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Chapter 891

It was either the fact that Abigail's aura was too strong, or maybe Baldrick was afraid that he couldn't get her back, but a layer of sweat graduallyappeared on his forehead. He looked at her with a helpless expression.

"Miss Abigail, that's all in the past. It's been so many years. Do you still keep it in your heart? Master Collins has long regretted it."

"Regret?" She couldn't help but sneer. "Were the things I saw at home that day fake? If he had a trace of remorse, he wouldn't have done thesethings now! I saw it with my own eyes. Even if he was to regret it, it would only be because he didn't torture me and my sister a little more!"

When it came to the things in the past, Abigail was very much angered. Flames of fury flowed through her body, almost flowing out of her eyes.Minerva looked at her in shock.Just exactly what had happened back then? Why... had the relationship between Jarold and Abigail become like this?

When Baldrick saw that Abigail was angry. he didn't know what to say. However, he had already thought of the fact that since he had come here toask her to go back, he had obviously expected that she might not go back. Hence, he could only comfort her quickly.

"Miss Abigail, don't be angry. I am just here to talk to you. If you really don't want to see Master Collins, I won't force you to go."After listening to his words, Abigail noticed that she was too emotional and had lost her manners.

She closed her eyes and turned around to control her emotions. Upon seeing this, Minerva could only step forward to stand in front of her andwhisper to Baldrick.

"Baldrick, Auntie Stark's mood is unstable now. If they go to meet at this time, I guess the result will not be as expected. Why don't... you go backfirst?"

She spoke her words in a proper manner, and Baldrick looked at her with a little more satisfaction.

Unfortunately, it was useless for him to feel satisfied. After all, he was just a butler of the Collins family, so he couldn't do anything. Even though hewas going to spread this information in the Collins family, but... what would Jarold say?

His character was really very stubborn

As he thought of this, Baldrick nodded. "Miss Hanover, you are very thoughtful. I was a little anxious. Please take care of Miss Abigail. I'll go first."Minerva had a good impression of Baldrick, even though he had received Master Collins's order before to get her to leave.

However, she could tell that there was not a trace of malice in the butler's eyes. Instead, there was only compassion.

He was an old man with a very kind heart.

As she was thinking of this, she smiled at him and said, "Baldrick, take care.”

After he left, Minerva closed the door. Abigail was still standing there with her back facing her. When she heard her voice, she took a deep breath andturned to look at Minerva.

"I lost my control just now. Did I scare you?"She never liked to show her fierce side in front of those who were younger, but when it came to Jarold, she was furious. Besides..As she thought about it, her eyes darkened completely.

Minerva didn't dare to ask what had happened to her. She shook her head and replied, "No." Then, she walked up to hold her hand and said softly,"Auntie, your mood is unstable. Why don't you stay and have dinner here?"

Abigail was indeed a little angry and she trembled. She nodded. "Okay."


Baldrick opened the car door and got in. Jarcld's eyes revealed a look of disappointment when he saw that he was the only one who had returned."Abigail still doesn't want to see me, huh?" He asked

Baldrick didn't know if it was his illusion or not, but he felt that Jarold had more white hair as he said these words.

There hadn't been so many white hairs before.

When he hought of how Jarold hadmissed the tor sisters over theyears and how his heart ached forthem, he Could only explain in a slawvoice, DON't be discouraged, MagdterCollins. iss Abigail is still angrynow, and it's very normal forher tonot want to see you. When she hascalmed down, well come and findher again.” Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

Jarold raised his eyes and looked in a certain direction. His pair of old eyes were clearly filled with longing to meet his daughter.It was the first time in so many years that he had met her.

In the past, when the two little girls said that they were going to run away from home, he ruthlessly told them to never come back after they left. Healso said that he wouldn't look for them and he would cut off all ties with them.

He had really done it. He had never locked for them. Until he got the news of Aurora's death, he suddenly regretted it very much.As he regretted and asked people to find Abigail, she asked someone to send a message to him

'Even if I was to wander outside and die, I won't return to the Collins family. I've changed my surname. I won't be a member of the Collins familyanymore. So, Master Collins, please remember what you said back then, and don't disturb my life anymore.’

When Jarold heard these words, hewas so angry’that he almost fell ll.Baldrick said that he would sendsomeoneto look for her again. NJarold was so angry that he wavedhis hand and said, "Don't look for heragain! If she doesn't want torcomeback, then she should never comeback!" Content belongs 6)NovelDrama.Org

Then, many years had passed.Jarold already had one foot in the grave. He didn't even know if he would suddenly die at any time. As he thought about this, he let out a heavy sigh

"I think she will be angry with me for the rest of her life. If I don’t meet her, she won't be angry. If I meet her, she will be furious. We don't have to meeteach other for the rest of our lives."

When Baldrick saw the regret in Master Collins's eyes and face, he thought for a while and couldn't help saying, "That shouldn't be the case either. IfMiss Abigail were really angry with you, she wouldn't have gone home that day either.”

When this matter was brought up, the expression on Jarold's face became even more helpless.

"After so many years, she actually came back home because of that brat. If it wasn't because of this matter, she wouldn't even come to this place,much less go home."

After listening to his words, Baldrick spoke up

"Master Collins, you can see that Miss Abigail came here in person for this matter. Maybe she really cares about it this time, and... I also think thatvou didn't handle this matter very well, maybe..."Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Jarold squinted his eyes as he stared at him with a dangerous look.

"Baldrick, what are you trying to say?"

He smiled and didn't say anything.

However, Jarold snorted coldly. "Are you trying to say that I'm wrong? I'm doing this for the sake of Sebastian."

Baldrick was just a butler, so he didn't go on talking. He just said euphemistically, "But if it goes on like this, Miss Abigail will probably be angrier.”

When Jarold heard these words, helet out a heayy sigh. Without furtherado, he said "Even if she's angry,there's nathing I can do. I can't stoparranging this for Sebastian becauseof her right? They're still YOUAg. Inthe=future, when they become older,they'll know why I'm doing this.”Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

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