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Chapter 459

Too many things had happened that day. The whole sequence of events were like a fever-induceddream to Kelly.

First, she had never imagined that she would be invited to attend the live event. After witnessing theturn of events firsthand, the depression caused by the damage of her work had been swept awaycompletely.

With a few more pictures, the whole journey would be complete.

After all, she had met Maddox as well as the famous celebrities Yvonne and Helen.

She had once been a nameless designer. Although her work was excellent, they couldn't becompared with those top- ranking and outstanding teams. Hence, she never dreamed that shewould have such an opportunity.

After taking photos, a few sharp- eyed people noticed that Helen's skirt was very special.

They exclaimed in excitement, "Miss Lowell, the dress that you're wearing today is so unique. If Iremember correctly, this is one of Shelly's works, isn't it?"

Helen was about to leave the scene. However, she stopped in her tracks when that question wasposed. Yvonne also stopped and looked at Helen in confusion.

Helen revealed a small smile. "Your eyes are sharp. This is indeed Shelly's work."novelbin

"I have seen this piece before when I was attending activities abroad. I heard that it was bid at anabsolute high price by a mysterious man when it was first released. After that, it never appearedever again. Many people didn't have the chance to even see it, but Miss Shelly has never designeda similar dress after that. May I ask, Miss Lowell, how did you get this piece of work? Did you bid forit with a huge sum of money?"

Helen blinked as she searched for Minerva, who was seated in the audience. Minerva shook herhead imperceptibly. Receiving her cue, Helen immediately reacted and laughed softly, "Well, aboutthat, please take a guess."

She initially wanted to drag Minerva up onto the stage. However, Helen respected her wishes. IfMinerva was not willing to reveal her identity, then Helen would obey. Without denying notconfirming, she gave a vague answer instead.

After that, she waved her hands. Gathering her dress, she then spun around in a circle.

"Well, I think I should take my leave now. To all my fans and my dear reporters, I hope to see yousoon."

After that, she lifted her long dress and headed for the backstage.

When the reporters saw that, they rushed out of the scene with cameras in their hands, ready towait for her at the back.

When Yvonne saw that, she was furious. However, her manager stopped her.

"Let it go. Don't get photographed by someone else. Let's just leave quickly."

"Hmph, what's so great about that designer's work? Who is Shelly anyway? How come I've neverheard of her? Why are they making a fuss over such a tiny matter?"

After saying that, she turned and left. Thinking of the dress she was wearing, Yvonne was remindedof Quill, and then she smiled proudly.

As soon as she became Quill's wife, she would crush everyone else under her feet!

As the event was drawing to an end, Minerva was about to leave with Vera and Kelly. However, justas she stood up, someone grabbed her wrist and pulled her back to her seat.

She turned around and saw Maddox holding her arm. He was staring at her thoughtfully.

"What are you doing? Let go." Minerva's words were harsh as she berated him.

Maddox narrowed his eyes. "What's with this shift in attitude?"

Kelly and Vera blinked as they watched. Then, they sat back down in their seats as if they had seennothing.

Several people around them looked over, making Minerva a little embarrassed. She wanted to avoidtheir gazes and stares. Hence, she lowered her voice and said, "You should let go of me quickly.Everyone else is watching. Do you wish to be recognised by others at this press conference?"

"So what if they recognise me?" Maddox raised his eyebrows.

That was right. Regardless of where Maddox went, he would be recognized anyway. Hence, therewas no reason for him to worry.

In fact, it would be better to be recognized as he would receive their attention.

"Nothing," Minerva took a deep breath and said in a low voice. "Can you let go of me? I'm leavingnow."

"Sure." Maddox stared at her like a rogue. "Fine, I can let you go if you want me to but you have toadd me on Facebook."

Minerva was dumbfounded.

She thought she had heard him wrong.

So, he blocked her way just to make her add him on Facebook? What was going on?

Minerva blinked at him. "What did you say?"

"You blocked me," Maddox said, full of resentment at that matter. After all, he had kept that event inmind at that time, hoping that Minerva would add him back as a Facebook friend.

Therefore, he made sure to seize hold of that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

After that, Maddox took out his phone and launched the Facebook app.

Minerva asked, "Once we're friends on Facebook, you'll let me go?"

After hearing herself ask that question, Minerva thought that her brain must've been damaged. Whywas she asking him such a question?

"Yeah, I guess," Maddox urged her. "Quick, take out your phone."

Minerva paused for a moment and looked back at Vera and Kelly.

Kelly blinked her eyes innocently and said, "It's just adding a Facebook friend. It won't cost you yourlife. Just add him."

Taking in the situation, Vera nodded in agreement and said, "Yeah, that's right. Minerva, hurry upand add him!"

"You traitors!" Minerva cursed internally.

Minerva shot them a glare. In the end, she took out her phone. Since Maddox had been blockedpreviously, she had no choice but to open her list of blocked accounts on Facebook to unblock him.


"You haven't added me as a friend yet." Instantly, she received a friend request from Maddox. Then,his tall body leaned towards her. His dominating aura was suffocating. "Quick, accept it."

At that moment, he looked like a child asking for candy. Minerva felt helpless, but nevertheless shequickly accepted his request.

"Is that all?"

When Maddox received the notification on his phone that she had accepted his friend request, hislips immediately curved into a beautiful smile. Then, he thought of something and said coldly, "Youare not allowed to unfriend me when you go back!"

Minerva could only respond, "You..."

She just wanted to ask how he knew she would do that. However, after a brief thought, she felt thatit was not necessary so she only nodded.

Tine, I won't do that. Can we leave now?"

This time, Maddox was content to move his leg away. Minerva let out a sigh of relief and then got upto leave.

However, when she stood up, she realized that the heel of her shoe had broken. Just now, she wasin a daze after speaking to him and she had forgotten about that matter.

"Ah, Minerva, your shoe is broken. What should we do?" Vera cried out in surprise.

Minerva sat down again. She looked at the bottom of her shoes and felt a little depressed.

She simply took off the other shoe and then held it in her hand. Stepping on the cold floor with herfair and tender feet, she said in a low voice, "Let's just go out like this first."

Seeing that, Maddox was dazzled by her snow-white feet. His eyes narrowed dangerously.

In the next second, he suddenly stood up and lifted the barefooted Minerva by her waist.

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