No.1 Supreme Warrior by Moneto

Chapter 2311-2320
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chapter 2311-2320

Chapter 2311 Samson said with a look of fear, “Then what do we do? We can’t just stand there and wait for death! Wecan’t just let them kill us, we have to work together!

“We need to get all the disciples from the northern clans to work together to fight against them! Fiends ortreasures are not important at all, our lives are the most important!”

Samson was right, with how the situation was, all those treasures were no longer that attractive to them.Their lives were the most important thing, and ensuring their clans were able to profit as well.

With the Corpse Pavilion crazily attempting to slaughter everyone, if they did not react immediately, all ofthem would be placed in a lot of danger. They would be at an absolute disadvantage with no way ofturning the tables around.

Jackie turned to look at the three of them, “Do you three have any way to notify the other disciples fromyour clans?”

Hayden nodded, “I have an idea! I have a sound transfer array with Graham!”


As he said that, he retrieved a sealing array that was about the size of a palm out of his storage ring.Jackie knew what that was.

Arrays like that were incredibly expensive, regular folk would not be able to afford them at all. However, ithad its uses at crucial times.

As long as spirit crystals were placed outside of the formation, they could transmit sound through space.They could no longer even afford to think about the cost at that point, and Hayden retrieved a few morespirit crystals, placing them there.

Various seals started to appear, and in two breaths, Hayden said into the array, “Graham! Somethingbad’s happened! We’re now at…”


Hayden suddenly paused at that. He did not know how he could convey the position he was to Graham.After all, they were not familiar with the area.

Jackie frowned before saying, “We’ve advanced about thirty kilometers. With Netherworld Mountain asthe landmark, we’re to the west. You can light a signal when you’re here.”

That was the only way they could describe their position. After the voice was sent over, Graham’s voicewas sent back after about five breaths time, “I understand, I’ll head there immediately!”

After that, Hayden was a bit more relaxed. He slumped on the floor in exhaustion. As a warrior, he wasactually not afraid of death.

He’d seen his fellow disciples being killed by man or beast alike. However, this was different from before,this was manslaughter!

None of them would have survived! Thinking about that, Hayden suddenly felt like someone had theirhands around his throat, that he could die at any Moment.

Just as they were feeling incredibly nervous, Jackie suddenly raised his head, looking over a witheredtree before he suddenly reacted. The three of them were shocked and immediately ran behind Jackie.

Samson trembled as he said, “Jackie, did you see something? Is there any danger?”

Jackie frowned, “I can feel…something on the branch of that tree!”


Jackie walked forward toward the tree. Jackie’s movement had been too quick. The three of them werestill incredibly anxious. Even though they were reluctant, they still followed behind.

Chapter 2312 It was a withered tree with no signs of life left in it. It was about the height of two humans. The tree wasso withered that, just by touching the trunk, layers of dried bark would fall off.

Jackie ignored the people behind him. He slowly knelt down, staring right at the tree’s roots. The three ofthem looked toward where Jackie did and did not notice anything strange.

The roots seemed to be just like any other part of the tree. It was unknown how long it had died. Thewhite skin spoke of the ages past. With Jackie not having said anything yet, the other three did not dareto Make any careless moves.

The three of them merely stared at where Jackie was looking. However, no matter how they looked, theycould not find anything strange about it. After kneeling down for a long time, Jackie slowly stood up.

His eyes had an unusual look to them, “What’s the point of doing all this? Is there anything special in thisplace?”

After saying that, he looked up to look at his surroundings. It was still the same endless, blood coloredworld. There did not seem to be anything special there, nothing that would attract Jackie’s attention.

Isaiah frowned and asked, “What’s the point in what? Jackie, what did you find?”

Jackie furrowed his eyebrows, saying in a plain tone,” Evil Blood Thunder, I felt a sliver of it on the rootsof this tree. It’s the same electricity I felt on Riv’s body.

Jackie had carefully investigated Riv’s corpse, especially the electricity around his chest. Without that asa reference, Jackie would not have so accurately noticed the odd circumstance.

The masked man had merely left a sliver of electricity around that tree, probably only as a mark. Thatwas why Jackie expanded his attention, trying to see if there was anything special around them.

