rever doneanything bad." Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

Geoffrey nodded and said, "l believe you."

She replied, "Really?"

"Mm." He nodded heavily, his face filled with grief. "Based on your skills, even if you wanted to do it, you wouldn't be able to do it."

She retorted, "You'd better shut up. I don’t want to listen to you anymore.”

He responded, "If you can't, we..."

"I'm sure I can. Let me try again," she said.

Lolita turned around and went on. Geoffrey was a little bored. Just as he was about to tell her not to go on, he heard a click, and the door opened.Everyone who saw this scene was stunned into silence

There was nothing left in Geoffrey's heart at that moment. What the f*ck? She really opened it? The way he looked at Lolita became different.She kicked the door open with a bang. "Come cut! We've surrounded you. You can't run away."

When Geoffrey saw this, he was brought out of his reverie. He pulled her out. "You come out."

He walked in by himself and saw Monica curled up in the corner. She held her knees and raised her head to look at him when she heard the sound.Her hair was disheveled, and her eyes were full of tears.

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