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Chapter 876

After what happened last night..

The first thing Maddox did after regaining his consciousness was to stretch out his hand to hug her. However, he found that there was no one besidehim and immediately opened his deep eyes. Sure enough, Minerva was nowhere to be seen

Maddox quickly lifted the blanket and sat up. Then, he noticed the bedsheet and blanket were horribly wrinkled. He called out Minerva’s name butdidn't get any response. Then he got dressed and searched every room.

The house was quiet, and Minerva was nowhere to be seen.

Maddox sat by the bed, and the sound of his breathing filled the room. If it weren't for the proof on the sheets, Maddox would have doubted whetherwhat had happened the night before was true.

After a moment of silence, Maddox took out his phone and called Minerva

Once, twice, thrice...

All of them ended with a polite but cold female voice.

"Sorry, the person you have called is unavailable, please try again later."

Maddox's brows furrowed. He continued to dial the number. However, no one answered the call. He frowned and clasped the phone harder.Could it be that she regretted what they had done last night?

So she left early in the morning and didn't even answer his calls?

As soon as the idea appeared in his mind, Maddox's eyelids twitched. He immediately got up and walked out. Maddox stopped in his tracks when hepassed by the bathroom.

He turned his eyes and saw the clothes from last night. They had been packed up and thrown into the washing machine. However, the washingmachine was not on, probably because she was afraid of waking him up.

Maddox's eyes darkened when he saw that.If she had regretted it, she probably wouldn't have done these things. Instead, she would have packed up and left.

Maddox stood and watched quietly for a while. When he returned to his room. he discovered that Minerva's suitcase and other items were there. Onlyher hand phone and her bag were missing.

She had probably just gone out.Maddox figured her phone was probably on silent. or that it was too noisy outside, thus she did not pick up his calls.He comforted himself that all of these seemed to be quite logical.

However, the moment he closed his eyes, he recalled what had happened the night before. Maddox felt that he was a beast. She just said that shewas worried about him and wanted to help. How could he not control himself?

They had only been together for a short time, but it still happened because he had been drugged...

The more he thought about it, the more he felt sorry towards her.

If she was angry, it was normal for her to run away.

After a moment of silence, Maddox couldn't just sit and await his doom. He called someone to help him check for Minerva's whereabouts.Soon, the surveillance surrounding the estate was transferred to Maddox's email. He took a look at it.novelbin

When he saw Minerva walking out, the expression on her face and her condition were the same as usual. He couldn't see anything out of theordinary, other than... the strange posture she was in when she walked

Maddox was at loss for words.

Maddox thought of his viciousness last night and how she told him to be gentle. His eyes darkened, and his throat rolled.

Her taste...

It was indeed as good as he thought.

Although he was under the influence of the philter, Maddox knew that even without it, he would have reacted the same when he faced her.She answered the phone, and it seemed that she just went out.

Later, he received a message saying that she went out with Abigail.

Maddox paused when he heard Abigail's name. Wasn't that her aunt?

"Mr.Sebastian, she went with Abigail to..."

"All right," Maddox interrupted him, "I know."

Since she went out with Abigail. then there shouldn't be a problem. After all, she was a girl. After what happened last night. maybe she wanted to talkto someone close to her?

Maddox did not ask more questions. The investigator had no choice but to swallow his unfinished sentence.

"Forget it. Since Mr. Sebastian didn't want to know, then there's no need to say any more.”

Because he was probably worried about his gain and loss, Maddox dialed Minerva's phone repeatedly.

Finally. she answered the phone.

Judging from her voice, everything was normal. Maddox finally let out a sigh of relief.

Minerva went to a nearby supermarket and bought some daily necessities. Then, she prepared to go home.

She didn't expect Maddox to pick her up when she exited the supermarket.

He strode forward to take the bag from her hand and asked in a deep voice, “Why did you run out without a word?”He was wearing a gray coat. He pursed his thin lips, and his eyes were deep. It seemed that there was nothing wrong with him.Well, he recovered.

Last night, his purple lips and the eager look in his eyes scared the hell out of her.

Minerva naturally took his hand and said, "I saw that you were still asleep, so I didn't have the heart to wake you up."Maddox remained silent.

He squinted his eyes and said in a low, hoarse

voice, "Aren't you tired? Last night was so..."

He couldn't say the second half of the sentence because Minerva suddenly interrupted him with a red face, "Don't say it.”Last night...

He was really...

When Minerva thought of how he had forced her to take the initiative, the tip of her ear started to turn red again.

When he saw her coquettish appearance, the disconcerting feeling at the bottom of his heart just now disappeared immediately, and her red face andears replaced it.

She looked...

Maddox's eyes were dark yet bright,and his Adam s apple rolled up anddown. He restrained himself bylooking away and held her small fairhanéttightly. He said ina rough


voiee, "Okay, I won't Say itbélongs to NovelDrama.Org ~

She thought he understood what she meant. To her surprise, he said, "I'll do it.”Minerva was speechless.

Just a moment ago, the tips of her ears and face had turned red, but now the redness had reached her neck. Minerva pinched his palm with all herstrength.

She did not kiew if it would hurt himbut she knewMaddox's eyes werefilled withdotting laughter. His tall-~stature D Beside her looked like anadult eoaxing his child. As long.asthe shild was willing, he woud allowher o do evil. Content belongs ite)NovelDrama.Org 4

Moments ater, Minerva retractedher handsShe recalled what the ©doctor fad told her in the hospitalearlietand said softly, "In the ~future. we can't do it like thisanymore. "Content belongs. toNovelDrama.Org <

The baby in her stomach was less than three months old. If they did it again like the night before, she didn't know what would happen to the baby.Although she was fine this time, however, it showed signs of miscarriage.Anyhow, those bloodstains were really frightening

Maddox did not know what she was thinking. When he heard what she said, he thought she had been frightened by what he did last night. His thinlips curved up slightly.

"In the future... I will be gentle." He said.

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