However, after looking for a long time, he did not notice anything. It was possible that it really was just amark. With Jackie’s words, the three of them sent out their senses at the roots of the tree, and sureenough, they noticed the remnants of Evil Blood Thunder.

Hayden’s expression was incredibly dark, “What is it that this piece of trash wants?! He definitely has agoal in mind!”

With their fellow disciples dying in such a cruel manner, Hayden and others were naturally incrediblyupset. On top of them, the group of madmen could very possibly attack them as well, causing the groupto harbor even more hatred.

They did not have the confidence to beat the masked man. Even though Jackie was there, theiropponents were working together. With only the four of them, they would definitely not end up in a goodstate.

Samson paced around nervously. His skills were the weakest, and he was the one most worried abouthis own future.

“What do we do? I feel like that group isn’t just crazy, they are madmen with a plan in their heads. Facingthem, we have to be incredibly careful. Otherwise, if we meet them, we’re gone!”

Finishing that statement, Samson’s face was incredibly terrified. His lips trembled slightly as he looked atJackie with anticipation. Jackie knew what Samson was worried about.

There was nothing much Jackie could do at that moment either. “Just take it easy for now. We alreadyknow that this group will definitely attack if they meet us.

“Then, we just have to retreat immediately the moment we spot traces of them. If we’re far enough fromthem, they definitely won’t be a threat to us.”

Jackie’s words were mostly to comfort Samson’s anxiety, but Samson still looked incredibly panicked.

Chapter 2313 “Then we can never switch off our senses. As long as he notices anything wrong, we should fleeimmediately, don’t even think about anything else!”

Death was terrifying. It was something all of them did not want, nor were willing to face. Their group wasnot that prominent among the masters gathered in the Hidden Place for Resources, but back within theirown clans, they were among the elites.

They were either internal or chosen disciples within their clans. Normal informal disciples or runners, andmost of the other internal disciples would never dare to look down on them.

They were always greeted respectfully, and they had their own bright futures to look forward to. Hence,none of them were willing to lose their lives in a place like this.

Isaiah’s whole body was trembling slightly because he was constantly being flooded with the pale face ofRiv in his head.

Just half a day ago, Riv had been joking around with the rest of them. He never expected that the nexttime they met, that carefree and playful top internal disciple would end up as a corpse.

He had died so quickly, in just one hit. He did not even have the chance to fight back. It had been far toocruel.

Isaiah took a few deep breaths to calm himself down. However, his heart was still beating erratically.After a moment, he told Jackie, “Jackie, there’s definitely a reason he left a mark behind here. Theremight be something special around here that we haven’t noticed

“It’s because our investigation is just on the surface. Why don’t we investigate in detail so we can try andsee what he’s up to.”

Jackie nodded, “You’re right, but I feel like the masked man probably did not leave only a single markbehind. We might be able to see similar marks around here.”

Right after he said that an explosive sound was heard. It was as if someone was heading toward them ata fast speed. The four of them jumped back in surprise, and their eyes all moved to the origin of thesound

A handsome man in green robes was rushing toward them, with three others behind him. The man wasalready less than a hundred and fifty meters away from them. Looking at that, Hayden was incrediblyemotional

“Graham is here, he’s finally here. With the two of you, I probably won’t have to die anymore…”

Seeing Graham had put Hayden thoroughly at ease. Jackie raised his eyebrow, his mind thinking back tothe sound transfer array that Hayden had taken out earlier

The array was something incredibly expensive. Normally, regular disciples could not possibly own them.Even if Hayden was one of the top internal disciples in the Thousand Leaves Pavilion, he still did nothave the money to buy such a thing.

That meant that the array must have been given by someone else. The uniqueness of the array meantthat just buying one was useless, they would have needed two for it to be used.

Thinking about that, Jackie turned and looked at Hayden meaningfully. Before, Jackie thought thatHayden had a bit of a rotten mouth, but was just one of the stronger disciples in the Thousand LeavesPavilion.

There had been nothing particularly noteworthy about Hayden, but now it seemed like he hadunderestimated the guy.

As he thought about it, Graham and Benjamin landed in front of them. When Graham saw Jackie, hiseyes narrowed a little, obviously surprised.

