No.1 Supreme Warrior by Moneto

Chapter 2221-2230
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chapter 2221-2230

Chapter 2221 Heath could not have spoken righteously on Frank’s behalf just like what Theo said, as Heath abhorredFrank. This all merely seemed hilarious to Jackie. On top of that, he remembered that Heath was unableto stay awake after being wounded by the masked man. How could he be in the mood to look at otherthings at that moment?

Although Jackie was in a battle at that time, he still paid attention to the changes around him. It seemeduntrue that Heath saw everything that happened! It was true that the others were deeply immersed intheir battles, but Theo managed to describe their battle accurately. This meant that somebody describedwhat happened to Theo, but that person was neither Heath nor Edric!

Jackie suddenly raised his head to look at Theo and smiled coldly. He opened his mouth and said, “I’mimpressed! How can you do this when Frank was your clan brother from the same sect…”

Theo was stunned when he heard this and the people around them were also stunned. All of them staredat Jackie in disbelief.

Griffin said with a frown on his face. “Are you so intimidated that you’ve gone crazy? What are youtalking about?”

Jackie suddenly turned around to look at Griffin. “If this happened to Senior Brother Griffin, what wouldyou do? It was an emergency situation, and my opponent was in the final stage of innate level. If I wasn’tthinking about escaping, should I have stayed to die with Frank? I’m sure that you would’ve escapedfaster than anybody if this happened to you! You only asked me these questions because we’ve got badblood. We’re clan brothers, so it doesn’t matter if there are some issues between us, but you ignored thefact that we’re clan brothers and, instead, joined some random outsider to blame me! You agreed to whatthe outsider said without looking at what happened with your own eyes! What sort of a good person doyou think you are?!”


Griffin slightly stuttered when Jackie’s questions hit, and his expression mellowed out. “I was juststanding on the side of,”

“You said that I’m a disloyal and unrighteous person, but have you thought about my situation?”interjected Jackie. “This person is a disciple of the Muddled Origin Clan, and you agree to everything thathe said. You’re helping an outsider against me! Is this the loyalty and righteousness that you’re talkingabout?”

Nelson immediately followed behind Jackie and said,” Junior Brother Jackie is right! We’re all disciples ofthe Dual Sovereign Pavilion, and if we are of no help, we shouldn’t have spoken before we know what’sgoing on. Where’s your loyalty and righteousness as you disregarded the sect’s morality for yourpersonal grudges?”

Jackie and Nelson’s alternating words caused Griffin To blush a crimson color as he looked at the two ofthem with gritted teeth. He tried to find his tongue so that he could talk back to them.


However, Jackie did not provide the opportunity for him to do so. He suddenly turned around to look atTheo. “Do you think that I’m dumb?! Everyone was too caught up in their own battle that no one would’vebothered to look at somebody else. You said that…Senior Brother Heath told you everything. However, Isaw him badly wounded and lying on the ground vomiting blood in the end. He’s still trying to recoverright now, so do you think that he would be In the mood to tell you all that?!”

Chapter 2222 Jackie paused after he finished saying this. “Another person saw the entire process!”

Theo’s expression changed, and he was about to interrupt Jackie when Jackie beat him to it. “It’s theperson who tried to kill us at that moment!” He pointed at the direction of the masked man when hefinished speaking. “That eldest senior brother from the Corpse Pavilion who has on a mask had beenstanding by the side and observing the entire battle after he wounded Senior Brother Heath! He must bethe one who told you about everything!”

What Jackie said was like a wake-up call to everyone present. Although Jackie was disloyal andunrighteous, he was on the weaker side. Jackie sneered and continued, “The Corpse Pavilion was theone who wanted to kill us, and Frank died in the hands of the Corpse Pavilion’s disciples. You’re causingus trouble instead of accusing the Corpse Pavilion! Is this your loyalty and righteousness?”

Everyone there had a sudden realization when they heard what Jackie said. Jackie was right: TheCorpse Pavilion was the one who did the murder, and Frank died in the hands of their people. However,Theo acted as if he had completely forgotten this and only came to question Jackie. He was obviouslybullying the weak!

