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Chapter 835

After coming out of the office, Monica's face immediately changed. She was not as weak as she was in the office just now. She raised the hem of herskirt and limped forward.

Seeing that there was a bathroom beside, she went inside with resentment.

As she walked, she wiped away her tears, her eyes shining with a strange light.

How could Maddox treat her like this?

She was already in such a bad state, but he still didn't look at her. He even took off the suit that she had touched!Monica's heart was truly filled with hatred. Just what was so bad about her? Why couldn't she attract Maddox's attention?

However, since she was the daughter of the Dormer family, she could not let these people laugh at her. Therefore, she had to go into the bathroom totidy up her clothes, and then she would leave here in a bright and beautiful way.

After Monica entered, she faced the mirror and took out her compact foundation to touch up her makeup. When she saw that her lips had becomechapped because of the biting, she gasped in pain, followed by her eyes filling with resentment.

In the bathroom, the sound of water flushing could be heard. Monica immediately looked behind her with alertness.

"Who's that?"

Could it be that someone had seen her current despicable look.

The sound of water flushing gradually faded away. The door of the bathroom cubicle opened and Monica saw a girl walking out.After seeing her facial features clearly, Monica's pupils began to tremble fiercely.

How could it be her?

Seeing Minerva walking out of the room calmly. she didn't seem to be surprised at all when she met her eyes. Monica twisted the compact foundationin her hand and stared at her with hatred.

"It's you!"

Minerva smiled and her eyes were cold as well.

She looked so calm as if she didn’t give a d*mn about her at all. Monica gritted her teeth and asked, “Why are you here?”She had not expected to see Minerva here.

After all, Minerva knew about what happened to Maddox and everything that Master Collins had done. It was just that he didn't know that she hadknown Maddox before. Thus, when Master Collins did everything, Monica didn't say anything.

At that time, she felt that even the heavens were helping her. Maddox had lost his memories, and Master Collins had erased his past deeds. Wasn'tthis giving her a chance to get close to him?

However, she did not expect that Maddox, who had lost his memory, remained the same as before. He would not budge no matter what she didAlthough she was pissed, she had never thought of giving up. She would definitely think of a way to get Maddox.

But what about now?

She actually saw Minerva here.

Monica began to panic. After all, Monica knew of the relationship between Minerva and Maddox

“You should not have asked me this question." Minerva replied nonchalantly. She bent down and washed her hands. After which, she blew them drywith the hand dryer. The rumbling sound immediately filled the quiet room.

However, Monica suddenly walked in front of her with large steps."Why are you here? How did you find him? You appeared a long time age, right?”

She didn't even notice that. She thought that with Master Collins doing everything, she wouldn't bother much. But she didn't expect that.. Minervawould still appear.

She asked in a loud voice.

Minerva's expression also changed a little. She looked at her silently and then sneered, "Why are you so nervous? I don't see the need to explain thereason I'm here to you, do I? As for how I found him, it's probably telepathy. After all we're a

married couple.”The sentence "married couple” immediately provoked Monica. She threw away the items in her hand and went straight up to grab Minerva's shoulder.

"No! You are not a married couple! He didn’t appear at that wedding at all. Only you, an abandoned bride, are laughed at by the media. How can yoube considered husband and wife?"

Her grip was so strong that Minerva felt a sharp pain. She raised her beautiful brows and looked at Monica with an increasingly cold gaze."Let go."

It was unclear if it was the powerful aura she emitted or the threatening gaze she gave, Monica let go of her hand obediently.

When she realized that she let go ofMinerva after 4istening to her, shefelt a little annoyed, but she didn'tstep forward any more. Instead, she.snorted, CHe didn't appear at the —wedding, It only means that hedidn'twantto marry you at all. Youttidn'tevea think about whether yau areq@alified to be with him?.Ha, why didyou follow him here shamelessly?Do you think that he will be with youwhen you follow him here?" Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org

Although Monica wanted to maintain her classy image as the daughter of the Dormer family, she was probably very angry. When she spoke, theexpression on her face become sinister.

Minerva had heard what happened in the office just now on the other side of the door. When Monica came out, she went into the bathroom.She thought, if Monica also came in here, then they really had to meet each other.If she didn't come in, then...she would pretend that she hadn't seen her today.

But they were fated to meet each other that very day.

‘If it was a competition ofshamelessness, I don't think anyonewould dare to*sompete with you forthe crown. you clearly know that we

love eacirather, yet you still ~

shamelessly seduce Maddox." SS

Speaking of this, Minerva crossedher atms in front of her chestandlooked at Monica pitifully. “hdidn'texpect that the daughteref theDormer family would actually be ahome-wrecker. I really want to knowwhat kind of education you wereprovided with ever since you were achild." Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

Monica immediately opened her eyes wide. "Who are you calling ‘home-wrecker'?”Minerva said, "Whoever that takes it personally."Monica retorted immediately. "You!"

Looking at Minerva in front of her, she suddenly thought of something and smirked.

"You still don't know, do you? TheCollins familvand my family havebeen on friendly terms for nNgeneratigns. Soon, I'll be engagedtohim. Wren the time comes, notenlywill hé-be engaged to me, he'H-evenmatry me and have childrerswithme. As for you.. Heh heh, maybe youare the home-wrecker instead."Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

"Is that so?” Minerva smiled faintly. She didn't seem to care at all and continued, “If you two are engaged, do send me an invitation."

If she was angry and exasperated, then Monica would be very happy and would say more to provoke her. However, Minerva was so calm. as if shedidn't care about what she had said

The way Minerva acted.. if she was not confident, she wouldn't have acted like this!

As such, why was she so calm and collected?

Could it be that.. Maddox had already regained his memories?

No, that was impossible!

It was impossible for Maddox to regain his memories so quickly. Then why was she so confident?Monica was a little scared. She stared at Minerva as she walked towards her step by step.

"Why are you so unfazed? Don't you know that even if he doesn't agree to the engagement, Master Collins will still force him to be with me? If youknow what's good for you, I advise you to leave early so that you won't have to cry your eyes out in the future."novelbin

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