Chapter 2314 However, he had never been a particularly expressive person, so he resisted his surprise.The people behind him obviously did not have Graham’s level of control.

The moment they saw Jackie, they all widened their eyes. Their faces were full of questions. Grahamfirst nodded slightly at Hayden before he walked forward to them, saluting Jackie.

“Jackie, I can’t believe I’m meeting you here. I’d have thought that you’d already have been at least twiceas far inside, killing countless fiends.”

The words sounded respectful, but Jackie paid no mind to it at all. He felt amused that Graham wasdefinitely not as upright and straight as he wanted to seem. It would seem like Graham was a schemeras well, and he would need to be careful interacting with Graham.

Jackie merely nodded slightly, shooting Hayden a look. Hayden immediately understood what Jackiewanted, and did not hesitate to reveal everything they had discovered.

Graham had a dark look on his face. Once Hayden finished, Graham said seriously, “Actually, I noticed afew corpses on the way here as well. All of those corpses belonged to the northern clans. I hadwondered if it had been the work of fiends or maybe fighting over the treasure.

“Now, it doesn’t seem to be the case. It looks like someone has already decided that all of us need to diehere.”

The last words had been practically forced out of Graham’s mouth through clenched teeth. Benjamin didnot look to be in a good state as well.

He stepped forward and said, “What should we do?! I never expected that the Corpse Pavilion would beso ruthless to want to kill us all off! None of us expected something like this from the start, and we gavethem a chance to seize the initiative. Who knows how many have died.”

Benjamin was right. Even though they’ve only noticed a dozen or so corpses thus far, no one couldguarantee that was the extent of it. It was possible that, with the masked man at the helm, the CorpsePavilion had already started slaughtering all of the northern clan disciples.

The eight that were present all had ugly looks on their faces. If the Corpse Pavilion really gained theupper hand, then the masked man would definitely surround all those who remained at the end.

Even though Graham, Benjamin, and Jackie were all extraordinary, there was still no way for them tofight against those sorts of numbers. If it turned into a numbers game, then they would be helpless.

If that happened, they would be forced to run, leaving behind the weaker disciples. Even if they survived,they would not know what to say when they returned to their clans.

They were already at the brink of despair when they suddenly heard frantic footsteps in the distance. Theeight of them looked toward the noise.

They saw a man in ragged clothing limping toward them, staggering as he moved. When the mannoticed Jackie and the others, he was incredibly emotional

Even though his leg was injured, he still quickened up the pace. Jackie furrowed his eyebrows, feelinglike the silhouette looked incredibly familiar. He could not stop himself from walking forward for a better


When he saw who he was, his heart stopped, and he hurriedly ran forward.

When the man saw Jackie and the others, it was like he had found his last hope! He ran quickly andurgently, and his left foot ended up tripping over his right, sending him tumbling to the ground.

Right before he fell on the ground, someone reached out their hands, holding him securely and pullinghim up slowly.

Chapter 2315 Jackie had a trace of uncertainty in his voice, “Nelson!”

At that moment, Nelson was in an incredibly bad state. His clothes had all been stained with blood, hisbody ripped all over by some unknown weapon. He looked to be in a worse state than some beggar bythe side of the road. He had lost all trace of his usual noble demeanor.

Nelson tightly clenched Jackie’s arm, his lips trembled slightly, “Jackie! I finally found you!”

At that moment, the rest of them had caught up. When Isaiah saw that it was the chosen disciple,Nelson, he widened his mouth in surprise, not daring to believe what he was seeing.

He immediately knelt down, holding Nelson with both hands, “What happened?! How are you soinjured?!”

Jackie did a simple check of Nelson’s injuries. A third of his Vessels were already broken, and he hadcountless wounds, big and small. There were even two broken bones. The fact that Nelson hadmanaged to reach this place was already a testament to his will.

Nelson no longer had the energy to respond to Isaiah’s questions. Jackie knew very well how muchNelson was suffering at that moment.

He looked up at Isaiah, “Do you have recovery medication, I…”

Jackie had a very troubled expression on his face hearing Nelson. Isaiah immediately knew what Jackiewas thinking when he saw the expression and did not dwell on the problem.

Reaching into his storage ring, he took out two recovery pills, stuffing them into Nelson’s mouth. Jackiewas already an elder disciple and was in a much higher position than a regular disciple.