At this moment, everybody turned to accuse Theo, and the looks in their eyes changed when they lookedat him.novelbin

Jackie sneered and added, “It doesn’t matter that you’re bullying the weak and purposely causing metrouble, but you’re working together with the person who killed Frank! Senior Brother Heath was so badlywounded at that moment that he was on the ground, continuously vomiting blood. How could he evenhave the thought to focus on me? Right now, Senior Brother Heath is still healing, and he’s unable toeven open his eyes right now. How would he be in the mood to go to you and purposely tell youeverything?!”

Theo was so angry that his hands were trembling. Still, he stubbornly insisted, “Your actions were toooverboard, so—”

“Stop lying to everybody with these made-up facts. What did I do that was so overboard? We could’veleft in peace, but Frank was all pompous. He completely angered the opponent, and this caused theopponent to attack us. If everyone won’t believe what I said, you can ask another person who wasinvolved in the fight, the formal disciple of Thousand Leaves Pavilion, Byron Reid!”


Theo blushed a crimson color as he said, “Don’t try to smooth-talk your way out of this!”

“I’m not trying to smoothly talk my way out of things; you’re the one who was in exasperation. I’m sureyou’re cooperating with the masked man because he promised you a sweet deal or two. After all, themasked man failed to capture me, and he hated me. You don’t actually care about Frank’s fate, and youonly care if you’ll receive your promised benefits. You could’ve thrown anyone under the bus for thesesmall boons!”

“It is true, and I can testify!” At this moment, a clear voice could be heard from behind the crowd, and aThousand Leaves Pavilion’s disciple in a white robe walked over to them steadily.

The person who made his way toward the scene was Byron, and he seemed to be calm at this moment.However, waves of anger were flashing across his eyes.

He announced loudly when he arrived in front of everybody, “I can testify for Junior Brother Jackie, andeverything he says is true! On top of that, my Senior Brother Heath had been tending to his woundssince he was transferred here. He was in no mood to tell anybody about what happened since then.”

With this witness testifying on Jackie’s behalf, the judgment of things naturally leaned toward his side.Theo, who was arrogant before, immediately shrank as though a bowl of cold water had been pouredover his head

However, he still tried to defend himself.

“Junior Brother Byron, why are you siding with Jackie? He killed my junior brother!”

Chapter 2223 Byron glanced at Theo in disdain. He loathed people who cooperated with their enemies for measlygains. He smiled coldly and commented, “A person who stresses about getting justice for his juniorbrother is actually cooperating with the true murderer who killed his junior brother. You’re a truly unjust,wicked person! How dare you mention that I’m helping somebody else? Ask your own conscience aboutyour actions!”

Almost everybody looked at Theo in disgust after Byron’s remark. With Byron’s testimony and Theo’sguilty expression, everybody knew the truth.

“I thought that he was genuinely infuriated about his junior brother’s death. Turns out, he’s here to frameothers because of some benefits!”

“He dared not say anything when facing the true murderer who killed his junior brother, and he evencooperated with that person! He’s here to frame Jackie because he thinks that it’s easy to framesomebody in the intermediate stage of the innate level. He’s such a despicable person for framingsomeone!”

“I almost fell for his words just now and thought that Jackie was a vile person!”

At this moment, all the doubtful voices and contemptuous gazes landed on Theo. Theo was not asinsensitive as Jackie was, and he felt that the gazes from the crowd burned holes in his body. Newsabout this incident would surely travel back to his clan, and everybody would be mocking him by then.Everybody would think of him as a despicable person.

Theo was so angry that his hands were trembling, and his eyes were bloodshot, too. He suddenly raisedhis head and looked over at Jackie. “B*stard! I’ll remember everything that happened here today! I won’tlet you off the hook, and there’s still a long way ahead of us. Just wait and see what I’ll do to you!

With that, Theo turned and left. After all, he would only provoke ridicule if he stayed behind. Jackie,meanwhile, felt that Theo was ridiculous and disgusting when he saw how he escaped with his tailbetween his legs. However, Jackie remembered what Theo said in the end. He believed that Theo wouldno doubt cause him trouble if he had the chance, and the beef between them was unavoidable.

