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Chapter 156

Vera looked at Kimberly hesitatingly for a while before asking,

"Since you've been demoted, what will you do now?"

Kimberly thought to herself, "What will I do? What else can I do?"

"Do I have a choice?" Kimberly replied as she smiled bitterly.

Vera nodded and said, "You certainly have a choice!"

Kimberly raised her eyebrows slightly, indicating Vera to continue.

Vera snorted softly and said, "You can choose to be a cleaner or an ordinary employee. I thinkYoung Master Yardley is very nice to give you a choice."

Kimberly was rendered speechless.

She thought that Vera was being the worst friend right now.

Vera spoke again, "I'm serious. I think you'd better be a cleaner. Although it's a little tough, it's bettercompared to working in the office. You will definitely have a lot of conflicts with the femaleemployees because of all the rumors between Young Master Yardley and you."

Kimberly could imagine that without needing her to mention it.

If people dared to mess with her even when she was his assistant, she couldn't imagine what theywould do to her now that she was demoted.

Kimberly shut her eyes helplessly as she thought about her hopeless future.

"But don't be too pessimistic. Who knows, maybe they will not hate you once they get to know you,"Vera said playfully.

If she had the choice, Kimberly would choose to resign.

However, there was no other way. According to Sam, she still owed the company's salary andbonus.

Finally, Kimberly thought about it and chose to work in the office.

When Vera knew her decision, she got very agitated. "What's wrong with you? Didn't I say that theywill definitely mess with you?" Vera asked.

"You're right, but everyone knows that I was demoted. Even if I work as a cleaner, do you think theywill let me go lightly? They will definitely find a way to mess with me anyway. I'd rather confrontthem directly," Kimberly said bravely.

Vera looked at her blankly for a long time and suddenly applauded, "I didn't expect you to be sobrave. From now on, let's pretend that we don't know each other. I don't want them to mess with

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Kimberly smiled and said, "Okay."

She was used to it.

Maddox also said that before. She was only his subordinate at work, not his wife. In fact, he neveracknowledged her as his wife, whether at work or privately.

Therefore, Kimberly wasn't offended by Vera. No one liked trouble.

Kimberly packed up her stuff and got ready to report herself to work. As expected, the supervisorwarned her as soon as she arrived.

The supervisor casually took her to a desk and said, "This is where you are going to work. Anewcomer should know the rules. You should pay more attention to what your seniors ask you todo. Do you understand?"

Listening to these words, Kimberly felt that this supervisor was not so bad, but... very strict.

Kimberly nodded in response.

As soon as the supervisor left, a group of people sitting next to her began to gossip loudly abouther.

"I wonder what's wrong with people nowadays. She thinks she is so great because she can be thepresident's assistant. Look at how unfortunate she is now. She got demoted to such a low position."

"I heard that the president gave her a choice whether to be a cleaner or work in the office. Shechose to work in the office."

"Seriously, she looks like she was born to be a cleaner. Who does she think she is? A b*tch like heris only skillful in bed. It's better for her to be a cleaner."

"Hey, aren't you ashamed? We have more than enough people here. Can't you go and be a cleanerinstead?" Halfway through the gossips, someone roared behind Kimberly.

Kimberly decided not to argue with them and ignored them.

Unexpectedly, when the person saw that Kimberly did not reply, she went over and grabbedKimberly's hair. "I'm talking to you yet you ignored me. Where are your manners?"

Kimberly felt the pain from the person's grip. Hence, she stood up and looked at the culprit fiercely.

She refuted, "When did you talk to me? Did you greet me? Of course, I have manners, but I thinkyou can improve yourself by not simply touching someone else."

Everyone had thought that Kimberly was easy to bully. They didn't expect her to stand up forherself.

The person scoffed, "What are you talking about? You're just a newcomer, how dare you talk backto me? Do you understand what situation you are in right now? Are you looking for trouble? Youdon't want to stay and keep your job, do you?"

Kimberly glared at everyone coldly.

The crowd continued to criticize her.

"That's right, if you want to stay, you'd better listen to us. We've seen many women like you whoslept their way to the top, and we have got rid of them all."

"If you want us to forgive you, you should bring us coffee and cakes. Then, we may consider notmaking things difficult for you in the future."

Kimberly sneered silently. She would never spend her money on these annoying people who bullyher.

Did they think she was that stupid?

Kimberly snorted and sat back in her seat. She didn't talk to them anymore.

She proceeded to switch on the computer.

"Hey, what's with your attitude? How dare you ignore us?" One of them yelled.

Kimberly replied nonchalantly, "I'm really sorry, but you guys are not my superiors, and I am notyour personal assistant. You have no right to give me instructions."

The computer took a while to start. Then, Kimberly quickly ran a virus scan on the computer.

Someone said sarcastically, "Tsk. Fine, we can't give you instructions and only the supervisor hasthe say, right? Just you wait and see!"

Kimberly ignored them and continued to check on her computer.

She knew that these people despised her. Even if she bought the things for them, they would notchange and simply resume mocking her.

Therefore, she might as well ignore them and there was no need to retreat nor compromise.

As she had already ended up at this point, she could only approach the problems head-on andstand up for herself.

After a while, the supervisor called her to the office and handed her several documents.

"This is for a meeting later. The meeting will be held in an hour. I need you to sort all this out."Kimberly looked through the documents and frowned slightly, asking, "Isn't this a bit much to sortout in an hour?"

The supervisor looked up and glanced at her, then said, "Is it difficult? You used to be thepresident's assistant. It should not be difficult for you. Are you really not capable as they say?"

Kimberly had no choice but to say,"... No, I'll sort it out."

Then, Kimberly took the folder out of the office.

Several women surrounded her table and looked at her, gloating.novelbin

They jeered, "Didn't she say that we can't order her around? Yet she's now being instructed by thesupervisor. There are so many documents, let's see how she sort them all out before the meeting. Ifshe can't do it well, can we drive her out of this department? After all, Yardley Corporation doesn'tneed useless people!"

Kimberly did not pay attention to their words. Instead, she sat in front of the computer and startedher work solemnly.

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