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Chapter 831

When he saw Maddox reaching out to stop him. Geoffrey's smile stiffened. But as a gentleman, he still forced a smile.

"Collins, I'm just going to see why is our food being served so slowly. Why are you stopping me?”

Maddox's gaze fell on his face, like ice shards.

He just pursed his lips and did not speak, but it made him seem scarier. Geoffrey was pushed back a few steps by his aura, and he backed away."All right, all right, I won't go out, 'kay? I'll wait for the waiter to serve the dishes.”

After that, he quickly returned to the table and quickly made eye contact with Minerva before Maddox headed towards her.

Minerva's hand was placed under the table. Others might not be able to see it, but she knew that her hand was almost tied up.

Because what she and Geoffrey were talking about was very important. and she wanted to keep it a secret and not let others know.

However, Maddox's appearance had been too sudden. He had interrupted them with just one sentence.

She didn't even know whether he had just arrived...or he had been standing outside for a while. Could it be that he had heard her conversation withGeoffrey?

As such, she did not dare to act rashly now. She could only sit in her seat and look at Maddox silently.

Maddox walked over with steady steps, but every step he took felt like stepping on the tip of her heart.

When Maddox walked up to her, Minerva felt that her back was completely drenched. She struggled to raise her head.She happened to look straight into those bottomless eyes.

His eyes had always been pitch-black, and at this moment, they were as serene as the night. Even if one wanted to investigate, they wouldn't be ableto detect his emotions. She wanted to say something to ease the atmosphere, her lips might have moved, but was unable to say a single word

After a few seconds or so, Maddox suddenly bent down and grabbed Minerva's arm with one hand. He asked coldly, "Putting a leash on who, hm?"When he suddenly got close to her, she was instantly surrounded by his auraMinerva's breath stopped.

Hearing his words, Geoffrey's mind began to wander again. Then, he walked forward in a tentative manner. "Besides you, who else? Last night, whenMaster Collins called me, I was a little worried, so I invited your assistant to come out and talk about your engagement. I told you that if it doesn't workout, I'll let your assistant keep a leash on you. Is there a problem?"

He had made up these words in his haste earlier. He bet that Maddox had only heard the last sentence. If he had really heard it, Maddox would haveseen through what he said.

If he didn't see through it, it meant that he hadn't heard much

When the time came, he and Minny would cooperate with each other, and then hide this matter for the time being.Sure enough, Maddox furrowed his brows and a look of displeasure flashed across his inky eyes."He told you about what happened last night?"

This question was for Minerva.

Minerva was stunned for a moment before she nodded in a daze.novelbin

She winked at Geoffrey, who was behind

Maddox. Geoffrey gave her a look and then made an 'OK' gesture. She then breathed a sigh of relief.Listening to Maddox's tone, it should be that he did not hear their conversation earlier on.

Otherwise, what he was asking now..should not be this question

Minerva coughed lightly. She avoided Maddox's gaze and said, "Yes. I know everything already.”

Maddox's pupils constricted. He reached out subconsciously to grab her pale and fair wrist.

Minerva was stunned. WhenGeoffrey saythis scene, he couldn'thelp but come over and ask, "I Say,Collins, why are you holding the =hands-of your assistant? Are youtwo already together? Should} callyoursister- in-law, instead ofassistant?" Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

Sister-in-law?The way he addressed her made Maddox raise his brows in surprise. He felt that it was not impossible for Geoffrey to call her that.

He exerted a little force in his hand and pulled Minerva out of her chair. Taking advantage of the situation, he pulled her into his embrace and staredat Geoffrey unhappily.

"Next time, without my permission, you are not allowed to take my Minerva at will."D”*mn it. They just got together. How could he say ‘my Minerva’ so smoothly and hold her tightly in his arms?"Seeing this, Geoffrey felt a surge of sourness.

However, when he thought of what Minerva had said to him, Geoffrey felt sad for her. The man in front of her was his lover, to the point they weretalking about marriage, but she couldn't say it out loud

George realized that he was feeling more pity for Minny!

She was in pain yet still thinking forothers. Unlike Monica, who onlycared abauther own happiness. Shedidn't lik@others but enjoyed thespleasuxe of being surrounded. Onthe surface, she smiled at hing, butbettind his back, she scolded him forréthing. Content belongs:toNovelDrama.Org

Why were they so different?George sighed

"Okay, okay, now that I know she’s yours, I will report to you in advance if I were to ask her out, alright? Well, I won't do anything to her. I just wantedto chat with her.”

Maddox's expression was as cold as ever. "Chatting is not allowed."

After all, Geoffrey was a man. Even if Maddox knew that he wouldn't have that kind of thought. Maddox still felt uncomfortable when he saw her goingout with another man, especially when he didn’t know about it.

Initially, he left work and made a phone call to Minerva, intending to call her to his office.

In the end, no one answered the phone at all. Later, when he asked, he learned that Geoffrey had taken her away. He finally came over, only to hearGeoffrey talking to her.

Maddox frowned when he recalled the words that Geoffrey had said earlier. He said with displeasure, "Don't lead her astray.”Geoffrey was confused.

No, what did he do to lead her astray? How?

"Collins, I just realised today that your intentions are f*cking wrong. What can I do to lead her astray?"

Just then, the waiter came in with the dishes. He was stunned when he saw that there was one more person in the room.Minerva coughed lightly, covered her lower lip, and said to the waiter, "Can you help get another set of cutlery?"

"Of course, no problem. I'll go right away."

Minerva also took advantage of thesituation andgave Maddox a push.She wantedto break free from his —grip, but his) hands were like iron ichains that were firmly pinned to} herwaistSAfter all, Geoffrey was also

p esént. She was still embarrassedtebe so intimate with hinsin front ofothers. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

Minerva gave him a push but the effort was wasted. She could only whisper, “Let go of me first."Maddox gave her a sidelong glance. “Hmm?"

Minerva emphasized, "I said, let's eat first. if there's anything we can talk about, we'll talk about it later."Maddox didn't reply, but after a while, he retracted his hand. Minerva finally let out a sigh of relief.

She really suffered a lot of shocks every day. She didn't know if the baby in her belly would be a scaredy cat in the future...

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