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Chapter 806

"It's so noisy."

Maddox complained. He turned around expressionlessly and reached out to cover his ear.

After Geoffrey left, the room finally became quiet.

Minerva was still cooking in the kitchen. He walked towards the door and looked at her.

The light in the kitchen was yellowish and she was wearing a light-colored apron. Her long hair wastied behind her head, and the light gave her a soft glow.

Looking at her, he had a thought in mind that two loving people should live like this.

He hadn't known her for a long time, not even more than half a month. He didn't know the woman infront of him at all, but his brain didn't seem to be able to control his body. He kept finding ways to beclose to her.

What was going on with him?


While Maddox was lost in thoughts, Minerva seemed to have sensed something and turned herhead to look at him.

"What are you doing standing there?" She asked curiously, "Do you want to help out?"

There was a hint of suspicion in her eyes, although it did not appear on her face.

His thin lips twitched, a strong sense of helplessness rose from the bottom of his heart.

He didn't know that one day, he would lack the confidence and ability to communicate with awoman.

"Forget it. Wait for me in the living room. It'll be done soon," she said. Then, she turned around andcontinued to cook.

He remained quiet.

That day's dinner was similar to the day before. She had cooked vegetables, meat, and soup. Eversince Minerva knew that she was pregnant, she never treated herself badly when it came to eating.She would only eat less when she was too tired to cook.

It was like a ritual. She would take her time in the supermarket, choosing and buying only theingredients and vegetables she needed. Then, she would go home, take her time to cook hermeals, and then eat alone.

However, the dishes she cooked seemed too simple for Maddox.novelbin

After all, the Collins family had hired professional chefs to cook for them. Minerva, on the otherhand, was just a home cook. She couldn't compete with them.

Both of them ate quietly during dinner. As Maddox drank the fish soup, he looked silently at her,who was seated opposite him; she was eating quietly. Seeing her like this caused his heart to calmdown more.

After dinner, Minerva stood up and cleared the dishes on the dining table and proceeded to enterthe kitchen with them. He followed her in and said with a cold expression, "I'll help you."

She glanced at him with his long sleeves. She smiled and said, "It's okay. I'm afraid that you mightbreak all my plates and I would have to pay for a new set."

Upon hearing this, he narrowed his eyes, "Are you doubting me?"

"No, no, I am not doubting you. I just think that the president of the Collins Corporation should notdo such a thing. Moreover, you are my supervisor and also my guest. It is only right that I do thismyself."

Supervisor and guest.

Those words made Maddox speechless. Combined with what Geoffrey had said earlier, "You're justhis boss. You won't interfere with her private life, right?"

Hence, she invited him for dinner because he was her supervisor?

What if he was not her superior? After all, she didn't even turn down Geoffrey's request for a freemeal.

His phone rang all of a sudden. Maddox took a look at it. It was the butler who called him, thus hepicked it up.

"Mr. Sebastian, the old master is asking, when will you be back?"

He glanced at Minerva's face and pursed his lips. Then, he said, "Soon."

"Okay, the old master wants you to be back early," the butler said.

"Got it."

After hanging up the phone, Minerva looked at his cell phone and asked, "Did your family urge youto go back?"

She didn't wait for his reply. Instead, she added, "It's getting late. Why don't you go home,President?"

Her words made Maddox frown. He looked at her unhappily.

"Do you want me to leave that much?" He asked.

She remained quiet.

Of course, she didn't want him to leave, but what could she do if she kept him here? She was alsoanxious to call Juliette and ask if there was an alternative way because she couldn't feel anyemotions in Maddox.

He was too emotionless when he saw her.

"No," she smiled faintly. She lowered her eyes and said softly, "In that case, if I ask you to stay, willyou agree?"

Upon hearing that, he narrowed his eyes and stared at her dangerously.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

She thought that he would refuse. She didn't expect that he actually..

She coughed lightly and moved the dishes into the kitchen, "Just pretend that I didn't say anything,"she said.

"You have to take responsibility for what you have said." Maddox stared at her back and said coldly,"Otherwise, don't say it."

Her footsteps halted. She turned her head around and glanced at him.

"What if one day you found yourself not doing what you said you were going to do?" She asked.

He said that he would take good care of her and Beanie, however, he ended up having an accidentand forgot about her.

She was furious at him, but also worried about him at the same time.

No one could predict an accident.

He narrowed his eyes when he heard that. There was a hint of curiosity in his eyes when he lookedat her. Minerva's words weirded him out.

"I won't. I mean what I say," he said.

She smiled faintly and said, "I'll wait for you to keep your promise. Alright, it's getting late. Youshould go home. I've already packed up your clothes. Don't forget to take it."

Without waiting for his reply, she turned and headed straight into the kitchen. By the time she wasdone cleaning, the living room had returned to its quietness.

She opened the door and glanced downstairs. Maddox's car had also left.

It seemed that he had left.

She returned to her room quickly and took out her phone to call Juliette.

Juliette was probably taking care of her children when she answered the call as there was achildlike voice beside her.

"Secretary Sharpio, sorry to call you at this time," she said.

"It's okay, Miss Minerva. What's the matter?" she


"Mom, mom..."

Minerva heard a child's voice and couldn't help but laughed, "How energetic."

"Too energetic! They are giving me headaches," she said.

Minerva heard the sound of someone getting up from the other side. Juliette was coaxing her child,and soon, the surroundings quietened down.

"Miss Minerva, do you have any questions?" She asked.

"Yes," she told Juliette about what happened recently and she was very distressed. "I don't think heseems to have any special reaction. Didn't you say that getting along with someone familiar wouldstimulate his memories? But why do I feel that he doesn't seem to remember anything at all?"

Juliette thought for a while before she answered, "Actually, this isn't something that is inevitable andabsolute. It's just a matter of probability. Moreover... From what you said, both of you don't seem tohave any intimate contact?"

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