No.1 Supreme Warrior by Moneto

Chapter 2291-2300
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chapter 2291-2300

Chapter 2291 Jackie stared at the demon trembling for a good long while, and the Illusory Wind Demon finally died!Under the surprised looks of the others, the demon suddenly exploded, turning into a pink light.

The light got more and more intense, so radiant it started to hurt their eyes. After a breath of time, thepink light disappeared. A round pill appeared in front of the three of them! The pill had a strong medicinalsmell, and was obviously no common pill!

Jackie raised his eyebrow, sending his divine senses out. After that, he determined that the pill should bea seventh-grade pill. The only trying was that he did not know what the name or effect of the pill was.

However, no matter what, he was the one who killed the demon, and the pill should belong to him. He didnot think much about it as he pulled out a box from Mustard Seed, placing the pill inside and keeping thebox right in front of the three of them.

All of that was done very casually. The other three might be glaring, but they knew very well that theywere not Able to fight over the treasure with Jackie!

After all of that, Jackie did not speak, and Samson was the person who broke the silence, “That was soscary! I thought I wouldn’t be able to see another day. The two of you don’t know, but the flowers almostslit my throat!”


Samson’s face was very emotional as he said that. He did not say that to break the tense atmosphere, itreally was true that he was terrified. That moment, he had already accepted death, and his eyes werealready dark.

If Jackie had not made a move then, he would really have died. The moment Samson said that hewalked forward and saluted Jackie.

“Thank you so much for saving my life. If it wasn’t Exchanging looks before they walked forward andsaluted Jackie as well.

Even though Jackie’s identity was suspicious, Jackie had given them so many reminders earlier. AfterJackie had killed the demon and saved their lives, they felt that they should at least show some respect.


Jackie nodded, not thinking much about it. He wanted to turn around and continue by himself, butSamson suggested that moving in a group would be safer.

The blood-colored world had danger hidden everywhere. No one knew what would happen the next stepof the way, so why not move together! Jackie frowned slightly, not feeling like he would benefit muchfrom moving with them.

However, after thinking for a moment, he agreed to Samson’s suggestion. Even though Hayden was stillsuspicious of Jackie, he decided not to pursue it since Jackie was not willing to say anything.

Isaiah smiled slightly and said, “We can understand you not wanting to reveal your identity, but can yougive us something to call you?”

Jackie nodded, thinking for a moment before saying,” You can call me White.”

Hayden and Samson nodded, both of them calling him that at the same time. Isaiah’s expressionchanged slightly when he heard that name.

Jackie’s expression seemed to have something behind it, so Isaiah had his suspicions, but aftermeasuring Jackie, he shook his head, feeling like it could not be so coincidental.

Chapter 2292 There were more than a hundred and eighty people who came into the Secret Place for Resources.Among those, who knew how many of them had the word White in their names. Furthermore, that guywas so mysterious, White must just be a meaningless moniker.

Thinking about that, he sighed, pushing away those thoughts from his head. Samson’s attitude hadchanged after Jackie saved him, treating Jackie incredibly attentively.


Jackie had planned on advancing himself. After all, he had a special identity, and it would save a lot oftrouble. However, sometimes traveling alone could greatly increase the danger.

The few of them could still help each other if anything happened. Furthermore, with how attentiveSamson was, Jackie could not leave easily. The four of them formed a small alliance.

The alliance between the four of them was actually more honest than the alliance Jackie had with thefive before he entered the Divine Void Slope.

The four of them continued walking toward the volcano as they talked. Samson’s mouth never stopped,and completely revealed everything about the three of them.

“Honestly, the three of us shouldn’t be this familiar with each other, but fate works in strange ways. Lastyear, I went to Mount Beasts to hunt monsters and was unlucky enough to meet a monster that was atthe spring solidifying level.

“At that moment, my only idea was to frantically run. I did not care where I would end up, and I ended upbumping into Isaiah and Hayden.

“That beast was so bloodthirsty, it went straight for the three of us. The three of us were backed into acorner and used everything we had. Using some geographical advantages, we finally managed to killthat beast.”

