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Chapter 829

Minerva was about to go to bed after taking a shower when her phone vibrated. She took it out and looked at the content. Subconsciously, shefrowned.

I've done a huge favor. What huge favor?

And he had helped her and Maddox?

Minerva changed her mind very quickly. She thought about what had happened recently and immediately replied to him.Minerva: Is this matter related to Collin's grandfather?

Geoggy: Whoa, Minny, you're so smart that you even guessed it right.

Looks like she hit the nail right on the head.

A serious expression appeared on Minerva's face. Could it be that Master Collins had realized that something was amiss? That's right, he came toher place every day for meals. Even when his family called him to urge him to go back, he never did.

Coupled with the fact that he had rejected the engagement, the Collins family would definitely suspect himWhile thinking about it. Geoffrey sent another Facebook message.

Geoggy: Minny, I won't be able to help much in the future. You and Collins should be more careful. Don't think that I'm threatening you. This is whathappens when you fall in love with someone from an influential family.

Minerva understood what he meant by the last sentence. He must be afraid that she would be scaredThinking of this, Minerva gave a slight smile.Minerva: Thank you. I won't shrink back easily, no matter what happens.

Geoggy: Man, I'm so touched. Minny, you are so determined. But why do I feel.. that your feelings for Collins are very, very deep, despite the fact youtwo have just known each other?

When talking about this, Geoffrey touched his chin.

He suddenly recalled the first time he saw Minerva in the elevator. She hid behind someone else and didn't dare to meet Sebastian. In fact, she evenrushed out of the elevator.

However, the emotion in her eyes when she looked at Sebastian was so deep that it was as deep as the ocean, containing no other emotions.Geoffrey sometimes even thought to himself, could it be that Minny had known Sebastian before?

Thinking of this, Geoffrey suddenly became interested and sent her a message.

Geoggy: Minny, were you a couple with Collins before?

When she saw this message, Minerva's hand shook and the phone fell on her face. It was so painful that she almost shed tears, her heart beat fast.She retrieved her cell phone and looked at the message Geoffrey sent her, contemplating how to reply.

This person was too cunning. How did he see through it? Minerva didn’t know if she might as well tell him the truth or keep it a secret from him.Just as Minerva was hesitating, her phone rang again

Geoggy: Minny, I’m just asking. I mean no harm. After all, Collins never lived here and suddenly appeared, so he definitely has a past. As for his past.I don't know who was involved. However, the first time I saw you, I realized that the way you looked at him was different, hence I guess that you'veknown him for a long time.

After reading all of this, Minerva pursed her lips.

Geoffrey was not a bad person. From the start to the end, he had helped her a lot. Furthermore, the situation right now was complicated."Perhaps, it doesn't matter if I let him know?"

As she thought of this, Minerva slowly typed on her phone.

Minerva: Geoffrey, you're very bright.

Geoffrey was just casually asking initially, but he noticed that Collins didn’t reply to his messages. He carried his phone and was about to walk backslowly when he saw Minerva's message. He was so scared that he almost fell to his knees

My goodness?

He widened his eyes in shock. He looked at the words sent by Minerva: Geoffrey, you're very bright.

Could it be that...he had really guessed right?novelbin

In the past, Minny and Collins were truly lovers?

What the f**k?

He instantly felt that the world had changed dramatically. Minny and Collins used to be lovers. He felt that he had missed a lot of things.No wonder Collins turned a blind eye to all the other women, but treated her differently.

Geoffrey began to type frantically.

Geoggy: I'm actually right? You and Collins used to be lovers? Then how did you two get together in the past? Why did so many things happen afterthat? How did you find him?

Seeing these questions, Minerva could almost imagine how frantic Geoffrey was over there. Hence, she typed, "It's already very late. Let's meet uptomorrow, then I'll slowly explain to you.”

Geoggy: Okay. okay, Minny, I'll go see you at the company at noon tomorrow.

Minerva: Mm-hmm.

After the two of them reached a consensus, Minerva turned off her phone to rest.

When Geoffey was about to head back, Collins sent him a message. There were only a few words.

"Got it, thank you."

Geoffrey twitched his mouth. He was just about to reply and laugh at him, but he stopped at the thought of it.All of the sudden, he felt that he had discovered a big secret, hehe.

The next day.

When Minerva got off work, she metGeoffrey at the entrance of the =secretary's office. He looked at herlike a-puppy and said, "Minny, you'vefinaly come out. I've been waitingforyou for a long time." Contentbélongs to NovelDrama.Org ~

Minerva was speechless.

Geoffrey continued, “Come on, let's have dinner at a restaurant, my treat. And then we can talk while eating."

Minerva thought for a moment and said, "I have to go and tell him, otherwise..."

"What are you saying? If Collins finds out that you're going out with me, he definitely won't agree. Let's go.”

After that. Geoffrey didn't care about anything else. He took her hand and walked out.

Before Minerva could say anything, he dragged her into the elevator. Linda, who came out of the secretary's office, saw this and made a sound.Was Minerva this close to Geoffrey?

However, thinking about the relationship between her and the president, it seemed understandable.

Minerva got in Geoffrey's car and went to a restaurant. He even booked an exquisite private room.

After entering, Minerva discovered that it was a vegetarian restaurant.

"You seem tonot like greasy food.Last time we-went to that restaurant,it was togreasy and you vomited, >SO today specially booked this. ~vegetarian restaurant. Minny, don'tworry: Well eat slowly and talk: aboutit fatter.” Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org 6

He really wanted to gossip about Collin's past.

Especially if he had an ex-girlfriend

Minerva was speechless.

All of a sudden, she felt that...there was nothing to say.

After sitting down, Geoffrey poured her a cup of tea and put it in front of her."Come on, Minny. Have a sip of tea to moisten your throat first. Let's talk slowly.”

Was it too late for her to leave now?

"Minny, Minny, were you reallytogether with-Collins before? Thenhow did youtguys find hin? I'veknown Collins for so long. I onlyknow that he was saved and =brought back from the sea by. theCollins family, but !'ve never feard ofhis past. The Collins family.doesn'tseem to have brought upthismatter." Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

"Mn..” Minerva nodded. "Everything... started from about two months ago.”

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