This, however, did not overly concern Jackie as he did not go against his principle as a person. Theo, infact, was the one who caused him trouble.

As the main person in this incident had escaped in embarrassment, onlookers naturally left with a lack ofinterest. Once again, only the disciples of the Dual Sovereign Pavilion were left.

Griffin’s glower intensified as what he did was definitely despicable. He stood on the side of outsidersagainst his clan brothers, and many people despised him for what he did. However, Griffin did not feelthat he made a mistake. He had never thought of Jackie as his clan brother.

Jackie turned around and looked at Griffin before speaking up in front of all the Dual Sovereign Pavilion’sdisciples, “I’ll remember what you did today, Senior Brother Griffin!”

Griffin reacted like a cat whose tail had been stepped on when he heard what Jackie said. “Why? Do youplan to retaliate? You wish to do that by yourself? Stop thinking that you can show off in front of mebecause you’re under the Eleventh Elder’s protection! You’re just a formal disciple right now, franklyspeaking, but I’m a chosen disciple! Who do you think you are to bring up revenge in front of me?

Jackie smiled coldly and replied indifferently, “Let’s wait and see.”

Jackie turned around and refused to look at Griffin again, all the while thinking of how to thank Byron ashe had come to his aid. After all, Jackie was not an ungrateful person.

Chapter 2224 Jackie thanked Byron solemnly, but Byron waved his hand in dismissal. “This is nothing. Idid this because I can’t stand Theo’s behavior.”

The two of them exchanged some words before Jackie sent Byron away.

Time passed by slowly, and after an hour, the aged voice could be heard again, “Time’s up! Everybodycan board the Divine Void Slope now! You’ll fight the Divine Void Warrior when you’re on the Divine VoidSlope. The criteria to judge your failure is when you lose your capabilities to fight or when you admitdefeat. Once you lose to the Divine Void Warrior, you won’t be able to continue climbing up the DivineVoid Slope.”

The evaluation standard was quite fair as everybody could proactively admit defeat if they felt that theywould be badly wounded should they resume their battle.

“Alright! Those who wish to climb up the Divine Void Slope, you can start now. Those who do not wish todo so can just stay at the bottom.” After the announcement, the crowd started to burn with excitement.Apart from those who were badly wounded or dead, the others started rushing toward the Divine VoidSlope. Jackie walked slowly and looked like he was taking a stroll in the garden. He had no intention offighting with the people in front of him.

At this moment, those closer to the Divine Void Slope climbed up the slope faster. The first person whostepped on the Divine Void Slope was stunned, and his originally high spirits disappeared. He felt like hehad been imprisoned by the surrounding space and was unable to move. The next second, he heardsomething cracking..

This scene immediately extinguished everyone’s enthusiasm. Everybody looked over at the first personwho rushed up the slope but was stuck there and unable to move.

Crack! Crack!

Sounds of chains being pulled could be heard again, and the ground beneath that person suddenlyshifted. The person was unable to move his body, but he moved together with the ground. After aninhale, that person was moved 300 meters away from where he originally was.

“Oh my god!” he blurted in fear. His sideburns were wet from his cold sweat, proving just how frightenedhe was when his body was controlled.

The voice of the old man could be heard at this moment. “Everybody is given their own spot! What areyou waiting for? Why haven’t you moved up the slope? If you don’t move, the Divine Void Slope willdecide that you don’t wish to fight for the precious items.”

The words of the announcer acted like a stimulant. Everybody’s enthusiasm was rekindled when theysaw that the first person to rush up the slope was safe. Like bees flying out of their hives, everyonerushed up the Divine Void Slope.

The Divine Void Slope was not crowded, even though more than 100 people had moved up the slope.The body of every person who stepped on the slope was instantly controlled, and the ground theystepped on moved accordingly.

In the beginning, Jackie was curious as to why the Divine Void Slope would function in such a way.However, Jackie had an instant realization when he saw that more than 100 people had been arrangednicely. The Divine Void Slope controlled the distance between them and led all of them to their respectiveplaces. At that moment, everyone stood at the lowest point of the Divine Void Slope in one straight line.