Jackie raised his eyebrow and asked curiously, “The three of you killed a spring solidifying realm beasttogether?”

It was not that Jackie was looking down on their skills, but that spring solidifying realm beasts were notsomething innate stage combatants could deal with. The three of them were strong together, but it wouldstill not have been enough.

Samson sighed helplessly, “The three of us together was somewhat enough. Even if we can’t really beatit, we can still hold on for some time.

“At that moment, the beast was already injured, and we had the geographical advantage, which was howwe killed it.”

At that moment, his eyes glinted in a strange light. After falling into nostalgia, he found it hard to pull out.

Jackie nodded slightly, not asking any deeper. After all, the matter was already in the past, he did notreally care if it was real or not.

Hayden did not feel like talking about the past. He raised his head and looked at the distant volcano. Hisdark eyes glinted as he excitedly interrupted the topic, “Who do you all think will pass?”

His question was enough to gain the attention of the other two, and the topic changed to what was on theminds of practically everyone in the blood-red world.

Chapter 2293 In their hearts, everyone was wondering who would pass. They wondered who would arrive at the foot of

Netherworld Mountain, being the person who passed the ninth stage. Only that person would stand atopthe peak of the Divine Void Slope. All they could do was look on in admiration.

Samson had a clouded look in his eyes, “I don’t know. Maybe it’s that guy from the Corpse Pavilion. Itcould even be Graham, or our other senior, Jackie.”

Samson calling Jackie a senior caused Jackie’s heart to move a little. He had entered the DualSovereign Pavilion late, and he had only become the disciple of an Elder. Everyone else usuallyaddresses him as a junior.

Yet, with the skills that he had displayed in the Divine Void Slope, everyone acknowledged that Jackie’sskills were stronger than almost everyone there, so he was now a senior.

When Samson finished, he suddenly turned around and looked at Isaiah with curiosity, “Jackie’s from theDual Sovereign Pavilion, what do you know about him?”

“I heard he was an elder disciple, if that’s the case, you two must be very close”

Isaiah felt a sense of awkwardness at those words, not knowing what to say at that moment. In truth,Samson’s words were definitely logical.

Normally, disciples with insane talent like Graham would not interact much with the normal disciples. Hewas an untouchable existence, and one would be looked down on by others for trying to suck up tosomeone stronger if they tried to talk to him.

However, Jackie was different. He was an elder’s disciple. His status meant that he could be approachedeasily. With Isaiah’s status as a chosen disciple, he could definitely talk to Jackie easily.

Isaiah was not one of those people who liked to put on pretenses, so he shook his head bluntly, “Jackie’ssituation is a little special.”

His mouth trembled slightly when he mentioned Jackie. After all, Jackie was still only an elder’s disciple,he was a level higher than Jackie.

Yet, he was not so na?ve to think that he was better than Jackie. Jackie was clearly much stronger thanhe was. When Samson heard that, he was suddenly interested, and even slowed down his pace.novelbin

He widened his eyes, saying, “What’s so special about him? Is he actually the illegitimate child of someelder? Or is he someone sent by a high-ranking clan to train in secret?”

It had to be said that Samson had a very rich imagination. His thoughts even caused Jackie’s lips totwitch.

Isaiah smiled, somewhat speechless as he said, ” What are you even saying. I say he’s special becausehe only became an elder’s disciple not too long ago. I wouldn’t have had much time to interact with himat all, even if I wanted to.

“Furthermore, he doesn’t really enjoy interacting much with us. I thought he just liked moving alone anddid not enjoy mingling. Now it seems like it’s just because he’s on a different level from us.”

Hayden caught on to the key point, and said in surprise, “He just became an elder’s disciple? Thensurely he was one of the top internal disciples before this?”

Isaiah did not know how to answer that question even more. He somewhat awkwardly pursed his lips,looking around. He was very conflicted, not knowing how to answer for them to believe that he was notspouting nonsense.

