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Chapter 822

"What's wrong with her?" Zaydon looked at the fragments on the floor and frowned unhappily. He shouted coldly, “Monica, stop it!”Hearing Zaydon's vaice, the smashing noise inside dissipated.

However, after a while, everyone saw Monica walk out while carrying a piece of cloth. She raised it up and pointed it at Zaydon."Miss, don't do that..."

The maids all knew that Monica was very capricious. After all, she was the apple of Titan’s eye. Moreover, she had an elder brother. Naturally, shewas spoiled by them. In addition, her parents died early, so the two men of the Dormer family spoiled her very much.

But no one had expected that she would be this erratic. Now she was holding up a decorating ornament to attack her brother?"What do you want to do?" Zaydon looked at Monica coldly and even his tone became serious

Monica held up the ornament, and was so angry that her pretty face turned pale. With Zaydon in front of her, she didn’t dare do anything to him, andcould only vent her anger on the maids. She threw the items at them and scolded, "I told you all to get out. Why don't you all do so? Do you want todie?"


Everyone fled in all directions

Zaydon held Monica's hand and shouted at her, "Are you done?""Let me go.”

Monica struggled with all her might. "Don't bother me. In any case, you've never supported me. Since you've never stood on my side, what right doyou have to care about what I do? Let me go!"

She opened her mouth and bit Zaydon's arm like a mad woman

Monica frowned as she bit his arm, leaving a bloody mark. Seeing this scene, the maids beside were so scared that they hugged each other anddidn't dare to speak.

Monica's current state was so terrible that she was even more terrifying than those terrorists on the street. At least, they could run away whenmeeting those terrorists, but... now this mad person was their employer. Even if they ran away, they might get called back.

Monica didn't know how long she had been biting. She only felt that her mouth was filled with the smell of blood. However, Zaydon still didn't let go ofher. Thus, she let go of her teeth and stared angrily at Zaydon

"Why on earth are you against me? Why? Am I not your biological sister?”

Zaydon's eyes flashed with helplessness. He glanced at the maids and whispered, "Carry on with your duties. If you are injured, go see the doctor.Just bill the medical expenses to me later."

"Thank you, young master. Well leave then."The few of them left by supporting each other by the arm

After they left. Zaydon looked at Monica, who was so angry that she had lost her mind, and stated helplessly, "It's because you are my sister, that'swhy I want to stop you from doing anything wrong."

"Wrong?" Monica sneered. Due to anger, her eyes were bloodshot and her hair was in a mess. Her usual exquisite look of a princess was no longerpresent

"What do you mean by wrong? Can't I pursue my own happiness? You simply don't want to stand up for me. You kept stopping me before that, andnow you are saying that I'm wrong. You haven't regarded me as your sister at all.”

Zaydon frowned and retorted, "Pursue your own happiness? Monica, are you sure you'll be happy if you're married to him? Does he like you? Has heever given you any hope? Or has he ever spared another glance at you?"

Monica went silent.

"The reason why I stopped you is not to hurt you. Firstly, he doesn't like you at all. If he even had a little interest in you, the marriage would not berejected by him so decisively. Secondly, he has a family, he is definitely not someone you can have a future with. Do you understand?"

When he mentioned the last sentence, Zaydon even increased his tone, because he wanted Monica to realise that Maddox was already a marriedman

For some reason, Monica looked asif she'd gone mad. She forcefullyshook off Zaydon's hand andretreated with a scream. "No, he'snot married. That wedding wasn'theld at all, and,he didn't even appearat the wedding. Before this, I thoughtthey were getting married, that's whyI gave upon him. But Zaydon, did>you kadw? He didn't appear at thewedding, but in front of me instead.the heavens let him die ance,because when he woke tp, he losthis memory. This is thearrangement and decision made bythe heavens. He is destined to beengaged to me, Monica, anddestined to be with mel!" "Destined?"Zaydon shook his head and smiledbitterly, "My silly sister, there is noforeordain in this world. If you thinkthere is such a thing, allow me to tellyou, he will still fall in love withMinerva. Before losing his memory,he didn't like you, and after losing hismemory, he still doesn't like you."Content belongs to NovelDrama.Orgnovelbin

Every word of Zaydon's pierced into Monica's heart like a needle.

"You tell me, if this isn't destiny, what is it?"

His words stabbed Monica's heart and she stared blankly at Zaydon, making her unable to react for a long time. Her lips parted and closed again.She wanted to refute but did not have the strength to do so.

"Am I right?" Zaydon smiled andstepped forward to tug her messyhair behind herears. He wiped thetears from Her eyes and face gentlywith his fingers and sighed heavily,"My silly Sister, you are the apple ofeye inthe Dormer family. You. arenotonily beautiful but also excellentRa you know how many men in theworld like you? Why do y6u lose yourdignity for a person who doesn't likeyou back? You haven't forgottenwhat our parents told us before theypassed away, have you?" Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org

Monica stood there in a daze while allowing Zaydon to wipe away her tears.

"They said that regardless if you are a girl or a boy, you should pay attention to your behaviour at any time. You shouldn't lose your dignity for anyoneThe children of the Dormer family must be dignified.”

These words touched Monica. Shealso felt that She was really in amess because of Maddox.

Especial patter he declared the nightbefore that he didn’t want to marryher, ste \ was very desperate onthespoNhat she stood up ina hurry andtrie’ to catch up with him, -but shewas stopped by her grandfather.

She didn't want to give up andwanted to continue ahead. Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org

Including the fact that she had been losing her temper since she came back, she was indeed disgracefulGrowing up, Monica had always been pampered, and had never been casted aside

Thinking of this, the tears dropped more furiously from Monica's eyes. She bit her lower lip. walked step by step into Zaydon's arms, reaching outsuddenly to hug his waist and burst into tears.

"Zaydon..." she sobbed, "But I really like him. I've only liked someone so much throughout all my life. I just want to be with him...”

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