No.1 Supreme Warrior by Moneto

Chapter 351 – 400
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Chapter 351 – 400

Chapter 351 “No way. Young Master Wilson is a grown man, and a man must always keep his word, no?” jackiespoke without sparing the other man’s shame, grinning.

“That’s right. Unless you admit that you’re not a man but a eunuch or a woman, we won’t let this slide!”The satisfied Tanya also chimed in, her arms folded across her chest when she heard their defiance.

“Young Master Wilson, you only made the bet with jackie because you thought that he was new at this,and therefore not well-versed with gambling rocks. Aren’t you ashamed now that you’ve lost to a rookie?Furthermore, you refuse to acknowledge your debt now that you’ve lost. It wouldn’t be very nice if wordgot out, right? Why are you such a sore loser?” This time, it was Yvonne who stepped forward andsneered at Wilson.

The bodyguards dared not make a single noise anymore. The Drake family was one of the most eminentaristocratic families; they were in no position to threaten or bully Tanya Drake. It was almost like signingtheir death certificates.

“Who said that I was a sore loser?” Young Master Wilson clenched his teeth. “I admit defeat!” hedeclared.

Shock rippled through the crowd. They never expected Young Master Wilson to give in so easily.However, it was still the natural course of action. The people who stood before him were not any ordinaryfolk, but were of the Drake family. He could not afford to stand against them.

Their bodyguard, on the other hand, was extremely bold to stand up and confront Young Master Wilson.Did the young man not fear that the young master would hold a grudge against him?

No one expected Young Master Wilson to smile. “Still, I’ve had some knee pain due to rheumatism thesetwo days,” he said. “How about I get my bodyguard to do it for me?”

“No.” jackie did not even bother to give it a second thought. “Don’t tell me that you’re going to send yourbodyguard as your substitute when you get married?” he teased, a grin on his face as he did.

“You…” Young Master Wilson was so furious that all the color was drained from his face. He hated jackieso much that he wanted to tell his own bodyguards to beat him until he turned black and blue.

It was only jackie’s luck that Tanya and Yvonne were next to him; he had no choice but to stay his hand.“You really got some nerve, punk,” he said. “You dare not spare my reputation?”

“You lose, you pay up—that’s the only logic I follow. Am I wrong? Let’s say that I’m the one who losttoday and I told you that I was joking, I don’t think that you’d let me off the hook!” jackie was notintimidated in the slightest as he held the young master’s glare. He had a fiery aura not many possessedin them.

Yvonne was also stunned by the sight. This man had so much masculinity in him. Any other bodyguardfrom the Drake family would have submitted a long time ago. After all, as a mere bodyguard, one wouldalways worry that others would slowly begin to take revenge on them. jackie refused to budge, andYvonne and Tanya stood beside him. Young Master Wilson was backed into a corner.

He quickly formulated an escape plan. “What about this? I’ll give you 2 million dollars, and we’ll forgetthat this ever happened,” he offered.

“2 million?” jackie was stunned. “Young Master Wilson, aren’t you undervaluing yourself? I never knewthat your reputation was worth so little!”

The corners of Young Master Wilson’s mouth twitched. This little punk was seriously overstepping hisboundaries.

He thought about it again before he spoke again, “How about this then? The gem that I found is worth atleast 7 or 8 million dollars. How about I give it to you?”

At this, Tanya and Yvonne could not help but look at jackie. If he let Young Master Wilson get away thistime, then not only would he not earn a target on his back, but he would get 7 or 8 million dollars. It wasa hefty sum of money.

They assumed that jackie would agree to this deal. Any other person would have snapped it up a longtime ago.

“7 or 8 million is nothing to me. Give me a billion, and then we’ll talk!”

Chapter 352 “1 billion!”

Many from the crowd inhaled sharply when they heard this. This bodyguard was just pushing it at thispoint. Was he aware of how much money 1 billion was? He had guts to be asking for 1 billion!

Furthermore, Young Master Wilson had kindly offered the gemstone he had just bought, valued ataround 7 or 8 million dollars; that was a pretty good deal on its own. How much could a mere bodyguardearn anyway? He spoke as though he had plenty of money.

“1 billion? Aren’t you just being obnoxious? Why don’t you go and steal it yourself?” Young MasterWilson stared at him as though he was a madman, a contemptuous smile slowly forming on his lips. “Oh,I know why you need so much money now,” he said. “You’ve been thinking about it till it drove you nuts,didn’t you? Your dearest Grandfather Taylor’s 70th birthday is fast approaching, and you’ll be chased outof the Taylors if you can’t fork out the 40 million you promised. Also, you’d have to break up with SelenaTaylor, right?”

“No way. This guy is Selena Taylor’s husband?”

“Mmhmm. I heard that he’s a military vet—a war hero. I think he was the one who saved the day duringthe incident at the zoo!”

Murmurs began to circulate among the crowd.

“This guy is the definition of a true man, and he’s not too bad of a person either. He risked his life at thefrontlines so that we can live peaceful lives. My son, on the other hand, never made it back…”Lamenting, an old man from the crowd sighed as he recalled his son who had perished at the frontlines.

jackie glanced toward the old man before looking at the gemstone right before Young Master Wilson.“Fine. I’ll let you have a bit of dignity today.” jackie took the gemstone from him. “I’ll take the gemstone sothat you don’t have to kneel down and bark like a dog.”

“As if you’d dare do something like that!” Young Master Wilson’’s bodyguard immediately snarled, full ofbravado.

Yvonne wanted so badly to see Young Master Wilson bark like a dog and thought that jackie would befirm in the idea, but she never expected that he would be convinced so easily. Needless to say, she wasunsatisfied with the outcome.

She then looked at the icy lavender jadeite. “ jackie, you said that you’d give this to me after you’ve cut itopen,” she told him. “You sure you won’t regret it?”

The crowd became hyperattentive when they heard this. This gem was worth around 20 to 30 million.Was jackie really going to give it to her? Of course, it would make jackie less trustworthy should hechoose to eat his words, but most would understand him. Many of them would choose to do so, too. Itwas a matter of 20 to 30 million dollars, after all!

Yvonne merely wanted to see his response; she had no intention of claiming it as her own property. Afterall, she had only forked out 300 thousand, yet this gem was worth over a hundred times more than that.More importantly, she had advised jackie to not choose this rock. How could she have a say in anythingnow?

“I will never go back on my word,” he replied unhesitatingly, and it was an unexpected reply. “Anyonewho knows me knows that I’m a man of my word.”

After he said that, he walked toward the old man. “Your son died on the battlefield?”

The old man nodded his head, a bitter smile on his face. “That’s right. I have a son and a daughter. Myson had enlisted himself in the army, but who would’ve known that I’d never see him again. Now, it’s justme and my daughter, living our lives.” He released a tired sigh; red began to rim his eyes. “Still, my sonwas a hero because he died on the battlefield. How can we live in such peace without their sacrifices? Ibelieve that those of you who were in the military would understand this!”

Unexpectedly, jackie thrust the gemstone toward the old man. “I can’t do much for you, but this gem isworth a few million. Take this as my offering of thanks.”

“What?” The crowd was stunned when they saw this, and hearts were touched at that moment. What agift to give, from a former soldier to a martyr’s family.

“Young man, this…this is too precious. I can’t accept this!”

Chapter 353 The old man’s eyes reddened even further; warmth began to tingle in his chest.

“You have to accept this. This is a token of my appreciation—and it contains the hearts of all the soldiersof our country,” jackie insisted, earnest and solemn in his persuasion.

“A—Alright. Thank you very, very much!” The old man’s eyes turned glassy. He slowly took the gemstonefrom jackie’s hands.

“It contains the hearts of all the soldiers in our country? Hmph. You think too highly of yourself now. Evena general wouldn’t spew such flowery nonsense!” Michael, who stood by the side, smiled a cruel smilewhen he heard this. “Talking as though you were a god of war!” he scoffed to himself.

“Thank…thank you!” The old man wanted to get onto his knees, but jackie stopped him.

The old man quickly went to a nearby store to exchange the jadeite for money. So long as it was sold fora slightly cheaper price, plenty of brokers were willing to buy such gemstones.

“How generous of you, giving something worth 7 to 8 million away just like that. Why didn’t you keep it foryourself? If you gave it to Grandfather Taylor, the Taylors wouldn’t trouble you so much since its value isalmost 10 million. Well, almost… But it’s better than not being able to fork out anything when his birthdaycomes along!” Michael smirked as he came face-to-face with jackie.

“You don’t have to sweat yourself over this matter. Nonetheless, I’m letting you off with a warning: Don’teven think about having my woman. You might regret everything otherwise—and it’d be too late then.”jackie stared at the other man. He did not even see Michael as a menace.

“Interesting. Are you threatening me?” Young Master Wilson burst into laughter. “That’s right—she’s yourwoman now. But if you can’t bring out the promised 40 million during the old man’s 70th birthday, you’llbe kicked out of the Taylor family.” Michael clicked his tongue. “You’ll be forced to divorce her, and ifshe’s divorced, then isn’t she free to do as she pleases? She won’t be your woman then.”

“Just wait and see!” jackie could not be bothered with the other man. He turned toward Tanya. “MissTanya, should we continue shopping or go back now?” he spoke, falling back into his bodyguard posture.

“Let’s go back. We can’t lug such a big gemstone around with us. Besides, someone is really eager to goback and properly inspect the stone at home!” Tanya smiled and glanced at Yvonne. Yvonne adoredgambling rocks, and she loved jadeite even more.

“Let’s go back. jackie, carry this back to the car. It’s way too heavy for me!” Yvonne cast jackie a brilliantsmile. This man had given her such a valuable item. She no longer cared about yesterday’s incident.

jackie easily hefted the gemstone, and the three walked towards the car.

It was only then when Yvonne looked as though something just came to mind when they were halfway tothe car. “ jackie, are you really going to give such a precious object to me?” she said, expressionunreadable. “Don’t tell me that you like me and want to be on my good side? I told you that I’m not theleast bit interested in a married man such as yourself. Don’t get any ideas!”

Chapter 354 jackie felt slightly bashful. Yvonne was under the impression that she was every man’s object of desire.Now that he thought about it, his actions were rather questionable. Would anybody else just give awaysomething worth 20 to 30 million? Furthermore, Yvonne was good-looking, and she had a nice figure. Hehad accidentally caught sight of that figure yesterday too, so she probably suspected he had someunsavory intentions towards her and wanted to get on her good side by giving her such a present. It wascertainly a plausible theory.

jackie gave a wry smile. “Don’t worry, I’m not having any wild ideas about you,” he assured. “You paid forthis, and I already said that I’d give this to you no matter what came out while you were paying. I don’t goback on my word as a man.” He paused for a while here before continuing, “Just take it as an apology foryesterday’s accident, if you’re genuinely that uncomfortable with taking it.”

In truth, he had not really done anything wrong yesterday. In fact, she did not close the door and walkedstraight out of the bathroom as she was. Nonetheless, she was a woman. jackie still felt slightlyapologetic for that.

Yvonne’s cheeks immediately flamed when she heard his words. She did not know why the incident fromyesterday suddenly crossed her mind. In addition, she felt like she was naked when jackie looked at herat this moment. It embarrassed her to no end.

She rolled her eyes at him. “What do you mean you don’t have any ideas about me? Am I that ugly?”

jackie quickly cleared his throat and decided to be blunt. “You are good-looking, but I have a wife, and Ithink she’s more beautiful than you are. I certainly won’t have any wild ideas!”

“You…” Yvonne was so angry that she stamped her foot. What did he mean, saying that she was good-looking yet was less beautiful than his wife? He really had a foot in his mouth. Could he not even attemptto sweet-talk a girl? Besides, she was far younger than Selena, and she had a voluptuous body. Howcould that woman ever compare to her?

“Hold on. Why is your face turning red, Yvonne? What did jackie do to you yesterday?” Tanya was quickto notice something, and she asked as soon as she detected something off.

“Oh, it’s nothing!” Yvonne suddenly panicked. She did not know to speak of something like this.

She often wore sexy clothing, and even her skirts were too revealing sometimes, yet she was aconservative girl in personality. She had never been in a relationship and had never even held a boy’shand before.

“But I think there’s something going on between you too!” Tanya stared at them, suspicious.

Of course, jackie and Yvonne’s lips were sealed. She could not do anything but give up. Soon enough,they arrived back at the Drake family’s residence. In a car parked on the opposite side of the street, Lucaand the other bodyguards noticed jackie had returned.

“He’s back. Brother Luca, it’s pretty late now. That punk will probably get off from work soon. Ouropportunity comes the moment he leaves work!” a bodyguard spoke.

“That’s right. We must catch this b*stard!” Luca nodded his head. “Our young miss wouldn’t be in such adire state now if he hadn’t fed her crotons!”

They never thought that after a short while, they would see jackie driving a car out all by himself.

“That b*stard actually drives a Porsche. It’s pretty early for him to leave work. It’s only 4:30 now, and he’salready out!” Seeing this, Luca immediately set the plan into motion. “Come on, let’s follow him,” hespoke. “We’ll think about catching him later once we stop his car.”

In an instance, the George family’s bodyguards—numbering over 10—went down at the same time,walking toward jackie.

Chapter 355 “I’m barred at the gates the moment I come out. Seems like you’ve waited for me for a long time!”jackie’s lips twisted into a mirthless smile as he got down from the car.

“Ahem. I hope you don’t mind, but you’re coming along with us today.” Luca chuckled, cutting straight tothe chase.

“Really? Where to?” jackie asked.

“The George family’s residence. You fed our young miss crotons, so you have no choice but to comealong with us. Not a single one of your family members will be spared if anything happens to the youngmiss!” Luca looked at jackie. He knew the punk was probably a skilled fighter; jackie would not havebeen recruited as a bodyguard for the Drake family otherwise.

However, they had numbers on their side, and they were the guards of the George family, thus they didnot tremble before jackie.

“That’s a normal response,” came jackie’s reply, but his forehead creased soon after. “What do youmean? You’ve already taken my family?”

“Hmph. What do you think, punk?” One of the bodyguards chuckled. “We’re just missing you and yourwife, but never mind your wife. She’s a manager in the Drake family’s company, after all. You’re moreimportant!”

“You dare to take my family? How bold of you.” jackie’s expression darkened. A sudden chill swept overthe area.

“Look, we don’t want to raise a hand against them either, punk. Just come along with us quietly.” Thebodyguard thought that they were in complete control of the situation and grinned at jackie. It was clearhe did not think anything of the other man.

“It’s in your best interest that my family be left unharmed. It won’t just be you who’ll accompany them tothe grave otherwise—and even after I’m done with all the Georges, the bodies still won’t be enough!”jackie’s features hardened; his fingers curled into fists.

“Hmph. We talked nicely to you. You think you’re some sort of big shot now?”

“Seems like you’ll seriously look down on us bodyguards of the Georges if we don’t teach you a lesson.”

“Of course, the Drakes are more powerful than the Georges in terms of financial and material wealth, butno one said that the Georges’ bodyguards can’t rival the Drakes’ bodyguards!”

Two or three men circled jackie, prepared to pummel him. Alas, they had no chance to strike first whenjackie lashed out. His fists flew, and in a flash, the three bodyguards were on the floor, spitting blood.

“Vermin like you don’t even deserve to put yourself on the same pedestal as me.” jackie icily glared atthe men writhing on the floor and moaning in pain. He bore the indisputable aura of someone high abovethem.

Luca was completely stunned in his spot. jackie moved too fast; he did not manage to get a good lookand his subordinates were already on the floor. Someone like this was way too terrifying. In a moment,all his confidence from earlier deserted him.

“I’ll go to George family’s residence, but you’re not going to hold me down!” jackie waved at Luca and theother bodyguards.

At this moment, Luca’s phone rang.

He quickly picked up the call. “Luca, have you and your guards done anything yet?” came Mr. George’svoice from the other end of the line. “ jackie is a miracle doctor. Our daughter is completely fine now, andshe’s in good spirits. Plus, she genuinely lost 15 kilos. You have to invite jackie and his wife over nicely.They’re our esteemed guests!” he spoke.

“Oh, that’s right,” the patriarch added. “Our butler has already booked a hotel—the six-star DynastyHotel!”

The corners of Luca’s mouth began to twitch furiously when he heard all of this. Why could he not havecalled one or two minutes earlier? Now, jackie did not seem too happy.

Chapter 356 “Brother Luca, what do we do? Seems like the b*stard is super strong!” One of the George family’sbodyguards asked Luca right after he hung up. It was obvious that what jackie did just then had sparkedfear in them.

Luca exhaled a heavy sigh and approached jackie. He bowed ever so slightly. “My apologies, MiracleDoctor White. It’s all a misunderstanding,” he apologized. “Our master just called us and said that theyoung miss is doing very well. In fact, she lost a total of 15 kilos today. He specially said that he’d betreating you and your family to dinner. We’ve already booked the hotel.”

The remaining bodyguards also started to bow when they heard this. “We apologize, Miracle DoctorWhite!” they cried toward jackie.

jackie was stunned; their attitudes changed entirely in the blink of an eye. More importantly, so manypeople were watching them. Being called ‘Miracle Doctor White’ attracted a little too much attention thanwhat he would like.

He could do nothing but smile. “It’s fine so long as my family isn’t hurt. Don’t call me a miracle doctor—I’m not one in the first place. I just saw that your young miss was a little overweight and helped her to

lose it.”

The crowd was taken aback. This man spoke of it so easily. Help her lose weight? If Sharon Georgecould lose weight that easily, the issue would not have dragged on to this day. She had seen so manydoctors, so many dieticians. Every single one decided that her obesity was an incurable disease.

After he mulled over his thoughts, Luca asked, “Miracle Doctor White…no. Mr. White, will there be anycomplications if she loses that much weight in such a short time? Will it affect the young miss’s health?”

“Don’t worry; there won’t be any complications. Furthermore, she won’t go back to her initial weight, andher skin will be supple and healthy!” jackie spoke confidently.

“Oh. That’s great then!” Luca heaved an internal sigh of relief. “Before, we had invited so-calledprofessionals to help our young miss lose weight. Unfortunately, not only was it difficult for her to lose twoor three kilos, but she’d even gain over 10 kilos a few days after that.”

“Despite all that, you kidnapped my family. I can’t forgive you just because you’re treating us to dinner.Your master will have to apologize to my family and ask them for forgiveness!” jackie said earnestly afterhe thought about it.

