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Chapter 717

The nurse was uncertain once Quill said that. She licked her lips and then stared at the photo for along time. Then she whispered, "Well, the patients are resting. You can go in and take a look. Justtry to lower your volume when you go in. This gentleman is right. After all, they are all exhaustedand must look different from the picture. Maybe... Maybe I just couldn't recognize him."

After that, the nurse took another glance at the photo.

The man in the photo was handsome. He was so good-looking that she wouldn't forget his face ifshe had seen him before. If he was among the survivors who came in, there was no way she couldforget that face of his.

However... Quill's words stirred doubt in her.

They were here to look for their relatives. The nurse couldn't make such a rash decision.

"Thank you. Let's go and have a look." Quill reached out his hand and put away Minerva's phone.He gently pushed her shoulder and said, "Let's be quiet. I'll go with you."

She nodded with a pale face. "Okay."

Her voice was trembling. She held onto Quill's shoulder and headed into the ward. There was onlyone hospital near the crash site, and this hospital was not particularly huge. Thus, they hadinsufficient wards, so they had to add beds in the corridor.

Quill, together with Minerva, glanced over each one, but she couldn't find Maddox anywhere.

She didn't want to give up. She looked around in silence, and when she couldn't find him, she wentaround again fearing that she missed him.

The first round...

The second round...

The third round...

It had been a lot of rounds but she was still looking for him. Quill couldn't take it anymore andgrabbed her wrist, forcing her to stop.

"Stop looking. Maddox isn't here."

She fell silent.

She raised her head and looked at his face in shock.

"Quill, we might have missed him on the way. If he is not here, then where is he?"

He couldn't force an answer out. He could only tighten his thin lips and hold her shoulder carefully,"Silly girl, it's already late. The rescue team will start searching first thing in the morning again. Wehave been walking around for so long, and there's no sign of him."

"Yes..." She nodded. "That's true. We didn't find Maddox. Maybe we have walked past him. Whydon't we go and ask the nurse again?"

Quill was utterly helpless at how Minerva was unwilling to face the truth, "Don't be silly. These areall the survivors. If he is not here, then he is still out there. Now, you need to find a place to rest, andyou can continue looking for him in the morning."

Unexpectedly, she seemed calm, so calm that it was suspicious. Juliette couldn't help but stepforward when she saw this.

"That's right, Minerva. Your health is the priority here. You can only look for him when your body isstrong."

She wanted Minerva to find a hotel and spend the night there, but how would the same strategywork twice? Minerva shook her head after hearing her words.

"I can't fall asleep."

Then she suddenly turned to look at Quill and grabbed his sleeve, saying, "I want to go back andhave a look."

He really couldn't stand her anymore. His voice turned indifferent, "Why are you still so stubborn?It's getting dark. It's cold and windy out there. Didn't you hear the staff say that it is very dangerousout there? Besides, even if you go there, what can you do? Stay there? Do you think Maddox willreturn if you stay there all night?"

His voice suddenly became more stern, like a strict elder.

Watching from the side, Juliette was trembling with fear.

Minerva needed comfort the most as she was impacted the most, but to their surprise, she didn'teven shed a single tear, and she insisted on following them to look for Maddox.

Juliette never thought that Quill would speak to Minerva in such a manner. Juliette thought about itfor a while and quickly came forward to hold Minerva's arm. She explained in a soft voice, "Minerva,your brother is not blaming you. It's just that the crash site has been sealed off when we left. Even ifwe go back now, we can't get in there. Why don't we go back to the hotel and rest for a night? Afterbreakfast, let's go there and have a look, shall we?"

Quill stood aside and looked at her coldly. Minerva lowered her eyes and said softly, "I know you'redoing this for my own good, but... I can't sleep even if I go back to the hotel. You both shouldknow..."

"We know," Juliette hugged her shoulders, continuing to coax her gently, "However, you can't justneglect your own health. Just think about it... The weather is getting cold. You've been runningaround in your wedding dress all day, and it is very tiring for you. Also, it is already night time, so it'seasier to get hypothermia if you keep running around. If you are still insisting on running around,you are going to fall ill... what are you going to do at that time? Miss Minerva, I'm not trying tolecture you... I'm saying even if we want to continue looking for him, we should at least find a hoteland spend the night there. Once we are well- rested, we can continue searching for Maddox thenext day... We can ask around and see whether we can tag along with the rescue boat."

The last sentence touched Minerva.

"Is that alright?"novelbin

Juliette thought for a bit, and then she continued, "When the time comes, I'll try to persuade the staffand see what we can do."

Only then did she nod her head.

"Well, then I... will go back to the hotel, take a shower and rest.'

Juliette finally smiled at the sight of her compromising, "That's better. Miss Minerva, the car isalready waiting for us outside. Let's go then, shall we?"


Juliette helped her out. Quill stayed where he was for a moment before he reacted.

The weather was gradually getting chilly, especially at night. As they left the hospital, the wind sweptagainst their faces, and they shivered. It was not until they got into the car that they felt cozier. AfterMinerva got in the car, she huddled up in the corner with her arms around her shoulders, lonely andhelpless.

The car drove for about ten minutes, and rain started pouring.

"It's raining..." Juliette looked out of the window and murmured unconsciously.

After that, she seemed to have thought of something and immediately stopped talking.

Raining in this kind of weather.

It was definitely not a good thing.

She subconsciously glanced at Minerva.

As expected, Minerva was lying there motionlessly. When she heard the sound of the rain, shesuddenly sat up straight.

"It's raining."

Juliette gave the window a look and then consoled, "It's just a drizzle. It shouldn't last that long."

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