Jackie did everything slowly, but it was not because he wanted to make a grand entrance. Instead, hedid not wish to spend time with these people. He had only arrived in front of the Divine Void Slope at thismoment.

He was about to step onto the Divine Void Slope at this moment when he heard a gloomy voice saying, ”You’re so much more interesting than I originally thought. You’ve been quite lucky until this point.However, you should remember that good luck won’t come your way every single time. Young man…You‘ll suffer in my hands, sooner or later!”

Chapter 2225 The masked man stood three meters behind Jackie and eyed him sharply.

However, Jackie replied indifferently. “Many people wish to kill me, but those people usually end updead.”

“Hmph! Such arrogance! The masked man scoffed, one that sounded as though it boomed from hischest.

Jackie ignored the situation behind him and stepped onto the Divine Void Slope. The moment both hislegs stepped on the ground, he felt an unseen wave of energy covering his entire body. He was unableto move as the energy was like hardened cement. Seconds later, he moved speedily and appeared atthe northern side of the slope.

After his body was able to move freely, Jackie still felt a vague blocking force around him. Although hestood in the same space as everybody else, they were in individual spaces. Of course, Jackie was notthe only one who felt this.

Bang! Bang!

Sounds of something smashed were heard from far away, and Jackie saw a disciple from the CorpsePavilion raise his mace and continuously waved it at the space surrounding him.

The intense true energy collision caused waves of true energy in his surroundings. However, the collisionwas within a range. With the Corpse Pavilion’s disciple as the center point, the aftershocks of the energy

collision could be felt within a radius of several meters. However, none of them could feel anything oncethey were out of the radius!

The disciple’s actions immediately made everyone else nearby follow suit. Moments later, everybodycame up with the same conclusion. Even though they looked like they were in the same space, theywere isolated. This meant that no matter how intense the fight in their individual space was, they wouldnot affect the people around them. It was absolutely fair yet marvelous altogether!

Jackie exhaled deeply and looked up the Divine Void Slope with his bright eyes. To be frank, this was notan amazing place, but it was absolutely powerful. There were more than 100 people there, and the slopewas capable of instantly forming more than 100 individual spaces! The attainments toward the laws ofspace were unimaginable when one was capable of doing so!

“The climb has begun! Remember: the Divine Void Slope is over nine thousand meters tall, and a DivineVoid Warrior will appear in front of you every nine hundred meters! Defeat the Divine Void Warrior, andyou’ll be qualified to continue climbing up the slope. On the contrary, the other party shall be eliminated!You’ll face nine Divine Void Warriors, but there shall be ten battles. The last person who wins the battleshall win it all! Good luck…warriors of the West Cercei State!” The voice, evidently coming from an agedindividual, quieted down after he finished saying this.

However, the people who joined this battle for precious items were unable to calm down. They wererequired to join ten battles, but there would only be nine Divine Void Warriors. The information containedin this statement was apparent!

Everybody caught the crucial point of the battle after giving it some thought. The last fight was a melee,and only one person would win!

Once they thought of this, the intention to fight around the people grew more intense. Jackie saw aThousand Leaves Pavilion’s disciple staring at the peak of the slope as his intention to kill overflowed.

“Go!” roared an individual, striding toward the peak of the Divine Void Slope filled with burningdetermination.

Compared to the enthusiasm of those around him, Jackie was like an old man who moved slowly.Moments later, a handful of participants arrived at the 30-meters point. That person had just steppedwithin the 30-meter-range when their surroundings suddenly released a strand of reddish-orange light.

Chapter 2226 The person was startled and subconsciously stopped walking. The orangish-red light onlyappeared for a short instant before disappearing a second later. A translucent phantom then appeared infront of him. The phantom had a strict face and eyes filled with vigor. He had an object in his hand thatlooked like a crystal sphere. The crystal sphere floated in mid-air due to the phantom’s true energy. Hestood upright like a soldier in front of the person.

This immediately attracted everyone’s attention; no doubt was this translucent phantom the Divine VoidWarrior the old voice mentioned. After the appearance of the Divine Void Warrior, the Thousand LeavesPavilion’s disciple immediately got ready for a great battle. He had a serious expression on his face ashe stared at the Divine Void Warrior while holding the sword in his hands tightly.