Chapter 2294 Jackie sighed somewhat helplessly. No one knew better than him how he got to where hewas. He knew what Isaiah was conflicted about, and he merely smiled plainly, wanting to see Isaiah’sexplanation.

After a long time, Hayden and Samson’s faces were getting impatient before Isaiah finally said slowly,”Jackie used to be an informal disciple, an incredibly ordinary one at that. He improved very quickly.”

Hayden and Samson were stunned in place as if they had just heard something blasphemous. Theylooked at Isaiah with suspicious looks.

Those looks seemed to be accusing Isaiah. The looks seemed to imply that he should not have saidsomething so dumb even if he did not want to reveal the truth

Isaiah sighed when he saw their expressions, “I’m really not lying. If you don’t believe me, you can askany other disciple from my clan. You’ll know after that, it’s not really a secret within our clan.”

Isaiah’s explanation caused them to believe it. Samson reached out and rubbed his face, “Is that true?He really was an informal disciple?”

Isaiah’s nodded earnestly. Isaiah could not really believe it either. How did they never notice Jackiebefore? If Jackie had not been at the Divine Void Slope and had such a stellar performance, he wouldnot even know who the guy was.

Hayden let out a long breath, “Jackie is already on the level of the best disciple from the Corpse Pavilion,and the third best-chosen disciple from the Thousand Leaves Pavilion! He’s just an elder disciple from athird-grade clan. Something like that has never happened before…”

Hayden knew Graham’s skill and potential very well. After all, Graham was in the same clan as him.Thinking about that, he let out a sigh.

“I feel so useless comparing myself to them, but you two still haven’t said who you think can pass.”

Samson frowned before thinking about it in earnest. “Logically, the disciple from the Corpse Pavilionshould pass, but I feel like Jackie has a greater chance of passing than he does.”

“Yes, Jackie’s level is lower than the Corpse Pavilion disciple’s, but he’s been able to overcomeeverything thrown at him so far…”

Even though Samson looked a little silly, he was serious when it came to important matters. He did notmention Graham and only the Corpse Pavilion’s disciple. After all, Hayden was from the same place asGraham, it was a little impolite for him to evaluate Graham so honestly.

Hayden nodded, admitting it bluntly, “Jackie really is strong, and I feel like he’s full of secrets. He shouldbe able to pass!”

The conviction behind his words made it seem like he was more confident in Jackie than Jackie himself.The other three did not know the subject of their discussions was right beside them, quietly listening tothem.

After their evaluations, the three of them slowly went quiet. Jackie did not participate in the discussionsfrom start to finish and merely listened on.

Chapter 2295 Samson felt like the three of them had spoken too much nonsense. Jackie neverparticipated throughout, cutting himself out to be a lonely figure. He said, ” White, what do you think?”

Jackie raised his eyebrow, earnestly thinking for a moment, “I think the masked man will pass, andJackie should as well.”

He merely said it to that point, which revealed Jackie’s thoughts. He did not think that Graham wouldpass. In through, the other three did not have that much confidence in Graham as well.

Yet, the other three never said it out so firmly. Hayden was a little unhappy, “White, you seem confident inyour judgment as if it will happen for sure.”

The words obviously bore meaning behind them. Jackie was no idiot, he could tell that Hayden was alittle angry as well. However, he did not care about that and did not reply to Hayden’s words.

Even though Jackie had saved the three of them, Hayden still harbored some feelings against Jackie. Hefelt that Jackie hiding his status like that was very cowardly.

Jackie not answering caused Hayden to be even more angered. Hayden’s eyebrows were raised as heprepared to shoot a few mocking words at Jackie. Yet, at that moment, something happened, and heabruptly looked over.

There’s someone there! Let’s go take a look!”

Jackie glanced at Hayden somewhat curiously. He did not expect Hayden’s senses to be so sharp.Jackie had not even felt anything when Hayden was immediately certain that someone was there. Thefew of them nodded at the same time, carefully walking toward the direction Hayden talked about.