However, Isaiah knew that Jackie had only been an elder disciple for a few days, there was no way forhim to have accumulated any wealth. Hence, he could not have had any recovery pills, which was whyJackie was forced to look at him.

After taking the pills, Nelson’s expression calmed down a bit. Jackie and Isaiah helped Nelson take aseat, and Nelson started to shut his eyes to meditate and recover. After two hours, Nelson’s injuriesstarted to stabilize.

Even though he was still heavily injured, he had cleared his mind enough to start answering questions.Graham and the others moved over, asking a few questions about Nelson’s injuries before anxiouslyasking him what happened.

Nelson frowned. “Ever since I left the starting spot, I had planned on killing a few fiends and possiblyobtaining some good treasures. On the way, I met a few fellow disciples and formed a small alliance.

“The small alliance consisted of five of us, three from the Dual Sovereign Pavilion and two from theThousand Leaves Pavilion.”

For some reason, Nelson had a strange look on his face when he mentioned the alliance. Even if most ofthem had noticed, none of them interrupted him.

Nelson continued, “The five of us advanced together, killing fiends. The journey had been filled withsurprises but had not been particularly dangerous. Yet, two hours ago, we suddenly encountered a largegroup of disciples from the Corpse Pavilion!”

Nelson’s hands trembled as he recall the scene. He could not hold back his fear and anger. It looked likehe had witnessed slaughter before his own eyes.

“I had no idea how many disciples the masked man had with him. However, I knew that there would beno way for the five of us to stand up to so many of them.

“Furthermore, with the masked man at the helm, they could probably easily accomplish anything theywanted to! So, the five of us avoided looking for any trouble with them.

“He did not know what the masked man was bringing so many fellow disciples around for. So, we gotcurious…”

Chapter 2316 Nelson’s lips curved into a bitter smile as he spoke. It was as if he was mocking himself aswell as the people who had discussed it back then.

“I had thought that as long as he didn’t provoke them, and as long as he tried to stay out of their way, wewouldn’t be in any danger. No one would’ve ever expected that they’d suddenly stop advancing whenthey noticed us, and rush right at us instead.

“The five of us fled the moment we realized something was wrong. However, we were too slow, and theyeventually caught onto us. Not even bothering to listen to us, about our identity or where we’re from, thefirst thing they did was attack us with their weapons!”

Nelson’s whole body trembled, his eyes growing bloodshot as flashbacks of what had happened ranthrough his mind. He felt completely broken.

He gulped and continued, “How could we have stood up against them? I looked on as my fellow disciplefell right before me. At that moment, all I could think of was fleeing!

“Thankfully, the elder gave me an offensive talisman before we left. The attack from the item wasincredibly strong after it was activated, and it blew a hole in the group. I…took that opportunity to escape.

The tears that pooled in Nelson’s eyes finally fell at that moment, and they dripped onto his clothes.Everyone exchanged looks, noticing how grave the issue was.

It was just like they had anticipated, but it also meant that the situation was already at its worst.

Isaiah painfully said, “So you’re the only one who survived?”

In truth, Isaiah had merely been lamenting the situation. With what had happened, Nelson would havebeen the only survivor, yet…

Nelson’s expression suddenly changed when Isaiah questioned him, as if there was another twist.

His demeanor had garnered everyone’s attention. Those who were not familiar with Nelson could notformulate words at that moment, but Isaiah had known Nelson for many years. With how strangeNelson’s expression was, he asked, “Did something else happen? Has someone else survived?”

Nelson had not planned on speaking about that. After all, it was not just those from the Dual SovereignPavilion that were gathered there. However, if he did not say it, it could very well bring them all harm.

With that, Nelson brought himself to confess,” Someone else had survived, yes. Not only did he survive,but he’s not injured at all. He’s in a very good state.”

Nelson’s anger was evident in the way he spoke, and the individuals around him looked on in curiosity.Nelson let out a long sigh as he rubbed his temples.

“There were three of us from the Dual Sovereign Pavilion,” added Nelson, nearly growling. “Other thanme and the disciple who died, there was also Griffin Olsen!”

Normally, even though Nelson did not truly approve of how Griffin acted, he regarded Griffin as a junior.However, the situation was completely different this time.

