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Chapter 713

The wedding scene was in chaos.

Quill happened to see this when he rushed out. With a livid face, he went forward to help Minervaup. He noticed that her snow-white wedding dress had a few black footprints on it, and she hadsome bruises on her arm. Her delicate face was also injured as if someone had knocked herforehead.

How could such chaos happen in an instant?

Vera saw it, and she was deep in her thought for a moment. Then she directly turned around andscolded the reporters.

"Do you have any humanity? Such a tragedy had happened to her, and you still pushed andknocked her over. Are you reporters? I think you are more like the paparazzi!"

Vera's scolding made reporters come back to their senses. Just now, they were indeed a little out ofcontrol. But now, seeing Minerva being lifted by Quill with a pale face and a wounded body, leaningweakly in his arms, they suddenly felt guilty and took a few steps back.

"Sorry, we were also anxious. We didn't mean to do that. Miss Hanover seems to be in a bad state.We'd better take her to the hospital quickly."

"Yeah, yeah. Her hand is also bruised. You'd better send her to the doctor as soon as possible."

Minerva's energy had all been drained. She didn't have any strength left, and she was leaninglimply against Quill's body. He knew that he couldn't afford to waste any more time, so he directlycarried her.

"I'll take her to the hospital. Immediately contact the staff to evacuate everyone else and deal withthe rest."

"Okay." Vera could not care about anything else at this time. She could only follow his instructions.

He carried Minerva and left. As she was about to get into the car, Minerva, who had been leaningweakly in his embrace, suddenly stretched out her hand and grabbed his sleeve.

"Did something happen to Maddox? Is what they said true?"

Quill stopped in his steps.

"I don't believe it." She stared at him with a pale face. "Quill, tell me... Are the reporters telling thetruth?"

He pursed his lips and kept quiet while he brought her into the car. He muttered in a low voice, "It'stoo chaotic here. It's not suitable for you to stay here. Let's go to the hospital to deal with the woundfirst."

He was staring at how pale her face was and the bruises on her arm.

"No!" She shook her head and grasped his sleeve. "I'm not going to the hospital. I'm going to theairport."novelbin

Going to the airport?

He frowned. "If we go to the airport now, there will be more reporters there."

"I want to look for him..." Minerva raised her head. Her pupils were empty and lifeless.

The way she held Quill's hand at this moment was like a fish on the verge of death, holding onto thelast glimmer of hope and was unwilling to let go.

Her gaze...

Quill could not bear to look straight in her eyes anymore. He pursed his lips and gritted his teeth."Look for him? Where are you going to look for him? Can you find him when you go to the airport?"

"I'm going to the airport," she insisted.

He looked at the driver and said, "Go to the nearest hospital to deal with the wound."

Upon hearing this, her eyes widened in shock. She looked at Quill in disbelief.

"I won't go to the hospital!"

"Your hand is injured, and you are looking pale. You must go to the hospital immediately." He wasfirm.

Minerva was speechless.

She stared at him for a few seconds. Out of nowhere she suddenly had the strength to climbstraight to the door and she tried to pry it open. The car was moving, and it was extremelydangerous for her. He had to stop her in a hurry and growl, "Are you crazy? If you fall off, you aregoing to die."

However, she answered stubbornly, "Even if I fall to death, I don't want to go to the hospital. I saidI'm going to the airport. Stop! Stop!"

Looking at how crazy she was acting, Quill was really helpless. He had been by her side for somany years, and he clearly knew she was someone that wouldn't go back on her word. If she sether mind on something, she was going to do it even if it cost her life.

He clenched her hand, closed his eyes, and said, "Turn around and head to the airport."

The driver followed his order as he dared not go against his orders. He immediately turned aroundand headed to the airport.

Finally, Minerva felt relieved seeing that the car had turned around. Then, she took out her mobilephone with her trembling fingers, wanting to book for a flight.

He saw this in the corner of his eyes, and he couldn't help stopping her.

"You want to book a flight? Where do you want to fly to? Even if something happens to the plane,the news hasn't been reported yet. You don't know where to go at all."

Her hand paused. After a while, she raised her head and looked at her brother.

"Then what should I do? I can't call Maddox, and I can't see him. I can't sit around and do nothing."

He took a deep breath and nodded.

"Yes, it's best that you don't do anything now. Calm down and think about it. What can you do?"

Hearing his words, Minerva instantly felt that she could not do anything. She could go to the airportand buy a ticket. But where would she fly to?

Where did the plane crash? Was he still alive?

Thinking of this, Minerva quickly withdrew from booking a flight and started scrolling through thenews. She said to Quill, "Could you please help me check where the plane crashed?"

He was frozen, but his gaze swept across her arm. There was a large bruise on her arm, and herskin was already bleeding. The blood stained the snow-white wedding dress, like red roses fallingon the snow, blooming one by one.

She was obviously... injured, but she looked as if she wasn't in pain.

He sighed and took out his mobile phone to help her check the whereabouts. When they arrived atthe airport, the authorities still did not announce where the plane crashed. They waited in the caranxiously.

"Will the authorities announce where the plane crashed? If they don't announce it, then we..."

"Don't worry. I've already sent someone to investigate it. Perhaps Maddox might not have boardedthat flight. You don't have to worry too much. I'll get someone to send the medicine over. Your armhas to be treated."

"If he hadn't boarded that flight, he must have switched on his phone by now..." She suddenly raisedher head to look at him with a hopeful look in her eyes. "Can we estimate where the plane crashedby looking at the time it crashes?"

He was speechless.

He pursed his thin lips and seriously reminded her once more.

"Treat the wound on your arm first and then wait for the news."

She looked at him in a daze and shook her head. "No..."

"Quill, we can't wait for news anymore."

"I can't wait any longer, I... I can't do anything, but... I really can't do nothing..."

"Help me, help me, please?"

Her eyes were red, and her heart went numb. Tears welled up in her eyes but didn't roll down.

The driver saw all of this in the rearview mirror. It seemed that he could feel the desperation in herheart, and the rims of his eyes could not help but redden.

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