There was a hill there, and the nearer they got, the louder the sounds of battle they could hear. Listeningcarefully, Jackie suddenly heard a familiar voice.

Byron’s whole body was trembling slightly. His right hand was clutching his left arm as blood flowedthrough the cracks in his fingers. It was obvious that he was injured. His face was pale as he looked oversomewhere in anger.

“Let me say it again! We were the ones who discovered and killed this beast. The corpse flower it turnedinto after it died has nothing to do with you! Don’t even think about it!”

A cold laugh answered him, “That’s just wrong. We discovered the beast a long time ago, he just nevermade a move. It’s not that we couldn’t defeat it, we just didn’t want to get injured because of it.

“So we were waiting for more people to gather before we attacked, but you guys ended up making thefirst move! The Corpse Pavilion’s rules have always been finders keepers, it has nothing to do with whokilled the beast!”

Byron’s face darkened, it was clearly daylight robbery. Everything they said was just a forced argument.

Jackie frowned, surprised that it was Byron. Jackie was only one hill away from them. No one noticedthat they were there after they suppressed their auras.

Hayden angrily said, “They’re such bullies! Do they think the Thousand Leaves Pavilion is easy to bully?!

Isaiah said seriously, “It seems like there are three of them on both sides. If the numbers had not beenequal, the Corpse Pavilion would probably have attacked!”

Chapter 2296 Over at the hill, two parties were preparing for battle. There were six of them in total, threefrom the Thousand Leaves Pavilion, and another three from the Corpse Pavilion. Byron was leading theThousand Leaves Pavilion, he remembered that Byron was a decent disciple of Thousand LeavedPavilion, his ranking in the clan was pretty high.

Jackie’s only impression of Zamian was from their previous quarrel. From what he knew, he was just alickspittle, always lingering around masked man, kissing and wiping his a*s.

You would probably need to have a decent amount of power in order to be the masked man’s bootlicker.The disciples of Corpse Pavilion who were under the reign of the masked man at the time were prettyrespectful toward Zamian. Even though Zamian was not one of the chosen disciples, his position withinthe internal disciple was still reasonably high.

Jackie thought to himself and turned his head toward Hayden, “Do you guys know Zamian Ness?”

Upon hearing that, the three men paused in sync. Hayden looked at Jackie with a knowing eye, “Can’tbelieve junior Jackie knows of Zamian too.”

Jackie nodded, “As I mentioned earlier, both the Corpse Pavilion and I have grudges against each other.I know some of them who were of higher ranks. You know what they said about knowing yourself andyour enemy.”

That was just an excuse given by Jackie. Whether or not Hayden believed him was not of importance.His only objective was finding out the identity of Zamian Ness.

Hayden chuckled lightly, his eyes glued onto Jackie.” Zamian is one of the internal disciples of CorpsePavilion. I heard he ranked first amongst the internal disciples, he had some impressive skills as well.”

Jackie frowned upon hearing that. It was within his expectation, he thought Zamian was at the very leasta chosen disciple, but he apparently had not reached the standards of a chosen disciple yet-he was justa mere internal disciple.

No wonder their conflicts were mostly just harmless quarrels. If one party were to overpower another, itwould have been an actual battle instead of arguments.

Fury thrummed through Byron’s veins as if he was going to tear Zamian. “Despicable rat, you exceededmy expectations of you. I knew you’re a piece of sh* t, but I didn’t know you’d stood as low as a maggot!”

Zamian snickered nonchalantly, he was completely unaffected by Byron’s words. It was as if nothingByron said would ever have an effect on him.

Byron was huffed and puffed, his whole being, shook in raw anger. “There’s no way I’m giving you thecorpse flower!”

Zamian’s brows furrowed, his eyes were ablaze with flames. “Are you saying you want to duke it out?”

Byron hummed coldly, “If you say so. We’ll settle everything at once!”

The reason he said that was because he remembered—if it was not for the sudden shift of space, thefive men would have died under the men that the masked man led.