“Don’t worry, don’t worry. Our master will surely apologize. We’re reasonable people,” Luca assured him.Besides, he did this because he was worried about the young miss’s health—if any complications willoccur. Only then did he temporarily kidnap your relatives. I assure you we didn’t lay a finger on them. Wejust let them rest in the Georges’ residence!”

He noticed that jackie was definitely not a run-of-the-mill bodyguard. He was too quick on his feet. Heprobably would not last more than three seconds if he had fought the man instead. Besides, so manydieticians and doctors could not cure the young miss, yet jackie had helped Sharon lose 15 kilos just likethat. If he was not a miracle doctor, what was he? This man was so skilled at both fighting and medicine.He was anything but normal.

It was then when Luca made a mental note: He would tell the master privately that jackie White couldnever be crossed once they returned. In fact, it would be best if they could establish a good relationshipwith him.

“All right, I’ll let you guys off the hook this once and go over to have dinner. I want to have a good lookand see if you’ve bullied my family.” jackie agreed after he gave it some thought.

“No way! Of course not!” Luca nearly collapsed in relief. Not one scratch was inflicted on Fiona or therest of them before he came to the Drake family’s residence. He hoped that the master and the rest ofthe guards did not raise a finger against them during his absence.

jackie was just a bodyguard, but with his level of skill in his fists, the Georges would incur a bitter victoryif they fought… That was assuming they could win.

Chapter 357 Carefully planning, Luca then commanded the other two bodyguards, “You two! Go pick up Miss Selenafrom her company. You must be respectful and treat her well, do you understand?”

At this moment, jackie thought of his precious daughter. “Oh, right. You didn’t take away my daughter,Kylie, right?” he spoke. “If she’s terrified because of you, you’d land yourself in serious trouble.”

After all, Kylie was only a little over four years old; he did not want her to be frightened and traumatizedat such an innocent age.

“Well, when we went to your house, we didn’t see any little girl, so we didn’t…” Luca wiped the coldsweat on his forehead once more. Thankfully, they did not take the daughter away as she went to school.Otherwise, this unassailable yet mysterious man before him would be infuriated.

Although the George family was puissant, it was certainly not a good idea to give jackie the hump.

“Alright, I’ll pick up my daughter first before going to the George family’s residence,” jackie decidedbefore going back into his car.

Without further ado, Luca quickly commanded his subordinates to make way for jackie. “Hurry up andmove the car. Make way for Mr. White!”

Meanwhile, in the George family’s residence, Sharon no longer had an upset stomach, and she did notwant to visit the toilet again. It seemed that the efficacy of the pill had completely worn off, and Sharonwas lively once more. The greatest outcome from everything that had happened was that Sharon hadlost more than 15 kilograms, and she weighed only around 90 kilograms at this moment. If they had notseen it for themselves, Mr. and Mrs. George would hardly believe it.

The girl before them turned into an alluring and comely young lady. This was their daughter!

The clothes on Sharon were obviously bigger and looser now as she drastically lost so much weight. Shetook a shower and found herself some old skirt that she used to wear when she was slimmer back thento change into.

“Wow. Now that Miss Sharon has lost so much weight, her features are delicate and sharp. She looksvery charming. If this continues tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, Miss Sharon would be stunninglybeautiful!” Fiona’s praises for Sharon gushed right out of her mouth as she looked at her. Internally,however, she sighed in relief.

The head of George, on the other hand, felt apologetic toward Fiona and the others. “I’m truly sorry,everyone. I especially didn’t expect that jackie, a veteran, could be so skilled in the medical area.” Hepaused and then continued, “I hope you can forgive me for what I did today.”

“Oh, it’s all forgiven. You’ve already invited us to a six-star hotel for a luxurious dinner. How can we be sounforgiving?” Xena responded with a smile. This was the George family, a first-class aristocrat family!She would be set for life if she could get connected with a member or two of the family.

“Dinner is a must.” Master George relented with a bitter smile. He then spoke again in a worried tone,“I’m concerned about jackie; that he’ll be unhappy about it. After all, he didn’t ask for a penny from mydaughter, and yet he gave her such a magical pill to help my daughter lose weight.”

“It’s nothing at all. Don’t be preoccupied. He listens to me, and he wouldn’t be angry if I asked him not to.Besides, is there any parent on this earth who doesn’t care about their children? Mr. and Mrs. Georgeare only afraid of bad things happening to Miss Sharon.” The smile on Fiona’s face was only a facade;she was deathly afraid initially.

“Hmmm. We’ll be going out to dinner in a while, and it might not be convenient for you to travel here andthere, given that you don’t have a car. We have lots of cars in our garage, and some of them are juststaying in the garage for nothing. How about you pick two of them?” Master George placated aftermulling over his thoughts.

“These two cars represent my sincere apologies. What do you think?”

“Um… Uh. Mr. George, you’re too polite and benevolent to us! It happened that my son and his girlfriend,Xena, both have driving licenses but don’t have a car! Thank you so much!“ Fiona gushed withexcitement, her eyes brightened in an instant.

Chapter 358 In a blink of an eye, Fiona and the others standing before one of the George family’s garages.

When the heavy metal door was lifted, they found themselves face-to-face with opulent and sumptuousbranded cars: Bentley, Porsche, Ferrari, and even Rolls-Royce. Besides, some of them were rare and oflimited edition. Each of them bore an imperial and illustrious aura like a prideful ruler.

“Ma, can… Can I pick one as well? Is it mine after I pick it?” Xena was a little agitated; she neveranticipated that her blessings would come so soon. She suddenly found herself touched with herdecision of dating Ben. Him as a back-up was indeed her best decision ever.

Nevertheless, Fiona countered, “How could you think like that? A moment ago, you were saying you’rejust Ben’s girlfriend, and not a Taylor yet. For the time being, this car doesn’t belong to you, but you candrive it since you’re Ben’s girlfriend.”

“ jackie and sister Selena both have their own cars. Only Ben and I have driving licenses without cars.Ma, can’t you just give it to me?”

The bitter feeling of remorse hung over her head at that moment. After all, she was desperately cuttingties with the Taylors to save herself a while ago. How would she even know jackie could truly helpSharon lose weight? She bet Fiona would not want to give her the car anymore because of whathappened.

As expected, Fiona flashed a small smile and said, “You can use the car, but the car is mine, and theother one belongs to Ben. You can drive my car now for the time being as I wait for the moment I’d getmy driving license, and I’ll use it then. By that time, you could use Ben’s. It’s more than enough for you toshare one with him.”

Xena swallowed down her tears of bitter disappointment. She could only smile bitterly at this moment.“Alright then. We’re a family anyway, so it doesn’t matter who owns the cars.”

“It’s good that you understand it.” Fiona chuckled. “Pick a car.”

“Master George, can we pick this…this Rolls-Royce?” Ben had been staring at a raven black Rolls-Royce for the longest time, and he felt giddy.

“Absolutely!” Master George smiled. “This is my apologies for inviting you to my place forcibly. As long asyou’re willing to forgive me for my rudeness and don’t speak ill of me in front of jackie. You can pickwhichever you desire!”

“Wonderful! Master George, you truly deserve to be patriarch of the George family. How generous, howbenevolent!” Ben could barely conceal his soaring excitement. He immediately pointed at one car. “Thisis it! I pick this!”

“For the other one, we’ll pick Rolls-Royce as well!” Xena exclaimed, an obvious tremble in her voice. Ifshe got to drive a Rolls-Royce, it would immediately increase her social status. Just the thought of it sentshivers of excitement throughout her being.

Master George guffawed. “Not a problem! Let me get you the keys right now.” He soon got the keys toboth cars and handed them over.

“This is amazing. We can now drive such good cars, too! This is fancier and much more expensive thanyour sister and brother-in-law’s car!” Xena gushed uncontrollably.

“Master George, don’t you worry. My son-in-law is nothing but skillful in treating people. He treated myhusband’s leg, and he’s now fully recovered!” Fiona chuckled while praising jackie in front of MasterGeorge.

Fiona’s words shocked the George family. A short while ago, when they threatened to kill Fiona and theothers, Fiona tried her very best to shove all the blames and responsibilities onto jackie. Not only did shenot acknowledge jackie as her son-in-law, but she insisted jackie was an outsider.

Now that Fiona saw opportunities and benefits, she changed her attitude, calling jackie her dear son-in-law unabashedly.

Chapter 359 “Really? I’d like to meet this son-in-law of yours then!” Master George flashed a small smile before hecontinued, “Both of you, drive the cars out of the garage and park them at the main gate. You can driveto the Dynasty Hotel for dinner in a while.”

“Alright, we’ll do that!” Ben and Xena—whose every cell in their body was screaming excitedly not longago—could not wait any longer to test out the cars. They drove the cars and parked them at the maingate.

After a short while, Luca returned to the George family’s residence with a few wounded men. Upon theirreturn, Luca made his injured men get medical treatment before presenting himself before MasterGeorge.

Luca called Master George to come aside and whispered to him, “Sir, you didn’t harm Fiona and theothers after we left the residence, did you? jackie has threatened us, saying that if we touched a singlestrand of hair of his family, he won’t go easy on us!”

“Hmph. This young man is rather adamant and braze. How dare he not put the George family in hiseyes!” After hearing what Luca had reported, Master George began to sneer.

“If it’s not because he managed to treat my daughter’s strange obesity, I’ll make him know that no onecan cross the George family!” Master George subsequently scoffed. “Us being a first-class aristocraticfamily isn’t a joke!”

How dare this punk threaten the George family. Was he not a little too bold? Was the George family thateasy to be threatened?

However, the last thing he expected was Luca, the head bodyguard, tried to persuade him, “Sir, jackieWhite is no ordinary man. He can heal young miss’s condition, which shows that he possessed goodmedical skills. Moreover, his combat ability is superior that no bodyguards hired by the Drake family cancompare to him!”

“What do you mean? Is he that strong?” Master George’s feature turned solemn in an instant afterhearing Luca’s exaggerated claims on jackie.

“Yes, Sir! He’s so strong that even three or four of our men wouldn’t be able to defeat him. It’ll only takehim a second to knock them down and not a single chance for them to counterattack. Frankly speaking,even I can’t do it at such a speed, Sir. I believe he’s stronger than I am!” Luca’s face hardened as hespoke. There were not many people who acquired better combat skill than he did in this Eastfield.

“What a strong man! It looks like the Drakes have recruited another skilled bodyguard!” After hearing it,Master George quickly thought of something that made his heart skip a beat. “Wait, what? Did you saythat you and your men have already fought jackie?” Master George questioned. “I’m afraid that he’ll bevery upset since you’ve done it. After all, to Sharon, jackie is her savior that helped her lose weight andto start anew. It was a really bad move for us to go against jackie!”

“Sir, the main reason is that your phone call came a little too late. If you’ve called one minute later, I’d belying on the ground as well!” Luca showed a bitter smile and continued, “Nonetheless, jackie White isn’tan unforgiving person. He has the domineering and generous aura that a soldier should have. I cancompletely concur with this. He said as long as we didn’t do anything to harm his family, apologize to hisfamily, and they’re willing to forgive us, then it’s fine for him. Otherwise…” Luca paused for a second andthen carried on, with a worried tone. “Otherwise, he’ll dig our graves.”

“What?” The uneasiness washed over Master George; he stood frozen upon hearing it. “Isn’t this punkbeing too arrogant? How strong is he that he could say such words!” Master George was renderedspeechless for a good while before his lips could eventually part again. He thanked his lucky stars thathe did not harm Fiona and the others; he even made an effort to apologize for it! At the same time, hedoubted jackie’s ability to defeat the George family on his own.

Chapter 360 At the same time the conversation between Master George and Luca ended, Selena arrived at George’smansion in her car. She parked the car in the yard and got out of the car right after.

Selena still had her professional attire since she had just gotten off of work. Her aura made her lookcapable and responsible.

“Is this jackie’s wife? jackie is lucky to have her as his wife! Can you see how outstanding she is?”

Some from the George family exclaimed when Selena came into view.

“Pa, Ma, are you alright?” Selena came to Fiona and Andrew and took a good look at them. She thenasked, “What happened? Why did the George family invite us to dinner out of a sudden?”

“Hey, it’s okay. Nothing happened!”

Fiona answered with a smile. “Didn’t jackie help Miss Sharon to lose weight? Now that Miss Sharon hassuccessfully lost around 15 kilograms, Master George is so delighted that he invited us to dinner! It’s hisway of expressing his gratitude to us. Not only that, but he also showed us his garage and had us picktwo of his cars as gifts!”

Fiona pulled Selena to the two Rolls-Royce as she spoke, “What do you think about these two cars,Selena? Look, these are so new. All their cars look very new; I guess they barely use them. It’s a wasteto see those cars parked in the garage and not using them. He asked us to pick, so of course we’d haveto pick the most lavish ones!”

Selena was dumbfounded at her words. These were Rolls-Royce, for God’s sake!” She smiled wryly andsighed. “Ma, you really know how to help yourself and choose whatever you like.”

“Of course! They’re all luxury cars, and they asked me to choose two of them. Why shouldn’t I? Besides,we didn’t get them by stealing or snatching. This a gift from the George family. Why shouldn’t we take it?We’re not fools.” Fiona’s face looked as though it was beaming. “Your brother and Xena will use thesecars, and after I get my driving license, I’ll be driving it!” Fiona said to Selena.

“Xena?” She immediately turned her head and looked to the other side upon hearing her mother’s words.Only then did she realize that Xena jackieson—this liar—was strolling with her brother in the garden onthe other side.

Selena’s face darkened in an instant. “Why is she here? Ma, didn’t you tell Ben what had happened thatday? Why didn’t he break up with her?”

“Selena, you know how much Ben loves Xena. Do you think it’s possible for him to ask for a breakup?Moreover, Xena already explained that it was only a misunderstanding. Both times that she planned therobberies were for her vanity. She showed off in front of her drinking-buddies and was eavesdropped bythe other party over a drinking session. In fact, she didn’t initiate the collaboration with the other party!”Fiona replied in an awkward tone.

Selena was rendered speechless for a moment. “Ma, how could you believe in what she said?” shespoke once she found her voice. “Didn’t jackie already explain that Xena was given a portion after therobberies? Her ultimate intention is the money; the Taylors’ money!”

Alas, these words made Fiona upset. She shot Selena a fiery glare and rebuked, “If she was really afterour money, why was she still with us when we’re not wealthy and have nothing at all? Hasn’t she beenloyal to your brother all the while? Besides, jackie didn’t like Xena in the first place! We can’t completelybelieve in what he had told us, can we?”

“Still, the Motorbike Robbers told us the same!” Selena was unconvinced of her mother’s opinion. Shealways felt that there was more to Xena than what she let on; that she was not a good woman.Eventually, something bad would happen if Ben continued being with her.

“That was to frame her!” Stubbornly, Fiona was still taking Xena’s side. “Just let it pass! Perhaps Xenahas some difficulties that we don’t know. We can’t completely trust jackie’s one-sided words, after all. Weweren’t there when it all went down, right? Since your brother likes her so much, let everything that

happened in the past be buried. Let’s just pretend that nothing happened. If you’re still unhappy about it,we’ll all take extra precautions in the future and observe her closely to see what kind of person she is.”

Selena could not find herself to say anything after that. Twice. They were robbed twice, yet they still letthe matter go. However, given that her mother took Xena’s side and her unbelievable younger brother’slove for Xena, Selena could only concede.

Chapter 361 jackie and Kylie soon arrived at the George family’s residence main gate. He got out of the car andglanced over his surroundings. His face sunk.

“My Miracle Doctor White! It’s so great to finally see you here!” Master George’s smile emerged in aninstant and came over to welcome jackie. He stretched out his hand to show his sincerity.

jackie placed Kylie at her feet before taking Master George’s hand. “Don’t have to call me a geniusdoctor or what-so-ever. I’m not a miracle doctor. In this world, there’s only one person that is worth beingcalled a miracle doctor. This person is Ethan Hays!” jackie bore a small smile as he spoke. “ jackie willdo,” he added.

“Alright then. jackie, your medical skills are really excellent!” Master George commented after a briefmoment of thinking. “I’ve never met a doctor like you!”

jackie noticed that there was no sign of anger on his family’s faces. “It looks like my mother-in-law isn’tupset at all,” jackie concluded.

Master George’s face flushed. He was embarrassed. “I was indeed reckless previously, and I haveapologized to them.”

“Yes, he’s right! It’s only a misunderstanding. After all, your medical skills are so good that we as yourfamily aren’t aware of it, let alone Master George!” Fiona approached jackie and interrupted their

conversation with a smile on her face. “Master George is very kind and generous! He even gifted us twoof his luxury cars! I’ve never met someone as benevolent as he is!”

jackie was speechless once more. It seemed like the two Rolls-Royce next to Fiona were compensationfrom the George family. Therefore, it was no surprise that his mother-in-law’s mood was too good to betrue.

At this point in time, Ben and Xena came over to the crowd. When Xena noticed jackie’s piercing starestoward her, she instantly remembered jackie slaughtering the Motorbike Robbers. She was so frightenedthat she lowered her head, afraid of meeting his gaze.

“Xena, what’s the matter? Feeling uneasy due to my presence here?” jackie smiled coldly. He spared herlife, but he never expected this liar would be this bold to stay by Ben’s side. This woman was a daredevil!

“Brother-in-law, what are you talking about? We’re a family. If you have anything else to say, let’s talkabout it later at home! Besides, Xena had come clean to Pa and Ma. It was just a misunderstanding!”Ben stepped forward and defended Xena once he noticed the tense atmosphere between jackie andXena.

“A misunderstanding?” jackie sneered. Were they saying that what he saw with his pair of eyes was onlya misunderstanding?

“Yeah! She was drunk and trying to show off in front of her drink-buddies that she found a rich boyfriend,and…” Ben shrugged and glanced at Master George. “My dear brother-in-law, we’re at Master George’splace. There’s a crowd here; it wouldn’t be nice to talk over this thing here.”

“Fine. I’ll give you face since you’re calling me brother-in-law today.” jackie nodded, showing a lightsmall. “But, I hope that you won’t regret your decision in the future.”

jackie knew it very well that when Ben called him brother-in-law, Ben was hoping jackie would not probefurther on the topic. Moreover, Fiona and Andrew had forgiven Xena. It would be oversensitive of him,aiming at Xena on purpose.

Chapter 362 Xena heaved in relief when she knew jackie could not do anything to her, even if he was upset.

