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Chapter 888

Thinking of this, Minerva shook her head and said softly, "lI don't know. I can only take action according to the situation.”Abigail looked at her carefully and eventually stroked her hand gently and said, "It's difficult for you.”

Just as the two of them were talking, they suddenly heard someone opening the door. Minerva locked at the time.

"It's time for Maddox to get off work. Auntie, you can have lunch here at noon.”

Abigail thought for a moment and nodded

Minerva went to the kitchen. When she entered the door, she suddenly thought of something. The other night, when Maddox was drugged, sheseemed to have called out his real name while she was in the throes of passion

Based on his behavior in the past few days, he must not have noticed it.

After Maddox entered the house, he saw a figure in the house. It was Minerva's aunt. His hand stopped moving, then he nodded at Abigail andgreeted her.

"Auntie Stark, you're here too?"Abigail looked at him with a smile and nodded. "You've just finished work?"

"Yes." He nodded. It was noon, and he could have had lunch at the company, but he came back when he remembered that Minerva was alone athome.

Abigail was the only one in the living room. Maddox thought that Minerva must be in the kitchenAt this time, Abigail also said, "Minerva is in the kitchen.""Well, you take a seat first. I'll go to the kitchen to see what's going on.”

Soon, Maddox entered the kitchen. After entering the kitchen, he closed the door behind him. Minerva was preparing to cock when she heard thesound of the door closing. When she turned around, she saw Maddox, who was frowning

"Didn't I hire a nanny? Where is she?""Auntie Stark is here. I have something to talk to her about. There is nothing for the nanny to do here, so I asked her to go back first."

Her home had been cleaned and the nanny had filled the refrigerator, so she didn't have to go to the supermarket to buy groceries herself. Thevegetables and meat in the kitchen were washed and cut, and she only needed to cook it.

Furthermore, it was not hard at all to do it.However, Maddox still frowned and said, "Didn't I tell you to have a good rest? If you keep doing this, how can you...""It just takes a little time. I'll finish cooking very quickly. Go out and wait for me.”

Maddox did not say anything. He did not leave either. Instead, he took a few steps forward and wrapped his arm around her waist. He said softly, "Wedon't have much time to spend together, and you are still wasting time cooking?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he grabbed her chin with one hand and bent over to kiss her.

Before she could come to her senses, he had already kissed her. She was stunned for a few seconds and subconsciously turned her face to the leftto avoid his kiss.

Was he kidding her?Abigail was at home, and he had kissed her recklessly. If Abigail saw it, wouldn't it be embarrassing?In regards to the previous matter, she bled and had told Abigail about the matter, causing her to have no dignity anymore. If she did it again...

Minerva pushed him while avoiding him. He grabbed her hands and controlled them. He stepped back and said in a hoarse voice, "Just kiss me for awhile."

"No way!" She shook her head. Her face was as red as an apple. "Auntie’s outside. We will be discovered."

He had tasted her sweetness just now, but after a while, he retreated. His eyes were filled with desire and dissatisfaction. "I locked the door, so shewon't be able to discover anything."

Minerva was speechless. "You still locked the door?"

Wasn't he making the situation rather obvious? She looked at him with dissatisfaction, and her face turned even redder. She bit her lips and said, "Nomatter what, you can't. Go out. I'm going to cook.”

She wanted to reach out and push him, but his tall body just stood there without moving, and he still grabbed her hand. He said helplessly, "Then... Iwill only kiss for a while, just a while!"

She tried to say.something veryseriously. Maddox s dark eyesimmediately lit up. Then, before shecould say-anything else, he loweredhis head and kissed her again. Sheclosed her eyes, and did not resistanymore. Content belongs 10NovelDrama.Org =

Abigail was right outside, but they were kissing

here, which made her feel very guilty.

Five minutes later..

She panted as she hit him on the chest. She clenched her teeth and said, "Didn't you say that we were only going to kiss for a while?"

How much time had passed? She was almost out of breath. He was still kissing her. If she hadn't bitten him, he wouldn't have stopped.

He had not counted the time, but hefelt that it wats still too short.However she looked very nervous»and afraid He could only stop andpull hgninto his embrace. He sfailedwherhe heard that. "It's beenjust awhite?" Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org oF

She was lost for words.

Forget it, she didn't bother to argue with this person. Anyway, she would be the one to suffer in the end.

After thinking for a while, she pushed him away. "Hurry up and get out of here. Auntie will know what we're doing if you stay here for too long.”"What are we doing?" He asked her shamelessly. Then, he continued, "I was helping you cock. Is there a problem?"

"The nanny has already washed the vegetables and cut the meat. The ingredients that need to be cocked have been prepared. What else can youdo? Cook dishes? Or... do you want to clean the fish again?”

When she said the last sentence, Minerva suddenly thought of it and couldn't help but tease him.

Usually, it was she who was being bullied, and she had to bully him back.

As expected, Maddox's face darkened upon mentioning the fish. He then said in a deep voice, "That was an accident.”"So, do you mean that if this happens again in the future, you can handle it well?"Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

A smile had already formed on her face as she spoke. She rarely spoke to him in such a tone and expression. Her usual clean eyes were full ofcunningness, and she had a malicious smile on her face.

He did not know that there was such a side to her. It was a pleasant surprise.His eyes darkened. He pursed up his thin lips and reached out to hold her waist. He pinched her lightly and said, "Are you making fun of me?"The warm breath fell on her face, and the smile on her lips was a bit stiff.

"Are you ready to pay the price?" He asked

His hand slowly moved upward.inerva's body froze, and even thea icious. simile on her lips ~sappedred. A moment later, she”esse down on his hand, whichad no sense of propriety. She saidagrly, 'Get out of here. Right now,right now!" Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org


9 oT QQ

She was mad..

The smile on Maddox's lips deepened. "Didn't you have the courage to tease me earlier? Why did you stop now?"

She was displeased and said, "If you don't go out, I won't cook for you. You can go back to the company.”

Alright, if he continued teasing her, she would be raged. Maddox stopped and retracted his hand. "Alright, I'll get it back tonight.”

Later, when he went out, she stood alone in the kitchen with a red face. She had stayed in the kitchen for such a long time. How could she faceAbigail when she went out?

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