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Chapter 348

"He can just do whatever he wants. It doesn't matter."

Yet, no matter what, Sam refused to give Kimberly the address.

In the end, Kimberly was annoyed. "You're not telling me? Fine, I'll be off."

After that, Kimberly left the Yardley Corporation. Before leaving, she turned to Sam and concluded,"Since he's so busy, then I won't come back again. As for the divorce, I'll get someone to handle itfor

__ _ n


"Kimberly!" Sam was anxious. He stepped forward and blocked her way hurriedly. "I'll take you therebut... You'll probably regret it."

However, Kimberly's remarks made Sam panic. If Kimberly stopped looking for Maddox, then howwere they going to clear up the misunderstanding?

Therefore, Sam finally decided to take Kimberly to Maddox.

"Great, thank you."

Shortly after, Sam led the way in his car while Kimberly tailed him in Nash's car.

They arrived at the destination and Sam got out of the car. He went up to her car and knocked onthe car window.

Kimberly was confused and she rolled down the window. "What's wrong? We're here?"

She stared at the hospital's entrance. She found it familiar and she seemed to have visited thehospital previously.

"It's here. Young Madam, please give me a moment. I'll inform Young Master Yardley and ask him tocome."

"Got it, thank you."

Kimberly did not ponder about it and nodded.

Therefore, Sam turned to leave hurriedly. Kimberly sat in the car and stared at the hospital'sentrance. As she stared at it, she found it more familiar than ever. Suddenly, something dawned onher... Sylvia was sent to that hospital after she committed suicide, right?

She could not believe that she did not recognize it immediately. She was probably out of her mind.

Sylvia lived in the hospital and Sam bought Kimberly there to look for Maddox.

That would mean...

Maddox's emergency was to see Sylvia?

After coming to that conclusion, Kimberly felt like she was being thrown into the freeze. She wantedto divorce him but... He left her for Sylvia. He even discarded the opportunity to get rid of Kimberly.

Yet, she was so silly to come to the hospital.

Kimberly pursed her red lips and looked out the window. Suddenly, she ordered, "Nash, please waitfor me here. I'll be back soon." Nash noticed that Kimberly was not in a good mood but he nodded."Yes, Miss."

Kimberly popped open the door and got out of the car. She relied on her memory and went toSlyvia's ward.

With every step she took, she could feel her heart racing.

She was not sure why she was acting like that. She made up her mind, hence why would she benervous?

Finally, Kimberly arrived at Sylvia's ward.

Kimberly saw everything.

As expected, Maddox was in the ward. Sylvia was grabbing his arm and she was muttering tearfully.

Sam, who was there to look for Maddox, stood next to Maddox helplessly. Yet, Sam seemed to befrustrated. Maddox had his back facing Kimberly, thus she was not sure about his reaction.

Maddox came to see Slyvia.

The light in Kimberly's eyes eventually faded. Her eyes were bleak and dark.

Sylvia was speaking and she suddenly threw herself into Maddox's arms.

Kimberly could no longer stand it. She turned around hurriedly and leaned against the cold wall.

"Forget it. I don't have to look anymore," Kimberly thought bitterly.

Why did she shoot her own feet? She decided to get a divorce, therefore she should mind her ownbusiness. He was free to be with anyone he wanted. Kimberly closed her eyes slowly.

After a few moments, she opened her eyes again. Her eyes were jet black.

She strode back in the direction where she came from.

Nash waited outside. He was a little worried, thus he took out his mobile phone to call Quill. Aftertelling Quill the whole story, Nash hung up the call.

Nash waited for a while but he was getting worried. He decided to check on Kimberly but shedoubled back.

He got out of the car. "Miss, you're back."

Kimberly got in the car and said in a low voice, "Nash, sorry to keep you waiting."

Nash sat in the driver's seat and replied, "No problem, Miss. Should we continue to wait?"

Kimberly leaned against the back seat and closed her eyes. She shook her head and ordered, "No.Let's go back."

Her aura was gloomier after getting out of the car. It was very dark and chilly.

Although Nash was not sure about what happened, he did not have the nerve to ask. He followedher order and sped off.

"Miss, are we going back to the hotel?"

"Yeah." Kimberly nodded.

Since Maddox had his eyes fixed on Sylvia, there was no need for Kimberly to look for him.

As for the divorce, she might need to ask someone for help.

At the thought of that, her mobile phone chirped. There was an incoming message.

Kimberly glanced at it. It was a text message from Quill.

"Kimberly, where are you?"

Kimberly read the message and thought that she needed his help.

"On the way back to the hotel."

Kimberly paused after sending the message, she wanted to ask if he was free to meet her but hereplied immediately.

"I'm going to the hotel now. See you later."

Kimberly was taken aback and she typed, "Okay." After that, she put away her mobile phone.

After a while, Kimberly could not help but ask, "Nash, did you call Mr. Hanover?"

Nash flashed an awkward smile and he nodded in embarrassment. "Yes, Miss. You left for a longtime and I was worried. I'm sorry, Miss. I won't do it again..."

"It's okay. Thank you, you did a good job." Kimberly smiled and closed her eyes again. "I'm a littletired and I need to nap."novelbin

"Sure, Miss. Go ahead and rest. I'll wake you when we get to the hotel."

"Thank you."

Kimberly shut her eyes. The truth was her heart was in a mess and she could not sleep. Yet, shedid not want to continue, so she was trying to avoid her problems with her eyes closed.

When the car arrived at the hotel, Kimberly opened her eyes again.

"Nash, please stop here."

"Are you awake, Miss? I was going to call you."

"Yes, I'm good, thank you."

Kimberly got out of the car and went straight to her room.

She strode to her hotel room. She happened to see Quill waiting for her by the door.

Kimberly paused for a second before she walked up to him.

"Err... Mr. Hanover."

"You're back?" Quill stared at her and smiled dotingly. He stretched out his hand to pat her headinstinctively. Kimberly was taken aback. Before her brain could react, she avoided Quill's handsubconsciously.

Quill's hand froze but he withdrew it and continued to smile.

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