Nelson’s wrath was unbridled at this point when he spat out his response, and it was too obvious toignore.

Jackie suddenly smirked. “Did Griffin submit himself to Corpse Pavilion before you even started fighting?”

“He sucked up to the masked man and constantly bad -mouthed me. Not only did he manage to survive,but he’s now a part of the Corpse Pavilion.”

Nelson’s face stiffened as he gazed at Jackie regretfully. Even though he did not want to admit it, thetruth was still the truth, and there was no way for him to change it. He forced himself to nod.

“It’s as you said. Back then, we were incredibly furious, but that didn’t help at all. He had already madeup his mind and will probably never return to the Dual Sovereign Pavilion.”

Chapter 2317 Jackie snorted, not thinking much about it. “I think he’d still be able to return. As long as allof us die here, no one will be able to prove what he did. He’d naturally be able to go back safely andmight even receive a bountiful reward.”

The others visibly soured at this. Even though it was hard for them to criticize the situation, with Griffin’sstatus as well as the others from the Dual Sovereign Pavilion present, they still abhorred Griffin’s actionssilently.

Even scumbags would detest those who only knew how to suck up to others when challenges arose.

Isaiah gritted his teeth as he said, “He’s gone too far. What he’s done before is one thing, but with whathe did this time-“

“That’s enough,” interjected Jackie as he raised his hand, “it’s not worth us wasting time talking abouthim at this point.”

Jackie then slowly stood up and turned to look at Graham. “Do you have any way of communicating withthe rest?

“With them gathering up their forces against us, our best course of action is to gather every last one ofour manpower.”

Graham nodded grimly, hurriedly taking out the sound-transfer array and contacting everyone else. TheDual Sovereign Pavilion also had a way of sharing its location, but compared to the sound transfer array,it was far simpler.

Nonetheless, it was still quite useful. After quickly contacting everyone in 15 minutes, they had notifiedeveryone they could.

After about two hours, all the surviving northern clan disciples had been gathered. There were eventhose who had forced themselves to come over, despite varying injuries.

After they did a headcount, they noticed that there were only 25 of them left. When they entered theHidden Place for Resources, the northern clan had brought in a total of 90 disciples. The losses werealready more than two-thirds.

It was a massive loss. Furthermore, it was not guaranteed that all 25 of them would make it out alive.The situation was already in an incredibly serious state.

After everyone had gathered, the unsettling feeling had been somewhat quelled. Graham was busyconsoling the other disciples, while Jackie had picked a secluded spot and brought Nelson over as well.

He sat down next to Nelson and tended to Nelson’s wounds, not saying a single word.

Nelson looked at Jackie helplessly. “Tell me: will we survive?”

As he said that, he had an aura of despair and hopelessness about him. Jackie could understand how hefelt after stabilizing the injuries, Jackie told Nelson about Riv’s death. Nelson and Riv had been quiteclose, and when Nelson finally registered the news of his demise, his morale plunged into an all-new low.

Jackie shook his head. “There’s no point thinking about all this now; you better focus on recovering.”

At that moment, Graham’s voice could be heard from a distance, “Come, Jackie. Let’s discuss our nextcourse of action.”

Jackie sighed in exasperation. In truth, he did not want to discuss anything with Graham. He kept feelinglike even though the guy seemed like a perfect gentleman on the surface, he was, in truth, not thatrighteous.

Unfortunately, at that moment, they were forced to work together, and staying as a group was the mostsound choice. With that in mind, he was forced to walk toward Graham.

Graham anxiously said, “Jackie, what do you think his goal is?

Jackie let out a small chuckle. “That’s not hard to guess.”

Chapter 2318 Graham frowned as he looked at Jackie earnestly. Jackie gazed into the distance, looking at the endlesscolor of blood on the horizon. He fell deep in thought, and after a good while, he finally opened his mouthand continued, “He wants to kill us. There are, after all, benefits to achieving just that. After all, we’re hiscompetitors, and only by killing us will he easily obtain those rewards.

“If we successfully arrive at the foot of Netherworld Mountain and get sent back to the Divine Void Slope,there will be another battle after that. If it had been before, he would probably have been incrediblyconfident in beating the both of us. However, right now… He probably doesn’t have that confidenceanymore.”