Ben and Fiona took her side and defended her. This left jackie no choice but to give up even if he wantedto murder her. jackie was calculative, though; he did not poke her bubble of lies right then and there. Itseemed that this guy would be extremely difficult to deal with. Xena thought to herself that she had to becareful in front of him in the future. Otherwise, she would be giving the game away.

“Let’s move. It’s getting late, and we’ve already made reservations at the hotel diner,” Master Georgechortled and announced.

Right as Master George spoke, Sharon walked out of the house.

“ jackie, I just can’t thank you enough! The pill was so effective!” Sharon rushed to jackie when shespotted him.

“Oh my goodness! She…” Selena clasped a hand over her mouth as she found it hard to believe hereyes. “Miss Sharon has lost a lot of weight! You’re only around 80 to 85 kilograms now, right? You lookfitter now! If you lose another 15 kilograms tomorrow, you’ll look even better. Not only that, but judging byyour features, you’d be a very stunning lady after you lose weight!”

“Thank you for the compliment, Sis!” Sharon blushed. “If only I was half as good-looking as you after Ilost some weight.”

“You’ll look good, no doubt about it!” Selena managed to squeeze an awkward smile, even though shehad an internal battle when Sharon called her ‘Sis’. Last night when Sharon proposed to jackie, she

announced that if she ever got married to jackie, she would treat Selena like her dear sister. Of course,Selena was older than Sharon by a few years. She was not sure if she was oversensitive about thissituation.

“The result is pretty good. Today’s just the first day, and the result is most obvious and effective on itsfirst day! The outcome will be a little less effective tomorrow, weaker on the day after that, and so on.”jackie examined Sharon for a good while before adding, “However, after three days of treatment, youshould have an ordinary body type that a normal girl should be having. The extra flesh and fats on yourbody are mostly accumulated toxins. Those fats shouldn’t be in your body.”

“B—but I only left one pill now. My dad stomped the other pill.” Sharon’s brows furrowed in an instant asshe grumpily stared at her father.

Master George’s pallor was unsightly; he was embarrassed. How would he even know that theinsignificant tiny black sh*t would be a magical pill?

“Ahem! This is, in fact, my mistake. That tiny thing looks black and has a bad odor. It really looked like ablack sh*t! Furthermore, how could I possibly know that you, a veteran who just returned from themilitary, know about diet and losing weight…” Master George let out another dry cough to cover up hisawkwardness. “ jackie, you still have this pill, right? Since the whole treatment required three pills, canyou give my daughter one more?”

jackie was still slightly annoyed that the George family kidnapped Fiona and the others away. If it was notbecause they did not take Selena and Kylie away, jackie would have burst and been hostile from thestart.

Now when he saw the other man asking for the pill with a bright smile on his face, jackie sneered, “Ofcourse I have the pill. However, as I’ve told Miss Sharon before, this medicine of mine is very costly, andI gave her the first three pills as a gift! If you want another one, I won’t give it for free. You’ll have to buyit.”

“What? This man is too much! How could he ask money for one tiny pill when our Master George hasinvited them to a six-star hotel and even gave them two almost brand-new Rolls Royces!”

“I agree! He’s too much! How could he not give face to our Master George?”

Some of the Georges whispered among them, discussing and commenting over jackie’s behavior. Basedon their experience with others, jackie should be smiling and offering the pill to Master George to pleasehim, like the others! Never did they expect that this punk would ask Master George to pay for themedicine.

“ jackie, what nonsense are you talking about?” Fiona quickly interjected when she overheard the heateddiscussion among the George family. She was afraid of offending them. Why was jackie unafraid ofdispleasing them? The George family was a first-class aristocratic family, after all.

Chapter 363 Fiona stepped forward and glared at jackie. “It’s just a pill, jackie. Why did you ask formoney? Master George treated us well! He gave us two Rolls-Royces, too. What else do you want?”

“She’s right! jackie, aren’t you being too greedy and ignorant? Can’t you just give it to Master Georgesince he only needs one?” Xena snarled as she followed after Fiona.

This was the perfect opportunity and time to please the George family! Was he an idiot? How could heask for money and not consider the other party?

jackie did not budge in the slightest at their friendly reminder as though he was as deaf as a post.

He flashed an indifferent smile after a while and replied, “Those two Rolls-Royces are the compensationfrom Master George for kidnapping you guys, while the money I asked for is for the pill. Two differentthings. Besides, my medicine is expensive! If it’s not for the kind-hearted Miss Sharon, I wouldn’t sell iteven if you kneel and beg!”

This was the first time Master George met a person like jackie. Embarrassment washed over him in aninstant. Nonetheless, the George family was loaded. It would not be an issue as long as it could besolved with money.

“It should be this way,” he replied with a small smile. “ jackie is right. I should pay for the medicine!”Pausing for a moment, he then asked, “Tell me, how much is it?”

“It’s not a lot. 20 million will do. Great value for a great product.”

“20 million? Why don’t you steal or rob? It’s just a pill, and you asked for 20 million?” A woman from theGeorge family exclaimed angrily. She could not bear it anymore. This was blackmail in plain sight, not aregular business!

“ jackie…” Even Selena showed slight annoyance at jackie’s answer. 20 million was too expensive for apill. Was jackie not afraid of upsetting them?

“Honey, you have to believe me! I’m not speaking nonsense!” jackie explained, showing a bitter smile.

“It doesn’t matter. 20 million it is, then!” Master George did not show any hint of hesitation. He then calledfor his butler. “Butler, apply for a card and deposit 20 million in it. Sent it to the hotel once done. We’llmake a move to the hotel for dinner first.”

“Yes, Sir!” The butler nodded and left the compartment along with a few bodyguards.

“W—what? Master George really paid for it?” Fiona swallowed hard. She initially thought that MasterGeorge would be infuriated, but he did not. He even paid for the 20-million medicine. It was 20 million!

jackie took out a black pill and handed it to Sharon. “Miss Sharon, keep it well. Don’t let it stomped intopowder again this time!”

“Alright, don’t worry. I’ll keep it safe!” Sharon chuckled.

Not long after, they all arrived at the main door of the six-star Dynasty Hotel.

“F*ck! Isn’t that the George family? Should we go and say something nice to please them?” On the otherside, Ken Clark, who had just got off the car, whispered to Ivan Taylor who was next to him.

Ivan took a closer look, and his eyes widened into spheres as large as saucers that they almost fell out.“Am I seeing things? T—That person looks like jackie White, the veteran, and that one looks like SelenaTaylor. Huh? What? The whole family is here! And why are they with the George family?”

Chapter 364 The George family, a first-class aristocratic family in Eastfield. Even a second-classaristocratic family like the Clarks could not wait to please them! Of course, those like the Taylor familywere even more eager to make friends with them! Such an opportunity would not come easily.

Yet, there they were. Ken and Ivan saw jackie and his family walking together with the George familytoward the six-star hotel!

“This is weird. Under normal circumstances, many people would want to invite the George family over todinner so badly just to please them. These people might not even show up even if you sincerely invitedthem!”

“Hmmm. Could it be that today jackie invited them to dinner?” Ken murmured as he stared at them frombehind.

“Impossible! This is a six-star hotel, and it’s very costly to consume here. Does that punk have the moneyto spend in such a place? Moreover, it’d be a shame for the George family to dine at the regular table, sohe should at least get a private room and order fine liquor to please them, no? The cost will be at leastone or two million, don’t you think so?” Ken’s forehead creased.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up as if he had thought of something. “By the way, I heard that Selena Taylor is theprocurement manager in Drake Dynasty Real Estate which belongs to the Drake family.”

“Yes…but how is it related to the dinner?” Ivan asked.

“I heard that the George family wants to be involved in the construction material business recently.They’ve already acquired a construction material factory that was about to shut down and are preparingto spearhead a big project,” Ken explained. “Hmm… Do you think it’s possible that the George familywanted to collaborate with the Drake family in the South Hill Real Estate project?”

Ken thought for a while and carried on, “After all, this South Hill Real Estate project is a piece of juicymeat. This project could rake up a profit of 7 or 8 billion, no sweat.”

Ivan’s face distorted when he heard Ken’s words. “No, don’t say it. You’re wrong… Fck, you’re right. It’spossible!” Ivan swore. “Selena is cunning. She said she’d consider collaborating with me the last time Imet her, making me feel like there’s still hope to sign a contract, but I never expected her to be such afake btch and invite the George family to dinner so she could get a favor or two.”

Ken slapped his own forehead. “Now I remember!” he exclaimed. “Young Master Taylor, your family isdirectly involved in the construction material business, right? How did Selena not think of the Taylorfamily first? She’s one of the Taylors. Shouldn’t she take care of her own family first?”

Ivan’s feature was even more distorted than before. “Hmph! Who knows how this woman’s brain works.She behaves well and filially in front of Grandpa Taylor and would always say she’ll make the Taylorsgreater than before. Now, however, I see that’s all changed.” Ivan paused for a while before he added, “Ithink it’s all because I’m now the family’s general manager, thus helping our family would ultimately behelping me. She wants to be the heir, so if she gives this project to the Taylor family, my position as theheir would be rubber-stamped!”

“I see,” Ken nodded. “It seems like Selena isn’t as innocent and kind as we see her. Something seemsodd about her being the procurement manager with such a high salary in the Drake family’s company,and jackie being their bodyguard with an even ridiculously higher salary.”

“Son of a b*tch.” Flabbergasted, Ivan could only sigh. “Young Master Clark, you knocked some senseinto me. You made me open my eyes.”

“Huh? What do you mean?” Ken was puzzled.

Chapter 365 “That’s why Miss Tanya treats Selena and jackie all too kindly. This is the truth. I knew it!”

Ivan looked as though he could see the light at the end of the tunnel. “Think about it this way. jackie’s apunk who has only served as a soldier. Though he’s skilled, the Drake family is so wealthy. It’s so easyfor them to recruit a good bodyguard! Why do they pay him 20 million a month?”

Ivan allowed his words to sink in before he added, “Selena’s salary is quite high as well, but she’s aprocurement manager, so it’s reasonable to be this high. Only jackie’s salary makes no sense; it’s toomuch! The pay he’s getting only makes sense if it’s Selena’s. It’ll be obvious that they’re doing somethingunder the table if they pay Selena 20 million a month!”

Ken seemed to have thought of something. “Are you saying that the Drake family wanted to pay Selena20 million a month but are afraid of raising suspicion? And that’s why they pay jackie 20 million instead?”Ken hypothesized.

“Bingo!” Ivan patted Ken on his shoulder and began, “Now, I’m pretty sure that there’s something fishygoing on between either Selena and Young Master Drake or Selena and Master Drake! The 20-millionsalary only makes sense if we put it that way. What Miss Tanya said about Selena and jackie—that she’sa capable manager and he’s a skilled veteran—are all bullsh*t to me. I have a hunch that Miss Tanyaonly uses this as an excuse!” he continued.

Ken stayed astonished. “So that’s the truth! Damn! Selena is such a shameless whre, selling her souland body in order to get the life she desired! I thought the Drake family really appreciated their capabilityfor a moment! Now that after Young Master Taylor has analyzed the situation thoroughly, I finally realizedSelena is a lying btch!”

Resentment grew inside Ken like a tumor as he spoke. He was good-looking—at least better thanMichael Wilson—and filthy rich! If Selena wanted money, she could marry him. Instead, she went to findsomeone from the Drake family—perhaps the old master Drake—in secret and rejected him. When hethought of this, his edge of irritation had returned. What was bad about him? Was he worse than an oldman?


“How cunning. If the Drake family pays Selena 20 million dollars a month, everyone will suspect thatshe’s being taken care of by a sugar-daddy. But, if this 20 million is given to jackie, they’ll never focus onSelena, let alone doubt her. Of course, it might puzzle them as to why jackie’s salary is ridiculously high!”Ken clenched his fists as he trembled with rage.

“I, too, didn’t expect this dear cousin of mine will be this manipulative and crafty! Looks like I have to takeprecautions against her in the future. Otherwise, the Taylor family’s property will one day fall into herhands!” Ivan flashed a wry smile.

At this moment, another car came into the scene. Neil Hugo, Young Master of the Hugo family, got out ofthe car. “Both of you arrived so early; much earlier than me!” he spoke. “What are you two talkingabout?”

“Talking about a b*tch!” Ken’s fists were still tightly clenched, hot with anger.

“Who is it? Come, let’s discuss it together,” Neil spoke with great interest in his voice.

“Selena Taylor!” Ivan sneered. “Who else do you think it could be?”

“No way. I think she’s a pretty good woman!” Neil furrowed, unable to digest their thoughts. Selenalooked kind and gentle; why did they compare her to a b*tch?

After a short while, Ivan and Ken shared all their assumptions and analysis with Neil.

Neil, too, clenched his fist after hearing it. “Hmph! It’s true that there are no good women in this world!Most of them are gold-diggers and love money to death… Selena Taylor is no different!”

Chapter 366 “Young Master Hugo, Selena Taylor is a lot more powerful than we thought. We just saw herfamily dining at the hotel with the George family…” Ken forced a smile as he told Neil about Selenapotentially collaborating with the George family on a construction project.

Having said that, he then added, “Just think about it. If she didn’t give the George family any benefits,why would they treat them to a meal?”

Ivan glanced at the sports cars by the side, then blurted, “These people from the George family are trulygenerous. To think that they would chauffeur people around with Rolls-Royces. D*mn it. I’ve never sat ina Rolls-Royce before!”

“Nevermind. It’s not like we can prevent this now, can we?” Neil made a strained laugh before speakingto Ivan. “Young Master Taylor, you mentioned about asking us out for a drink. What is the matter?”

“let’s go. There’s a decent bar there. Let’s go drink as we discuss!” Ivan laughed out loudly, then led thetwo of them to a small bar.

After arriving at the bar, they ordered some drinks and took a seat. Only then did Ivan speak up. “To befrank, I’ve heard that you both fancy my cousin sister! Is that so?”

Neil took a sip of the drink in his hand, then laughed coldly. “That’s indeed the case, but what can we do?Selena just won’t give me any chance. Especially now that her husband is back and she loves thatdaughter of hers. it’s just too difficult to get my hands on her! Previously, I’ve even come up with a planwith Young Master Clark, but it failed!”

Young Master Clark felt dejected as he recalled how Fiona almost accepted the 100 million dollars fromhim. He then downed the drink in his hand in one gulp.

He smiled dryly, then said, “I’m the most unfortunate one. I’ve already been friends with Selena for a fewyears. If not for jackie coming back all of a sudden, I believe I’d be dating her now!”

Having said that, he then shot another look at Neil. “Back then, Young Master Hugo hadn’t even seenher. You’ve only seen her much later!”

“the reason I ask for both of you to come is to think of a solution! jackie had assaulted me previously, andSelena is a competitor in inheriting the Taylor family assets. Although she’s currently kicked out of thefamily, I can’t let my guard down! After all, my grandfather said that as long as jackie could fulfill hispromise when the time comes, then all the things in the past would be water under the bridge. Theirentire family will once again be taken back to the Taylor family!”

At this point, Ivan laughed as he told them his reason for asking them out.

“Young Master Taylor, you’ve taken the right move to look for us. After all, you’re enemies with them, andwe want to have jackie killed. Our end goal is more or less the same!” Ken laughed, then added, “Ohyeah, what did jackie promise?!”

“Oh, there were three conditions…” Ivan immediately told both of them what happened previously. “Ifjackie fails to fulfill his promise when the time comes, he has to get out of the Taylor family and divorceSelena. He would have to roll out of the house, not walk!”

Unexpectedly, Ken and Neil were making a pained smile when they heard it.

Neil stated bluntly, “ jackie is currently working for the Drake family with a monthly salary of 20 milliondollars. Although it’s only a short time before Old Master Taylor’s birthday, jackie could ask for anadvance payment of two months without an issue. Moreover, if we’re not mistaken, Selena might behaving an affair with Young Master Drake, or even James Drake. If that’s the case, wouldn’t money be asimple matter to them?”

Hearing that, Ivan’s expression immediately darkened. “If that’s the case, all the more reason for us tonot wait around!”

Chapter 367 “Young Master Taylor, do you have any ideas? We’ve tried our best but have yet toformulate a good plan. The last time we planned to have Fiona poison jackie, but we never expected herto be so cowardly despite her love for money!” Ken said after looking at Ivan.

Ivan then replied, “I think it’s unlikely to have jackie divorce Selena. They’re quite close. Meanwhile, it’svery difficult to have him killed as he’s good at fighting. I’m afraid none of your bodyguards are hismatch!” Having said that, Ivan made a faint smile before continuing, “However, I have another idea! We’llhire a hitman!”

“hitman? Some hitmen might be worse off than our family’s regular bodyguard!” Neil burst into laughterinstantly, “Young Master Taylor, here I thought you might have some ingenious plan for calling us over. Inthe end, that’s all you can come up with?”

However, Ivan smirked before replying, “Young Master Hugo, do you think that I’ll be hiring a regularhitman? I’m talking about the elites, those at the top of the list among hitmen!”

Seeing Young Master Hugo and Ken being intrigued, Ivan finally added, “Most importantly, I’ve foundsomeone to contact this hitman. It’s a woman, a seductress. It’s easiest for a man to let his guard downaround women. Moreover, if she used her charms, the chances of success would naturally be muchhigher!”

“If you put it that way, we can give it a try! If this can get jackie killed, then Selena wouldn’t choose to bea widow for life, right? Once jackie’s dead, our chance will come!” Ken’s eyes brightened as he saw aglimmer of hope.

Indeed, they could not afford to drag this on. If they did, it would be too passive. Moreover, if Selena andjackie’s feelings for each other developed over time, that would be even more troublesome. They need to

take this chance where jackie had just come back. Five years of separation meant that their feelings foreach other were not as strong. jackie’s death would be the key.

“However, it’s going to be very costly to hire a hitman just like that. This woman is ranked fifth on thehitman leaderboard. She would only accept big contracts!”

“I’ve inquired. Her price is 150 million dollars for her to take the hit!” Ivan forced a smile, then looked atthe two.

“I understand your intention. You’re thinking of having us pay part of it, right?” Neil chuckled, then tookout the atm card he prepared for Fiona earlier. “Here’s 100 million dollars. You can’t have us pay foreverything, right? You’ll pay for the 50 million dollars yourself.”

