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Chapter 169

"Don't worry. Stay here and keep an eye on them, I'll go and talk to Sister Winna about this."

After saying that, Agnes walked out and left Lydia on her own. Lydia was very nervous and shesubconsciously rubbed her fingers together.

In the interim, Lincoln was in his seat, smiling at Kimberly as she entered his office. He called outgently, "Miss Shell, here you are."

Kimberly frowned slightly at his tone and answered, "Lincoln, what can I do for you?"

Lincoln did not answer her but continued to gaze at her tenderly with a look which he thought wasgentle. However, that look was terrifying to Kimberly. She felt extremely uncomfortable by hisperverse stare. Her scalp tingled and she had goosebumps all over. She couldn't help but blurt outsuddenly.

"Lincoln, I'll leave if you have nothing to say!"

Just as she turned to leave, Lincoln hurriedly got up and said, "Wait! I wanted to ask what you thinkof the breakfast I brought you. Do you like it?"

What the hell?

Kimberly thought for a moment and replied innocently, "Breakfast? What do you mean? I didn't seeany breakfast. Please excuse me if there's nothing else. I have to get back to work."

Lincoln quickly came around his desk, rushed forward and slammed his hand on the door, blockingher way out.

Kimberly's face fell and she looked at him with a cold gaze.

But that gaze made her more attractive to Lincoln instead. He looked at her with a grin on his faceand said, "Miss Shell, have you thought about the deal I mentioned to you a few days ago?"

This sentence made Kimberly want to laugh.

She sneered and asked in return, "Lincoln, why are you asking me this if you know my answer?"

Lincoln wasn't happy at her response. He questioned," What do you mean? You... do you not wantto be with me?"

Kimberly frowned and took a few steps back, keeping some distance from him as she replied, "Ithought I had made myself clear a few days ago."

Lincoln said unhappily, "Do you know what you are talking about? I've already explained it to you.Although you have been with the president before, he dumped you. Why don't you want to be withme? If you do, I can protect you if you continue working in this department!"

"I don't need anyone's protection, thank you." After saying this, Kimberly instantly tried to pull thedoor open.

Lincoln pressed the door shut and asked again, "Are you sure you don't want to give it a try? Whydon't you take some time and think about it again?"

"Please get out of the way," Kimberly said in a clipped tone, her face sour. Lincoln was now verymortified upon being rejected unsparingly for so many times. He gnashed his teeth and hissed,"You'd better appreciate my offer!"

Kimberly scoffed in her heart, thinking that he was easily angered. She looked at him and utteredindifferently, "Get out of my way."

"Listen here. I can protect you, but I can also make you lose your job," threatened Lincoln.

"Really?" Kimberly smiled slightly and said, "Are you going to do it just like what happened on myfirst day here? Do you think you are smart enough to play tricks in front of the president? Let megive you some advice. It's not worth it to lose the position you worked so hard for, just because youwant to play around with me."

"Hey!" Lincoln gaped in frustration as he did not expect her to be so harsh. He was mad and hisexpression was distorted, but Kimberly had already yanked the door open and left.

Lincoln couldn't help shouting behind her, "Who do you think you are? You are just a woman whohas been abandoned by a disabled man. Who are you to reject me? Fine. Let's see how you'll sufferin my department! B*tch!"

Kimberly did not realize that her rejection could make Lincoln so angry, but she had already thoughtabout the consequences. She was ready to bear with it.

She had been mentally prepared ever since the day Maddox had demoted her.

No matter what kind of hurdle came her way, she had to deal with it calmly. Kimberly went back toher seat and logged into her computer, continuing her work.

After that, she met up with Vera during lunchtime. Vera said excitedly, "Our company is about tocelebrate its anniversary soon. There will be an anniversary event, and the Yardley family will alsohold a grand banquet!"

Hearing this, Kimberly was curious about the banquet.

Vera added, "Everyone can attend. Kimberly, have you thought about what you will wear to thebanquet?"

"Me?" Kimberly smiled and replied, "I am now an ordinary employee. Can I even go to thebanquet?"

"Of course! This is an anniversary banquet, every employee can attend. There was even a fiercecompetition between the ladies at the party last year. It was so scary!"

Kimber asked in confusion, "A fierce competition?"novelbin

It surprised Kimberly slightly and she couldn't help but smile, saying, "Are you exaggerating?"

"It is true! Do you think that only the Yardley family will attend the anniversary event? Many upper-class socialites will be invited too. If you can hook up with one of them, you will be set for the rest ofyour life," Vera explained.

Kimberly was stunned and she asked, "What do you mean?"

Vera said, "If you hook up with one of them, you can marry into a wealthy family. Once you do, youdon't need to worry about your future after that. Everyone wants that!"

"Including you?" asked Kimberly.

Vera was stunned for a moment before she laughed and pretended to be mad, chiding, "How canyou compare me with those women? I don't depend on men. I will find someone who loves me. Idon't want a marriage based on money and without love."

A marriage based on money and without love...

Didn't that perfectly describe Kimberly's current relationship with Maddox?

She didn't have money or love when she had married Maddox.

But as for the money, the shopping mall had now belonged to her. That was a lot of money.

Kimberly pursed her lips, deep in thought. Vera suddenly nudged her and said, "Let's go to the malland shop for dresses after work. The shopping mall under the Yardley Corporation. What do you


Kimberly's expression shifted and she asked, "Which one?"

Vera answered, "Which one else? I'm talking about the big one on Auburn Street!"

Kimberly was speechless.

It was the mall Maddox had given to her.

She wondered if it was a coincidence or that Vera was testing her.

Thus, Kimberly questioned, "Why do you want to go there all of a sudden?"

Vera sighed, "You silly girl. That mall has the best clothes in the entire North City. Their clothes arethe most fashionable. Besides, we can also get authentic dresses that are customized by foreigndesigners. Don't you know that?"

"Urn... I don't really know."

Kimberly replied as she felt somewhat ashamed. After all, she was the mall's new boss yet shedidn't know anything about it. She then said, "Well, let's go to the mall after work. Then, you can tellme more about the mall."

Vera nodded, "No problem. I'll come to you after work."

After that, Kimberly went back to her department.

When they got off work, she and Vera went to the shopping mall.

On their way there, Vera told her a lot about the mall. Kimberly listened attentively and occasionallymade some mental notes.

According to Vera, almost everything of the best quality in North City could be found in the mall, beit food or necessities.

And this was because the mall belonged to Yardley family.

Countless manufacturers and designers were vying to have their items sold in the mall. However,there was a strict inspection on all goods. Poor quality items which were definitely not allowed forsale, no matter how hard they attempted to sneak past the inspection.

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