Surprisingly, the Divine Void Warrior did not instantly make his move after appearing, and it felt like hisappearance was to stop the people standing In front of him from advancing. As the Divine Void Slopewas a precious item left behind by the ancient master, the person could not simply take action before theenemy did, and no one dared to act without caution.

Since the enemy did not do anything, that person could only be prepared with the sword in his hands anda serious expression on his face.

Not long after, Divine Void Warriors appeared in front of every person that arrived at the 900 meter point.Each of these Divine Void Warriors looked different, but all of them held a crystal sphere in their hands.

Jackie was not the very last to arrive at the 900 meter point, but he was among the last few. After hestepped into the 900 meter range, an orangish-red beam appeared in front of him, followed by a tallfigure. The Divine Void Warrior in front of him was tall and thin with gentle facial features, but there wasno mistaking that heroic look on his face. He had a slight frown on his face that completed his solemnexpression. He stood up straight with the crystal sphere in his hands.

After he saw the phantom figure of this Divine Void Warrior, a thought flashed past Jackie’s mind.’Warrior! A fearless warrior!

Since the word ‘Divine Void’ was in the name of the Divine Void Warrior, the warrior was no doubt relatedto the Divine Void World. Still, how were they connected?

All sorts of thoughts flashed through Jackie’s mind, but he had no idea what was going on. He was lost inconfusion and deep in his thoughts when he heard a sharp yell.

“F*ck! It moves!”

The noise broke the rather eerie silence.

Jackie quickly looked up, and the Divine Void Warrior suddenly moved its eyes. The warrior was like amannequin whose switch had been turned on. The Divine Void Warrior’s eyeballs moved and seemed tobe getting used to this strange world.

The next moment, his eyes landed on Jackie. His eyes were icy-cold, and it looked like he was lookingdown at the world. It made Jackie feel like he was a piece of floating duckweed in the eyes of the warrior,or, to be more exact, a piece of trash. The warrior seemed to be emotionless as his eyes were focusedon Jackie. To put it in better words, he was not emotionless, but he was really ignoring Jackie, who stoodin front of him. It felt as if Jackie’s fighting prowess was not worth his attention.

Jackie cleared his throat and pinched his nose helplessly. He probed the Divine Void Warrior’s fightingprowess and, sure enough, noticed that it was in the initial stage of innate level. His ascertainmentshould be correct…so why did a Divine Void Warrior in the initial stage of innate level look at him in sucha way? The warrior looked at him in contempt as though he was nothing but garbage.

“D*mnit. What’s that look in his eyes for? I’ve never been looked down upon by a person in the initialstage of innate level!” A depressed rant could be heard from a distance away. Jackie turned around tolook and noticed that many people around him were looking at the Divine Void Warrior in front of themwith depressed looks on their faces. Every Divine Void Warrior was staring at the challengers in front ofthem with contempt and ignorance.

Chapter 2227 These disciples were privileged people in their sects and had spent their lives showered incompliments. They had never suffered such contempt, and the look in the Divine Void Warriors’ eyeswas extremely depressing for them.

“Do we look like trash? Why are you looking at us like that? You’re only at the initial level of innate level!”A few of them complained. Some of their worries dissipated as they had nothing to fear when the otherparty had the same fighting prowess as they did.

The Divine Void Warriors standing in front of these disciples did not respond. The warrior had the samelook in his eyes and there was silence, as if the warrior heard nothing.

Jackie crossed his arms at his chest and observed the ongoings around him with great interest. Theothers were speechless with his actions. As he was immersed in his own observation, he suddenly feltsomething around him moving. The Divine Void Warrior standing opposite him suddenly raised thecrystal sphere in his hands high in the air. A bright light of seven colors immediately covered hissurroundings.

Before Jackie realized what had happened, he found himself on a great prairie. He inhaled deeply,realizing he was the only one there across the empty grassland. Why was he here? Where is this place?

He was…

Where was he just moments ago? Jackie suddenly could not recall where he was before. It felt like hehad been on this great prairie from the start, yet he knew not how he got here and why.

