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Chapter 762

The coldness in the male voice seemed to have been transmitted from the other end of the phoneto Minerva's hand. However... The familiarity in the voice still made her tremble.

She was still thinking about how to get close to Maddox and try to stimulate him as much aspossible so that he could regain his memory faster.

He created the opportunity for her.

A wicked smile appeared on Minerva's face and she replied, "Got it. I'll send it to you right away."

The person on the other end didn't seem to notice that something was wrong and hung up thephone.

Minerva felt tired and her legs were swollen earlier, but at that moment, she was full of energy. Shehappily went back to the sofa and put on her shoes. She had no time to care about anything elseand went straight to the pantry.

While making coffee, Minerva's mood was much better than before and her steps were lighter.

She knew his character well. She had been his assistant since five years ago. She had been theone who had made his coffee then.

Although he had given her a hard time then, he gradually stopped making things difficult for her onsuch a trivial matter.

Therefore, she knew his taste very well.

Soon, Minerva finished making a cup of coffee and she walked out of the secretary's office.

It was time to get off work, so it was quiet on this floor. There was no one on this floor and Lindawas not around. She walked forward with a cup of coffee in her hand.

She heard that the president's office was situated at the center of the floor so she only had to keepwalking inside.

Finally, she arrived at the door of the president's office.

Her heart suddenly jumped wildly without any warning. She took a deep breath and tried to calmherself down.

Minerva, what are you so nervous about? It's just a cup of coffee. Have you forgotten that this waswhat you've often done before?

Don't be nervous.

She suppressed the nervousness in her heart and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

A voice without a hint of warmth sounded from inside but it went straight into Minerva's heart.

She pushed the door open and walked in with a cup of coffee.

She looked at the style of the office while walking. It seemed that the office had been redesigned.Although he had lost his memory, the decoration style was still the same as his own character. Itwas mainly in a cold, neutral color and the office gave people a very cold and serious feeling.

The table and the floor were tidied up. It could be seen that the owner was very particular aboutcleanliness.

Oh, it was the same Maddox as before.

It was her Maddox.

Minerva smiled secretly before walking forward and bringing the coffee to his hand. "President,here's your coffee."

She was close to him. When she bent down, the ponytail at the back of her head unconsciouslyleaned forward to her arm with a faint fragrance.

He had not even raised his head when she entered. He had been working all this while. It was notuntil a woman's faint scent had surrounded him unconsciously that he realized that something waswrong.

He frowned and looked up.

As Minerva had bent down to bring him coffee, Maddox raised his head at the same time. As such,her delicate features entered his line of sight.

She also raised her head and the two of them were looking at each other.

Such a distance was considered very close.

She stared at him in daze and couldn't take her eyes off him.

She was not a fangirl, but... The feeling of regaining what she had lost really made her want to lookat him more. Even if it was just one more glance!

"Have you seen enough?"

A sharp voice appeared unexpectedly. She saw Maddox's thin lips move slightly as he looked at hermockingly.

She came back to her senses. She took a few steps back and shook her head.

"I'm sorry."

He scoffed. His eyes were filled with disdain. It was as if he had already seen through herintentions. He laughed coldly and said, "You really have the means."

She could stand out from a crowd of interviewees and win the position of an assistant secretary.

Most importantly, his secretary was Jarold's former secretary. It was difficult for anyone to pass herinterview, but who would have thought that this strange woman would actually be able to getthrough it just like that.

That's right. She had played a trick on him and managed to make him remember her, not to mentionanyone else.

Her means? Minerva blinked her beautiful eyes. She was still thinking about what he was referringto.

Was he referring to the way she joined the company?

While she was thinking, Maddox lifted the cup of coffee and brought it to his thin lips. Then, he tooka sip of it elegantly.

It was silent in the office.

The strong aroma of coffee spread from the tip of his tongue and filled his entire mouth. This kind offeeling...

He squinted his eyes dangerously as he looked at her.

"Did you make the coffee?"

His voice brought her back to reality. She nodded subconsciously. "Yes."

Then, she asked nervously, "Is there any problem?"

Seeing that he looked at her with a dangerous expression and even furrowed his brows as if he wasdissatisfied with her, she began to suspect that she was not good at making coffee. Or was itbecause she had added some sugar to it when she was too excited?

That couldn't be. She was very cautious.

Hence, she carefully sized him up and asked softly, "Is the coffee bad?"

He ignored her. He looked at her with a complicated expression and he spoke. "Get out."

Minerva was perplexed.

She really wanted to say, "You haven't said whether the coffee is good or not." She was reallyconfused that he asked her to go out without saying anything, but upon seeing his cold eyes, shedidn't dare to say anything. She could only nod her head and then went out of the office.

After she left, Maddox took another sip of his coffee.

He took one sip after another.

He did not stop until the coffee was emptied. Then, he stared at the coffee that was left in the cup ina daze.

He didn't expect that the coffee made by this strange woman was quite suitable for his taste.

It was as if it had been made especially for him.

He subconsciously licked his thin lips and placed the cup to the side.

After coming back to the secretary's office, Minerva was restless. She didn't know what Maddoxwas thinking now. After drinking the coffee, he asked her to go out with the same cold expression onhis face. "Was there any problem with that cup of coffee?" She wondered.novelbin

When she was thinking of this, she couldn't help but stand up and go to the pantry again.

She made another cup of coffee. Then, she put it to her mouth to taste. It seemed that there was noproblem with it.

This should be the taste that Maddox liked. Could it be that losing his memory would cause his tasteto change?

However, the thing that she was most worried about was that she had made a mistake in herprevious operation. If there was still another chance, she would definitely taste it before she broughthim a cup of coffee.

She made up her mind and returned to the secretary's office with a cup of coffee.

Soon, it was time to go to work in the afternoon.

As soon as Linda arrived at the secretary's office, she received a phone call from the office askingher to make a cup of coffee and send it to the president's office.

After putting down the phone, Linda ordered Minerva directly, "Make a cup of coffee and bring itover."

"Okay." Minerva nodded and went to the pantry. This time, she became wiser. After she finishedmaking the coffee, she secretly took a sip of it. After making sure that there was nothing wrong withit, she brought it to Linda.

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