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Chapter 865

However, Minerva did not notice it.

And even if she found out, she didn't think there was anything wrong. It's easy for things like cream to stick to the lips, she just needed to wipe it offlater.

After taking two bites, Minerva suddenly thought of something. She looked at Maddox and said, "I know you don't have a sweet tooth either, but youstill have to have some sugar in your body. So everything I bought is sweet.”

Maddox remained silent.

If she knew he didn't fancy anything sweet, why did she buy them? Was she doing it on purpose?However..

Maddox narrowed his eyes slightly and glanced at her.

"How do you know my preferences?” He asked.

Minerva's heart skipped a beat. She naturally knew from the time she had spent with him in the past. Otherwise. she wouldn't have been clear fromthe short amount of time they spent together lately.

With this thought in mind, she replied, "I just assumed."

She was afraid that Maddox would be suspicious of her, so she quickly explained, "The coffee I make for you every day is black. It's so bitter. If youlike it sweet, you would've asked me to make it again."

This was a reasonable assumption. If she guessed it based on this, it was not impossible.

He looked at the cream on her lips, which she didn't seem to notice at all. She was still talking, but she didn't know the kind of visual impact it had onhim when he saw the milky white cream and pink lips together.

The red light was at the intersection in front of them.

When the car stopped. Minerva wanted to look up and see how many seconds the red light had left but Maddox unexpectedly leaned over. Hegrabbed the back of her head with one hand, and everything went dark.

His cold and dry, thin lips pressed down on hers.Minerva's eyes widened subconsciously and her breath missed half a beat as well.She felt the cream on her lips were licked off, and then her lips were forced open.

It felt like a long time had passed and didn't at the same time. Maddox backed away but pressed his head against her with an unsatisfied look in hisdark eyes.

"Who says I don't have a sweet tooth?"

Minerva fell silent.

Maddox licked the corner of his lips in front of her and said with a chuckle, “But, it's indeed very sweet."

Minerva blinked her eyes and subconsciously licked her lips in front of him. Just now... Was there cream on her lips when she was eating the cake?

Maddox's eyes caught her action and lustful flames burned in his chest. When he saw that the red light was about to pass, he squinted his eyes andsaid, "Don't seduce me when I'm driving.”

He retreated upon finishing his words.On the other hand, Minerva frowned. He put the blame on her, all she did was eat a cream cake. How did she seduce him?

At the thought of this, Minerva angrily took a big bite of the cream cake in front of him. She mumbled incoherently, "If I can seduce you just by eating,does that mean you like me very much?"

Maddox's hand, which was holding the steering wheel, paused. After a while, he said with a sneer, "Do you still want to go to the airport? Or shall wechange our destination to the hotel?”

Minerva stayed silent.She did not utter another word and continued to chew silently, pretending she hadn't said anything.

By the time she finished eating the cream cake, Minerva had already gotten sick of it. She then looked at the bag of sweet food that she bought andrecalled Maddox's words earlier. She said, "Didn't you say you have a sweet tooth? They're all for you.”

Maddox glanced at her and did not reply.

It would take about half an hour for them to reach the airport.

That half an hour was enough for him to do a lot of things.

After Minerva finished the cream cake, she started feeling sleepy due to being bored sitting in the passenger seat."Go ahead and sleep. I'll wake you up when we arrive.”

Minerva could hear Maddox's voice coming from the driver's seat. Her eyelids drooped, she nodded and said, "Okay.

Then she leaned against her seat and soon fell asleep

There was-a red light intersection infront of them. After Maddox stoppedhis care saw that her breathingwas steady and that she had trulyfallet rasleep. He calmly adjusted theteraperature of the car. Contentbélongs to NovelDrama.Org ~

When the red light had passed, it was obvious that Maddox's speed had slowed down.

The journey toxthe airport would'vetaken him only half an hour, butMaddox spent another 20 minutes">getting th there. Minerva slept the. >wholejourney until she was wokenup byher phone ringing in herpocket. Content belongs tesNovelDrama.Org

When she opened her eyes, Minerva realized that they had already arrived at the airport

The phone in her pocket kept vibrating.

Minerva was shocked. She took out her phone and looked at it. It was indeed a call from Abigail

She dazedly looked at Maddox. who was sitting in the driver's seat looking at her calmly, then, answered the call.“Auntie Stark."

Minerva called out "Auntie Stark” directly in front of Maddox. Then, she observed Maddox's expression and found that he was very calm, there wasn'tany other reaction

"Mmm," Abigail gently responded on the phone, "I've already got off the plane. I'm coming out now. You..." She paused for a moment and then said,"Did you bring him?"

Her voice was very soft. If Minerva didn't listen carefully, she wouldn't be able to hear it.She nodded and said, "Yes, I'm here."

After replying. Minerva couldn't help lamenting Abigail's meticulousness in her heart. She must be afraid that Maddox would hear her if she said tooloudly, so she deliberately lowered her voice.

Abigail then said,"Okay, let's meet at the exit."

After hanging up, Minerva put the phone back into her pocket and unfastened her seat beltnovelbin

"I'm going to the exit to pick her up. Are you going to stay in the car or..." She asked.

Before she could finish her sentence, Maddox had already unfastened his seat belt and got out of the car.Minerva was stunned and got out of the car as well.

After getting out of the car, Maddox stopped her just as she was getting ready to walk to the exit.

Then, Maddox took off his overcoat and placed it on her shoulder.

"No, you'll feel cold if you give me the coat.” Minerva said.

Maddox straightened his button and said coldly, "Stand still."

Minerva could only stop her struggle because of his words. Then she gawked at Maddox as he put his coat on her. She could not help but say, "I'mnot cold.”

Upon hearing this, Maddox glanced at her and said coldly, “You just woke up, and the temperature here is low. How dare you say that you're notcold?"

“Even if I am, you'll feel colder if you take off your coat."

After Maddox helped her put on thecoat, he > unconsciously touched erearlobes: Looking at her small.>earlobes, he could not help but reachout and pinch them gently. kis voicedrifted over along the wind.Contentbélongs to NovelDrama.Org ~

“I'm a man.”


Minerva could not help but mutter in her heart.

"He was just a man, not a robot. How could he not be cold?”

However, Minerva understood what he meant. It was just because she had just woken up, and he was afraid that she would feel cold when she gotoff the car.

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