“Jackie! I told you that I’d get my revenge, and I’ll finally have it today!” Theo smiled arbitrarily as heglared at Jackie. He was a meter away from Jackie, cackling in glee. It felt like he was about to achieveall his goals in life, that he could enjoy his life soon.

Jackie frowned and subconsciously took a step back. Since he practiced Destroying the Void, hesubconsciously kept some distance between himself and his enemies. Destroying the Void was a longdistance martial skill, and close-range fights were unbeneficial for him.

However, he noticed that he seemed to be rooted on the spot just as he was about to back away.

“What do you want?” sneered Jackie.

“Hahaha! What do you think I plan to do?! You discredited me in front of everyone, and I was punishedby my sect when I returned! Have you forgotten that? I’ll make you suffer so badly that you wish youwere dead!”

“Jackie!” A dark voice could be heard coming from Jackie’s left side. He turned around, only to find thatthe masked man was already at his left side. The man was looking at Jackie fiercely, as though he couldslice Jackie into pieces.

Jackie inhaled deeply. No matter how strong his mentality was, he just could not get a grip of hiscalmness.

As he was shaken up, another voice appeared on his right side. “Who would’ve thought you’d end up likethis today, Junior Brother Jackie! How does it feel? Is it painful? Does it hurt? Your skin will be peeled offsoon! This isn’t something a normal person can withstand! Hahahaha!”

Griffin’s voice was like a lingering fly that hummed incessantly in Jackie’s ears.

Chapter 2228 Three enemies surrounded Jackie, their gazes burning with resentment yet were happyenough at the thought of mincing Jackie into pieces. Jackie did have bad blood with all three men, andhe knew they were capable of cutting every piece of meat off of him with their daggers.

Jackie was in a muddled state at this moment. He knew that he was in extreme danger, that the enemieswere about to torture him until he died. He wanted to break free, but his body felt like it had been infusedwith cement, and he just could not move.

A cold wind swept through his sideburns, and his heart skipped a beat. He immediately turned aroundand saw that the masked man had a dagger in his hand as he approached Jackie. The remaining twopeople were also on the move. All three of them had a sharp weapon in their hands respectively, and heknew what they were about to do.

Sure enough, what he feared the most was happening.

Suddenly, a thought flashed past Jackie’s head. At the same time, Jackie seemed to have a suddenrealization, and his expression turned stiff.

No… Why would the thing that he feared the most happen to him? It was just seconds ago that heassumed the three men would cut him clean from his bones, and they suddenly advanced toward himwith such intention. Each of them had a sharp weapon in their hands, too.

Such a coincidence meant that this was not a coincidental matter. Moreover, why was he here? Heseemed to have landed on this great prairie out of the blue. Was he so careless to have stepped into atrap?

No. This was a fantasy. This was not real!

Jackie immediately bit on his tongue when he realized this, and the pain cleared his mind! The wordsDivine Void Illusion’ flashed through his head.

The feeling of being caught in an illusion was familiar, but there was also a hint of unfamiliarity. Thefamiliar feeling did not come from Jackie, but from the memories in his head, those that belonged to theancient master. The Divine Void Illusion was a common illusion attack in the Divine Void World that couldinvade a person’s mind and attack the victim based on the person’s worst fears. Once they plunged intoinextricable fear, they would be unable to regain consciousness.

The Divine Void Illusion was a premium Red Level martial skill. On top of that, it was one of the greatestskills among those in the premium Red Level, and it was close to being an Earth Level martial skill!Jackie dared not waste time when he realized this. Those three were still terrorizing him by makingthreats, and they had already waved the sharp knives toward Jackie’s skin!

“Stop!” Jackie roared angrily and started activating the Destroying the Void. All 15 soul swords wereformed and were like sharp swords sent flying at the same time. The swords traveled in Jackie’s bodyand broke all those delusional thoughts in his consciousness.

“Clatter!” After the power that belonged to the Divine Void Illusion was perforated by Jackie’s Destroyingthe Void, the power disappeared from Jackie’s consciousness and the surrounding illusion graduallydisappeared. The great prairie dissolved in front of his eyes, and all three enemies dissipated like flyingashes.

