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Chapter 870

After hanging up, Minerva sat on the bed for a while before she laid down and tucked herself in.She turned over and looked at the quiet night outside the window.

She really didn't want Maddox to have a huge conflict and even fight with his grandfather because of her. Thus, when she saw the butler helplesslystanding at the door begging Maddox to go back.

Her heart softened.But now, she felt that she did not make the right decision. How could Monica's reason for seeing him be so simple?

Thinking about it, Minerva felt that she was overthinking. Even if Monica had any schemes in the Collins family, Jarold would have seen through all ofthem. Unless... he was also helping her.

Thinking of this, Minerva suddenly sat up.

There was a very uneasy feeling in her heart. However, if she ran out at such a late night, she would only cause trouble for Maddox if anythinghappened to her.

She did not forget what Maddox had told her before he left. He asked her to wait for his to return.No matter how anxious she was, she had to believe him. right?If Maddox said to wait for his return, then he would definitely come back.

Minerva kept comforting herself and laid back down. As time passed, Minerva did not grow tired at all. Instead, she was in high spirits and held herphone in her hand.

She didn't know how long she had been waiting when her phone suddenly vibratedMinerva opened it and saw a message from Geoffrey.

“Minerva, don't worry. I'm already at the Collins family home. I'll take a look at the situation first. If there's anything suspicious, I'll definitely helpSebastian!”

Minerva could only thank him and wait with her phone in her hand.

Collins family home

The servants brought up two cups of tea and placed them in front of Maddox and Jarold.

However, the two didn't move. Jarald's gaze tightly locked onto Maddox, and the anger in his eyes could be seen clearly.

Maddox pursed his thin lips and picked up the teacup to take a sip. "Grandpa, take a sip of tea to calm yourself down?"

“Calm down? Humph, do you think that my anger can be easily reduced?” Jarold asked.

After he finished speaking, Jarold took a huge gulp of tea and put it down heavily. The cup collided with the table and made a loud noise.Seeing Jarold's actions, Maddox became more relaxed. He casually drank his tea.

Jarold was exasperated when he looked at his grandson standing in front of him. He was incensed by his calm and composed demeanor. Just as hewas about to pick up his crutch to hit him. Baldrick, who was standing beside him. saw his action and quickly stepped forward to stop him.novelbin

“Master Collins, don't be angry, don't be impulsive!""Baldrick, let go of me! Let me discipline this disobedient brat.” Jarold said

Jarold was furious. Maddox looked up, his inky eyes meeting Jarold's turbid but angry eyes. He then pursed his lips and said, "Grandpa, are youlocking for a puppet successor?”

Jarold was stunned when he heard these words, “What do you mean by that?” "Isn't that so?" Maddox laughed coldly, "Isn't your reason forcontrolling my life was so that I could be your puppet? Grandpa, you're my grandfather, so I respect you, but that doesn't mean I'm willing to be apuppet.”"You, you brat\Do you know you'vehurt Monica’s-heart? Do you knowwhat sheloodked ike when she cameback justnow? She has such deep”c . y ' oy]eelings for you, but don't you feelSo u

anything at all?" Jarold was so

. . NSanary. His body fell backward, andBaldrick could only quickly hold himup. Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

These accusations fell into

addox's eafé as if they wereextremel aughable. "I've hurt herheart? I Wave never expressed tosonica-in any way, that I was oOinterested in her. Even if she wassad. and deeply in love, it's her ownproblem. What does it have to dowith me?" Content belongs to


Jarold was stunned for a few seconds.

"What kind of nonsense are you talking about? If you didn't flirt with her, how would she be so affectionate towards you?" He cursed.Even Baldrick, who was standing to the side, could not stand hearing Jarold's scolding anymore, let alone Maddox.

After all, everyone could see Maddox's actions clearly. He never took a second look at other

women. Even when he was injured and Monica often came to take care of him, he was just polite to her, and would not give her unnecessaryattention.

That's all there was. How did he flirt with Monica?

If it really was a flirt, then it could only be said that Maddox was too handsome and had made Monica fall in love with his good looks.But at this tense moment, Baldrick absolutely dared not say these words out loud

"Since you said that I flirted with her. Why don't we ask her to come out and tell us how I did it?" Maddox suggested.

Jarold, "You brat! Do you want to fight your grandfather for a woman you hadn't known for long?"

Jarold probably felt tired after the scolding. He stretched out his hand to cover his chest. signaling for Baldrick to help him sit down on the sofa as hespoke in a low voice.

"Monica is a very sensible child. Even if you are ruthless and heartless, she doesn't hate you. Just now, she even told me she no longer wished to beengaged to you and simply wanted to see you. She is so understanding. Don't you feel guilty of not apologizing?”


Maddox chuckled, and a mocking voice sounded from his throat. What was there for him to apologize for? However, since he was already here, hewould make things clear with her at once.

At the thought of this, Maddox put down the teacup in his hand and got up.

"Sure, then I'll make it clear to her. If she stops pestering me. I hope Grandpa... you won't force me anymore.” He said.

After that, Maddox turned around and said to the maid with a cold face, “Lead the way."

The servant who had brought the tea paused for a moment. Then, nodded and turned to walk up the stairs with Maddox.

Along the way, the maid felt inexplicably guilty and her steps were not stable. As if a demon who would drink human blood was following her.The maid stopped in front of a door and said, "Miss Dormer is staying here.”

After that. she took the initiative to knock on the door, "Miss Dormer, have you finished washing up?"

After a moment of silence, the door opened. Monica stood there with reddened eyes.

When Monica saw Maddox, her eyes moved. She wanted to step forward but stopped in her tracks when she thought of something. She looked at theservant and said, "You can leave. I have something to say to Sebastian."

The maid ran away .

Maddox did not take it seriously. His cold gaze landed on her face.

"Miss Dormer; His thin lips slightlyopened, and fis voice was cold anddistant, “envery grateful that youtook car€of me when I was injured,but it doesn’t mean that we hayé tobe engaged for this. And wher I wasinjuted, I didn't ask you to take caredfme, did 1?" Maddox asked,Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

It sounded like Maddox was impolite, but it was the truth. There were so many servants in the Collins family, but she volunteered to take care of himso that she could take this opportunity to get close to him.

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