Zamian chuckled nonchalantly, “As I said, this corpse flower is mine! If you wish to die under me, I’ll grantit. Don’t forget, my men are on a winning strike, you three on the other hand- either injured physically or

drained of true energy. You’ll never beat us!”

Byron bit the inside of his cheeks in anger, his face paled. Zamian was not wrong, the three of them werespent after the previous battle.

They were indeed no match for him, but they refused to give up on the corpse flower they attained withtheir sweat and blood. It was humiliating, to say the least.

Chapter 2297 Hayden exhaled a long, deep breath. He shot up from where he was and dashed from theback of the hill to the front. “Follow me!” He turned his head and ordered as he galloped.

He appeared in front of Byron within a blink of an eye, Zamian and his men were taken aback by thesudden appearance and took a few steps back.

Hayden had quite a bond with the other two men. Sure, the two men hesitated but they eventuallyfollowed closely behind him. Since both Isaiah and Hayden were gone, it would be embarrassing if theystayed behind by themselves.

They sighed resignedly and followed closely behind. Upon seeing Hayden, Byron exclaimed as if he hadfound his savior, “Junior Hayden!”

Hayden nodded and strode next to Byron without saying a word. He straightened his back and stoodclosely beside Byron, it was obvious that he was here as his backup.

Zamian frowned as Hayden’s appearance was completely unforeseeable. It would have been fine if itwas just Hayden, but he had three men with him. They were definitely at a disadvantage now that Byronhad four extra helping hands.

Even if the four of them were not as powerful as him, they could still win by sheer quantity. Zamianthought as his face darkened into an ugly shade.

Ever since Hayden heard their quarrel, he had despised Zamian’s guts.

Hayden sneered, his tone cold as the Antarctic, “Is everyone in the Corpse Pavilion as despicable asyou? Shamelessly claiming something that others had attained with their sweats and blood as your own.Even using some pathetic, baseless excuse! Such an abhorrent act, I can’t even stand to look at yourrevolting face!”

Zamian’s face scrunched as if he had just swallowed a bee.

“You-” He pointed his finger at Hayden as fury smoldered him, rendering him speechless.

Samson disliked every single disciple from the Corpse Pavilion, especially Zamian now that he knew ofthe treacherous things he had done.

He spat aggressively, “You better fck off now before we fck you up! We’ll make sure you either crawl outof here without all four of your limbs or die!”

The terrorizing words rained on him, he felt embarrassed knowing what they said was probably true. Ifthey really were to get into a fight, he would definitely be at a disadvantage.

Seeing as Hayden seemed to have decent skills, Zamion was considering fleeing the scene beforetrouble fell on him. As he was still torn between wanting to leave and stay, a gust of wind whiffedaggressively.

He turned around to find a familiar shadow approaching them from a distance, leading three men in long,gray robes.

“Brother Rufus!” Zamian yelled excitedly.

Jackie turned his head around to look at the man. Rufus Bate was charming looking, his white robevaried from the others. He looked at Zamian and frowned in displeasure, and then moved his eyes

toward Jackie and the others.

Rufus nodded faintly, he had not spoken a word since arriving. Zamian briefly greeted the men behindRufus.

It was easy to tell that they were all from the Corpse Pavilion from their clothing, they were of higher upspositions, too. Jackie raised his brows as he found the scene before him to be amusing.

Chapter 2298 Jackie inched closer toward Hayden and said in a suppressed voice, “Who’s this Rufus?What’s his position within the Corpse Pavilion?”

Jackie knew very little about the Corpse Pavilion. He knew only a few people who were from CorpsePavilion, and that was the limit of his knowledge. As for what went on within the Corpse Pavilion, heknew nothing compared to others.

Other than the few people in front, he only recognized the masked man and that man called Lennon.Lennon’s skills lost out to the masked man, and Rufus’ skills must be decent as well.

Otherwise, Zamian would not treat Rufus with such a respectful attitude, practically wagging his tail atthe man. Hayden shot a look at Jackie as if he was especially irritated by Jackie’s continuousquestioning.

