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Chapter 213

Sylvia's voice was a little loud. It attracted the attention of the other people in the cafe. Kimberly alsonoticed that people were staring at them and she began to feel a little flustered. She quickly got upand placed a hand over Sylvia's mouth, "That's enough. Stop talking."

"Why don't you let me finish?" Sylvia held her hand tightly and sobbed, "You don't want to face thetruth, but I am different from you! I am an outsider. I know what type of man suits you perfectly andwhat doesn't. I also know who treats you well and who doesn't!"

"That's enough. I don't want to hear it anymore." Kimberly retrieved her hand and said, "If you wantto continue, you can stay here and talk to yourself."

After that, Kimberly immediately grabbed her bag and walked out of the cafe in a hurry.

Sylvia watched her walk away and was stunned for a few seconds before she wiped away hertears. Then, she quickly chased after her and begged, "Don't be angry! Just listen to me, please?"

Kimberly ignored her and strode towards the entrance of the cafe. There were too many peoplehere. If Sylvia continued to talk nonsense, she was afraid that someone would overhear somethingincriminating. When word got out again... she would not be able to clear her name.

Sylvia exclaimed, "I know it's hard for you to accept his identity, but there are many things in thisworld that you can't control. As long as he likes you for who you are and is willing to takeresponsibility, it is good enough. You will definitely be much happier with him than you are rightnow!"

Kimberly suddenly stopped walking and looked back at Sylvia.

"Do you really think so?"

When Sylvia saw Kimberly stopping in her tracks, she halted as well. She nodded seriously andreplied, "Brother Yardley is a kind and modest gentleman. I also think that he likes you. If you

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Kimberly cut her off, "Just because of this, you think he likes me? Sylvia, if he really wants to takeresponsibility, why didn't he look for me?"

"What...?" Sylvia was stunned.novelbin

"It has been so long since the incident. If he really wants to stay or be a responsible person, whydidn't he look for me? Instead, I had to ask for help to look for him. What does that tell you?"Kimberly let out a sarcastic laugh. She continued without waiting for a reply, "It means that hedoesn't care about what happened that night, and he wants nothing to do with me. Maybe... hedoesn't even remember what happened that night. To others, it was just a small accident. And I... Iwas presented to him on a platter. It would be pinned on me one way or another. No one will careabout it."

Sylvia listened to her and was rendered silent for a moment. "...I didn't think about it before, but itdoes make sense. However, have you ever thought maybe he was looking for you? But... he did notknow where to search for you. Even Benedict didn't know that we were looking for him. Maybe, hesimply had no clue where to find you. After all..." Sylvia looked at the ground and muttered, "Youdidn't leave any clues that night, only... that button."

Sylvia felt uncomfortable talking about the button. She racked her mind, trying to figure out if therewas any way she could retrieve the button that was in Kimberly's possession? She already had twobuttons from the original suit. If she could get the other one from Kimberly, everything would befoolproof.

Thinking of this, Sylvia suddenly thought of something and said, "Why don't I help you make himsearch for you on his own initiative?"

"What? What do you mean?" Kimberly asked.

"Give me the button. I will think of something."

Sylvia's evil intentions increased by the minute.

Kimberly stood there, rooted to the spot. She did not agree nor disagree.

"Kimberly? What's wrong?"

"Good idea." Kimberly's voice was as light as the wind, saying, "I don't care who the man from thatnight is, and I don't want to fight for anything. I just want to live a peaceful life now."

Judging from Kimberly's tone, it sounded like she wasn't on the right track. Sylvia suddenly becameanxious. "How can you do this? I asked Quill to find the child's father. You say you want to live apeaceful life, but can you do that in your current situation? You and Maddox sleep in the same bed,but he does not even want to look at you. What's wrong with you, Kimberly? Are you that reluctantto leave him?"

Yes. Maddox did not treat her well.

However, sometimes, he was very kind to her and did favors for her.

No one like Maddox who magically appeared when she needed him the most. As Kimberly spokeabout his arrogance, she couldn't help falling in love with him.

"Kimberly, do you seriously like him?" questioned Sylvia nervously.

"Yes." Kimberly nodded firmly, "I like him."

Sylvia widened her eyes in horror. Her body trembled and she gaped, "You..."

Kimberly felt like a weight had been lifted off her chest. She had finally told Sylvia her true feelings.

She said, "I know that you may think I'm crazy, but I know what I've gone through, and I'm the onlyone who understands it. So... even if you want the best for me, you don't have to do anything for meanymore."


"That's all I am going to say. I was wrong to accuse you before, but... I hope you won't get close toMaddox in the future. It's not that I don't trust you, but people will gossip. Sylvia, do you understandwhat I mean?"

Sylvia did not answer. She bit her lower lip and looked at her discontentedly. She grumbled, "I reallydon't understand why you like him. You are going to divorce in a few months!"

"You're right." Kimberly smiled bitterly and nodded. "I have a few more months left before I have toleave the Yardley family. Which means that my days with him are numbered, so... just let me enjoymy time with him. When the time is up, I will leave on my own accord."

Sylvia stammered, "Kimberly, are you really not going to reconsider? Will you really leave him whenthe time comes? Then... What about you and the child? Where are you going to go? Has it nevercrossed your mind that Benedict may be looking for you?"

"I don't have to think about it. I don't have feelings for him, and I don't want to threaten him with thisbaby," Kimberly said in a quiet voice.

Sylvia clenched her fists when she realized that Kimberly wouldn't change her mind at all. She hadinitially wanted Benedict and Kimberly to get together, so she could stand by Maddox's side. Butnow... Kimberly had just confessed that she liked Maddox.

Perhaps, she could wait for the day Kimberly left on her own terms?

No, that was not right.


There were still a few months before that happened. They had only been married for a short periodof time, but Kimberly had already fallen in love with him. If Sylvia did not take action now, therewould be more sad days in the future. If anything had transpired then, Sylvia would not be able tocontrol it.

Just then, Kimberly spoke again, "Well, it's getting late. You'd better go back early. Remember whatI said today."

Sylvia stared at her as she walked away and couldn't help gritting her teeth.

She couldn't allow Kimberly to stay by Maddox's side any longer. She was not going to standaround and do nothing!

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