“No problem. Rest assured, this hitman is really good. Not only is she good at disguising herself, but shecan even completely change her appearance! I’ve heard that quite a few experts died in her hands! Shewill stick to her mission. Once accepted, she will go through all means to get rid of the target! Moreover,it’s a guaranteed success within five days!” Ivan stated confidently.

“nice working with you!”

The three of them toasted in laughter.

Chapter 368 Meanwhile, while jackie and the others were halfway through their meal, the Georgefamily’s butler came and passed an atm card to jackie, along with the password written on a note.

Seeing jackie getting that much money, Selena, Fiona, and the others were all in a rather good mood.With that, everyone had a happy meal. After enjoying their meal, they finally left the hotel.

Meanwhile, Master George was also very courteous, asking for jackie’s family to visit them at their placeto hang out if they were free. After Master George and the others have departed, jackie finallyapproached Fiona and passed her the atm card along with the note.

“Mother, here’s the 20 million dollars I’ve promised you previously as Selena’s betrothal gift. Since I havethe money now, I’ll pass it to you in advance!” jackie stated sincerely with a smile.

“W-w-what a surprise!” Fiona’s heart was delighted beyond measure.

For the past two days, she was regretting her rejection of that 100 million dollars. Who would haveknown that jackie would pass her 20 million dollars right now? With the 20 million dollars, Fiona’s moodimmediately improved greatly. After all, she had gotten that money in her hands without doing anythingthat would burden her conscience.

“Take it. This is what I’ve promised you previously. I always keep my promises!” jackie placed the atmcard in her hand.

“Wonderful. My daughter made the right choice! I really didn’t expect you to know medicine! It seems likethe past few years of suffering that we went through was worth it!” Holding onto the card with 20 milliondollars, Fiona was stuck with a smile on her face.

Meanwhile, Selena felt speechless. With the 20 million dollars in hand, her mother’s attitude made acomplete change.

“So, would you acknowledge me as your son-in-law now? Are we a family?” jackie asked with a painedsmile.

“Of course. Why won’t I acknowledge you? You’ve kept your promise, which shows that you’reresponsible. Moreover, your current salary is considered quite good. If we worked a little harder, thenwe’ll be getting richer in the future, right?” Fiona laughed while speaking. Needless to say, she was oncloud nine.

However, Andrew instead was frowning. “You’ve settled 20 million dollars, but you’re still short of another20 million dollars. Although you can have the Drake family advance your salary for a month, there’s still

the gift that’s worth 10 million dollars. A gift like that is not easy to find. Have you planned that out yet?Furthermore, this is the old master’s 70th birthday. The gift should be meaningful!”

jackie grinned mysteriously. “Father-in-law, don’t you worry about that. I’ll settle it! I know that somepeople in the Taylor family are waiting to watch me embarrass myself, right? I’m afraid they’ll have to bedisappointed when the time comes.”

“Alright, since you’re confident, I’ll leave it to you!” Andrew nodded. He was confident that jackie wouldnot lie to him.

The whole group then happily returned home. The next morning, jackie went to work early. Meanwhile,with the cash in hand, Fiona went out with her rich auntie friends for a shopping trip.

Of course, the reason she went shopping was to show off, to let others know that she was no longerbroke. She was once again like them, a rich person who could afford to buy an expensive handbag if sheso wanted to.

Chapter 369 Inside a private room of a hotel, a woman with excellent physique quickly opened the door,allowing Ivan, Ken, and Neil to enter. The three looked at the woman before them and was slightly takenaback. The woman’s body was gorgeous. At the same time, she also gave off a prideful charm that wasirresistible for men.

“You’re Shadow?” After taking his seat, Ivan took out an atm card. “Here’s 150 million. The password is000000.”

The woman took a look at the card, her face expressionless. It was as though part of a routine. She tooka whiff of the cigarette in her hand, speaking slowly, “Give me the details of that kid, including his pictureand his family situation. I want to know everything!”

Ivan placed the atm card aside, then took out a document folder and passed it to her.

She started studying it carefully. After a while, she finally asked skeptically, “Is this guy just a bodyguard?He’s been a soldier for five years? He was recently discharged from service? How can you fail to takecare of someone like this? It can’t be. You guys are somewhat influential people in Eastfield, are younot?”

“Ma’am, that’s not all. This kid is quite strong. Our Clark family’s top fighter was advising me not to offendthis kid as he was no match for him! From that, you can tell that this kid’s combat power is very strong!”Ken immediately explained.

“I think it’s not that he’s strong, but your men are too weak!” The woman chuckled, her gaze carrying ahint of disgust.

“I heard that you’ve taken several dozen missions and completed all of them. Is that true?” Neil askedafter some thoughts, taking a step forward.

However, Shadow gave him a terrifying glare immediately, causing him to take a step back from fear withher terrifying killing intent.

“You dare question my ability? I’m ranked fifth in the southwestern hitman leaderboard! Watch yourwords. I might not be confident when it comes to those King of War or God of War, but all those othergenerals, assistant commanders, or head commanders are just easy pickings! In fact, when I take on adifferent appearance, the targets won’t even know what hit them. Perhaps a King of War might fall to myassassination too! Of course, I’ve never met a King of War in person. However, I’m sure it’s merely a title,nothing much!” The woman before them grinned, then said, “You think this person you see is the realme? within Daxia, I’m afraid there are less than 10 people that have seen my actual appearance!”

The trio gasped. At first, they thought the beautiful woman was her real identity, but they never expectedher appearance to be a disguise.

“Alright, you three, wait here for a moment!” The woman’s mouth quickly curled upward, then she headedto the restroom.

In less than two minutes, the restroom door opened and Selena walked out from it, looking gentle andcaring as she looked at them. However, she was still wearing the sexy black mini skirt that the womanwore earlier.

She appeared shocked, then asked in surprise, “Ivan, what are you guys doing here?”

“Selena!” Ken was surprised. How did Selena get here? Did she overhear what they said earlier?

“She’s not Selena! That voice is not right!” Ivan frowned, then said, “Shadow, you may look exactly thesame as the picture, but what are you going to do about the voice? Wouldn’t you be exposed unless yourefrain from speaking?”

Chapter 370 “the voice is different!” Right then, the Selena before them burst out laughing. Meanwhile,her sound had changed to be like Ivan, exactly the same.

“Hh-how did you use my voice?” Ivan took a deep breath. ‘Is this the capabilities of an expert hitman thatranked fifth in the southwestern hitman leaderboard?’ That was too terrifying. His voice was mimickedjust like that. Moreover, it was exactly the same.

“tell me. If I transfigured into your appearance and used your voice, would the others still be able toidentify me?” the Selena before them spoke once more in Ivan’s voice.

“Amazing, simply amazing!” Ken exclaimed in astonishment. Everything felt too surreal.

If the woman before her was not a hitman, he would have asked her how much it would cost to spend anight with him. After all, after she transfigured into Selena, that appearance was just too similar.

“Is that so?” Unexpectedly, the Selena before them smiled at Ken, her voice changing once again tomimic his.

“Oh my god, this is unbelievable. I’m sure you can trick him. No matter how good jackie is, as long as hecan’t tell you apart, you can ambush him with a fatal blow. He’ll be dead for sure!” Neil said confidently,overjoyed.

“Is that so? it seems this man is quite the lecher. It should be an easy job!” The Selena before themsmiled seductively, her voice quickly turned into Neil’s voice. “As of now, I’ve not met this woman norheard her voice. That’s why I can’t mimic it. However, I’ll appear near her as a stranger to learn her voiceand secretly observe to learn her movements and expressions. Very soon, I’ll be able to fool everyone!”

“We’ll put the voice aside for now. If not for us witnessing it with our own eyes, we would have mistakenyou as Selena!” Ivan laughed, then added, “To be honest, while on our way here, we’re quite worried ifthis 150 million dollars was worth it. It seems it’s worth every penny!”

“rest assured. Give me five days. In five days, this kid will be dead for sure! If he still lives after five days,I’ll refund 50 million dollars to you. I guarantee that he will die within 10 days!” the woman before themstated, chuckling.

“We believe you. Seeing you today is an eye-opener!”

Although they each paid 50 million dollars, Ivan felt the greater pressure. However, if that would getjackie killed, he was more than happy to pay it. Apart from still feeling bitter over jackie hitting him,jackie’s death would mean that Selena would probably be married to a rich family like Neil’s. If she wasmarried, then she would no longer be part of the family and have no stake in the Taylor family’s assets.

“Alright, you should leave. I’ve just flown over and am still exhausted from my trip. I’ll rest up and starttomorrow. Tomorrow will be the first day!” Shadow looked at the trio and told them to leave.

Very quickly the trio left the hotel.

Chapter 371 “That woman’s body is stunning. I think her butt is even perkier than Selena’s” After arrivingat the plaza outside the hotel, Neil could not resist swallowing his saliva. “Too bad she’s a hitman. If onlyshe was an escort. I’d be willing to pay high prices for this woman!”

“That’s right. Such a beautiful flower, yet it had to be a rose with thorns!” Ken joined in amusement. “Nextwe can just sit back, relax, and wait for the good news from her!”

Neil nodded, then said to Ivan, “Young Master Taylor, if the hitman contacts you about jackie’s death, youmust notify us right away. Us brothers shall have a good celebration!”

Hearing that, Ivan’s heart was overjoyed. Although the Taylor family was just a third-class aristocraticfamily, Young Master Hugo and Young Master Clark belonged to second-class aristocratic families. Forthem to address him as a brother, it was apparent that he was not seen as an outsider. If he couldestablish a good connection with them, then it would definitely be beneficial for the future growth of theTaylor family’s business.

“Sure. When the time comes, we must make a grand celebration!” Ivan nodded with a smile as theycontinued forward.

However, after a moment of their departure, Ivan seemed to recall something. He asked, “Oh, you toldme that you failed to have Fiona poison jackie, right?”

“Yeah. That Fiona loves money so much, yet she ended up saying she didn’t want to kill someone. Isn’tthat just annoying?!” Ken felt his frustration grow the more he thought about it.

“Where’s the poison? Pass it to me. I’ve just thought of someone that might be able to help us. Weshould keep the poison for now. If the hitman fails to kill him, I’ll think of something with the poison. I’llmake sure jackie drinks this!” Ivan’s gaze gave off an evil feeling.

“That works too. There’s not much use for us to keep it anyway. It might be more useful for you as you’refrom the Taylor family. You’ll have more opportunity to use it than us!” Ken nodded, then took out thepoison and passed it to Ivan. “Do note that this poison is slow acting. It’s colorless and odorless whenmixed in water. After drinking it, one would appear normal. However, in a month, the body will slowlydeteriorate and eventually, the person will die.”

“Is that so? That’s even better. When the time comes, who would think of what happened a month ago,or even what they have eaten or drank? This poison is perfect for killing!” Ivan received the poisonhappily.

Meanwhile, within Selena’s office…

Sonia came before Selena and passed some documents and files to her. “Manager Taylor, here aresome materials from the construction material supplier and the company intro. I’ve taken a look and theyseem to be decent, especially this Marvel Construction Material Company. I think the materials from thiscompany are quite good, and the pricing is reasonable!”

Having said that, Sonia paused for a moment before continuing, “Of course, the final decision is yours tomake. This is just my suggestion.”

Hearing those words, Selena frowned. Marvel Construction Material Company was the biggestsubsidiary company of the Taylor family,

In the past two days, she was still hesitating on this matter. She wanted to help Ivan, yet she was worriedthat it would generate gossip behind her back, claiming that she was misusing her power. However, ifshe rejected Ivan and refused to work with the Taylor family, her grandfather might not be happy. Afterall, their ability to rise to a second-class aristocratic family was very important to the Taylor family. Hergrandfather waited forever for such a day.

“You can just leave it here. I’ll check through it carefully and let you know the results later!”

Chapter 372 After Sonia went out, Selena sat behind her desk frowning, still feeling hesitant. She hadcarefully read through those materials. It was obvious that among the suppliers, the Taylor family was themost prominent construction material supplier. Meanwhile, the other suppliers were no match for theTaylor family. Most importantly, they would not be able to handle such a big project. However, Selenaknew full well that Sonia was hiding something. With them running such a big project, it was a temptingopportunity. It was impossible for the other companies that could rival the Taylor family to not compete.Hence, there must be some documents that Sonia has kept hidden from her.

Nevertheless, that was actually a good thing for her. She had originally planned to help the Taylor family,and the quality of their construction materials were honestly good. Of course, she naturally wished for theTaylor family to grow stronger as well. That way, Old Master Taylor would be able to fulfill his lifelongdream, promoting the Taylor family from a third-class aristocratic family to a second-class aristocraticfamily. That was an opportunity of a lifetime. If she missed this chance, it would be very difficult for her tofind such an opportunity again.

This time, she could just leave things like it is and play dumb. She only needed to feign ignorance. Afterall, Sonia was the one doing the manipulation instead of her, pre-signing her name on it. That meant thatif anything were to happen, it would be Sonia’s fault.

“Things should be fine. Although Ivan can be terrible at times, this is a good opportunity for him. Therewas no way he would ruin such a good opportunity. Moreover, the Taylor family’s quality is comparable toother high-end construction material suppliers!” Selena could not resist muttering after someconsiderations.

However, she quickly added, “But this is such a big project. I can’t give them everything. If everything isallocated to the Taylor family, that would attract gossip. Why not I allocate eighty percent to the Taylor

family and I’ll find another suitable supplier for the remaining twenty percent!” After finally coming to adecision, Selena finally gave her grandfather a call.

“Selena? Why are you calling this old man all of a sudden?” Old Master Taylor was slightly surprisedwhen receiving Selena’s call.

Selena chuckled, then asked, “Grandfather, how’s your health? It’s your seventieth birthday in sixteendays. Is there anything you like? I’ll see if I can get it for you by then!”

“I’m old. My body is getting weaker each day. I’m almost seventy years old, how healthy can I be?!” Theold master chuckled before answering, “As for the gift, there’s really nothing much that can pique myinterest now. To me, all those gold necklaces and jade pendants can be described in one word,pretentious!”

Having said that, before Selena could say anything, the old man could not resist questioning, “That’sright, Selena, you know that this old man loves his reputation. Moreover, I’ve cared for you greatly whenyou were young. I just can’t bear to have you married to a delivery boy. That’s why to avoid being thelaughing stock of others, I had no choice but to chase you out of the family!”

Chapter 373 Having said that, OId Master Taylor paused for a moment before asking, “Are you still angryat Grandpa for that?”

Selena forced a smile. “I know Grandpa’s attitude quite well. Back then I was stubborn too. It was out ofspite that I was pregnant with my daughter. However, I find that jackie is a decent guy and my daughteris very cute as well. There’s nothing much for me to regret. As for other people gossiping, that’s theirbusiness. I have to live for myself!”

The old master sighed, then said, “It seems that despite my old age, I’ve not lived my life as fully as youhad! Oh right, I heard that you’re in charge of the South Hill Real Estate’s construction materials

procurement? Have you found a suitable collaborator for the project? I know that it’s a little difficult foryou at this position, as others would gossip.”

Selena kept quiet. At first, she thought that her grandfather would persuade her to sign a deal with theTaylor family. She did not expect him to be considerate of her position and say such things.

The old master then said, “If it’s too difficult for you, you can give this a try. After all, our Taylor familydidn’t do too well these past few years. You just need to give us a share, even if just thirty percent of theproject. That way, even if we can’t rise to a second-rate aristocratic family, we would still be able to get abreather and help boost our company performance for the past years!”

From his tone of voice, Selena could tell that he felt helpless. There was even a hint of begging.

The old master had always placed great importance on his reputation. It was almost impossible for himto be humble, and even then it would be forced. It was also on the grounds of the Taylor family’s futurethat he would say such words. Selena felt touched by his actions.

At that moment, the kind-hearted Selena could not help but smile warmly. “Grandpa, the main reason Icalled you was to talk about this matter. The supervisor had just passed me all the information of severalpotential construction material suppliers. After taking a look, within the few companies, our Taylor familyis very competitive and our quality is decent!”

Hearing that, the old master was delighted, asking immediately, “Y-y-you mean that we have hope? Howmuch of a share would we get on the project?”

Hearing her grandfather’s excited voice on the phone reminded her of his affection back when she wasyoung. Selena laughed, then changed her plans. “I’ve decided to give the Taylor family eighty-fivepercent of the project, while the others will be shared among other competitors.”

“Eighty-five percent!?” The old master breathed in deeply. That was beyond his expectations. It showedthat Selena was intentionally favoring the Taylor family.

The old master’s eyes turned slightly red. “Selena, I’m very touched that you can let bygones bebygones. I’ve also thought it through. There’s no point in those gifts. All that’s important is that jackie issincere. Even if he can’t produce a gift worth 10 million dollars, I’ll still acknowledge him as my grandson-in-law and take all of you back!” Having said that, the old master warned her, “However, don’t you tell himabout this. We need to give him some pressure. If you tell him in advance, this kid might not work hard!”

Hearing that, Selena could not help resist a chuckle. “Alright, I’ll keep it a secret from him. Grandpa,looking at how confident he is, I believe he should be able to come up with the money. Also, please keeptoday’s matter a secret. I’ll ask Ivan to come over and sign the contract. As for the price, just follow themarket price!”

“Yes, of course!” The old master nodded, feeling satisfied. Eighty-five percent! They might be able tomake a profit of 5 to 6 hundred million dollars! That was more than enough to bring them into the ranksof a second-class aristocratic family.

Chapter 374 After the call, Old Master Taylor remained seated on the sofa and sighed. “Sigh, Selena isstill the best. Even after being chased out of the family and picked on by Ivan, she would still think of thebigger picture at a critical time like this. Instead, Ivan is just useless!”

After Selena put down her phone, she had Rosa summon Sonia over.

“Manager Taylor, are you looking for me?” Sonia had a plastic smile on her face. It could not be helped.For money and her future, she could only keep it all in when working in front of Selena while keeping asmile on.

It seemed that she was not keeping a grudge from their past. Of course, until now, she still could notunderstand how Selena’s husband, a mere bodyguard, dared to slap her in front of her uncle. In the end,

not only did jackie not get reprimanded by the Drake family, but they instead sided with him. It made hersuspect if the rumor she spread about Selena to ruin her reputation, where she had an affair with YoungMaster Drake, was true. Only then would it make sense for the Drake family to help Selena and herhusband so much.

“I’ve had a look and this company does look good. However, our project is too big so we can’t leave it allto them. I’m afraid it might affect their quality when they rush their deadlines.” Selena stated calmly with afaint smile.

