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Chapter 710

"What did you say?" Quill suddenly squinted his eyes, and his aura became dangerous and gloomy."Something's wrong? What do you mean by trouble? Make it clear!"

Frightened by him, Tracy was at a loss for words. Trembling, she took out her phone to look for thenews and then went up to him.

"President Hanover, look... These are recent news."

Quill took the phone and looked at it, and sure enough, he saw the news that an accident hadhappened to the plane. The plane happened to be the one that Maddox took.

Seeing this news, Quill's vision turned dark and his legs went weak.

He instantly thought of his sister, Minerva.

Even he couldn't accept such a piece of news. How could she bear it? It might be a huge shock toher.

Upon hearing this news, Quill's eyes suddenly dimmed, and the aura of his body became dense.

He glanced at Tracy next to him with a cold face. "Let's keep this thing a secret for the time being."

"But what about the wedding?" When Tracy knew about this, she was also very disturbed. After all,the probability of this happening was one out of a few thousand, and it actually happened to them.

A grand wedding.

Such a grand wedding, so many guests, and so many reporters were here with their cameras.

But something had happened to the groom.

If the groom didn't show up at this wedding, how could they explain it?

If they kept this a secret, everyone wouldn't know that the groom was involved in an accident. Thus,everyone would assume that the groom ran away from his wedding.

Tracy couldn't make up her mind, staring at Quill with trembling eyes.

"So... President Hanover, what do you want me to do? Juliette, she..."

Quill stared at her in anger.

"Aren't you the assistant? Figure out something."

What? Although she was the assistant, she wasn't that intelligent...

"President Hanover, I'm too dumb. I really can't think of a solution at this time. Why don't... I callJuliette and ask her how to deal with it?"

He looked at her coldly as if he was looking at a loser. In fact, Tracy could understand his mood atthe moment. After such a huge incident happened, he naturally wanted to comfort his sister, but thiswas not something ordinary. This was a grand wedding. They were in the hall!

She was just a small assistant. How could she keep things under control?novelbin

The most urgent thing was to call Juliette first. Tracy did not care about what kind of look Quill had.She took out her mobile phone and called Juliette directly.

After the call went through, Tracy hid to the side and asked her.

"Juliette, President Hanover said that we must keep this a secret from Miss Hanover, and he asksme to figure something out. What should I do?"

Juliette, who was currently hurrying back to the hall, said, "This is really something complicated."

Many guests were attending this grand wedding. The worst thing was that there were so manyreporters on the scene. Both local and foreign press were there.

If the groom was nowhere to be found, who would guess how the media was going to write aboutthis?

"Such a big thing, if Miss Hanover is kept in the dark... It's really a very tricky thing."

Juliette thought for a long time, but she couldn't think of any good idea. The only thing she could saywas, "I can't think of a solution for now. You should first think of a way to keep the scene undercontrol, and then I'll deal with it when I'm there. As for Miss Hanover, arrange for her to go to thelounge to rest first and say that I'm still investigating Mr. Yardley's situation. Oh, try not to let hertouch her phone. Regarding this matter... You can ask Vera to do it."

When the secretary heard this, she immediately nodded her head.

As expected of the secretary who had stayed by President Hanover's side for a long time. Hersolution was much more holistic than hers.

Even if she knew that nothing could be changed, she still tried her best to keep everything undercontrol at this moment.

"I'll do it right away."

After the secretary hung up the phone, she followed Juliette's order.

However... She faced challenges in her first task.

Minerva didn't want to go to the lounge to rest and insisted on waiting in the hall.

Numerous flashlights and cameras at the scene were circling around her. Tracy was so anxious thatshe had to wink at Vera beside her.

Although she did not know what had happened, she naturally understood what Tracy meant. Shecould only walk up to Minerva and help her up.

"Your hairstyle and makeup are a little messy. Let's go backstage to tidy up."

Upon hearing this, Minerva's eyes lit up. Subconsciously, she stretched out her hand and touchedher face.


"Well, maybe the stylist didn't do it well."

Minerva was stupefied.

How could it be? She stared at Vera, who was next to her, and her eyes were so sincere that Verafelt guilty. Finally, she could only say, "I'm telling the truth. Your lipstick is smeared."

After saying that, Vera wiped her own lipstick, and when Minerva was not paying attention, shewiped it on her mouth.

It seemed like Vera was helping to wipe Minerva's chin, but in fact, she was wiping her lipstick onher chin.


After doing all this, Vera took out her phone and switched to the camera.

"Your lipstick is smeared. You might have accidentally rubbed it just now"

Minerva looked at herself in the camera and did not speak.

After a while, she nodded. "Okay, I'll go backstage with you."

Seeing that she finally loosened up, Vera breathed a sigh of relief. She supported her, lifted the hemof her dress for her, and walked in another direction, saying, "Be careful."

When Tracy saw them walking to the backstage, she finally breathed a sigh of relief and continuedto deal with other things.

Vera held Minerva and walked to the backstage, saying, "Take a rest here for a while. I'll find astylist to come over and fix your makeup."

"There's no need." Minerva shook her head and rejected Vera's request. "It's just lipstick. I can solvethis myself."

"But..." Vera hesitated. "Can you solve it yourself? After all, today is..."

"Because it's a wedding, I can't disappear for too long as the bride. I have to deal with it as soon aspossible and go back to the front. Otherwise... What should Maddox do if he can't see me when hearrives?"

Vera was speechless.

She was stuttering. Vera helped her backstage, and Minerva started fixing her makeup. Vera tookthe opportunity to slip out, and Tracy ran over nervously and stood not far away from her, waving ather.

She didn't know what was going on, so she had to walk over.

"What's wrong? Why did you ask me to bring Minerva backstage? What happened?"

Up to now, Vera had a bad hunch.

Tracy looked helpless. "I can't do anything about it. Juliette asked me to do this. Mr. Yardley's planegot into an accident. She's on her way back now."

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