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Chapter 403

Both of them fell silent.

Sam couldn't believe his eyes when he saw it. He rubbed his eyes a little before he read thesentence again.

Maddox was baffled as well. He stared blankly at the red dot and the sentence that followed it andturned to narrow his eyes at Sam after.

"What does that mean?" Maddox asked.

The message had been sent, yet it had been rejected by the other party.

Sam bit his lip and looked troubled, refusing to answer Maddox's question.

"Sam," Maddox said his name sternly, shooting him a death stare.

Sam laughed drily at that and started to explain gingerly, "Young Master Yardley, that means thatyou've been blacklisted.¹'

Sam's words had left him flabbergasted.


"Yes. It's because the other party got hold of your personal details through your friend request.Then, they manually put you on their blacklist..." Sam explained to Maddox.

Maddox began to look more and more crestfallen as Sam continued.

After Sam had finished explaining it all to Maddox, he hurriedly kept his mouth shut when he caughta glimpse of the other man's expression.

He had only meant to articulate the situation more clearly to Maddox. He did not mean to gethimself into trouble.

Veins were bulging out of Maddox's forehead and his grip tightened on his phone involuntarily as heasked, "Well, does this mean that the other party knows who I am?"

Sam nodded his head numbly, "That should be the case. Otherwise, I don't think she would'veblacklisted you..."

Maddox remained silent, his gaze still unwavering from the Facebook page.

He had never expected her to blacklist him as soon as she added him as a friend.

He was disappointed by this turn of events.

Blinking his eyes, Sam started to speak, "Perhaps... Perhaps it had been a mistake?"

Maddox shot him a cold glare, mouth twisting into a frown.

"President Yardley, what do you think about this matter? Don't you think that old man was pathetic?"

The two men who had been arguing fiercely with each other earlier on turned their gazes towardsMaddox at once. After all, it was meaningless for them to argue as the final decision did not lay withthem.

Maddox raised his head and glanced at them callously, "What is it?"

The two men stared at him, mouth agape with shock, "President Yardley?"

Sam hurriedly whispered to Maddox, ''They're arguing about the development of the FordCorporation's land."

"Oh. Well, I'll need some time to think that through. Let's call it a day for now," Maddox said, curlinghis lips into a smile.

Everyone merely stared at him, at a loss for words.

Maddox paid no attention to their reaction. He then walked towards the office with his phone inhand.

He could not get his mind off that d*mn woman.

After approving his friend request, she had immediately blacklisted him.

It was like she already knew who he was.

However, wasn't it plain rude to treat her future client in such a manner?

It was immensely frustrating.novelbin

After returning to his office, Maddox decided to use his other Facebook accounts to add her. He didnot receive any responses at all.

After contemplating over it a little, Maddox decided that she must have figured out it was him.

He had utilized so many accounts to add her the night before after all. She was smart enough tohave guessed it.

Maddox pursed his lips as he placed his phone on the table, feeling extremely annoyed.

"What should I do next?" He thought to himself.

He had intended to get her contact information from Janice. He honestly had not expected to bumpinto her at that place.

Maddox closed his eyes and tried to recall the entire incident in his mind.

He thought that everything felt like a horrible mess.

Minerva stayed at home the entire morning to rest. Concerned about her hand, Quill went andcalled a doctor to come over to change her bandages.

As the doctor treated her wound, Minerva found that the wound on her hand did not feel as painfulas it had been the day before. It seemed that the ointment had helped.

After the doctor's visit, Minerva wanted to head to the company straight away. However, Quillstopped her.

"You should stay home and rest for the next few days," he suggested.

Upon hearing his words, Minerva furrowed her brows in protest, "Quill!"

"You're not allowed to go anywhere for the time being!"

"Quill! You know how important the company is to me! You even helped me establish it. I still have aline of clients waiting for me there. If I don't go, who will attend to them?" Minerva complained,feeling a little irritated.

She had accidentally thrown a tantrum that neither of them had expected. Feeling taken aback, shelowered her shoulders and sighed a little helplessly. "Minerva, I'm doing this for your own good. I'mjust worried about you, alright? Besides, what can you do in your current state? You hand's amess!" Quill sighed.

Minerva realized she had been a tad bit unreasonable when she directed her anger at him. Shesoftened her face a little and started to plead softly, "Quill, I'm not going to work, okay? I just want to

go check on their designs and instruct them. Look, I promise I won't use my hands for anythingwhen I'm there, okay?"

After a note of silence, she continued to plead again, "I know you're concerned about me. But Ipromise that I'm just going to drop by the company and have a look at things, okay?"

In the end, Quill could only give in, nodding helplessly in reply.

"Alright, I'll let Nash take you to the office. You'll have to be home in an hour," he said firmly.

One hour would be sufficient enough for her.

It was only then that Minerva directed a satisfied smile at her brother, "Thank you, Quill."

Then, she turned away and rushed up the stairs right away. When Beanie heard that his motherwas going to work, he immediately latched onto her leg.

"Mommy, I want to go with you! I want to go too!" He whined.

Minerva smiled a little, "What are you planning to do there? I'll only be out for an hour, I'll be backsoon."

"No! You're injured! I want to go protect you!" Beanie proclaimed loudly, tightening his grip on herarm.

"You little rascal, what do you think you can protect me from? I'll be the one who will need to protectyou if you come along," Minerva teased.

She let out a small laugh, bent down and ruffled Beanie's hair a little.

Beanie pursed his lips in dissatisfaction.

"Mommy, you're being mean! Why are you laughing at me..."

Minerva had only been teasing him. Seeing him pout like this, she couldn't help flashing an adoringsmile at him, revealing her pearly white teeth and said, "If you really want to come, then let's go! Gograb your sunglasses and hat."

"Okay, Mommy! Wait for me!"

Beanie fumbled out the room as fast as he could and returned with a change of clothes.

Minerva let her mind drift as she watched her son's movements.

In the past, she had been able to do anything freely when she was abroad. But now... It wasdifferent.

She thought back to the previous day when she had bumped into that man. Taking in Beanie'sappearance and his, it seemed that her son took after his features. The implication was obvious.

However, she did not let herself make too many wild suggestions.

It would be overly absurd.

Whenever she brought Beanie out, she had to cover his face. If she didn't, she knew that peoplewould start gossiping once they noticed.

Sure enough, it was inconvenient for her to be in the same city as that man.

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