When Jackie could see his surroundings clearly once, he realized that he was still standing on hisoriginal spot, and the crystal sphere in front of him was glowing in an orangish-red color. The Divine VoidWarrior stood right before Jackie, but the crystal sphere had somehow floated toward Jackie.

It was so dangerous.

Jackie exhaled deeply in relief. Fortunately, he regained consciousness at a crucial moment and realizedthat what he had seen moments ago was not reality. He was also lucky to have found out what martialskill this weird illusion was from his memories. The ancient master practiced the Divine Void Illusionyears ago and had deep knowledge about this martial skill. Jackie was able to resolve the illusionsmoothly because the ancient master had a deep understanding of the method of resolvement!

Whizz! The crystal sphere sounded like it had been leaking electricity. After the sphere let out such anoise, the orangish-red light gradually disappeared and returned to how it used to look. Jackieimmediately looked up and discovered that the Divine Void Warrior was looking at him with a differentlook in his eyes. From the original ignorance and contempt, the look in his eyes had turned into agradually serious one. Did the Divine Void Warrior really have his own intellect?

From the beginning, Jackie felt that the Divine Void Warrior was just a phantom that could attack but didnot have his own intellect. Although the warriors looked at them as if they were trash, Jackie felt that theirgaze was unifiedly set.

Chapter 2229 However, Jackie gave up such thoughts when he saw the change in the Divine Void Warrior’s eyes. Thisphantom had his own intellect, after all!

This…was too…

Jackie felt unnerved as he could not make out what he felt. What were these things?

“Let go of me! I’m sorry! It was my mistake! I won’t do it again!” A heart-wrenching cry came from his left,and Jackie turned around to look. He noticed that almost everybody stood still in their places, but theirfaces were extremely expressive. The cry came from a Muddled Origin Clan disciple.

The disciple’s body tensed while a frightened expression was written all over his face. He seemed to bepleading as tears trickled down his cheek, wetting his shirt in the process. It was apparent that he had

been crying for some time. He was not the only one to react in such a way, however, as most of thedisciples were in the same situation when Jackie took a look around.

It was not hard for Jackie to imagine what sort of an illusion these people were in when he thought abouthis previous expression. The illusion slowly unfolded every piece of fear buried in the disciples’ hearts,turning them into reality. Experiencing such pain was not something a normal person could endure.

“Ufh!” The disciple’s face blushed a crimson color before he suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood.

The Muddled Origin Clan disciple vomited a mouthful of blood, he looked like a cooked prawn and wasunusually red. Moments later, he, unable to keep himself composed, fell to the ground with a thud.

An orangish-red light enveloped the person, and the Divine Void Warrior standing in front of himdeclared, “You lost your combat effectiveness, and you’ve failed the challenge! I’ll allow you to heal yourwounds here, but you’ll go no further from here. When the winner appears, everyone will be moved outof the Divine Void Slope.”

The appearance of this voice completely woke the Muddled Origin Clan disciple. When he realized thathe had been eliminated, he blushed and said, “No! I”He was about to say something when he felt asurge of blood overflowing from within him. He had definitely lost but he had never imagined that hewould fail so badly and so quickly. The old voice once said that they had to experience nine Divine VoidWarriors as they climbed up the slope. This was the first one, and he had already lost!

Jackie sighed softly when he saw that the Muddled Origin Clan disciple had been eliminated. He knewthat this was a difficult challenge, but he did not expect the elimination to happen so quickly. He thoughtthat all the disciples here were masters sent by their respective sects, and eliminations should onlyhappen when they meet the third or fourth Divine Void Warrior.

As he was deep in his own thoughts, he could hear something cranking, like gears being activated. Helooked up warily and the Divine Void Warrior blocking his way had somehow disappeared without his

notice. Did this mean that he was allowed to pass? He inhaled and tried to walk forward. Jackie instantlyunderstood when he no longer faced any obstruction or was stopped. He wasted no more time as headvanced

Murmurs and cries of pain echoed around him, but this did not affect Jackie’s mentality as he was onlythinking about moving forward.