Hearing that, Sonia was overjoyed. It seems the Taylor family would be getting it, but as to how big aportion of the project, that was unclear. Ivan had promised her that if the contract was signed, even ifthey were only allocated with forty-five percent of the project, she would still be getting 20 million dollarsof commission. With 20 million dollars, she would be able to afford luxury handbags and not have toworry.

With that thought, she quickly suppressed her excitement and asked carefully, “Manager Taylor, I thinkthis Marvel Construction Material Company is quite promising, or I wouldn’t be recommending them toyou. Their reputation is really good! I believe you know that already! So, how much of the project are youallocating to them?”

Selena smiled, then stated, “Eighty-five percent. I’ll pick others for the remainder!”

“Wow, that’s quite a lot!” Sonia grinned, feeling elated. She never thought that she would really get herhands on the 20 million dollars.

Selena looked at her, then frowned, “Why do you seem so happy? You seem to care a lot about thiscompany, don’t you?”

“N-n-no! I’m just hoping that it could be settled earlier after working on this for so long. If we can’t decideon one, I’ll have to start looking for other construction material suppliers again!” Feeling spooked, Sonia

quickly explained.

“Mm, what about this. You bring Ivan over tomorrow to sign the deal. I know that the company belongs tothe Taylor family, but they really earned this project by showing their capability!” Selena’s expressionremained calm all the while.

“Alright, I’ll call him right now to contact them!” Sonia nodded, then quickly thought of something, asking,“Manager, what about the price? Do we follow the stated price?”

Selena forced a smile, then said, “Tell them that they have to lower the price by five percent. Their priceis just a little too much!”

“Yes, manager!” Sonia then happily left the room.

Ivan, who was drinking at a bar, quickly received a call from Sonia.

“Hello, Supervisor Neal, how are things going? Any progress?” Ivan asked casually after accepting thecall.

He knew that Selena was stubborn. Even if they were to be given the project, it would not be that quickas she would make him wait for a while.

Chapter 375 As for not giving them any part of the project, he did not think that was possible. After all, hehad already told her previously that it was their grandfather’s idea. Selena was kind and filial. For theirgrandfather, she would at least give them some part of the project.

“Come sign the contract tomorrow. Selena finally agreed, quite fast too! However, she wants to lower theprice by five percent!” On the other end of the phone, Sonia laughed. “Congratulations Young MasterIvan for acquiring such a big project!”

“What?!” Ivan immediately stood up, feeling excited. “Go sign the contract tomorrow? Lowering it by fivepercent is no issue. The haggling is common practice. Moreover, the demand is not much, just asymbolic price reduction!” Having said that, he immediately questioned further, “Oh, did you ask howmuch of this project is she allocating to us? It shouldn’t be the entire project, right?”

“Although it’s not the whole project, it’s still quite a surprise. Eighty-five percent! What do you think?Enough? I’ve put in quite a lot of good words for you!” Sonia quickly credited herself.

“Eighty-five? That’s wonderful. Relax, after signing the contract tomorrow, I’ll treat you and your boyfriendto a meal and settle your promised benefits!” Ivan almost jumped at the news.

With such a big project and the Taylor family getting eighty-five percent of it, that would be a sizableprofit. Most importantly, with that, he believed that his grandfather would look at him in a new light. Whenthe time comes, who else would he name as the heir of the Taylor family’s assets? The old master wasalready seventy years old. By the looks of it, he would not last much longer and would have to soon passon his authority.

“Thank you, Young Master Taylor. I wish you good luck with your contract signing tomorrow. I’ll leave youto your business for now!” Sonia quickly ended the call.

“Wonderful, wonderful!” Ivan burst out into laughter, then called out at the waiter by the door, “Get me afew more girls in here. I need a good round of celebration!”

At five-thirty in the afternoon, with nothing much going on, Selena clocked out of work.

She never expected to see a woman right at the door, waiting with some documents in hand.

“Please leave. Our company’s door is not meant for just anyone. There are plenty of people looking forour company for projects. You can submit your documents and let the supervisor decide. She will thenhand pass it on. That’s the procedure!” A guard was blocking the woman outside, persuading her,

“You’ve been waiting for a few hours. Why don’t you go back? The sun is so strong. Aren’t you afraid ofpassing out from the heat?”

“It’s fine. I’ll just wait a little longer. Although our company is small, our quality and other aspects are allexceptional. We really hope to be able to work with South Hill Real Estate.” The woman seemed to be inher twenties. She was drenched in sweat from the scorching heat, but she still kept looking inside.

She quickly saw Selena and her eyes brightened. “Manager Taylor, can we have a talk?”

“Don’t run inside!” Seeing the woman running inward, the guard immediately held her back. “You’resweating all over, how can you just run into the company like that?”

Selena looked at her, then approached and said, “There’s a cafe next door. We can have a seat thereand talk about this!”

“S-s-sure. Thank you Manager Taylor for giving me this opportunity!” The woman nodded frantically,feeling overjoyed.

Selena smiled calmly. From here, she could see her old self when she started working for the Taylorfamily. Back then, she was just as headstrong.

Chapter 376 “Manager Taylor, l-l-let me introduce myself. I’m Janet. Our family…how do I put it? Pleasedon’t laugh at me, but we’re just a regular company. We’re not even considered a third-class aristocraticfamily! However, Jacob’s Construction Materials is really quite good. Our quality is decent. Oh yeah, Ihave some of our documents here. There are also some reviews from our clients after working with us!”Janet seemed to be nervous, but still courageously introduced herself to Selena.

Standing before her, Selena was already a successful female professional with a high position.

She heard that the Drake family was paying her a monthly salary of 1 million dollars. With that kind ofpay, she was comparable to some directors.

“You even have reviews?” Selena was surprised and intrigued. After taking a careful look, she finally toldJanet, “Your company does look good. I’ve heard of it before. Your reputation is decent!” Having saidthat, she paused for a moment before continuing, “I would like to hear you out.”

“Jacob’s Construction Materials prides ourselves in our quality. However, our company is not big, nor aswell known as others. Therefore I don’t expect to be allocated that much work in this big project! Ourmain hope is that Manager Taylor would be able to allocate a small portion to us!” Having said her piece,Janet took a sip of her coffee, then asked carefully, “I wonder if we’ll have a chance of working with you?”

Seeing her sincerity, Selena finally smiled. “I’m about to sign the contract tomorrow. Eighty-five percent ofthis project has already been allocated! Although the remaining fifteen percent is not much, if you do itwell, it should be no problem for you to earn 1 to 2 hundred million dollars. Therefore, our requirementsfor business partners are also quite stringent!”

Hearing that, Janet sighed in her heart. From Selena’s tone, she most likely had no chance.

However, she quickly cheered up and smiled at Selena. “It’s okay, I understand that the chances ofworking with you are very slim. Many from my family were even laughing at me, claiming that it’simpossible to reach a deal. In fact, that’s also within my expectations!”

Although Selena had already made up her mind, she still asked intentionally, “Since that’s within yourexpectation, why did you come? Moreover, it’s scorching hot outside. Why did you wait for so long?”

“Thing is, sometimes we have to try. If we never try, we’ll never know. What if I got lucky?”

Having said that, Janet sat for a moment, then felt awkward and stood up to pay the bill. She thenlaughed and said, “Manager Taylor, it’s a pity that we can’t work together this time. However, I hope thatwe will have opportunities to work together in the future. This is my business card. I’ll prove to you in thefuture that we’re a good business partner!” Finishing her statement, she turned around and got ready toleave.

However, Selena laughed unexpectedly. She saw her old self on this young woman. Back when she wasthe general manager of the Taylor family’s company, it was not given to her like Ivan. She had earned herplace through her own hard work. Moreover, when she left the company, many employees cried becausethey loved her as a general manager.

“Wait a moment. I don’t think I’ve said that we can’t work together, right?” Selena laughed, then calledout to Janet.

“Manager Taylor, y-y-you mean that…” When Janet heard that, she turned around with a look ofastonishment on her face.

“What I meant to say was the remaining fifteen percent will all be given to you. I hope you don’t let medown. You must make sure of the quality. As for the price, we’ll follow the one you proposed. Come findme at my office tomorrow at nine-thirty in the morning to sign the contract!” Selena took a sip of hercoffee and crossed her leg, yet somehow appearing graceful.

“That’s wonderful! Yes, yes! I’ll definitely reach on time tomorrow! I’ll go back immediately and draft out aproper contract!” Janet was elated, quickly taking her leave.

Chapter 377 “This girl!” Selena laughed before standing up and taking her leave as well.

However, she did not expect a sexy and seductive lady in shades seated nearby had been observingthem for a long time. Only after Selena had left did the woman stood up and settle her bill before goingout.

“What I meant to say was the remaining fifteen percent will all be given to you…” The corner of her lipscurled up creepily. The voice she made was the exact copy of Selena’s voice.

That lady was none other than the hitman that ranked fifth in the southwestern hitman leaderboard,Shadow!

At the same time, Ivan had also happily returned home. Reaching home, he immediately called Ceciliaand the other relatives over.

“Master Ivan, what’s the matter? You seem happy. Did something good happen?” A young man of theTaylor family asked, giggling.

“Excellent! Truly wonderful news!” Ivan’s body still reeked of alcohol. He looked at Theodore and Zeus,proclaiming, “Dad, Grandpa, we’ve finally gotten our hands on the project by South Hill Real Estate!”

“That’s wonderful. Master Ivan is truly amazing!”

“That’s right. You managed to obtain such a big project.”

Quite a number of the Taylor family members immediately started praising Ivan. Most of them wereworking at the Taylor family’s company, carrying out all sorts of positions. Ivan was the general manager,and now that he managed to secure such a big project, the authority within the Taylor family wouldeventually be in his grasp. That was why they had to get on his good side or risk having a rough future.

However, a number of them knew in their hearts that Selena had compromised for them to secure theproject. If Selena was petty and held her grudge, it would be helpless even if Ivan begged on his knees.

“guess how much of this big project were we allocated with?” Ivan laughed out loud excitedly, then said,“At first, Selena was unagreeable and only planned to give us thirty percent. However, thanks to myquick thinking and persuasiveness, she finally made multiple compromises. In the end, we nailed it ateighty-five percent of the project!” Ivan intentionally placed a strong emphasis on the number eighty-fivewhen he spoke, hoping to make the number stand out. His face filled with smugness.

“Master Ivan is truly awesome. You managed to negotiate for eighty-five percent!”

“That’s right. Selena is so petty to just provide us with thirty percent. That’s just too little. We’re all fromthe Taylor family after all. She has the blood of our Taylor family running within her!”

“That’s right. I think she’s being petty too. If it were me, even if I had to save my reputation, I would haveat least set aside sixty percent of the project!”

The Taylor family members were all busy debating.

However, Zeus Taylor, the old master had a gloomy expression on his face. Selena had given him a calllong ago and told him about the eighty-five percent allotment. She had even discussed it with him. Ivanprobably did nothing, yet he dared to come back showing off and claiming credit. If not for trying to saveIvan’s reputation, Zeus would have exposed him right then and there.

Chapter 378 “Son, you’ve done well this time!” Theodore grinned as he gave Ivan, a big thumbs up. Hewas not a business-minded person and would spend his free time enjoying tea or fishing.

However, he had hope for his son to be successful. This time, Ivan had finally made him proud.

“dad, it can’t be helped. It’s all for our Taylor family. It’s so that we can rise into the ranks of a second-class aristocratic family. This is something I’m willing to do even if I have to endure torturoushardships!”Ivan, being drunk, thumped his chest smugly. The arrogance he showed went without saying.

Zeus, on the other hand, could bear with it no longer. He steeled his face and asked, “Why not give yourlife as well?” Having said that, he gave a wave. “It’s getting late. Go get rested. Ivan, you should rest uptoo. Go sign the contract early in the morning. It’s only official after you sign the contract. Don’t be anembarrassment like the last time!”

“Don’t you worry, everything will be fine. I’ll guarantee to sign this contract tomorrow morning, or I’ll livestream myself eating sh*t for all of you to watch!” Ivan thumped his chest as he promised. This time, he

had full confidence. After all, Selena had always kept her word. Since she had agreed to it, she wouldnot go back on her words.

Moreover, the failed contract with the Wilson family previously was an accident. Since the old mastersent them off, they quickly went away. Meanwhile, the old master should have gone back to sleep. Verysoon, only Ivan and Theodore were left in the huge living room.

“Dad, it’s weird. Shouldn’t Grandpa be elated about this matter? Why do I feel that he seemedunhappy?” Ivan frowned, finally noticing something was off. He felt confused.

Theodore considered for a moment before saying, “I think it might be too late and he’s sleepy. Moreover,you reek of alcohol and behaved so insolently. Can your grandpa be happy? The last time youthoroughly embarrassed yourself and vomited all over the floor in the hotel really upset your grandpa!”

Having said that, Theodore paused for a moment before advising, “You should cut back on the alcohol.Being drunk can get you in trouble. Don’t you know that?”

“Alright dad, I understand. You should go rest up! I’m going to bed!” Ivan replied impatiently before goingoff.

The next day, Selena went to work early in the morning.

However, just as she parked and got out of her car outside her office, she felt a knock on her head. Hervision blurred and then passed out. The woman before her smiled dryly, then placed Selena in the co-driver seat before driving away. They quickly left the town and arrived at a dilapidated house atop amountain not far from the city.

After a while, Selena finally regained consciousness. She opened her eyes and felt her head spin. Shetook a careful look at the woman in front of her and could not help shaking her head. That was becauseshe saw herself.

“What’s going on? I-I-I can’t be dead, right? Is this my soul?” Selena was flabbergasted. She saw herselflooking at her, smiling with her hands crossed before her chest. The smile seemed rather evil.

However, she soon realized that she was tied to a wooden pillar.

“That’s not it. I’m not dead. Who are you?” Selena’s heart skipped a beat. The pain of being tightly boundby ropes on her arm was too real. She was not dreaming, nor did she die. That must be the case.

Chapter 379 The woman replied, “Well… You’re pretty and kind. But it doesn’t change the fact that I havebeen hired to kill and I must complete my mission.”

“Hire? You’re a hitman! Where is this place?” Selena was shocked and scared at the same time. Thisrun-down house they were in looked really old. That aside, she ran into a hitman. Who on earth hired ahitman and wanted her dead?”

“Ivan?” She quickly thought of him as Ivan was a revengeful man, and jackie broke his bone. This alonewould make him a highly possible candidate.

Selena then dismissed the idea as quickly as she thought. ‘Impossible. Ivan has been longing to securethe contract. Even if he really wanted me dead, he would do it after the contract, not before.’

“Don’t worry, you’re not my instructed target,” the woman spoke.

“I’m not your target, so why did you capture me?” Selena suddenly understood. “Now I know, you’redisguised as me… Your target is my husband, jackie!”

Selena gasped as it might very well be true. If she wanted Selena dead, she would have done so muchearlier. The fact that she captured Selena was to attract her actual target who was none other thanjackie. Selena thought of the possibility of someone revenging on jackie would be much higher as he hadcaused trouble to a lot of people out there.

jackie did not only get in the way of Ivan but people like Ken, Neil and Michael as well. All these were noordinary people. If they wanted jackie dead, it would just be a piece of cake.

“Smart!” The woman nodded. “So, your husband will be dead today. You can’t blame me but you canblame my employer.”

“Who’s your employer?” Selena tried to interrogate.

“this is funny. Do you think a professional hitman like myself, being the top five in the southwest region,will reveal this information to you? I, on the other hand, was wondering how easy it is to lure yourhusband here using your face.”

“Shameless!” Selena scolded, “My husband is a veteran and has served the military for five years. Hecan fight a dozen alone! I’m warning you, you better let me go and abort this mission, you may lose yourlife to this mission!”

“I see you’re trying to threaten me here. Five years of the military? He’s a piece of cake to me, even if Idon’t disguise myself as you. Let me tell you, even marshals won’t be my match.”

“A marshal will not be your match…?” Selena’s mouth twitched at her abilities. She initially wanted toscare the hitman but did not think that the hitman was actually that skillful. She started to actually worryabout jackie now.

Chapter 380 Although she was a hitman, Selena was reassured that jackie was pretty skilled himself too.So, she was somewhat confident in jackie. jackie might be the person who kills the hitman instead of theother way round. However, Shadow’s words had concerned her. She was very skillful if she could beat amarshal. If that was the case, jackie would be in big trouble. On top of that, the hitman had disguisedherself as Selena. What if jackie fell for that? Big trouble… It was easy to kill jackie if he was not alertenough. As though a fight between one who had normal vision and a blind person, the blind wouldnaturally be at disadvantage.

“Are you scared now? Are you worried now?” Shadow toyed a dagger and tapped it on Selena’s face.“Do you know why I love disguising as my target’s partner? I like to see the look on their face when theydie, that look of disbelief!”

With that, Shadow turned around and laughed. “Until the moment they die, they would still think that itwas their partner who killed them. I’ll never explain myself and I’ll never tell them why. They shall dieconfused.”

“You’re mad! Karma will get to you!” Selena’s eyes reddened as she stared at Shadow with hatred.

“to reassure you, I’ll leave you here as you watch me finish your man outside. Yell with all your might butyou won’t be able to. You’ll live in misery forever after he dies. I’d love to see that! Personally, I thinkkilling is a ritual to practice. And all these are part of the ritual!” Malice filled Shadow’s eyes, life was asunimportant as an ant.

“I dare you to not disguise as me to fight my husband! For you to disguise as me is just a dirty trickbecause you’re no match for him!” Selena growled.

She was truly worried for jackie. What would happen to her and Kylie if he dies? They had only recentlyreunited and were living a better life. To watch jackie die in front of her was the last thing she would everwish for.

“You’re trying to provoke me, aren’t you? Will he stand a better chance like that? Just very slightly, Iguess. Heh, you’re not just an empty vase, after all, you’ve got brains!” Shadow smirked then continued,“Speaking of which, I really like your face. It’s perfect. It looks kind and approachable. I love it! How aboutthis, I’ll use your face for my missions next time. Let’s see how many people can take it when this ‘face’kills. Any family members who witnessed the murder would recognize you as the murderer. Will theycome after you? I wonder…”

“You…” Selena almost fainted out of anger, but she still tried. “I dare you to not make up! You’re an uglyfag, aren’t you? You’re so ugly you wouldn’t go out without a mask!”