Graham nodded in agreement; Jackie was right. Killing them would save him a lot of trouble.

Jackie smiled coldly before he added, “He’s got a grudge against me from the start, too. Furthermore, hedefinitely has another goal in entering the Hidden Place for Resources. In clearing us, his obstacles, it’llbe much easier for him to do anything.”

Graham’s face was sullen as he said, “So that’s why he wants to kill us all- not wanting anyone tosurvive?

Jackie nodded, and Graham was close to losing control of his composure. Just thinking about themasked man, who always acted high and mighty, and thinking about the incredibly disadvantageousposition they were in made him incredibly anxious.

He looked up at Jackie. “I think something’s wrong,”

Jackie raised a brow, motioning for Graham to continue, Graham lowered his voice as he said,” You’reright. His greatest wish at the moment is to clear obstacles, and that’s us, so he can arrive atNetherworld Mountain alone, making him the only one who passed

“He doesn’t have the confidence that he can kill the two of us in one blow, so he needed to plot andscheme, clearing everyone around us and leaving us alone. Then, he’d use numbers to eliminate us.”

Saying that, he paused, and Jackie nodded. “That’s probably what he’s planning, so which part of it doyou think is wrong?”novelbin

Jackie seemed to have thought of something after his own question, and he smirked. “You’re saying thatsince he’s trying to eliminate everyone who can help the two of us, then no traces would be left, but wefound the corpses.”

Graham nodded. That was indeed what he was thinking, and it was far too much of a strange point.

If the masked man truly did plan on eliminating everyone else, leaving only both him and Jackie for last,then he would not have let them realize something was strange.

However, after he killed the northern clan disciples, h e allowed the others to run amok, not bothering toclear any traces and displayed too blatantly. It was clear he did not care if Graham and the others couldsee it.

“That’s a hefty question. Before we can clear up this point, I feel like your earlier guess has no ground tostand on.”

Graham was right, and Jackie agreed with what he said as well. Jackie smiled, not answering Graham’squestion and, instead, mentioned the hidden traces of electricity on the withered tree.

Graham said in confusion, “He left traces of the Evil Blood Thunder as a mark, and you think that there’sdefinitely more than just one? What does this have to do with your earlier suspicions?”

Jackie looked up and said earnestly, “The two definitely have something to do with each other. You weredefinitely right before. Since he wanted to kill off everyone around us and finish us off in the end, then hewouldn’t have let us notice it.

“However, the fact of the matter is that he seems to be deliberately letting us notice it. He wanted todisplay everything in front of us, so there’s definitely something behind it. Whatever they are, his goalsare all for us to see.”

Chapter 2319 “There are so many amazing things on the Divine Void Slope, so who wouldn’t want them? Of course hewants them all for himself, and if that’s the case, then he first needs to get rid of all of us!”

Graham could still not fully accept everything that was said, and doubt clouded his eyes.

Jackie smiled lightly as he walked forward, placing a hand on Graham’s shoulder. “Since his goal isobvious, then everything he’s done is to contribute toward that goal. Him leaving the mark behind is alsofor that goal.

“Even though he still doesn’t know the full details, as long as we obtain even more evidence, the answerwill naturally reveal itself.”

Graham nodded, not understanding it fully. The two of them suddenly fell silent, and neither of them saidanything. They were both deep in their own thoughts, but Jackie seemed to have a calmer expression,while Graham’s was much darker.

He was incredibly worried about what would happen next. After a long time, Graham finally urged, “Then,what should we do after this?”

Jackie walked two steps forward. “Search.”

“Search for what?”

“Search for the other marks the masked man left behind. Once we find enough of them, we’ll be able tofind out. Furthermore, you have to remember that our goal this time isn’t revenge but passing the stageinstead.”

Graham nodded, feeling that Jackie’s words were reasonable.

Jackie continued, “Let’s stop getting tangled up here, then. If we want to find answers, we have to firstfind the other marks. After that, we continue advancing; we can’t just hand a free pass to the maskedman.”

“Even though he’ll threaten our safety, we’ve already prepared ourselves, and we have enough skills aswell. All these problems can be solved.”

