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Chapter 868

So that was what Maddox was thinkingMinerva thought that he would ask about Abigail, but he didn't.

She was a little unwilling to give up. She stared at the side of his face as he drove. After hesitating for a long time, she asked, “When you saw AuntieStark... didn't you feel any different?”

After asking, she held her breath and waited quietly for his answer.

Suddenly, Maddox's phone rang, completely disrupting Minerva’s expectation. She looked at Maddox as he picked up the call with a cold expressionAfter saying a few words, he hung up the phone and then looked at her.

"Don't worry, since she’s your aunt, I'll take good care of her.” He said.

Minerva did not say anything else after that

When they reached the lobby of their residence, Maddox's phone rang again. Minerva's eyes twinkled.

"Is your grandfather asking you to go back? Why don't you..." She suggested.

Maddox expressionlessly switched the phone to

silent mode.

‘It's fine," he said.

Minerva lowered her eyes, but her heart was heavy.

Jarold really didn't want her to stay with him, but he hadn't made any moves recently. It must be because of Maddox.She didn't know how long these seemingly peaceful but dangerous days would last.

"Master Collins, I'm really upset. Sebastian wouldn't get engaged to me, and he even took a fancy to one of the female staff in the company. Zaydonthought that I was mentally ill and even brought me to a psychiatrist. I'm so scared... will they treat me like a mad woman one day?”

Monica's tears rolled down her face as she tugged at Jarold's sleeve, "Please don't tell my brother and grandfather that I'm here, okay? I don’t dare tosee them.”

When Jarold heard that Zaydon had brought Monica to see a psychiatrist. it made him extremely angry.

He felt that there wasn't anything wrong with Monica, but it was true that she liked Sebastian very much. He didn't know what Zaydon was thinking.Why would he bring her to a psychiatrist?

As a normal person, how could she not be afraid when she was suddenly treated like this?

The people dispatched by the Collins family had not been able to find her. Sebastian did not care about this matter at all. When Jarold was in a stateof extreme anxiety. Monica had taken the initiative to come looking for him

Furthermore, when she appeared in front of Jarold, her clothes were torn and her face was bruised. She looked to have suffered many hardships.

The once noble and beautiful lady had become like this. Furthermore, she was the granddaughterin-law that he had chosen. Jarold's heart softenedand he felt especially sorry for her. Thus, he let her stay.

When he saw her pull at his sleeve and repeatedly call him Master Collins and saying that she didn't want to see her brother or anyone from theDormer family, he felt his heart ache.

“Don't worry, Monica. As long as I am here, I definitely will not let your brother bring you to a psychiatrist again. You are so healthy, why would youneed to see a psychiatrist? Don't be afraid, I will protect you.” "Master Collins, you really wouldn't let my brother take me to a psychiatrist? I'm reallyscared. I want to see Sebastian... please?”

Actually, ever since Monica came, Jarold had sent Baldrick to call Maddox. However, that brat said that he wouldn't be coming back. Since then, hehadn't picked up any of their calls.

It was obvious where he was and who he was with.

Jarold sighed helplessly, "Of course. Baldrick has already called him, but you have to wash up first. Otherwise, Sebastian might come and see you ina state of dejection.”

When Monica heard these words, she realized that her current appearance was poor. Thus, she nodded fiercely and said, "Then I'll go wash up.”

"Well, I'll ask someone to take you to the guest room upstairs," Jarold said.

“Thank youGrandpa, Monica heldJarold’s Kand tightly and said softly,"Grandpa, you must definitely let Sebcome-and see me. It is fine if hedoesn't want to be engaged to me..

I just want to see him tonight, okay?"Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Jarold was shocked when he heard her words. He didn't expect she would give up on the idea of being engaged to Sebastian in order to see him.That won't do. If Monica wasn't engaged to Sebastian, that would mean...novelbin

When he thought of this, the look on Jarold's face grew more solemn, "No way. I only acknowledge you as my granddaughter-in-law. Apart from youno one else can marry Sebastian.”

onica cried weakly, "MasterCollins, I know.that you're good tome, but Sebastian... he doesn't like.me ata Previous y, it was my SWw ishfubthinking, Thus... I only ask tosee birt. As long as he is willing ite)meet me and let me tell hinamyfeelings, I won't ask for anythingelse." Content belongs to”NovelDrama.Org

The more she said, the more Jarold felt that Monica was sensible. He felt sorry for her.

He sighed heavily, "Don’t worry, I will definitely have him come back to see you, and I will also let you two get engaged."With that, he ordered the maids to bring her to the guest room upstairs to wash up.

Jarold’s face darkened as he shouted, "Is he still not willing to answer the call?”

Baldrick touched his face and nodded helplessly, “Yes, I guess it's on silent. Otherwise, how could he not answer the phone after we called so manytimes?"

“Humph!" Jarald snorted heavily andhuffed, "If hedoesn't answer the

phone, call whtil he does. Monica.has sucttdeep affection for him.How dare he not come at all? ~~Baldd iek, continue calling him: oFsend” him messages and askthim tocame back. If he doesn't come backsoon, I'll die in this living room."Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

His last sentence made Baldrick's expression change greatly. He pursed his lips and said with horror, "Noted, Master Collins, give me some time. Iwill definitely bring Mr. Sebastian back."

After Baldrick left the living room, he took out his phone te make a few more calls to Maddox. It was still the same as before. He didn't answer thecall.

Baldrick hung up the phone and felt helpless.

It seemed that calling was not going to work anymore. If Maddox was determined not to come back, he was afraid that even if he called his phone athousand times, he would not pick up.

In this case, he had to go to him.

After all, the words Jarold said had truly shocked him.

Minerva had just finished showering when she heard the doorbell rang. Maddox was not in the room, so she put on a coat and walked out.When she got out, she saw Maddox walking out of the study.

"It's so late. Who could be at the door?" She asked.

Maddox furrowed his brows and looked displeased. However, he walked over and said. "You go in first. I'll go take a look.”

“Okay.” Minerva agreed, nodded her head and returned to her room

There was a coldness in Maddox's eyes.

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