Shadow was impatient at this point. “Quit it, I didn’t, do you understand? How can make up do such ajob? This is Transfiguration. Do you know Transfiguration? Uncultured b*tch!”

Chapter 381 Selena was helpless. She tried to persuade further but Shadow had stuffed a towel in hermouth. “Look, see that slit? I’ll leave it open just very slightly, enough for you to see the table outsidefrom here. I’ll bring your husband to that table and kill him there. You just watch.”

“Ughh!” Selena could not be more nervous. She shook her head hard and tried to say something—shecould not.

“stop it. You just wait here and watch the show.” Shadow smirked as she retrieved Selena’s phone to calljackie.

Selena had a sudden realization—even if Shadow looked like her, Shadow could never sound like her.jackie was not stupid, he would have seen through the deception sooner than later! What proceeded hadcaught Selena in shock. The moment the call went through, Shadow’s voice changed. She sounded justlike Selena! Even Selena thought so. It was impossible for jackie to tell them apart, impossible… Whatmade it worse was that Shadow was wearing her clothes. It seemed like Shadow had her eyes onSelena a long time prior to this. She even planned and bought the same clothes as Selena. The amountof planning poured into this was scary.

“Hi, honey. I’m waiting for you outside the city, can you come over? I want to bring you somewhere funand we’ll have a chat there. What do you say?” Her voice was so slutty it gave Selena goosebumps.

“Sure! Is this a date? Wait for me, honey. I’m driving to you!” Shadow put the call on speaker to letSelena hear.

“Alright, see you!” Shadow hung up the call and smirked at Selena. “Bye, my pretty lady. I’m going to getyour husband. You just wait here and should be able to see me holding his hands in ten minutes. Worrynot, I’ll play with him for a little before making my move. That’s because…men have their guard up theleast when they kiss!”

Finally, Shadow left Selena, leaving just enough gap for her to see the table outside the room.

Selena could only growl in her heart. She was hoping jackie could tell that something was wrong fromthe call and not come at all. Who would have known jackie just agreed to the meet up without a singlehesitation, he even sounded a little excited.

‘Dumb jackie… Too lovesick, are you? Don’t you know I’m a workaholic, why on earth would I ask youout during work?’ She could only vocalize this in her mind.

Chapter 382 The hilltop was not far away from the city. Soon, Shadow arrived at the suburb area inSelena’s car. She pulled over, leaned on the car while waiting for jackie to arrive. As expected, jackiearrived in his car within the next five minutes.

“What’s up, honey? You have the time to sneak out of the office today?” jackie pulled over and smiled atthe woman.

“I just thought we could have some fun! Although it’s a little run-down, that place is serene and has agood view.” Shadow smiled and entered her car. “Stay in your car and follow me.”

“Alright!” jackie did as told.

There was an uneasy feeling. jackie had been suspicious if this ‘Selena’ was the Selena he knew. It wassomething about her slutty eyes that gave it away. The real Selena did not have these eyes. These weresultry and seductive eyes.

“That’s funny, why would she bring me out today?” jackie questioned as he drove.

The drive did not seem long before they arrived at the hilltop, and proceeded to park their car on anempty piece of land.

“How’s this place, not bad aye? Look, you can see the whole of Eastfield from here. There’s even abreeze, isn’t it amazing?!” Her figure was clearly accented when she stretched her back. jackie, on theother hand, was dazed. She was beautiful!

“Honey, look! There’s a house, let’s check it out,” she suggested.

“Sure!” jackie nodded.

At this point, ‘Selena’ walked toward jackie and unexpectedly held his hand. jackie looked at her, feelinga little shy.

“What’s the matter, honey? You look weird. We’re a couple, it’s only normal for us to hold hands.”‘Selena’ was suddenly very romantic. She even cheekily rolled her eyes at jackie.

“No, nothing!” jackie was quite certain something was wrong, yet he just smiled and followed.

“Looks like it’s been some time since anyone stayed here. There’s a lot of spider web!” Shadow smiledand tucked jackie’s hands. She directed jackie to the table and pretended to look out of the window.

jackie then noticed a door. “Hey, there’s a door there. Let’s check it out.”

The real Selena who was tied up in the room was worried sick. She tried to shout, hoping to get jackie’sattention, and even struggled to free herself. However, she was tied up too tightly with a cloth stuffed inher mouth. Her effort to warn jackie was to no avail. Hence, she was delighted the moment she heardthat jackie noticed the door. Well, Shadow would not have let the rescue happen, of course.

Chapter 383 Shadow quickly pulled jackie to her and bit her sexy red lips. “Honey, about that… It’s beenso long since you started serving the military… And, there’s no one else here…” she said as she tapped

her fingers on jackie’s chest, trying to seduce him.

“Selena… Let’s not…under broad daylight?” jackie frowned and looked outside.

“I’ve closed the door after we enter. Besides, this is in the middle of nowhere, no one would come here! Ithink we can be a little more open here… It sets the mood well.” She tipped her toes and kissed jackie onhis neck as she proceeded.

Looking at the ‘Selena’ in front of him, there was more reason for him to suspect.

He quick-wittedly hugged her. “Look at you… Who knew that you like to set the mood like this. Whatdominatrix you are!”

“Quit mocking me, I just want to have some fun.” Shadow was secretly joyous at the fact that men weresuch simple-minded animals. Any trivial sexual advancement could send them to trap.


On the other hand, the real Selena in the room was worried sick looking at how jackie had hugged thewoman. Again, she tried to vocalize her warning, and again, she failed. It was only natural that she wasthis worried. That woman looked exactly like herself, jackie had no reason to have his guard up againsther. Furthermore, her seduction skills… jackie, a young lad in his early twenties, would have already losthis mind by then. How could he possibly resist?

What proceeded was that Shadow locked jackie’s lip with hers, and they started their business. jackiehugged her real tight. Selena saw Shadow reaching for something under her dress. Soon after, Shadowretrieved a dagger from her stockings at her thigh. Staring at the dagger, Selena’s heart dropped. Just asshe was about to stab jackie, he swiftly turned around and got out of Selena’s sight. It was a blind spotfor Selena and she could not see much from the door slit.

Shadow frowned. She struggled to stab jackie with the dagger as her hand was clamped by anotherstrong hand. She gasped and prepared for another strike. Unfortunately, jackie was too fast, and hadalready grabbed hold of the dagger with his other hand and stabbed it in Shadow’s chest.

“Ahhhhh…” Shadow looked at her chest, eyes filled with disbelief. She underestimated the speed andstrength of her opponent. Furthermore, the dagger stabbed right at her heart, she had no chance ofretaliation.

Shadow’s scream sent chills down Selena’s spine. Her heart was heavy. What had the woman done tojackie? Would jackie really fall into her trap?

“Wh…why…?” Shadow was weak. At her last breath, she still did not understand what gave her identityaway. “Don’t all men like their wife seductive?”

jackie grabbed her face and pulled her mask down, revealing her true face. He proceeded by whisperingin her ears, “Shadow, learned Transfiguration, twenty-five this year, is a hitman since twenty.”

“Who… Who are you?” That was Shadow’s last breath. She died with eyes filled with shock. Her identityhad always been well-kept, how could this man know so much about her?

Chapter 384 Selena struggled. She tried to warn jackie but her effort was in vain. Soon after, sherealized that no more noise was coming from outside. It was pin-drop silence. ‘Is jackie…dead?’ shestarted to worry. Suddenly, she was frightened by the sight of a hand appearing at the door that swiftlypushed the door open.

Selena’s eye reddened and teared from joy seeing that it was jackie who entered. She just realized howmuch she cared for him at that moment of life and death. Not just that she realized how much she lovedhim, she was also dreaded by the thought of his death that would leave her child without a father. Seeingthat jackie entered the room safely, she breathed a sigh of relief.

“I knew that woman was not you!” Panic-stricken, he made his way to Selena and removed the clothstuffed in her mouth. He quickly held her in his embrace and asked, “Honey, how’re you? Did she beatyou? Did she torture you?”

“No, I’m fine. You’re the target, not me. Where is she? She is a hitman. Top five in the southwest region,she said… She’s dangerous! Even marshals are no match for her,” Selena explained hurriedly.

Before she could finish speaking, jackie looked at her, cupped her cheeks in his hands, and pecked hardon her lips. Selena, who was still tied to the pillar, did not see that coming. Embarrassed, she foundherself palpitating with her pupils widely dilated.

After that peck, jackie continued, “I was worried for you when I found out that she was a hitman! I didn’twant anything to happen to you!”

Only after this, he started to untie Selena.

“You… Cheeky! How dare you kiss me?” Selena blushed as she rolled her eyes at jackie. “Pervert! Youkissed me before you even untie me!”

“Can’t help it, I was too indulged in the mood! I was worried for you, okay? So, honey. I got the sequencewrong… Does that mean that I should kiss you after I untie you?” jackie awkwardly smiled.

“You… Don’t kiss me without my permission next time!” Selena stuttered.

She left her words at that and ran out to find the hitman lying on the floor in a pool of blood.

Seeing how the hitman was as dead as a doornail, she finally sighed with relief, “She’s a skilled hitman,not even a marshal is a match for her! How did you kill her…without defense?”

jackie snickered and explained, “I’ve had my suspicions. First of all, it was your office hour. Before youleft for work you told me you’ll be going on field to sign a contract. Why would you ask me to hang out

here? Second of all, I noticed the tire trails on this hill road. This is a road less traveled and there is littletraffic around. So the tire trails meant that someone had driven up before me.”

jackie paused for a while before he continued, “Well, third of all… That woman had slutty eyes. My wifewon’t ask me out. She doesn’t have slutty eyes, and most of all she won’t seduce me!”

“I was worried sick in there, worried that you’ll fall into her trap and get killed. Who knew you wereobservant enough to see that through, you should go and be a detective!” Selena was dumbfounded. Itseemed she was worried for nothing. jackie had caught on to the suspicious clues.

Chapter 385 Only then jackie confessed, “Even with those considered, I was hesitant to make the moveto kill. What if I was wrong? I could only make the move when she was exposed.”

“What exposed her?” Selena frowned and doubted as she thought the hitman’s disguise was perfect.

“And that is, the fact that my wife won’t take the lead to kiss me. More importantly, I smelled cigarettes.That meant she smokes. My wife never smokes! That was when I confirmed my judgment, that thewoman was a hitman and not you.”

“Pretty smart, aren’t you?” Then she thought about how that woman had kissed jackie. Irritated, shemocked, “So, what now? Were you excited that she made the move to kiss you? She has a nice body, Imust say. Happy now?”

jackie was ashamed. So, Selena was jealous after all.

Bitterly, he smiled. “Honey, that was a hitman I was dealing with. Do you think I had the time to eventhink of those? It was dragged out a little because I was worried that I misjudged her. So I delayed mymove to kill her and only did so after I’m certain of it.”

“Wait a second, she was a skilled hitman! How did you settle her so fast? I saw that she had a dagger!”Selena found herself confused. If jackie was a lot more skilled than that woman, that would mean that he

was a king of war!

jackie awkwardly smiled and replied, “Maybe because her guard wasn’t up. She wouldn’t have thoughtthat I’d see through her deception so she was more lax. With that, it was easy to kill her.”

“Right, right! That’s what she said. It’s a piece of cake to kill someone with no guard up. Bet she didn’tthink you outsmarted her!”

“Selena, did you tear when you see me just now? You were worried about me?” jackie finally laughed.

Selena’s face reddened again after trying so hard to recollect herself. She rolled her eyes and said, “Inyour dreams! I wasn’t worried about you. I was worried about myself. What if she kills me? I was worriedabout Kylie and I teared because of Kylie, okay?”

She knew she was lying. Immediately, she shifted the attention to the dead body on the floor anddiverted the topic. “So how do we settle this? We can’t just leave her here.”

“Such a run-down house… Let’s burn this whole place!” jackie replied after giving it some thought.

What followed was that they both made a fire outside the house.

Watching as the fire burns, Selena suddenly thought of this. “Sh*t, we would’ve searched her body incase she has a phone. From there we could see her contacts, and find out who was behind this!”

“don’t worry about that. There are more people who want me dead!” He shifted his gaze to Selena andgave her a very serious look. “Looks like I’ll need to get you a bodyguard. I’m not worried about myself.What if they target you to get to me? I can’t watch you all day, I have work at Drake’s.”

“It can’t be Ivan… I’m about to sign a contract with them…” Selena seemed to be still distracted by thefact that she did not retrieve the hitman’s phone. She looked at the time and exclaimed, “Sh*t! It’s pasteleven!”

Chapter 386 “it’s fine as there’s no hurry. Let them come over tomorrow!” jackie smiled and lookedbeside him where Selena was, “Honey, since you’re also here, let’s go to the city and have lunch tosteady our nerves. What do you think?”

“Sounds good.” Selena nodded and they soon drove down from the hill.

At this moment, Ivan Taylor and Janet were still waiting inside of Selena’s office.

“What’s going on? This is…” Ivan started to get impatient. He had already made at least ten calls toSelena previously but none of them were picked up by her.

He looked at Janet and said, “Do you think that we’ve been played? This woman must be making fun ofus. If that’s the case, she’s too much!”

Janet on the other hand, smiled. “Impossible, I trust Manager Taylor. Since she promised us, she wouldbe here. She must have been delayed by an emergency matter!”

“that’s so funny. What’s more important than signing a contract with us?” Ivan laughed and said out ofanger.

After that, he frowned and took in a breath. After all, the assassin told them to settle the issue within fivedays. Today was considered the second day. Was it possible that they have already made a move? Themost important part was, this Shadow had her own special hobby when she carried out her mission.Such as, she not only liked to pretend as the target’s closest person, she also liked to let the closestperson look on as she killed that target.

“Was it possible…” Ivan thought about it. It was already so late and Selena had not appeared yet. Shemight have been kidnapped by the Shadow and he was speechless inwardly.

“I…” He stood up in a sudden and held his hands into fists. He felt angry and regretful inwardly.

He was too careless. He did not care much about Selena’s life and it did not matter if she really died.However, he had not signed the contract yet. After all, this contract could bring around five to six billionfor the Taylor family. This was only a conservative estimation, if their operations were better, it would bemore than this.

If the Shadow had already taken action and killed Selena, they would have suffered a big loss. If thisposition was taken over by another person, would the signing of the contract they have not signedcontinue? That may not be the case. After all, they successfully got this opportunity because of theirrelationship with Selena.

“What’s going on? Young Master Taylor, why are you startled?” Janet frowned as she looked at Ivan, whostood up.

“It’s nothing. I think that we’re out of hope today as it’s already so late. Let’s go back first and come againtomorrow morning!” Ivan walked out with a darkened face.

“Okay, let’s come and have a look tomorrow morning!” Janet also felt that it was a waste of time. Shesighed, took the prepared contract and left.

Ivan walked out the entrance and to his car. He thought about it before calling the Shadow.Unfortunately, none of his two calls could get through.

Chapter 387 ”Sht, sht. There’s a possibility that Selena had been kidnapped. I have no idea if the assassin would killher!” Ivan was so angry that he held his hands into fists. “I’m really careless. I haven’t signed the contractyet, I should’ve asked her to wait for a few days before doing anything. This…”

Ivan had no idea that asking this person to kill jackie would cause his contract signing matter to fail. Ashe sat in the car, his mind was filled with thoughts about visiting the place where Selena and the othersstayed that night. However, he thought about it and dismissed this thinking. If jackie and Selena were

fine and the assassin had not started her action, his proactive action of visiting them cannot be justified.After all, he had shown his disgust previously and had never visited them. If the assassin failed, jackiemight be doubtful that he was the one who employed the assassin? Although, the possibility of theassassin failing was very small.

He thought about it, looked at the time and was prepared to drive back. Coincidentally, when he passedby a cafe, he looked inside and actually saw Xena jackieson.

“Isn’t that Ben Taylor’s girlfriend?” Ivan was slightly stunned. He parked the car by the road, got downand entered the cafe.

At this moment, Xena was having a chat with two of her best friends and seemed to be in a very goodmood.

“Miss jackieson, I had no idea that I would run into you here!” Ivan said with a smile and walked over.

“Young Master Taylor!” Xena was stunned and said with a smile, “That’s a real coincidence. These aremy best friends, we are having a cup of coffee because we’re tired from shopping!”

“Really?” Ivan purposely took a look at the time before sitting down by the side and said with a smile, “Itjust so happens that I have something to speak with Miss jackieson. Do I have the opportunity to inviteyou to lunch?! If your best friends are in the mood, they can join us too!”

Those girls glanced at each other with a mutual understanding and stood up, “Young Master Taylor, we’llget out of your hair. Enjoy your talk and allow us to make a move first!”

“Okay, let me treat you guys in the future when there’s an opportunity!” Ivan stood up and spoke politely,like a gentleman.

“Does Young Master Taylor want a cup of coffee? Let me pay for that. Since you treat me to lunch, I’lltreat you to coffee!” Xena smiled indifferently and said.

“There’s no need for that. Let’s sit here while you finish your cup of coffee. Later, let’s find a hotel, get aprivate room and I’ll treat you to dinner!” Ivan replied with an indifferent smile. According to hisexperience with many girls, Xena was definitely a gold digger.

Apart from that, he previously saw Xena hug a young guy who looked like a second generation of a richfamily by accident. He was just too lazy to tell Ben about this. However, when he passed by from outside,he suddenly had an idea.

“Really? Just the two of us? We’ll go to a hotel and get a private room for food? Wouldn’t that be awaste? Let’s just eat some simple food!” Xena was surprised. Seating in front of her was the youngmaster of the Taylor family, Ivan Taylor. This man had the highest possibility of inheriting the Taylor familyin the future so he could be considered as a real rich family’s next generation. At least, when comparedto Ben, Ivan was at least 100 times better than him.

During the previous hotel gathering, Ben took her with him. In the midst of it, she really wanted to have adrink with Ivan and get a name card after that. It was a pity when he ignored her and left her in anembarrassing situation. She had no idea that Ivan would proactively ask her out for a meal and shewondered what was his hidden agenda.

Chapter 388 Ivan looked at her and smiled indifferently. “How would it be a waste to have lunch with such a prettylady? It should be my honor!”

Xena smiled when she heard this. “Young Master Taylor, I’m sure you’ve seen a lot of pretty ladies. Ishouldn’t be considered as a pretty lady in your opinion!”

“you’re being very modest!” Ivan stood up and gestured after you to Xena, “Let’s go!”

