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Chapter 896

She didn't finish her words, but everyone understood what she meant.

Jarold was silent for a moment, then suddenly said, "Baldrick, immediately lead some people to look for her in the areas nearby. If they can't find hernearby, then go a bit further and find her. You absolutely must find hers."

Baldrick nodded his head with a serious face

"I know, Master Collins. I'll do it right now."

After Baldrick left, Abigail did not feel at ease waiting here. She was about to leave, but when she passed Jarold, he called out to her.

"You just arrived here. You can't find her on your own.”

When she heard this, she stopped in her tracks and locked coldly at him.


Jarold said, "Come home with me first. Baldrick has already sent someone to find her. There will be news soon."

Without even thinking, Abigail rejected his proposal and said coldly, "There's no need. I'm not as free as you, being able to sit still and wait fornews under such circumstances.”

He didn't know what to say.

He hadn't thought that his good intentions would be rejected. He had always known how much Abigail hated him, but being treated like this, he feltvery upset.

Abigail was only thinking about the matter concerning Minerva. She had come with her. Moreover, she had been drawn into her affairs. If anythinghappened to her this time, she would not be able to live with herself.

As soon as she thought about the fact that Minerva was weak and pregnant, she became very anxious and spoke angrily.

"Anyways, if anything goes wrong for Minerva and the child in her stomach this time, I will make the whole Collins family pay the price!"After that, she left.

When Maddox's call came again, Abigail picked it up without any hesitation


A steady male voice came from the other end, making Abigail frown and whisper, "It's me."

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone before Maddox's voice could resound

"Auntie Stark? Why is Minerva's mobile phone here with you?"

"It's like this..."

Abigail told Maddox what happened that day. After making sure that he understood, she said, "I'm sorry. I didn't expect such a thing to happenbecause of my personal grievances, so..."

She was still hesitating about telling him the relationship between the Collins family and her. After all, she would be exposed if she told him about it.However, given that the matter had come to such a state, she had no choice but to tell him about it. Thus, when she told him about the Collins family,she only told him that she had some grudges against the Collins family in the past. However, she did not tell him exactly what it was.

She thought he would ask about her relationship with the Collins family, but Maddox didn't.He only said, "I see. I'll send someone to find her immediately."

After hanging up, he called Geoffrey.

At this time, he was treating Lolita to a feast because he had promised that he would do so.As soon as the food ordered was served, Geoffrey's phone rang.

He took a look and saw that it was a call from

Maddox. He quickly answered it.

"What's up? You call..."

However, before Geoffrey could finish his words, he was interrupted by the other side.After listening to the words on the other side, his face became more gloomy.

Lolita, who was sitting opposite him, watched the whole process of his face changing. After he hung up the phone, she couldn't help asking him,"What happened?”

When he heard her voice, Geoffrey came to his senses. He apologized, "I'm sorry. I can't eat with you today. but the dishes have been served. Youcan order if you want to eat something else. Just leave it on my account.”

Unexpectedly. Lolita put down her cutlery. "You haven't told me what happened. Is it serious?"

When it came to this, his face showed a touch of anger. "Yes, it's serious. I'm going to help now!"

After speaking, he stood up.

When she saw this, she followed him and got up, "I'll go with you.”

He was so anxious, but it was too embarrassing for her to eat here alone. Although Lolita was a foodie, she still understood what she had to do.

"Huh?" He was stunned. "You want to go with me?" "Yeah. Many hands make things light. Aren't you going to help? Don't look down on me. Even ifI'm a girl. I have a lot of strength. I can help with a lot of things."

Geoffrey was stunned, "You don't want to eat anymore?"

"I'm not going to eat anymore. It's more important to help you! I'm not someone with no loyalty!"

He looked at her sincere face for awhile and thought about therelationship-between her and INMinerva He felt that it was fine lovtake her with him. After thinking fora white, he nodded and said, Well,come with me, but if it turns”d&hgerous, don't get involved.”Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Dangerous? Lolita thought for a moment, then said, "Don't worry, I'm very good at running away. No one can run faster than me!"He chortled. "You make it sound like you often run away.”

"Who said that isn't the case?" She mumbled.

"What is it?"

Cnly then did Lolita realize that she had said something wrong and hurriedly explained, "Ch, I just said it casually. Aren't you going to leave? Hurryup, don't procrastinate."

The two left the restaurant together. When they went out of the private room, the waiter stopped them. "Mr. Jules, this."We have to go do something. Put the bill on my account. If you want to eat. then I'll treat you all to a meal.”

The waiter was shocked, and then there was a smile in his eyes. "Thank you, Mr. Jules."

It hurt so much...

When Minerva woke up, she felt a sharp pain at the back of her neck. Subconsciously, she wanted to lift her hand to touch the back of her neck, onlyto realize that her hands were unable to move.

She moved, realizing that her hands had been tied up. She abruptly opened her eyes, but what came into her sight was an unfamiliar environment.

She was lying on the ground with her hands and feet tied by ropes, unable to move at all.

Memories flooded into her mind.She finally remembered what hadhappened before. She and Abi gailwent to the restaurant to eat, and & I<

then she went to the bathroom.

When-she came out, she met_someone who wanted to invite themtobe their guests in the morning.When she was about to speak,someone knocked her out. Content

belongs to NovelDrama.Org

She thought, was it them who had kidnapped her?

She breathed a sigh of relief. If it was them, they should be using her to threaten Abigail and return to the Collins family. She wouldn't be in anydanger.

However, why did they tie her hands and feet up like this?It hurt so much...Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

She frowned and wanted to struggle, but the knot was getting tighter.

While she was-struggling, a faintfemale voicgltame from behind."Don't struggle. You're tied up with &fast knot-if you use your hands, >maybgyou can untie it, but you.don'thavea free hand now. Your strugglewifFonly get it tighter.” Contenbelongs to NovelDrama.Org ?

This voice...

Minerva stopped and tured around

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