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Chapter 752

After chatting with Vera for a while, Minerva hung up the phone.

Then, she logged onto the official website of the Collins family company. She entered her ownprofile and saw an unread notice.

She clicked on it and found that there was a response from the resume she had submitted.

They told her to go for an interview at 8 the following morning.

Upon seeing this notice, she smiled.

It seemed that she was one step closer to her aim.

The next day, Minerva arrived at the Collins Corporation on time. She went to the front desk andused fluent French to communicate with them. She did not expect the receptionist to speak English.

The receptionist asked, "Are you from Hidalgo? Are you here for an interview?"

Minerva nodded in surprise.

"Then you have quite a good taste. The Collins Corporation is the best group. It also treats itsemployees very well."

Upon hearing this, Minerva gave a faint smile. "That's right. I came here because I felt that welfarewas not bad."

"That's great. By the way, what position are you applying for?"

"Assistant secretary," Minerva replied.

"Ha, as expected. Ever since that man came, the application for the job has become more and morepopular. I say, you are so beautiful. Why bother to be an assistant secretary? It's not easy."

The receptionist looked at her with a distressed look, and then said, "You can take the elevator withletter C to go to the 15th floor where the interview will be held."

"Thank you."

Minerva nodded. Then, she turned around and walked towards the elevator with the letter C.

The receptionist behind her whispered to others, "What a pity!"

Minerva searched for a while and found the place mentioned by the receptionist with the mostpeople in the elevator. She was a little surprised. There were a lot of people in front of the elevator,and all of them were young and beautiful girls.

Most importantly, the smell of perfume on their bodies was very strong.

A group of people gathered together, and the smell was frighteningly strong. Minerva thought abouther pregnancy and took a few steps back to get out of the spot that was full of perfume. She thenlooked up at the floors that showed on the elevator.

"Excuse me, are you from Hidalgo?"

Someone next to her suddenly asked.

Minerva turned her head and realized that there was a girl following her to the corner. Compared tothe group of people, she looked a little out of place. While the others were dressed in fancy clothes,she was simply dressed. She had a palm- sized face and beautiful facial features. She looked veryyoung.

Minerva saw that the girl was looking at her so she was certain that the girl was talking to her.

She nodded and said yes.

The girl was very happy to hear that. She took the initiative to reach out her hand to her.

"My name is Lolita Levin. What about you?"

Lolita? Was there anyone who had such a cute name? Although... She matched this name verywell, as she was a very petite girl.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Minerva."

"Great, you are also here to apply for the job of assistant secretary, aren't you? So am I. We can goup together later."

Minerva came here for Maddox. After he regained his memories, she would return to Hidalgo withhim. Therefore, she would not stay here for too long.

After all, the Yardley Corporation was still waiting for Maddox to return.

Looking at the little girl in front of her, Minerva said bluntly, "You applied for the same position asme. We are now competing for it."

Perhaps she didn't expect her to say that, but the girl named Lolita was shocked, and then she saidwith a smile, "It doesn't matter. This won't affect the relationship between us. Anyway, it is not uswho can have the final say."

Minerva didn't expect Lolita to have such a good mindset. She smiled faintly, nodded, and withdrewher gaze.novelbin

She did not know whether it was obvious or not, but Lolita still stood by her side all the time, andoccasionally spoke with her in a warm and intimate way.

Minerva would occasionally reply with a few words.

Although she was not very used to this kind of person, it was not easy for Lolita to find a job whenshe was this young.

Being able to meet her compatriots abroad, she was definitely in a good mood.

Therefore, Minerva would occasionally reply to show kindness.

When the elevator arrived, everyone crammed into the elevator. Due to her pregnancy, Minerva hadbeen standing in the back, waiting. She did not squeeze into the elevator with everyone else.

Lolita looked at her with surprise. "You're so calm. You're the calmest person I've ever seen whoapplied to be the assistant secretary. And... You didn't intentionally dress up, but you're alreadybeautiful and have a good temperament."

Minerva didn't know how to reply.

She glanced at Lolita. When she praised her, her face looked sincere and cute.

Minerva felt a little embarrassed. She subconsciously stretched out her hand and swept a strand ofblack hair away from her cheek. She said awkwardly, "Thank you."

"You're welcome. Let's go in." Lolita held her hand and walked forward.

Minerva walked in with her.

When she walked near the door, the smell was so strong that Minerva frowned. She subconsciouslyheld her breath. Because Lolita walked in first, Minerva was the last one to come in.

However, she didn't expect that the elevator rang as soon as she entered the elevator.

"Ah, it's too heavy," someone exclaimed from inside. Everyone was looking at Minerva as she wasthe last person to walk in.

Minerva was at a loss for words.

For a moment, everyone's eyes were focused on her.

She was really embarrassed. Moreover, she was indeed the last one to enter. She was just about totake a step out when she heard someone say from behind, "What's going on? Why aren't you goingdown even though the elevator is already overweight?"

"Yes, what is she doing here? She doesn't think that the elevator won't be overweight even if shekeeps staying in the elevator, and then it will send her up, does she?"

Minerva furrowed her beautiful brows and pursed her red lips as she walked out of the elevator.

She just stood there for a while, and before she could react, this group of people...

It seemed that the people who came to apply for the job that day had strong hostility towards eachother, and they didn't like each other.

After Minerva came out, Lolita seemed to be embarrassed. She coughed lightly and followed herout.

"I'm fine. You don't have to stay here to accompany me. I'll just wait for the next elevator."

Lolita didn't go in. She blinked her eyes and said, "It's okay. We are compatriots. I'll accompany youto wait for the next elevator."

Since she said so, Minerva didn't say anything else. After the elevator door closed, Lolita suddenlycame close to her and said something to her in a low voice.

"I know there is an elevator nearby and it can also go up to the interview department on the 15thfloor."

Minerva was confused.

"Come with me." Lolita pulled her hand and walked forward.

She could only follow her.

The path ahead was much quieter. After arriving at the destination, Minerva saw that the elevator infront of her was different from the previous one. There was no one here.

Lolita said, "We can go up to the 15th floor directly from here."

After that, Lolita pulled her into the elevator.

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