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Chapter 474

"You, these are all just your guesses! You snatched someone else's date and you're also soarrogant. Even your design looks like rubbish!" Janice shouted.

Minerva's expression turned cold. "I've already made it very clear that I didn't snatch your date. He'snot your boyfriend anyway so the accusation isn't even valid. Let's get back to real business. Let'sdiscuss which part of my design work you are not satisfied with."

Janice was not unsatisfied with her work; she was in fact, very satisfied.

However, when she saw that it was Maddox who was carrying Minerva, she felt that everything thatwas related to her was disgusting!

Thinking of this, Janice sneered and said, "The work you designed is so different from mydescription of how I wanted it. Just re-design it."

She wanted to make things difficult on purpose for Minerva.

"Redo the design?" Minerva smiled faintly. "Then Miss Lowell, you have to tell me what kind ofdesign you want, specifically?"

"A gorgeous one! Let it be as gorgeous as it could be!" Janice said directly.

"Okay." Minerva nodded. "Since you have already made your request very clear, then I will plan itaccordingly."

"I want it by tomorrow morning."

Minerva was stunned when she heard Janice's reply. She stared at her subconsciously.

Perhaps she saw her embarrassment, but Janice was so proud that she looked at her arrogantlywith her hands crossed in front of her chest.

"What do you think? Can you do it or not?"

Minerva stared at her for a while and nodded, "Of course, you can come again tomorrow morning."

"Okay." Janice picked up her bag and sneered, "Then I will look forward to your design tomorrow."

After saying that, she walked past Minerva and went outside. When she walked up to Minerva, shestopped and looked at her in disdain. "Let me give you a piece of advice. You run a company.Before you do anything, you should consider your place carefully. You have to pay the price if youdecide to snatch someone else's man."

After that, she slammed against Minerva's shoulder and walked out like a victorious rooster.

Minerva stood still where she was, still holding that design in her hand.

After Janice went out, Kelly and Vera, who were hiding outside the door and eavesdropping, camein stealthily.

"F*ck, Janice is so vicious! She actually has the nerve to say that you snatched her boyfriend? Itwas just a blind date. How could he be her boyfriend? Is she that shameless?"

Vera was straightforward and scolded Janice directly as soon as she came in.

Kelly, on the other hand, observed Minerva's expression and said gloomily, "I listened to yourconversation just now. I think there's something wrong with her. She's probably imagining Maddoxas her future husband. Many women like her would normally fantasise to want to marry a man likeYoung Master Yardley."

Minerva pursed her lips and she did not reply.

"Minerva, she's going too far. She's purposely saying that she wants the design to be done bytomorrow morning and only giving a vague instruction, just to give you a hard time. Even then, howcan you be so sure that she won't continue to trouble you even further tomorrow?"

Minerva smiled and replied, "Yes, she probably will."

"Then why did you even agree to her request?"

"If I don't agree to it, then what else can I do?" Minerva walked over to her desk and sat down. Herexpression was calm.

Vera looked at her calm look and felt extremely anxious. She went around to her side and said,"Please don't do this, okay? She has gone so far to bully you and yet you are still enduring it?"

Kelly also came over. "If it was for me, I would definitely slap her directly. It's still endurable if she isextremely narcissistic, but she even went on to blame you. Especially when this wasn't somethingyou wanted to happen. She should go find Maddox instead." "No way, I can't stand it anymore evenif you can. I'll go and reason with her now!" Vera was so angry that she rolled up her sleeves andturned around, looking like she was going to fight with Janice.

"Come back!"

Minerva called out to her coldly.

Vera stopped and turned back in dissatisfaction, "Minerva, are you going to stop me?"

Minerva stood up and sighed. "What's the point of arguing with her? She's our client now. Did youforget the rules for treating our clients? Besides, it's better for the doer to undo what he has done. Ifyou go and find her, it'll only make things worse."

Kelly nodded in agreement. She also felt that what she said made sense.

"Even though I'm also quite angry, I feel that Minerva's analysis is correct. It's best if we don't go."She turned to look at Minerva. "Then what do you plan to do? She wants a design by tomorrowmorning. Don't tell me you're thinking about skipping meals and sleep just to design for her like lasttime?"

Minerva shook her head. "I won't redo the design."

"You won't?" Kelly widened her eyes.

"That's not right, you still need to do it, but... you just need to somehow do it casually."

Anyway, no matter what kind of work she drew, it would only be rubbish for Janice. Even if she tookout her most prized work and put it in front of her, Janice would still throw her work on the floor rightaway without hesitation.novelbin

That was because she had already carried an emotional bias against her.


Minerva's eyes gradually darkened. That b*stard.

After getting close to him, she didn't get to do anything to him but had instead caused a lot oftrouble for herself.

When she thought about how something like this would happen in the future again, Minerva felt asharp headache.

How could she get rid of this man who was like a plaster that stuck on tirelessly?

"Why did he change so much as compared to five years ago?" She hoped that he would be asarrogant and dignified as before and then just ignore her.

But now...

That man was so shameless that he even threatened her not to blacklist his social media.

It was a real headache!

The door lock had already been changed, but the cleaning still needed to be done. It would takesome time to move the things.

It happened that the day after the next was a weekend, so Minerva planned to move at that time.

She and Vera just returned to the country not long ago, so there were not a lot of things to move.The house also had most of the furniture already. A suitcase was sufficient to move there.

Hence, that night, Minerva casually drew a design and then went to bed directly. Beanie was lyingbeside her with a comic book in his hands. Minerva realized that he was lying on the bed, so shefrowned slightly and said, "Beanie, you can't read when you're lying down. It's not good for youreyes."

After listening to her words, Beanie quickly put the comic book aside and said, "Mommy, I hadforgotten about it just now! Don't be angry."

Minerva glanced at him helplessly and pinched his nose. "What a naughty boy. We'll pack our thingsand move to the new home in a couple of days. You'll have to sleep in your own room by then."

"Umm..." Beanie was a little upset and he felt a little wronged. "But I want to be with you. Can I notsleep alone? I'm afraid of the dark!"

"Afraid of the dark? You are already five years old. How can you be still afraid of the dark? And plus,you are a young man already!"

Beanie held her arm and refused. "Mommy, Mommy..."

"Good boy, you have to sleep on your own when you grow up. You can't always rely on me."

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