Yet, they were still a small team, and in the end, he calmed himself down as he answered, “Rufus is aChosen Disciple from the Corpse Pavilion, and is only just behind Lennon in skills.”

Hayden’s tone was quite serious. He looked at Rufus as if the man were a ticking time bomb. Jackieraised an eyebrow, somewhat understanding what Hayden was feeling

If Rufus was really only second to Lennon, then Rufus is probably a huge threat. Thinking about that,Jackie shot his gaze at the others.

All those who knew who Rufus was could only look at Rufus with a serious and helpless expression.Even those who did not know of his identity could basically guess a thing or two from Zamian’s respectfultone.

On their side, they did not have a single chosen disciple. Even though Isaiah was the chosen disciple ofa third-grade clan, compared to one from the fourth -grade Corpse Pavilion, he was not worth anything.

At most, he would just be a relatively stronger internal disciple there.

Rufus did not seem to care about any of them at all. He frowned as he looked around, saying in a coldtone, “Are you so weak that you can’t even deal with a few minnows like them?”

The words were full of arrogance, dumping Jackie in with the rest of them. It was as if they were uselessgoods that could be destroyed at any time. Zamian had a bitter look on his face when he heard that.

In truth, he wanted to curse and swear, but he did not have the guts to. He hurriedly bowed, adopting asincere tone, “How could I compare to you. With the tiny bit of skills that I have, there’s no way I can dealwith that many people.”

Rufus’ words naturally infuriated Byron and the others. The Thousand Corpse Pavilion’s disciples wereall red with anger as they stared at Rufus with hateful looks.

Possibly because he had been too emotional earlier, but Byron could not hold back anymore. He couldnot help but walk forward as he coldly glared at Rufus,” Rufus! The Corpse Pavilion is just a bunch ofbullies!”

Rufus looked over at Byron as if he was looking at an ant, his gaze greatly angering Byron. Byronwanted nothing more than to rush over and speak his mind, but he was stopped by Hayden’s arms.

Rufus plainly said, “Bullies? Why are we bullies? My fellow disciple said earlier that the Corpse Pavilionalready had our eyes on this corpse flower a long time ago.

“You’re the ones who rushed in and stole what’s ours. You should be thankful we’re not asking foranything back.”

Chapter 2299 His tone had been incredibly rude. Even Jackie felt angered listening to him, let alone the others.

Byron’s hands were already shaking with anger. His right hand was clenched tightly, and his left handhad already retrieved his weapon from his storage ring. The atmosphere was once again tense with thechance of battle at any moment.

Samson helplessly sighed, he was forced to whisper, “Rufus won’t be easy to deal with. He’s right behindLennon in terms of skills in the Corpse Pavilion, and Lennon was in the top five earlier.”

Lennon might have been eliminated advancing from the sixth stage to the ninth, but he had definitelyproven his skills. No one would question how strong Lennon was. So, for someone to be right behindLennon, he was definitely strong as well.

They were obviously at the disadvantageous side, and Byron was already wounded. If they started tofight, It would be hard for their side to gain anything, and they might even lose a few lives. Samson’sskills were probably the weakest among the seven of them, so if someone were to die, he wouldprobably be one of the first.

That was why he chose to speak up at that moment. Byron glanced at Samson indignantly, “So we’resupposed to just hand over the corpse flower we so painstakingly obtained just because we’re scared?”

Earlier, the few of them had put in so much effort to kill the beast and obtain the corpse flower. With just afew nonsensical words, the Corpse Pavilion wanted to take it for themselves. How could he just acceptthat?!

Zamian let out a cold snort. He had been quietly observing the discontent among the disciples of theThousand Leaves Pavilion. All they could do was accept their anger in silence.

After all, with Rufus’ skills, fighting one against two would be something incredibly easy. Even the twostrongest among the seven would not be able to stand up against Rufus, which meant their evennumbers were useless.

In that situation, Zamian felt fearless, “How haven’t you left yet?! Are you really planning on fighting overthe corpse flower with us? Why don’t you look at yourselves in the mirror first? With Rufus here, there’sno way you can obtain the corpse flower!”

