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Chapter 663

Maddox had even brought gifts over and he was waiting for her at home, but she...

At the thought of this, Minerva's heart started to ache. She bit her lower lip and thought aboutwhether she should tell him the truth when she saw Maddox.

But... What about after that?

Judging from his temper, would he suddenly burst into anger and then ignore her?

Minerva felt her head throbbing. She reached out and massaged her glabella. Her face lookedhelpless.

"Your boyfriend called you, didn't he?" The dirver glanced at her and was about to strike aconversation with her.

She was listless and nodded her head unenergetically.

"Your boyfriend seems to be quite concerned about you, but there is nothing we can do about thejam."


She really did not have the energy to talk to him, so the driver did not bother trying to chat with heranymore. The car started to move inch by inch. She was tired of waiting, so she shut her eyes andrested.

She fell asleep along the way. When she heard the driver calling her, she suddenly woke up.

"We're almost there."

Minerva glanced outside and saw the familiar buildings around her. She rubbed her eyes andrealized how dark the sky had gotten. The traffic was getting smoother as they started gettingnearer to her neighbourhood.

In the distance, she saw a tall and handsome figure standing at the entrance of the district. His tallfigure attracted the attention of quite a few people.

Because it was already late at night, the street lamps at the neighborhood entrance were lit. Thelight of the lamps made his shadow look abnormally tall. The soft yellow light reflected around himand it looked as though he had a halo around him. Maddox looked gentle and warm.

She suddenly felt like she wanted to cry at the sight of this.

She pursed her lips. After the car stopped, she opened the door and walked towards him.

Hearing the sound, his dashing face turned to look over at her.

When his dark eyes caught sight of her, a glimmer of light shone through them. Before she couldwalk over, Maddox walked up to her first and held her slightly cold hand.

Before she could even finish saying his name, Maddox dragged her away. She had no time to react,probably because of guilt, so she just followed along behind him. She lowered her eyes andwatched his feet as they walked. Her mind was absent.

When they entered the elevator, he didn't say a word to her. He stood there, expressionless.Minerva could feel coldness wafting off his body... with a hint of anger.

She bit her lower lip and allowed him to hold her hand tightly. She didn't know what to say.

When they arrived, Maddox dragged her out of the elevator. Minerva couldn't help but look up andsaid, "Maddox, I..."

Before she could finish her sentence, he suddenly turned around to face her. He pressed her upagainst the wall and kissed her lips hard.


Her eyes closed as his lips pressed firmly against hers.novelbin

His lips landed on hers without a pause. He pressed his burning lips against hers again and again.His hand hooked around her slender waist while his other hand held her chin up to his face as hetried to pry her lips open.

She finally came to her senses. She sobbed and tried to push him away, but when she struggled,she would touch a certain part of his body. Maddox pressed down heavily against her. Minervacould feel her back pressing against the wall. Her thin blouse could not keep her from feeling thecool wall behind her.

The coldness of her back was the complete opposite of the fiery kiss in front of her. He kissed herfiercely and deeply and she had nowhere to run.

After a moment, he slowly pulled his tongue back into his mouth. He pressed against her foreheadand panted heavily. His gaze was frigid and he looked domineering.

"I'm giving you a chance to confess. Where did you go?"

Minerva's lips hurt a being questioned by immediately lowered Actually, she wanted However,before she speak, he dragged her upstairs. Then he forcefully planted a kiss on her.

little from his kiss. After him like this, she her eyes guiltily, to confess to him. had the chance to

She hadn't even spoken yet and he was already infuriated.

If she told Maddox the truth, wouldn't he kill her?

As she thought about this, Minerva felt weak. She did not dare to go against him.

"Are you going to tell me or not?" Maddox exerted some force into the pinch on her chin. Althoughhis grip was strong, it didn't hurt. However, it made Minerva raise her head. There was still a trace ofconfusion in the eyes of the woman he had just kissed. Her red lips were a little swollen and herlipstick was almost gone, but there was a trace of color on the corner of her lips, which made herlook rather seductive.

Minerva looked at him eagerly and said, "If I tell you now, will you be angry?"

He paused; his voice grew hoarse.

"It depends."

That meant he might still get angry.

She gritted her teeth and pleaded in a low voice, "I won't tell you unless you promise me you won'tget mad."

Hearing this, Maddox narrowed his eyes dangerously and raised his eyebrows at Minerva, "Are youthreatening me?"

"So, do you agree?"

He paused.

Minerva rarely looked at him this way. She usually looked like she was in a daze. Now, she wasbegging him and being careful not to make him mad.

Her expression and her gaze...

Maddox gulped and said hoarsely.

"Okay, I promise you."

He was even willing to give up his life for her; there was nothing he couldn't promise her.

"You really do?" Minerva didn't seem to believe it, so she confirmed again, "Okay, so you can't getmad at me. I... ran into Benedict..."

When she mentioned this name, Minerva felt Maddox turn frigid.

She quickly changed her tone and said, "You said you wouldn't be angry. Don't go against yourword."

Hearing this, he had to suppress the anger in his heart and he looked at the person right beforehim, "And then?"

"And then... He seemed to be sick, so I called an ambulance and sent him to the hospital."

Maddox laughed out of anger when he heard that. He smiled sarcastically and said, "So, you wentto the hospital with him?"

Minerva shook her head hurriedly. "I didn't go with him. I took a cab later on. After all, he collapsedin front of me. I couldn't just turn a blind eye, could I? However, I can assure you, even if the personwho fell to the ground today was some random stranger, I still would have gone to the hospital tomake sure that person was okay. What more..."

Speaking of this, she hesitated for a moment. He narrowed his eyes. "What more what?"

"What more, I know him. If I don't even check on him... It'll put me in a difficult position."

"You're nobody to Benedict. Even if you didn't go, he couldn't have done anything about it. No onehas the right to say anything about you."

"But, I clearly saw him collapse in front of me. I couldn't turn away. Can you try to understand whereI'm coming from?"

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