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Chapter 561

This was the first time Maddox stepped foot into a property that belonged to Minerva.

According to the results of Sam's investigation, this residence was owned under Minerva's nameand it was her private property.

Maddox was impressed when he saw how capable she was when she worked in his company, thus,he speculated that not many would be on par with her if Minerva put effort into her work.novelbin

In the past, she lacked confidence, but now that she was confident, she was probably the one whowould shine the most.

Therefore, Maddox was not the least bit surprised at her current achievements. It was as if all of thiswas within his expectations.

When he took off his shoes at the entryway, he noticed that Minerva had ignored him and wentstraight inside. His lips curled before he bent down to open the shoe rack and place his shoesinside.

Maddox was flustered when he saw a row of children's shoes placed neatly on the top section of therack.

These must belong to her child, right? This must be... the one who called her "Mommy" in a childishtone on the phone.

He did not know if it was a boy or a girl before, but now that he saw these shoes, Maddox was ableto determine the child's gender.

It seemed to be a boy.

Maddox lowered his gaze. He did not expect that she would be so stupid to give birth to the child ofthat jerk.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a large pair of men slippers placed at thebottom of the shoe rack. Maddox's expression immediately darkened and his eyes turned icy coldinstantly.

He went silent for a moment and then he closed the shoe rack as he walked inside barefooted.

At this moment, Vera came down the stairs while drying her hair.

She took a bath when Minerva went out. At this time, she was wearing her cartoon pajamas and herhair was wet and messy. She called out, "Minerva, didn't you just come back? I heard someonecoming. Why did you..."

The rest of the conversation instantly came to a halt. Vera's eyes widened as she stared at theperson behind Minerva.

The tall figure was imposingly strong and the coldness in his eyes enveloped the whole area in aninstant.

"Am... am I seeing things?" Vera stammered as she looked at the handsome Maddox behindMinerva.

If she wasn't hallucinating, why on earth did Minerva bring a man back after going to thesupermarket?

Besides, this man was not just anyone. He was Maddox whom Minerva had always been avoidinglike a plague.

Minerva pressed her lips together and said in a low voice, "You are not hallucinating. Go dry yourhair. Don't catch a cold."

After being reminded, Vera realized that she was wearing her pajamas. She subconsciously bentdown and said, "Then, I'll go upstairs first and give you two some space!"

After saying that, Vera turned around and hurried upstairs.

Looking at her back, Minerva slightly turned her head back and said, "What do you want to drink?"

A cold reply came from behind.


His tone was so icy that Minerva couldn't help but furrow her brows. What was going on with thisguy? When she opened the door and let him in just now, his eyes still had that mischievous look.Yet, his facial expression immediately changed after entering.

Or had he returned to his normal self?

Whatever, she wasn't going to give a d*mn about him. His icy expression was permanentlyplastered on his face anyway.

Thinking of this, Minerva simply stated, "Have a seat." Then, she turned around and went straight tothe kitchen.

She opened the kitchen refrigerator and looked at the food that had just been half filled. Sherecalled that he had arranged it properly for her in the dark before bringing it up for her. She couldnot help but sigh.

However, when she thought of how he had frightened her by following her from behind, Minervawas so furious that she took out the iced water at the bottom of the refrigerator and then went out ofthe kitchen.

Maddox was still standing there. He did not move and his feet were bare.

His feet were so big that he looked weird standing on the carpet in her home.

Minerva walked over and glanced at his feet. "Why aren't you wearing slippers?"

Maddox's anger surged and his eyes were cold. He laughed and said, "Do you have slippers that Ican wear?"

Minerva was flustered when she heard this. She replied subconsciously, "Isn't there a pair that youcan wear at the bottom of the shoe rack? I heard you open it just now. Didn't you see it?"

How could she be so shameless by mentioning it?

Maddox's aura grew colder and denser.

Minerva furrowed her beautiful brows. She was still not used to seeing him barefooted. If he did notreply, she would have thought that he really did not see them. After placing the iced water on thetable, she walked to his side and said, "I'll help you get it."

When she walked past Maddox, he grabbed her wrist.

"What are you doing?"

Minerva looked up at him in confusion and instinctively wanted to push his hand away.

Maddox's lips were pursed into a straight line. His dark eyes were filled with viciousness. He lookedat her sharply and parted his lips slightly moments later.

"There's no need."

As if he was answering her thoughts, he sneered and said, "I don't wear shoes worn by others."

Minerva was silent.

At first, Minerva thought that he was a germaphobe. However, while processing such thoughts, shefelt that something was wrong. When she finally noticed the anger in Maddox's eyes, she eventuallycame back to her senses. She discovered that... He was actually jealous.

At first, he was fine when she let him in the house. However, his aura cooled down the moment heopened the shoe rack. She was still wondering what was going on, thinking, "Why did this person'sfacial expression change so fast?" Who knew...

He would actually feel jealous after seeing a pair of men's slippers.

Minerva was somewhat amused, but at the same time, she felt that Maddox was a little dumb.

Had he not always been very smart? He was so rational when dealing with those old foxes in thebusiness world, but why did he behave like a very impulsive and inexperienced person when hewas in front of her?

Thinking of this, Minerva blurted out, "What do you mean by that? Quill uses that pair of slipperswhen he comes here."

As soon as she spoke, both of them paused.

The reason why Minerva was flustered was because she did not expect to clarify this to him.

The reason why Maddox was in a daze was that he was enraged and forgot that she had anannoying elder brother.

She was right; this was her home after all. Quill would definitely come over once in a while. It wasnormal for her to prepare a pair of men's slippers.

After thinking about this, Maddox's anger dissipated a lot. However, he still felt embarrassed, thushe spoke coldly, "It won't do even if they are your brother's. I have mysophobia. It's not like youdon't know."

Minerva looked at him with displeasure and sneered, "So, you are a neat freak. Since my homemust be covered in dust, do you wish to leave?"

Maddox stared at her. "I only feel averse to other people, but not to you. You should know that."

His gaze was glued to her lips. For some reason, Minerva thought of the kiss in the dark earlier.

She felt her face heating up for no reason.

That was right; he said he had mysophobia, but why didn't he feel disgusted when he kissed her?Furthermore, he had been kissing her passionately...

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