“I think you’ve left me with no choice but to accept deferentially!” Although Xena was still curious aboutwhy Ivan wanted to invite her for dinner alone, she felt that he must have something important to talk

about. Hence, she did not think much and just followed him.

The two of them drove and soon arrived at a high-end hotel. They got a private room and ordered quitesome dishes.

“Young Master Taylor, is there anything important that you need to seek me out privately?” Xena seemeda little nervous as this was her first time sitting face to face with a real rich person. Apart from that, it wasso grand as they even got red wine and she was unprepared for it. After all, Ivan had on a suit thatexudes the feeling of a successful person.

“Come, let’s first drink!” Ivan poured a glass of wine for her and clanked the glasses together.

“Sure!” Xena had no idea what Ivan had in mind but she still drank all the red wine in a gulp.

“I like girls that are pretty and straight-forward like you!” Ivan laughed. He then casually placed a hand onXena’s thigh as if it was an accident after he spoke.

“Young Master Taylor, what are you…” Xena blushed and immediately removed his hand.

“Oh!” Ivan realized what happened and said with a smile, “Miss Xena, you’re too pretty and I can’t helpmyself!”

Ivan paused here before continuing, “It’s just a waste that you’re with an untalented man. You’re reallymaking it easy for Ben. What can that guy do? He doesn’t have a job and only plays video games. Howis he worthy of a beauty like you?”

Xena was secretly happy when she heard this. She was so lucky, was it possible that Ivan had really sethis eyes on her? If that was the case, it was very good if she got to be with Young Master Taylor and wasable to marry him.

The current Taylor family was close to being a second-class aristocratic family. She heard that Selena’scompany was about to sign a contract with the Taylor family. It was a huge project and once theysucceed, the Taylor family would definitely make it into the range of second-class aristocratic familieswithin one or two years. Wouldn’t she be changing her status to a higher one if she was married to asecond-class aristocratic family’s future master? Apart from that, although Ivan constantly visited barsand there were bad rumors about him, but, which rich man was not a womanizer?

Chapter 389 ”Oh, Young Master Taylor, what you’ve said is too much. I’m not that pretty!” Xena pretended to bemodest and picked up some food before putting it on Ivan’s plate. “Come, let’s eat!”

“sure!” Ivan laughed and they started eating.

After a while, Ivan said again, “Miss Xena, I’ve fallen in love with you at first sight. I’ve been thinkingabout you for the past few days and I’m so lucky to have bumped into you today. I had to muster mycourage to invite you for dinner!”

“How’s that possible?” Xena frowned and looked at Ivan before saying, “Young Master Taylor, are youbeing serious?”

“Don’t you worry, I am!” Taylor placed one of his hands on Xena’s thigh again before saying with a smile,“From today onwards, I’ll give you whatever you want. You would also give me everything I want, right? Ibelieve that you don’t really like Ben, right?”

“Young Master Taylor, you’re right. I’ve fallen out of love for Ben since long ago. If he wasn’t so nice tome, I really want to break up with him!”

Xena was afraid that she would miss this opportunity. She stopped pushing Ivan’s hand away, pretendingas if nothing happened.

Ivan had a cold smile inwardly when he heard this. However, he directly held her hand, “Xena, be mywoman. I have no idea if it’s because of the wine today. I haven’t had much but I feel drunk. I want you.How about this, why don’t you accompany me to rest in a room upstairs and later, I’ll bring you out to buysome branded handbags and clothes. You can choose whatever you have your eyes on. What do yousay?”

Xena immediately pretended to be reserved and said, “This-this doesn’t sound like a good idea, YoungMaster Taylor. Although I don’t like Ben, we haven’t broken up. Apart from that, who knows but you mightbe lying to me. I’ve just known you for a while and although I have some feelings for you, but, it doesn’tsound so good to go into a hotel room, right?”

“Hey, what’s so bad about it? You must have misunderstood me?” Ivan immediately said with a smile,“It’s best that you have feelings for me. I’m asking you to follow me because I would like for you toaccompany me while I rest and have a chat with me. I’m not asking you to do anything, right? Don’t youworry, I’m not that kind of person!”

“I guess it would be fine if it’s only sitting down and resting!” Xena blushed and was shy. She clearlyknew that if she really followed him upstairs, it wouldn’t be as simple as taking a rest.

After they finished eating, they quickly got a room and walked into the room.

“Xena, I really want to be with you, but, you cannot break up with Ben yet. You have to remain with himso that we can get information about Selena and jackie! Don’t you worry. As long as you help me withthis and tell me what I want to know, you will surely benefit from it!” Ivan said to Xena, who was in front ofhim, after he closed the door.

“I thought that you really liked me. In the end, you are only taking advantage of me. You want to stabilizeyour position in the Taylor family and get rid of your threat, Selena, right?” Xena laughed and she finallyrealized that Ivan wanted to use her for something.

“How can you call this taking advantage of you? From today onwards, you will be my girlfriend, mywoman. Isn’t it normal for my woman to do something for me?” Ivan smiled and actually pulled Xena overto him before pouncing on her as they landed on the bed.

“Let go of me!” Xena was startled and started struggling.

Chapter 390 ”Young Master Taylor, no! We can’t….” Xena was really startled and she fought back.

“Xena, you’ll be my woman. You’ll be following me on a journey to enjoy life from today onwards. Apartfrom that, I can buy everything you like!”

Ivan had some wine. That and the fact that Xena was pretty with a great body, he seemed unable tocontrol himself, turning crazy under the drive of alcohol.

“No-no…We can’t! We’ve just met not long ago.”

“Relationships happen because of feelings for each other and have nothing to do with the amount of timewe’ve met…”

“Young master Taylor, no! I’m not prepared for this!”

“…” Xena was secretly happy about this and she gave in to him after refusing half-heartedly.

Around half an hour later, Ivan looked at the woman on the bed in satisfaction. He put on his clothes,“Honey, you’re really good. Let’s go on a shopping trip together and I’ll buy you a car. How about that?”

“Buy a car?” Xena was dazed before she asked, “Young master Taylor, you’re really good at telling jokes.Didn’t I come over driving a Rolls-Royce Phantom?”

“That’s not a rental?” Ivan was stunned. Xena was a vain woman and in his opinion, she must haverented that Rolls-Royce Phantom to support her vanity and to show-off in front of her best friends.

Different from what he imagined, Xena said with a smile, “Young Master Taylor, you must be joking. Whywould I rent such a nice car? I guess that this car can be considered as mine!”

“Can be considered as yours? What does that mean?” Ivan wondered.

“Oh, I’m sure that you don’t know this yet. jackie knows how to practice medicine and he was able tohelp Miss George lose weight with the medicinal knowledge he acquired from some unknown place! It allstarted when Sharon George fell for jackie and under the encouragement of her friends, she came overto confess to him…” Xena soon told everything that happened yesterday to Ivan.

She continued with, “Fiona doesn’t know how to drive yet, so I can drive this car whenever I want. Even ifshe gets her license later, I can still drive Ben’s car, right? After all, everything that’s his, is mine, right?Aren’t we considered as a family?”

Ivan pulled Xena over, signed her waist and said with a cold expression, “What’s this nonsense aboutyou being in the same family as them? You’re my woman now, not his family. If not, I’ll get jealous!”

Although Xena knew what Ivan said might be lies, she still felt warm inwardly.

She could not help but rolled her eyes at Ivan, “Alright, Young Master Taylor, I get it, okay? Until today, Ihaven’t let that stupid guy, Ben, touch me yet. He’s just a spare tire to me! How can he compare with astrong and handsome man like Young Master Taylor?”

“Hey girl, stop calling me Young Master Taylor. You can address me as Ivan when there’s only us, but doremember to address me as Young Master Taylor when there are outsiders, alright?” Ivan thought aboutit and immediately continued, “Apart from that, you have to tell me on time about everything that happensin Ben’s family. As an example, the matter of jackie treating Sharon George is not a small one.”

“Okay!” Xena thought about it and said after she remembered something, “Oh yes, Master Georgeoriginally thought that the medication that jackie gave was fake so he stepped on it. In the end, they

lacked one of the pills and jackie asked for twenty million. The George family had enough money thatthey directly paid him to buy that one pill!”


Chapter 391 The corners of Ivan’s mouth twitched when he heard this. If jackie really had money, it would be difficultfor him to make a joke out of jackie on the old man’s birthday and throw him out of the house.

“However, he gave the twenty million to Fiona as the betrothal gift for Selena, fulfilling his previouspromise to Fiona!” Xena continued.

“Alright. If jackie manages to get any money in the future, even if it’s something normal like the Drakefamily paid his wages earlier than scheduled, you have to immediately inform me about it. It doesn’tmatter if you don’t know anything, but if you do, you must inform me!” Ivan thought about it and remindedXena.

“Alright. Young Master Taylor, I get it!” Xena rolled her eyes at him impatiently. She was slightly unhappyas after their entire encounter, she had become a spy and was in charge of uncovering information?

“I have already told you to not address me as Young Master Taylor, call me Ivan!” Ivan smiled andwrapped his hand around her shoulder, “Let’s go shopping, I’ll buy you expensive bags and watches.How about that?”

“Okay, but we have to go to the north side of the city. If we stay here, we might bump into Ben and won’twe be discovered?” Xena thought about it and said.

“Yes, darling. You’re the smart one! It seems that I cannot hug you in public too!” Ivan smiled. Hebelieved that with the help of Xena, who was by jackie and the others’ sides, he would get informationabout everything in their lives from that day onwards.

After shopping for two to three hours, Ivan drove back to the Taylor Mansion alone. He was stunnedwhen he entered the living hall because the old master and some of the Taylor family’s members werewaiting for him here.

“How was it? Ivan, did you sign the contract?” Theodore Taylor immediately asked.

Obviously, everybody was waiting for him here with this thought in their mind. They were waiting for himto come back and give him some good news, but he only returned at this moment.

Only now did Ivan remember the matter that made him angry that morning. He could only smileembarrassingly, “Sigh, don’t mention it! We didn’t manage to sign the contract. I had no idea whathappened but Selena didn’t come to work this morning so I left. She didn’t pick up my calls and I plan togo over again tomorrow!”

“who was the one that promised us he would definitely get the contract signed today? If not, didn’t he saythat he’ll go live on social media to show himself eating shit?” A forty-year-old man couldn’t help butlaugh with a taunt on his face.

The corners of Ivan’s mouth immediately twitched. This was his elder and used to work hard underSelena’s management. He was very hard working and was very supportive of Selena. However, after hebecame the general manager, these people were disobedient towards him. If they weren’t his elders, hewould have found a reason to fire them.

“How’s that possible? Young Master Ivan actually said that he’ll go live and show himself eating shit?”

“Do you want to try it? You might be able to go viral!” Cecilia Taylor stood beside them and was laughing.She was not here yesterday and only knew about Ivan’s promise at that moment.

Chapter 392 Ivan was pissed. He would not have thought that Cecilia would tease him without any respect given.

What a brat!

“Can’t you take a joke?” He glared at her.

“Is it? You’re the young Master of the Taylor family. Such a prestigious identity… How could you jokeabout such a thing? I humbly advise you to not make such a joke next time,” Cecilia mocked.

She was dating a young master from a second-class aristocratic family. Soon, she could marry him andbe a rich madam. By then, Ivan would be a piece of cake, and she would not have to work under himanymore. She was euphoric at the thought of this. Ivan, on the other hand, wanted to punch Cecilia!

Suddenly, Old Master spoke, “I say, you guys watch your mouth before we secure the contract.” Hepaused for a bit before continuing, “Selena is someone who’ll honor her words. She won’t just chickenout. There must be a valid reason why she didn’t make it.”

Speaking of the devil, Ivan’s phone rang. It was Selena.

“Selena Taylor, what is the meaning of this? I’ve waited for you the whole afternoon. Where were you?You didn’t answer a single phone call!”

Ivan knew exactly what happened, all this rage was just for show. He had turned on the speaker soeveryone could hear Selena explain. He was betting if Selena was calling him to interrogate if he hiredthe hitman to kill jackie. Even better, perhaps jackie was already dead. Could Shadow have only killedher target, jackie, and not Selena?

‘So, Selena, are you going to ask me if I’ve hired a hitman or what?’ Ivan thought.

What proceeded was… “I ran into a hitman this morning. She kidnapped me so I wasn’t able to answernor return your calls…”

“Oh my god, kidnapped?!”

“No way… Who is that?! We’re considerably respectable being a third-class aristocratic family, I bet noordinary people would do such a thing to us.”

“Hitman? How could she still be alive after being kidnapped? Are you sure they’re not asking formoney?”

Those in Taylor’s mansion gasped and were shocked by the news.

Old Master Taylor waited no more before he snatched the phone. “How are you, Selena? Are you hurt?”

On the other end of the call, Selena felt warm as she could feel the concern from the tone of OldMaster’s voice. “I’m fine, Grandpa, don’t worry. That hitman’s target is jackie. She knows Transfigurationand she had disguised herself as me! But jackie could see it through, he didn’t fall for her tricks and evenkilled her! I was surprised!” Selena summarized her experience and explained.

“That’s good, that’s good!” The old master broke out in cold sweat. The fact that she was a hitman wasbad enough, what was worse was that she knew Transfiguration! Well, who would have suspected theperson they least suspected to be?

Chapter 393 “Alright now, Grandpa, I’m hanging up. Get Ivan to come sign the contract tomorrow morning.”

“ jackie is pretty smart, isn’t he? He saw through her deception, played along, and then retaliated!”Cecilia could not help but compliment.

“Thank goodness they are both fine. If jackie was dead, Kylie would be without a father!” Eugene Taylor,who was in his forties, lamented.

“So what if he dies, he’s just an outsider. He’s just a bodyguard, a rough man! My cousin Selena is suchan excellent woman, she will get another man,” Ivan, on the other hand, dissed. He was still salty about

the money spent—fifty million—on hiring such an elite hitman like Shadow, but got killed by jackieinstead!

The mission was not completed, and on top of that, there would be no refund because the hitman wasdead! That fifty million was burned overnight, just like that. They paid fifty million…just to see the enemystill alive.

“Ivan, watch your mouth. A stepdad will never treat his stepdaughter as well as one’s own father would.Besides, jackie has got a stable job with Drake’s now. Who’s to say he won’t succeed in the future?jackie, this young lad, I think he’s got potential. He’s smart, has a high income, and he can fight well!He’s the perfect match for Selena!” Eugene defended jackie.

Eugene hoped that Selena could come back to Taylor’s and work for them. He also hoped jackie couldbe acknowledged by the family so that the whole family could live peacefully under one roof.

“he’s just a soldier, a bodyguard. He’s no match to all the young masters out there!” Ivan was stillobviously salty and continued to pick fights.

“Alright there, your uncle, Eugene, has a point. jackie is a bodyguard but he isn’t just any ordinarybodyguard. He’s a bodyguard at Drake’s. He has the potential to grow there.” Zeus could not take itanymore and interjected Ivan, “Ivan, you can’t penalize him just because of that conflict that happened.Besides, he has promised to compensate you with ten million on my birthday. If he kept his words, youshould let this go. Understood?”

“Yes, Grandpa, I understand.” Ivan was still upset, and only said this to pacify his grandfather.

He quickly followed up with, “But if he can’t fulfill his promise, and didn’t get you an expensive gift, he’llhave to divorce Selena and leave the Taylor family according to the contract. Right?”

“Naturally. He suggested this condition, and he shall be a man to his words.” The old man nodded.Honesty was a virtue he upheld, jackie was no good for his grandaughter if he could not keep his words.

“What? What have I heard? You said you were kidnapped?” Selena, who was answering a call in heryard, was interjected by Fiona who was eavesdropping behind her. She got a bad feeling about this…

Chapter 394 Selena did not tell Fiona about what happened that day—the kidnap and the hitman—to save Fionasome worries. Hence, she secretly took her call out to her yard after dinner. Unexpectedly, Fiona hadactually followed her out to the yard and heard everything she said on the call.

“Mum, it’s nothing. Aren’t we home safe and sound now?” Selena awkwardly smiled. She did not lookwell, though.

Filled with anger, Fiona reprimanded, “Back? Do you have any idea how dangerous that was? Thatdamn jackie… If it wasn’t for him causing troubles, would anyone hire a hitman to kill him?” She thenturned toward the house and yelled, “ jackie, you bastard! Get out here this instance!”

“Mum, what’s the matter?” jackie asked with a smile as he paced toward them.

“What’s the matter? Heh… I heard you ran into a hitman today, she even kidnapped and disguised as mydaughter? You have no idea what you got yourself into? That’s a killer you were dealing with, what if shekilled my daughter? This is all your fault. You’ve been going around causing troubles! My daughterwouldn’t have to deal with this if it wasn’t for you!”

Fiona blasted at the sight of jackie. She continued, “Hmph, don’t think that twenty million you gave mecan buy your way out of this. I’m warning you, don’t let this happen again. Even though I take you as myson-in-law now, I’ll make my daughter divorce you if it ever happens again!”

Embarrassed, jackie smiled bitterly as he replied, “Mum, no one could have seen that coming. I wouldn’tknow the hitman would disguise herself and get Selena involved, this is my bad. I have to say, I didn’tcause trouble. But if someone had come to pick a fight, I couldn’t let it slide either.

“If… I’m just giving an example here. If a mad person had come to you with a knife and wanted to killyou… Now, you didn’t provoke this man, would you retaliate?”

“You…” Fiona was speechless as jackie’s words made sense. However, she insisted, “I don’t care.Whatever it is, stop going around provoking people, even if it means you have to give in to them.Whoever hired the hitman could always hire another one after this failed attempt. I don’t care if you die…But what about my daughter?”

jackie thought she had a good point. “How about this, I’ll hire a bodyguard for Selena’s safety’s sake.”

“Bodyguard? Sure, you pay!” Fiona was a little stunt.

“Mm, don’t you worry about the money, I’ll pay!” jackie nodded.

Just as they were headed back home, an Audi stopped in front of their house. A man then walked towardthem.

“Hey, is this not, Marshal Dennis?” Fiona recognized and gasped. Dennis had come with Ken to causetrouble here. However, jackie, as a veteran, had talked sense into them and made them leave. So, whywas he there again?

“Gee… Not another hitman now, aye?” Fiona was scared sh*tless as she gulped. She ran toward Selenato signal her to get out of there.