That was adding oil to the fire, causing even more discontent among Jackie’s side. They were soangered that their faces were all red. All they wanted to do was rush forward and fight to the deathagainst Zamian.

However, they knew very well that Zamian would only hide behind Rufus in a battle. Rufus was anincredibly strong backer.

When Rufus heard Zamian’s words, his face remained emotionless as he said coldly, “Either you get lost,or you die!”

Those words seemed to trigger something in Jackie’s heart. Before they entered the Divine Void Slope,the masked man had used a similar threat against them. He still deeply remembered how much hesuffered.

With Rufus saying the same thing with the same tone, Jackie’s anger had been thoroughly ignited.

Samson’s face darkened as he forced himself to lower his voice, saying to the other six, “Rufus isn’tsomeone we can deal with easily. Let’s just bear with this for the moment. After all, this isn’t the onlyfiend around. After this, we might be able to kill even more fiends and gain more treasures.”

Samson received no reply. Everyone knew it was the right thing. Samson’s words might have soundedawful to listen to, it was still the truth. Rufus was not someone they could deal with easily.

Chapter 2300 For them, trying to face the seven of them head on would not bear any good results,

Yet, ever since they came to this place, they had been humiliated immensely. How can they just swallowtheir anger and leave so easily?

Byron’s face was incredibly dark with anger. In order to kill the fiend earlier, he had used up a lot of hisstrength. No one could stand being humiliated like that with an injury on them.

Just as Byron wanted to resist again, a clear voice could be heard next to him, “I didn’t want to doanything, but I really can’t stand it anymore. You’re Rufus? You’re the hardest one to deal with?”.

Those words successfully attracted the attention of everyone present. Both the Corpse Pavilion and theThousand Leaves Pavilion’s sides were all focused on Jackie.

Jackie walked a few steps forward, and his eyes were fixed on Rufus, Rufus smiled coldly, clearly notseeing through Jackie.

In order to properly cover up his identity, Jackie had even used his true energy to suppress his power. Ofcourse, the suppression was temporary. The moment he fought, everyone would notice,

Rufus narrowed his eyes, measuring the masked man in front of him, “How ignorant! Do you know theconsequences of mocking me?!”

Jackie laughed coldly, saying casually, “I’m not really mocking you. I just really can’t stand the sight ofyou. Do you think you’re very strong? Prove your strength to me then.”

After saying that, everyone heard a swish as Jackie raised his hand. In a flash, a long black bladeappeared in his hand.

The sword was full of densely packed seals as usual. The sword itself was actually not that special. Itwas something he found on Derek after killing the man.

Jackie felt like the sword felt very comfortable to wield, so he kept it in Mustard Seed. Looking at Jackie,everyone was stunned. Was he challenging Rufus?

Was he insane? Did he not know who Rufus was? Did he really think he could face a chosen disciplefrom the fourth-grade Corpse Pavilion?

If Jackie had been a chosen disciple from the Thousand Leaves Pavilion, with skills close to Rufus, theycould be hopeful. However, they had never seen a chosen disciple like Jackie from the Thousand LeavesPavilion at all.

Furthermore, the chosen disciples of the Thousand Leaves Pavilion would never mask their looks andpower. Since he was not one, he was purely looking for death.

Isaiah’s mouth twitched as he berated in a low voice, “White? What are you doing? Are you trying todie?”

Hayden frowned, saying unhappily, “A duel against Rufus, how bold of you. Did you not hear myintroduction of him earlier?”

Jackie let out a sigh, not caring what everyone around him was saying. His eyes were fixed on Rufus,Rufus let out a cold laugh as he looked at Jackie like he was looking at an idiot.

He stepped forward and pulled out his weapon from his storage space as well. Just like Jackie, he useda sword. Only, his sword was silver, and it glowed lightly with the light of the stars, like the milky way.

“It’s been so many years, I’ve never seen someone look for death quite like you. If you want to die sobadly, I’ll fulfill your wish!”


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