Jackie’s last few words were said in a very firm manner, causing Graham to be taken aback. This disciplefrom the Dual Sovereign Pavilion named Jackie never failed to surprise Graham, time after time.

He never expected that a disciple from a regular third -grade clan could advance to where Jackie was.The fact was that his skill was on par with Graham’s. He was also strategic, and he was incrediblymature in how he spoke and acted.

Jackie looked at Graham and noticed that the latter was already looking at him differently. He could nothelp but snort mentally, but he did not dwell on the matter.

He decided to change the topic instead, saying, “We don’t have any time to waste. Since we’re sure ofwhat we have to do next, we should hurry up and make our arrangements.”

Those words served as a reminder to Graham, and Graham immediately jumped into action, hurriedlywalking toward the others. He had just taken two steps when Jackie’s voice was heard behind him,”Remember: we can’t afford to split up. No matter where we go, we have to go together. Otherwise, we’djust be giving them a chance.”

Graham nodded without turning his head around. He arrived at where everyone was gathered before heloudly arranged everything. He had everyone stand apart, taking turns sending their senses out, androtating every two hours.

Chapter 2320 Four of them would send out their senses every time. Each in charge of one direction. That way, theypreserved their aura and true energy while they also increased their accuracy. After arranging everything,they decided on a direction to advance.

When everyone advanced, Jackie, Graham, and the other stranger combatants were all arranged tostand at the front. They truly felt the power of moving as a group then, and everyone felt a sense ofsecurity.

After all, they had lost over two-thirds of their people, and they were already at the stage where everyonewas in danger. While the group advanced at a steady pace, Jackie once again talked to Graham andBenjamin.

It was not really much of a conversation, however, because Jackie’s tone had a hint of accusation to it.His dark eyes were focused on Graham to his left.

“Graham, as a top-five chosen disciple in the Thousand Leaves Pavilion, you must have the favor of theelders and leaders. There’s something in my heart that I’ve been mulling over for several days, and Iwonder if you can help me clear my doubts.”

Even though the words sounded polite, there was an accusatory undertone to it that slightly stunnedGraham and Benjamin.

Graham raised an eyebrow. “If it’s something I know, I’ll tell you. However, if it involves secrets of theclan, then I really can’t help you.”

The words sounded ambiguous, but Jackie did not mind. He smiled lightly as he said, “What is theThousand Leaves Pavilion planning? Why did they allow the Corpse Pavilion to enter this place? Did theThousand Leaves Pavilion’s internal and external elders feel like the Corpse Pavilion’s disciples wouldbe kind enough to not harm us?

“A Big part of what’s happening right now is because the Corpse Pavilion was allowed entry. If it was justus northern clans, things wouldn’t have escalated to this point regardless of whatever conflict would’vetaken place.”

Jackie’s words were very meaningful, and it caused Graham and Benjamin to have a change ofexpression. It truly was a question that could not be overlooked, and Jackie was right. If the CorpsePavilion had not been allowed entry, this catastrophe would not have happened.

They would not have lost so many disciples.

Just thinking about Riv’s bloodless face caused Jackie To boil in anger. He truly did not understand whatthe Thousand Leaves Pavilion was trying to do.

At Mount Beasts, the Thousand Leaves Pavilion had noticed the Corpse Pavilion sealing the place up,yet they acted like nothing had happened, ignoring the disciples on Mount Beasts.

It was as if those lives were insignificant to them. Entering the Hidden Place for Resources neededpermits, and there were only 180 of them. They did not even have enough to distribute amongthemselves, but they took out half for the southern clans.

Jackie could not understand their actions at all.

Graham let out a long sigh as he answered, albeit rather exasperatedly, “The Pavilion doing this naturallyhas its own reasons as well as their plans. After all, the elders and disciples from the Thousand LeavesPavilion aren’t idiots. There’s no way they’re doing all of this for no good reason; they must have a veryspecial goal.”

Hearing all that, Jackie could not hold back the mockery in his words as his face darkened. “Do you thinksuch an explanation is enough for everyone? Even though we’ve deliberately toned down our voices andno one else can hear what we’re saying, do you truly think they aren’t mulling the same things internally?

“So many people have died, and most of them were the elites from the various clans. What sort of plan isworth sacrificing all their lives?”


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