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Chapter 42

Chapter 42

Olivia gathered information on a few people. However, it was nothing new from what she learned fromEthan. She wanted to make reparations with these girls. Unfortunately, they had either movedsomewhere else or back to their hometowns. They were nowhere to be found.

Olivia had to stop and wait for Belle to settle down before visiting the psychiatric hospital again.

She chatted with Ryan for a while before heading their separate ways. Olivia looked at the colors of thesky before hailing a cab home.

It was the evening rush. Olivia leaned against the car window and closed her eyes to rest. The cab wasplaying the local news on the radio. A headline about someone jumping off the roof of a psychiatrichospital caught her attention.

Olivia opened her eyes and asked the driver to turn up the volume. It was the psychiatric hospital shewent to earlier.

She did a quick search on her phone and saw that the deceased patient was Belle, whom she justvisited. She killed herself. She was wearing a hospital gown in the picture. Her face had a strangesmile.

Olivia immediately felt a chill run up her back when she saw the picture. Her hair stood on end.

The driver hurriedly asked, “Miss, what’s wrong? You look like you saw a ghost.”

“N–Nothing. It’s a shame what happened to that girl.”

“She’s sick in the head. Happens all the time. My cousin’s kid has depression and tried killing himself afew times. Leaving this earth seems like the only way they’ll be free.”

Olivia was reluctant to agree with him. The woman who was tied to her bed and tranquilized plaguedher mind. She was so young.

She felt depressed the entire way home. Ethan was not back yet. She slumped on the sofa letting thephysical and mental exhaustion wash over her.novelbin

The image of Belle jumping was all she could think about. Olivia thought about how similar her endingwould be after she died. She had no family. Would Ethan be devastated? Or would he finally be free ofher?

Olivia turned her phone on and planned her trip to Mohe Town. She needed to cherish every day shehad from now on.

Ethan came home very late that night. When she saw him, she quickly went to him with her notebook.She had spent the whole night organizing the information. “When are you free to go to Mohe? I’velooked through hotels and plane tickets. We can go…”

The notebook in her hands was struck to the ground fiercely before she could finish. She finally noticedthe anger on Ethan’s face. His eyes were dead cold.

The smile on Olivia’s face froze. She cautiously asked, “What’s the matter?”

Ethan’s tall figure stormily inched closer. He was more demon than man. Olivia was terrified by hisglare.

“Were you at Leia’s grave?”

Olivia nodded. “Yes. I went to visit Leia’s grave when I visited Grandma a while back. I know you hatemy father, but I think I have the right to visit her at the very least.”

“Visit?” Ethan snorted coldly, then he threw a bunch of photos at Olivia. The grave under the plum treehad been shattered into pieces. The whole place was a mess.

Olivia was stunned. “What happened?”

Ethan received her shocked eyes with a cold glare. “Don’t pretend, Olivia! you always wanted things togo your way, but you were kind. I’ve been gracious to you many times, but I never expected you to becruel! Leia never enjoyed a day of her life on Earth, and this is how she is being treated after herdeath.”

Olivia only came to her senses after a while. Her face was filled with disbelief. “You think I did that?”

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