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Chapter 2329

In the Fu Mansion, Fu Mei was in front of the dressing table, admiring her beauty again and again in front of the mirror. She had begged for suchexcellent makeup yesterday.

Of course, she wanted to charm Samuel.

At this time, the black shadow that came back from the inn jumped in from outside the window. "Greetings, master.”"How is it?" Fu Mei stretched out her jade-like fingers and couldn't help admiring it.

"As expected, there is indeed a woman in the inn where Samuel has been in and out these days,” the person said.

Fu Mei's eyes suddenly turned cold, but there was a disdainful smile on her face. "I've said a long time ago that there is no cat in the Eight DirectionWorld that doesn't love romance. Samuel, let's see how you can escape from me this time."

"Master is a natural beauty, so Samuel is naturally your palm ant. How can he escape?” The one who came flattered"Of course he won't be able to escape. Right, how are the Patriarch's arrangements?" Fu Mei asked

"Everything has been arranged. The Patriarch even asked you to hurry up..."

"Why are you in such a hurry? You can only catch a big fish with a long line. Go ahead.” Fu Mei sneered.

At this time, Samuel, who had just opened the door, returned to the Fu family, was full of smiles.


Seeing Samuel coming back, a small figure suddenly stood up excitedly and threw herself into Samuel's arms."Good girl, Nian'er."” Samuel smiled kindly and reached out to touch his head gently.

Yvonne stood up and handed a cup of hot tea to Samuel. She smiled gently and said, "Nian'er has been waiting for you here for a long time since shewoke up."

"What's wrong with Fu Mu? I didn't expect that he would allow you to bring Nian'er to see me." Samuel smiled.Speaking of this, Yvonne's smile froze on her face. "Samuel, are you going to participate in the Martial Arts Contest on behalf of the Fu family?"

Samuel nodded. "That's right. Whether I represent the Fu family or not, as long as I have the Pangu Axe in my hand, I can't avoid this fierce battle inthe end. But there is a benefit for me if I represent the Fu family. At least I can get some trust and help from the Fu family. Nian'er and your safety canbe guaranteed. Secondly, at the Martial Arts Contest, the Medical King Wang Huanzhi may show up. Finding him is the only way to save Nian'er. If heis willing to help, maybe Nian'er's poison can be cured. At that time, the Fu family will not have the capital to threaten us."

"But I heard that all the sects and families in the Eight Direction World would sent their elites to fight in this contest. Can you handle it?" Yvonne askedworriedly.

The countless small sects, together with the 32 cities in the Eight Direction World, were enough for Samuel, let alone the stronger families in the EightDirection World.

Especially on the top of the Blue Mountain and the Everlasting Sea.There were countless elites under the command of these two big families in the Eight Direction World.Samuel smiled and said, "Is there anything that can’t be solved by your husband?"

Samuel's words made sense. From Earth to Xuanyuan World, and even to the Eight Direction World, Samuel finally solved all the major problems infront of him. Yvonne naturally trusted Samuel.

But this time, it was completely different!

"But..." Yvonne said.

Samuel smiled, and Yvonne sighed. "Well, I know that no one can change your decision. Take it."After that, Yvonne handed a cyan wooden token to Samuel.

"What is this?" Samuel asks doubtfully.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

"Fu Li asked me to give it to you.There are many dangers during thecontest. Altheugh Fu Mang'sposition ag the patriarch was takeraway by&u Tian, he has alwayssecretly wanted to make a NYcomeback. Therefore, there isagratip of small forces that belong toHith outside. Usually, Fu will takecare of them. If you take this token,it may be able to help you at thattime," Yvonne said. Content belongsto NovelDrama.Org

Samuel didn't-care about this tokenat all. People'§'hearts WEEcomplicated: Fu Mang had been outof powetor many years. How manypeopleJn Jianghu would suppart’him2-0r, what ability could theperson who would supporthimHave? Content belongs tg:NovelDrama.Org

"Help me? In my opinion, this is obviously a hot potato.” Samuel smiled bitterly.

Seeing that Yvonne didn't understand, Samuel explained, "We have to repay the favor. What we need is to help him regain the power in the future.Ctherwise, will he kindly give us this token?"

"What should we do? Give it back to him?" Yvonne asked.

As soon as Samuel spoke, Yvonne understood what he meant.

"No, since it was given to me by my wife, of course I should accept it. Besides, I really need somecne to help me,” Samuel said

Fu Mang had a saying that Samuel approved very much that if he wanted to protect the person he loved, he had to become strong enough.Therefore, Samuel needed someone.

Samuel smiled and put the token in his arms.

When Yvonne saw that he hadaccepted it, she heaved a long sighof relief. Heteyes were full of Nseriousness as she looked at CSamuel."Samuel, be careful. Nian'erand Rll always wait for you to’come back. If you dare to die”aufside, please wait a little-longerdownstairs. I will bring Nian'er toyou." Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

"Do you know? I hate being threatened by others the most, so their threats will anly make me angrier. But you are the first to succeed. I surrender.Don't worry, I will definitely come back," Samuel said with a smile.

"Shall we take Nian'er out to play?" Yvonne said with a smile.

Samuel nodded and hugged Nian'er in his arms. He said gently, " Nian'er, what do you want to play?"

"Mn..." Nian'er pouted and pondered for a long time. Suddenly, she looked at the colorful birds in the sky and pointed with her little hand. She giggled"Dad! They are beautiful!"

"Nian'er, Mom told you that it's very dangerous outside, so we can only play in the yard." Yvonne reminded her in time.Hearing this, Nian'er lowered her head slightly, feeling a little disappointed.

Samuel's heart tightened and he forced a smile. "But I can promise you that ene day, I will take you around the Eight Direction World and catch allkinds of beautiful birds, okay?"

"Really? Dad?" Nian'er looked eagerly at Samuel."Dad won't lie to Nian'er,” Samuel said firmly.Nian'er stretched out her adorable thumb and raised it in front of Samuel. "Dad, hook up!"

Samuel smiled, stretched out her little thumb, gently hooked Nian'er's little thumb, and gently pressed it on her small thumb

The blood snow spread for seven days.That morning, the Fu family's alarm suddenly rang.

After hearing the bell, the members of the Fu family ran to the main hall in a panic. Samuel gently opened the door and locked at everyone. Theywere all in a hurry.

He immediately smiled gently.

What should come finally came.

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