Selena, on the other hand, was not worried. If it was not for jackie at that fighting ring, Dennis would be along-dead man.

Chapter 395 So, Selena was certain that Dennis was not there for killing business. She was, however, perplexed byhow he recovered so quickly so soon. He had serious injuries that day. She had estimated that Denniswould need to be bedridden for at least a fortnight. But look at him, he looked like a healthy young lad!

“What are you doing here?” Feeling scared, Fiona asked, “If you’re here for jackie, go ahead, it hasnothing to do with us. Be clear with your target, he’s responsible for what he did, let him face theconsequences, not us. Alright?”

jackie was dumbfounded by his mother-in-law’s actions.

“ jackie, I’m here to thank you for that day!” Dennis intended to kneel before jackie but thought it wasbetter for him not to as it might expose jackie’s true identity. So, he could only bow with his handsclasped.

jackie thought even that was unnecessary. Annoyed, he said, “Alright, what’s passed is past, there’snothing to thank me for. Besides, it was such a dangerous situation. I’ll be ashamed of myself if I didn’trescue you.”

“You’re right…” Dennis smiled as he presented a box to Selena. “Sis, jackie is my brother now, it’s onlynatural that I call you ‘sis’. Here’s a little gift for you, I hope you like it.”

“This…” Selena was shy. She looked at jackie, not knowing whether to accept the gift. At the same time,she was more shocked that Dennis, being a marshal himself, had addressed jackie as his ‘brother’. Thatwas a lot of respect paid.

Then she thought jackie had saved Dennis’ life. So, it was no big deal for him to call jackie ‘brother’…Speaking of that, jackie was a lucky man indeed. O’Neal was already injured when jackie stepped intothe ring and hit him one more time. Otherwise, jackie would be no match to O’Neal. O’Neal could havekilled him, even!

“What are you waiting for? Thank the marshal now! It’s disrespectful to refuse the gift, you know?” Fionanudged, her face filled with joy.

A marshal had just addressed jackie as ‘brother’, that was great news despite not knowing why Dennisdid so. It seemed Dennis had owed jackie a favor. Most importantly, any gift from a marshal would beexpensive. It was dumb if jackie declined it.

“Go ahead, take it! He came all the way to thank me and present you a gift, why not?” jackie advised.

“Thank you, Marshal Dennis!” Selena accepted the gift and smiled politely.

“you’re welcome. jackie had prescribed me medicine, and that saved my life. He is my brother now, I owehim my life. I’ll do as he says,” Dennis declared seriously.

“For real?” jackie was stunned.

Which to Dennis replied, “For real. I’m a man of my words!” jackie did not only save his life, jackie is theSupreme Warrior. Anyone would give their life up to a Superior Warrior.

“Very well. From today onward, you’ll be my wife’s bodyguard. You’ll keep her safe,” jackie requested.

Chapter 396 “What?” When Fiona heard that, she was caught by surprise and took a deep breath.

She immediately stepped forward and glared at jackie angrily, “ jackie, have you gone mad? I told you tofind a bodyguard to protect my daughter, but you just found one casually? Do you even know who he is?He’s an officer, and a marshal at that, and you’re asking him to become a bodyguard?”

Having said that, she pulled jackie to stand in front of Dennis, “Hurry up and apologize to MarshalDennis. Even if you’re fortunate enough to save his life by giving him some medicine, he’s alreadyexpressed his gratitude for that. What right do you have to ask him to be your bodyguard?”

Fiona was almost scared to death by jackie. This guy could actually spout such nonsense. Was he notaware of how powerful a marshal was? An officer, a marshal at that, countless people wanted to get intotheir good books.

However, Fiona did not expect Dennis to smile indifferently, “That’s not a problem, I’ll protect sister-in-lawsecretly. Of course, if you’re around, then I won’t be needed. I’ll most definitely try my best to protect herwhen she’s alone to and from work, or when she’s out alone.”

“Agreed, he agreed?” Fiona’s jaw dropped, wondering if she heard wrongly. jackie asked a marshal toprotect her daughter, and the other party actually agreed to it. It was a miracle.

“Mother, I wasn’t looking for someone casually. You said to find a bodyguard for Selena. If I’m going tofind one, I’ve to find a good one, right? Otherwise, what if the hitman hired by the other side happens tobe very skillful? That’s why I thought Marshal Dennis is very suitable!” At this time, jackie grinned atFiona, as if he was talking about something very trivial.

“Auntie, don’t worry. From now on, I’m going to treat jackie as my brother. And as my brother, my life ishis!” Dennis looked at jackie as he said this, his expression serious.

Fiona was overjoyed, but she still asked tentatively, “That’s all fine, but you’re a marshal after all, I’mafraid jackie can’t afford your fees. How much monthly salary are you asking for?”

“you’re too kind. Between us, there’s no need to talk about salary. We’re comrades after all!” Dennislaughed. He was very satisfied to be able to do something for jackie. Moreover, jackie had saved his lifebefore, so he regarded this as repaying his gratitude.

jackie coughed awkwardly. Dennis was being too careless. If he refused to take any salary, would thatnot be too obvious?

“Oh, I’m not asking for much. Ten or twenty thousand will do!” Dennis quickly caught on and said.

“So little? Isn’t that a disadvantage for you? You’re a marshal!” Fiona was a little embarrassed. Ten totwenty thousand a month for a marshal to be a bodyguard to protect her daughter, and to protect herselfand others by the way, it would be too cost-effective.

“I’m idle anyway. Since I don’t have anything else to do, I’ll just treat it as something to pass my timewith!” Dennis chuckled.

“Let’s agree on twenty thousand a month then. I’ll transfer the money to you every month!”

After brief consideration, jackie spoke to Dennis and Fiona again, “By the way, since it’s secretprotection, it’s best not to discuss this matter openly. If this information leaks out, and if there’s really ahitman, the other party will be prepared for it or have a backup plan. It would be troublesome if theopponent engages any attack or defense strategies against us!”

In fact, jackie mainly said this to Fiona, in case she went out and bragged about the fact a marshal wasemployed as their bodyguard.

“Sure, sure, I won’t say anything!” Fiona nodded immediately.

“Except for the few of us here, don’t even tell Clifford or the other about this!” Selena looked around andsaid.

“Don’t worry. I understand. I won’t say anything!”

Chapter 397 Fiona smiled and said, “Oh yes, Dennis, please have a seat inside. Do you want to have a few drinkstoo?”

“that won’t be necessary. It’s too late, I should go!” Dennis chuckled and soon drove away.

“Selena, let me see what that is?” Fiona was looking at the box in Selena’s hand. She was nearly dyingfrom curiosity.

Selena opened the box and looked inside, “A jade bracelet. I think the material looks pretty good. I’mafraid it’s worth at least a few hundred thousand.”

“No way, so expensive!” Fiona drew in a cold breath, “Dennis is too generous!” Having said that, sheturned her attention towards jackie, “ jackie, you lucky boy, saving the life of Dennis. It seems to me thatyour medical skills are really good. Besides, he has even referred to you as his brother. It must be ablessing from your ancestors!”

“I’m just lucky!” jackie chuckled before entering the house.

Looking at jackie’s retreating back, Fiona shrugged and helped Selena put on the bracelet, “This braceletlooks really good on you! It’s a pity I can’t tell anyone that a marshal is our bodyguard. It’s reallysuffocating. I can’t even brag about it to my friends.”

“Ah, just keep a low profile. What’s there to brag about?” Selena sighed, at a loss on how to respond.

At this time, Ivan called Ken and Neil out.

“Young Master Taylor, how come you’re so free to invite us for drinks?” Neil smiled before he continued,“The hitman said that jackie will be killed within five days. Two days have passed, I wonder if she hastaken any action?”

“Yeah, I really look forward to the day for jackie to be killed!” Ken started laughing.

Ivan’s expression was ominous, “The other party has already taken action!”

“Really? How was it? It must be a success, right? She’s very skillful and good at transfiguration. I didn’texpect that she could do it so soon,” Neil was overjoyed and looked at Ivan expectantly.

“She’s quick to take action and quick to die too!” Ivan picked up the glass of red wine in front of him anddowned it in one gulp.

“What? jackie died that quickly? That’s too good for him. D*mmit, he should be tortured before beingkilled!”

When Ivan heard that, he could not help but sneer, “Yeah, we forgot to instruct the hitman to torture thatguy first. It’s best to take a video of him kneeling and begging for his life so that we could watch it!”

Ken was also a little resentful, thinking that jackie had gotten off too easily.

“what the hell were you thinking about? D*mmit, I was talking about the hitman. She died too quickly!”Ivan smiled bitterly as he spoke, but in his heart, he was at a loss on how to react, “It’s still fine for her todie, but the point is, she kidnapped Selena this morning, and my contract ended up not being signed.When I returned home, the other family members actually made fun of me.”

“What!” Ken and Neil exclaimed in unison, wondering if their ears were playing tricks on them.

Chapter 398 “No, that can’t be. Isn’t she ranked the fifth on the hitman leaderboard in the southwest district? Didn’tshe claim she could face a marshal head-on?” After a long while, with his mouth twitching slightly, Neilturned to Ivan and said, “Young Master Taylor, you can’t be kidding, right? If he can’t be killed like this,you’ll have your work cut out for you. It’s more difficult to kill him than reaching the heavens!”

“That’s right, Young Master Taylor. You must be joking. She can even transfigure herself. Under suchcircumstances, isn’t it a piece of cake to get rid of jackie?” Ken was still baffled.

“maybe if she didn’t transfigure herself or engage in any elaborate killing rituals, she might succeed inkilling jackie! Who’d expect that woman to transfigure herself as Selena and kidnap her? Based on herpast killing patterns, she must be planning to kill jackie in front of Selena. But something happened in theprocess. That woman gave the game away and jackie found out about it. As a result, not only did jackienot expose her, but he went along with it and killed her when she was caught unawares. So you tell me,if a hitman was unprepared, isn’t that the same as losing her life?” Ivan sneered and gulped downanother glass of red wine that was just filled up. “What rotten luck. F*ck!”novelbin

“I…” Neil was at a loss for words. “What kind of hitman is this? She’s too careless to get spotted byjackie. I guess jackie must have launched a sneak attack on her after he found out. Otherwise, he’s not amatch for her in a fair fight!”

“That’s right. jackie is simply too lucky. This hitman likes playing tricks and ended up killing herself. If theywent head-on against each other, jackie is most definitely not an opponent!” Ken smiled bitterly too.“Take the last time when jackie fought at the arena as an example of his lucky streak. Dennis had beatenO’Neal within an inch of his life when jackie just finished him with one kick. and Here I was thinking thatjackie was a tough opponent and strong in combat. He only kicked that person’s neck, but it ended upwith the chest and other areas exploding from the impact, and those were the areas hit by Dennis in thefirst place! Obviously, the opponent’s death was not caused by jackie!” Neil explained helplessly.Although he was unwilling to concede, he did not have a choice. jackie always had good luck.

“Sigh, let’s talk about our next steps!” Ivan sighed, but something occurred to him and he stood upquickly with a slap on his forehead, “Oh yes, I almost forgot, didn’t you give me that drug? let’s figure outa way to let jackie drink it, and our problem will be solved!”

“That’s a bit difficult, right? When we used one hundred million to engage Fiona the last time, it ended upa failure too!” Ken frowned in dejection.

“of course the plan would fail if you got her to do it. Not only is she greedy, but she’s also a coward. Doyou understand? There’s one person who can definitely do the job. Furthermore, she’s now mygirlfriend!” Ivan chuckled, took out his phone, called Xena, and told her to come over.

After the call, he turned back to the other two, “Most importantly, the two of you must keep this matter asecret. Her identity must not be revealed!”

“Who’s that?” Neil looked confused.

“You’ll find out when she gets here. she’s a beauty too. Tsk, tsk, and she tastes amazing!” Ivan smirkedand could not help licking his lips.

After a while, Xena, wearing a sexy dress, came into the private room.

“Here, let me introduce you. This is Young Master Ken Clark, and this is Young Master Neil Hugo!” Ivanstood up and introduced them with all smiles. “And this is my girlfriend, Xena jackieson!”

Chapter 399 “It’s a pleasure to meet the two young masters. Here, let me give you a toast!” Xena smiled and pouredherself a glass of red wine.

Of course, she was ecstatic. These two were the young masters of a second-class aristocratic family. Byfollowing Ivan, she could get in touch with people of a higher status, certainly much better than with Ben.She, Xena jackieson, had finally entered the upper-class social circle.

“Xena jackieson, why do I find this name familiar?” Ken frowned as he sipped his red wine. Very quickly,his eyes lit up. “Now I remember. Aren’t you Ben Taylor’s girlfriend?”

“yeah, she used to be, but not anymore!” Ivan laughed. “She’s my woman now, but for the time being,she has to stay with that useless Ben to collect some information for us. Besides, for some of the thingsthat Fiona can’t do for us, Xena can definitely do it!”

Xena rolled her eyes seductively at Ivan. “You’re so mean. What else do I have to do? I thought youasked me out to have fun, but it turns out that you want me to do something for you!”

“of course we’re here to enjoy ourselves!” Ivan laughed and pressed a kiss on Xena’s cheek, beforetaking out a small packet, “This is a type of drug, but don’t worry, the person won’t die immediately aftertaking it. It’s colorless and odorless. After consuming it, that person will take about a month to die. Beforethat, the person will become thinner and weaker, feeling weak in the limbs as if they were ill. Even thedoctors won’t be able to trace it!”

“My goodness, there’s such a powerful drug?” Xena took a deep breath and frowned. “Let me guess,who are you going to give this drug to? Well, it should be jackie, right? After all, Young Master Clark andYoung Master Hugo seem to like Selena, so it can’t be her. It must be jackie that you want to get rid of,right?”

“Babe, you’re so smart. I’ve not even said anything yet, and you’ve guessed it all! I must reward youproperly tonight!” Ivan was very pleased. He hugged Xena around her waist and kissed her cheek again.

“It’s a promise!” Xena blushed and said bashfully.

“Of course. We’ll find a hotel later and have a good rest. Tomorrow morning, I’ll transfer one million foryou to pamper yourself! After you’ve given this drug to jackie successfully, I’ll buy you a villa of yourchoice. How about that?” Ivan smiled.

“A villa? Really? I want a better one, not the ones out in the suburbs!” Xena’s eyes lit up immediately. Abetter villa would not be worth one or two million, but rather, seven or eight million. At least, it would beconsidered pretty good in a place like Eastfield, and ordinary people would not be able to afford a placelike that in their lifetime.

“That goes without saying. For you, everything must be the best!” Ivan felt a bit excited as he saw Xenakeeping the packet of drug.

If jackie could be dealt with by using such a small amount of money, it would definitely be worth it. Afterall, one hundred and fifty million did not achieve that result. Ken and Neil exchanged a gleeful look. Theyhad to admit that Ivan’s idea was pretty good.

Chapter 400 “Oh yes, Young Master Taylor, I think it’s best for Miss jackieson not to take any action recently!”

After thinking for a while, Neil continued, “They just met the hitman after all, so we have alreadydisturbed the hornet’s nest. jackie must be on his guard already. If we act now, I’m afraid we’d get intotrouble if anything goes wrong!”

Xena also nodded repeatedly. “I agree, especially since I’m on bad terms with jackie, he might be wary ofme. Another point is that jackie is a smart guy and not easy to deal with. So, we should wait for a whileuntil they relax their vigilance!”

Ivan thought for a moment before he said, “Let’s wait until Grandpa Taylor’s seventieth birthday is over.By that time, if jackie can’t pay me ten million in compensation or can’t come up with a gift worth tenmillion, he will be forced to divorce Selena and get kicked out of the Taylor family anyway!” Speaking ofthis, Ivan smiled. “In that case, then there’s no need to administer the drug to him. But if he can do it bythen, after the birthday party, you’ll think of a way to give him the drug. After one month, he’ll slowly die.”

“Oh no, if he’s going to divorce Selena and get kicked out of the Taylor family, I don’t have to give him thedrug. Then, Young Master Taylor won’t buy me a villa?” That occurred to Xena very quickly and she wasa little unhappy.

“that won’t do. Of course, I’ll still buy it for you. You’re my girlfriend, my woman! If jackie was kicked outafter the birthday party, I’ll buy you a villa as a celebration! If he’s not kicked out, then we’ll wait until yougive him the drug before I buy one for you as a reward. How about that?” Ivan said with a smile. Xenawas not stupid. If she was being used without giving her any benefit, what would he do if she exposedsuch things in the future?

Therefore, Ivan would not pinch on the hush money that was meant for her. Besides, this woman lookedgreat. Putting aside the possibility of getting married to her in the future, it was still good to have fun withher now. He was even looking forward to seeing Ben’s reaction when he found out he was cuckolded.

“let’s have a drink at the bar. It won’t be long before the Old Master’s birthday party. At that time, I’ll comeand have a look too!” Neil laughed before he continued, “Recently, I’ve sent people to watch jackie insecret too, to see if he went into any luxury stores or bought any gifts worth tens of millions. However,except for going to and from work, it seems like that guy didn’t go into any expensive jade shop or goldshops!”

“Yeah, a gift worth ten million isn’t that easy to purchase, right? Unless it’s an antique!” Ken also laughedheartily.

With that plan in mind, they were not so worried anymore.

The next day, Selena went to work early in the morning. Dennis drove secretly and escorted her to thecompany before leaving. Ivan and Janet soon appeared in Selena’s office. This time, they finally metSelena and the signing of the contract went smoothly.

At noon, jackie received a call from Dennis asking him out.

“What’s up? Are you looking for me?” After arriving at a coffee shop and sitting down, jackie askedDennis.

“How do I put it? It’s not a big deal, but I think I should tell you about it and let you decide if you areinterested to go!” Dennis smiled before he continued, “Tomorrow, one of the Kings of War, MagnusSutherland, will be holding a congregation at the Carefree Manor as a meeting of the comrades tostrengthen our network and friendship. He’ll be responsible for all the expenses and just hope that someof the comrades can participate. I know that many assistant commanders, head commanders, andmarshals will be going, and a few kings of war will be joining too!”

“Sure, it’s a good gathering for all the brothers who fought in arms. Having a few drinks together is agreat thing!” jackie nodded with satisfaction at that information.

“Well, I heard that he has invited the Goddess of War too, so I wonder if Goddess Lana will turn up! Asfor you, they didn’t know that such a great person like you is in Eastfield, so they didn’t invite you!”


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