The Muddled Origin Clan disciple who was the first one to be eliminated had already accepted his fateand was observing his surroundings as he tended to his wounds. When he saw a figure slowly movingup the slope, his eyeballs almost popped out of his sockets as he blurted, “He’s passed the first testalready? He managed to escape the illusion by himself?”

Was deep in their illusions apart from Jackie and himself.

“Who is this? He’s wearing the Dual Sovereign Pavilion disciple’s attire, but… Why haven’t I seen him inthe past? No! I saw him just now! Isn’t this Jackie, the person who got into a fight with Senior BrotherTheo just now?!”

Chapter 2230 Jackie and Theo had caused a huge ruckus at that time, and the Muddled Origin Clan disciples darednot follow Theo to cause trouble at the Dual Sovereign Pavilion. Those that did not go over also focusedall their attention at that side. Hence, this disciple was extremely surprised when he realized who thatperson was.

This guy was the first one to break through the illusion? Was he lucky, or was he really capable? TheMuddled Origin Clan disciple had a darkened look on his face. He was one realm higher than Jackie andwas In the final stage of innate level.

All of them paid attention to the chaos when Theo was causing Jackie trouble. As this guy was only inthe intermediate stage of innate level, they did not pay much attention to him. They had heard that he

was only an elder disciple and not even a chosen disciple.

The Muddled Origin Clan disciple could not accept the fact that a person he looked down upon wasstronger than him. He was not even in the mood to heal his wounds.

“Ah!” The masked man yelled loudly, and consciousness gradually returned to his eyes. He pantedheavily, having finally broken free from the illusion at last.


The Divine Void Warrior that stood before him disappeared after being in a semi-transparent situation.With nothing obstructing him, this meant the masked man was qualified to advance.

He could not help but lament, “Such a great illusion! I was also caught up in it, but… It couldn’t keep forlong.” On top of that, the masked man felt that a huge reason he was trapped here was that he loweredhis fighting prowess. He also felt that the Divine Void Slope had a certain degree of suppression on him.If he had his full energy, an illusion of such level would be unable to trap him!

He laughed coldly at the thought. He glanced around him and discovered that everybody else, apart fromhimself, was still caught in their respective illusions. All of them were frowning and looked like they weresuffering badly.

He was the first one to break free! Of course, there were a few of these nobodies, but they did notdeserve the precious items on the Divine Void Slope. They were prepared for him, not these lamedisciples that could not even put up a fight!

Inadvertently, he caught a glimpse of the Muddled Origin Clan disciple surrounded by the orangish-redlight. However, this person had a weird expression on his face and a clear look in his eyes. He was nottrapped in the illusion, but the Divine Void Warrior blocking in front of him had not disappeared.

The masked man knew that this man must have been eliminated and sneered. He was only a disciplefrom a third-grade sect, and it was normal that he was eliminated the moment he stepped on the slope.However, this guy had a slightly weird expression on his face. Why was he looking at the Divine VoidSlope with a frightened, yet jealous look on his face?

As he followed the Muddled Origin Clan disciple’s line of gaze, he saw a familiar figure who had alreadyarrived at the 18-meter-range point. He stood up straight, and the Divine Void Warrior once againappeared in front of him. The masked man had already understood the rules of the Divine Void Slope.The Divine Void Warriors would only be activated when everyone was at their designated point, and thenext round of elimination would only begin.

“Jackie…” He subconsciously called out this name that gave him a headache. Apart from beingsurprised, there was a great deal of disbelief in his voice. Jackie managed to pass the challenge beforehe did? He had just woken up from the illusion, but this guy had already arrived at the 18-meter-rangepoint and was awaiting the next round of elimination.

The masked man’s expression immediately darkened as he stared at Jackie’s figure, unable to believethe sight.

Why? How could that guy be faster than him? He had already broken through into the spring-solidifyingrealm, and he would not have taken the pill to suppress his fighting prowess if he did not need to come tothis place. However, the martial art techniques, martial skills, and combat experience he had would notreduce no matter how he suppressed his fighting prowess.

He was absolutely confident about coming to the Secret Place for Resources, and he had never paidattention to these young people. “Impossible! How could this be? Why?!” he growled through grittedteeth.


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