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Chapter 785

The next day, Minerva went to the laundry to get Maddox's suit back.

The laundry had already ironed the suit neatly, and there were no creases on it. Minerva felt greatjust by looking at it, especially since it saved her time from doing it herself.

It was just that...

Minerva thought of what Maddox said to her in the office that day.

He asked her if she knew he had mysophobia, even asking her to throw away the suit since hewouldn't want to take it back.

However, since he had mysophobia, why would he cover her with the suit?

Minerva couldn't help but recall back then when he still had his memories intact. Back then, hehugged and kissed her intimately. Why didn't he have mysophobia then?

She couldn't imagine how things were so different now. He actually disliked her so much.

Minerva sighed heavily. After thinking for a while, she took the suit out of the bag and hung it in herwardrobe.

Fine then.

If he didn't want the suit, she could just have it. She hung the suit in the most conspicuous part ofthe wardrobe, where she could see it when she changed clothes and opened the wardrobe everymorning.

As soon as she saw his coat, it would remind her of him. Her mood would be amazing the wholeday.

Thinking of this, Minerva couldn't help but smile to herself.


The phone on the table rang. It was a notification from her Facebook messenger app..novelbin

Who would text her during the weekend?

Minerva closed the door of the wardrobe and walked over to pick up her phone.

It was a message sent by a person called Geoggy with a profile picture of a coquettish rabbit. Therabbit was wearing an oversized pair of baggy pants, a single carrot poised on the top of its head.

Minerva looked at it for a long time before she remembered who the person was.

It was Geoffrey Jules.

She had heard of his name from others, but she would never expect him to call himself Geoggy onsocial media... He was pretty weird.

Minerva clicked into the message and saw that he had sent her a single message that said, "Minny."

Upon seeing the message, Minerva couldn't help but smile.

"Good morning, Minny. Are you there?" Another message popped in.

Minerva quickly typed a reply back to him, "What's the matter?".

Geoggy asked," Do you have any plans for today? If not, do you want to meet up so I can talk toyou about Sebastian? That day in the secretary's office, Sebastian suddenly appeared andinterrupted our conversation... He seemed to have gone to complain to my grandfather, causing meto be grounded. It was difficult but I managed to find a chance to escape today."

Minerva was speechless.

Geoggy interrupted before she could reply, "No more chit-chatting. Give me your address. I'll gopick you up."

Minerva finally responded, "If you have anything to say, you can just tell me here. Why must wemeet up?"

She had to admit that she was still wary of Geoffrey. After all, she had not forgotten what happenedin the bar that day. Who knew what events would unfold once he came?

Geoffrey stopped replying for a short while and resorted to video-calling her.

Minerva hesitated momentarily before answering his call.

Soon, she saw Geoffrey's face on her phone. He appeared in the video with an injured expressionas he complained, "Come on, Minny, you haven't forgiven me at all. You're still mad at whathappened that night, am I right? I really didn't mean it that day, and you have already promised toforgive me."

"Yeah," Minerva nodded.

Geoffrey seemed to look hopeful as he plastered his puppy dog eyes on her. He quickly took theopportunity to appeal to her, "In that case, can I come find you?"

Minerva didn't know why he was so persistent in meeting her, but he didn't seem to bear any ill willfrom his expression. She decided to just ask him straightforwardly, "Just tell me what you want tosay to me first."

"It's about Sebastian. Didn't you want to know how Sebastian was brought back to the Collinsfamily?"

Upon hearing this, Minerva also remembered the question she had asked him that day. She noddedin acknowledgement since this was an important issue to her too.

"True, I want to know about this, so..." She thought about it carefully and felt that it was notappropriate to tell Geoffrey her address. Just then, she remembered that there was a coffee shopnearby. Therefore, she told Geoffrey the address of the coffee shop and requested him to meet herthere.

"What kind of coffee shop?" Geoffrey rubbed his head and questioned, "I don't think I've heard ofthis place. Is it close to your place?"

"That's right.”

"In that case, you can leave first. Send me the location of the place when you get there, and I'llhead right over."

Minerva grunted in response. She packed up her things and went to the coffee shop to wait forGeoffrey.

After arriving there, she sent the location of the coffee shop to Geoffrey. He replied to her quickly,saying that he was going to arrive soon.

While waiting for him, Minerva ordered a glass of juice and just sat there..

Geoffrey arrived quickly. Once he saw Minerva, he strode towards her and plopped himself in theseat opposite hers, a large smile plastered on his face.

"Minny, have you been waiting for me for a long time?"

Minerva felt slightly awkward and mumbled softly, "You'd better not call me so casually in the future.It wouldn't be nice if others heard you."

"It's fine, Minny. I will only address you that way when there are only the two of us. If there issomeone else with us, I will definitely control myself."

"I'm just worried that you'll get used to calling me that. You can just call me by my name, Minerva."

"Oh," Geoffrey was dumbfounded and smacked his lips, asking, "Isn't it inappropriate?"

If he called her by her name, would Sebastian let him get away with it if he overheard them?

"That's not possible. I can't call you by your name," Geoffrey insisted.

Minerva was lost for words.

"I'm happy with calling you Minny. After all, I have a feeling that you'll definitely be together withSebastian in the future," Geoffrey teased her.

"Oh, forget it. It's just a form of address, it's not that important anyways. However..."

Minerva hesitated. However, she couldn't help but ask, "Why are you so sure that I'll get togetherwith him?"

Hearing her question, Geoffrey came to his senses. That's right. Previously, he had thought thatMaster Collins would definitely decide who Sebastian's fiancee would be. After all, they couldn'tdecide on their own marriage in such a prestigious household.

"Well, that's because I don't think Sebastian is someone who will obey other's commands."

"What do you mean?" Minerva narrowed her eyes and asked, "Are you referring to... MasterCollins?"

Geoffrey coughed lightly and changed the topic, "By the way, I haven't told you how Sebastian wasbrought back by Master Collins. One day, they went out to sea and brought this person back when

they returned. I heard about this from my grandfather, but I don't exactly know how he brought himback."

Minerva nodded. It seemed that Maddox must have accidentally encountered a member of theCollins family after falling from the plane. Then, he was probably brought back to the family.

Although she didn't know what had happened at that time, Minerva could roughly guess theprocess.

Geoffrey continued, "Sebastian has a very eccentric personality. He's the type to avoid women at allcost. Although many women tried to seduce him and approach him, he ignored all of them.However, you're the first and last woman that Sebastian actually acknowledges. To top it off... heeven left to save you in the middle of the night. Why else do you think I'm so sure you two will gettogether? Speaking of which, tell me, do you really like Sebastian?"

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