No.1 Supreme Warrior by Moneto

Chapter 2026-2030
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chapter 2026-2030

Chapter 2026 The audience heard that familiar dull explosion as a figure came hurtling out of the center of the energysurge. The figure slammed against the activated energy barrier of the battle platform with an audiblewhump.

The figure was, in fact, Wesley, and the protective barrier managed to stop him from flying out of thearena.

Wesley, who was once insufferably arrogant, was rendered to such a pathetic state-he looked like he hadjust struggled out of the quagmire. He slid down the energy barrier and fell onto the ground with a loudthud. Dust flew all over the place as Wesley slumped to the ground with his four limbs up in the air. Hisclothes were torn into rags.

The dark-colored light covered Wesley like a layer of mist. Blood leaked from the corners of his mouth ashis face contorted in sheer pain. In the previous attack, Wesley’s Seven Stars Meteor Cloud was nomatch for the Destroying the Void. After the Destroying the Void, which formed three soul swords,defeated the Seven Stars Meteor Cloud, the remnants of the skill struck Wesley.

After all, the Destroying the Void was a soul attack.

As if it was not enough that he suffered an unexpected attack, Wesley did not even know how to defendhimself against a soul-attribute attack. He could not endure the attack, even though he knew that it washighly likely that the remaining power from Jackie’s attack would damage his soul if it struck him.


The audience once again fell into silence. The remaining energy quickly dispersed without the support ofthe relevant parties. After the light disappeared, Jackie emerged before the crowd, albeit In a pitiablestate as well.

The silver sword beams left multiple slices on Jackie’s clothes in their wake. His face was pale as paperas cold sweat slowly trickled down his forehead. He had a deep frown on his face as the corners of hismouth slightly trembled. Despite standing upright, everyone could see that he had his fair share ofstruggles, though he seemed to fare better than Wesley, who fell straight to the ground with a distortedexpression due to the pain he faced.

“Oh my god! He really won! He really did it! Wesley couldn’t defeat Jackie, even when they bothexecuted their strongest attack at the same time? What sort of martial skill is this guy practicing? He’s sostrong!”

“His martial skill isn’t the only thing that’s strong. I’m sure the martial art technique he practices is a high-level one as he’s able to achieve such results. Where did this guy come from? I heard that he doesn’thave any background. If no one’s backing him up, where did this strong martial skill of his come from?!”


The prattles instantly overwhelmed the perimeter.

Jackie, meanwhile, ignored everything onlookers were saying. At this moment, it was true that he wasnot feeling well. Although his clothes had several cuts on them, his pale expression was not due to theSeven Stars Meteor Cloud. Instead, it was because his spirit energy had been dried out-hurt, even-as heforcefully merged the three soul swords. However, a wound on his soul of such degree was nothing toJackie. He was not badly wounded, and he only needed to rest for a couple of days.

He inhaled deeply as his gaze shifted. He saw that Ambrose was about to open his mouth, to announcethe end of this wager battle. Before he had the chance to speak, however, Jackie moved as a smallamount of true energy agitated in his body. Even though he forcefully merged the three soul swords andthis caused his spirit energy to dry up, he had not used much of the true energy in his body. He hadalready put the black dagger away as he rushed forward like a cannon.

Jackie got right up to Wesley, having not been too far from him, within a breath. Ambrose immediatelyrealized what Jackie wanted to do when he saw Jackie’s action

Ambrose’s face turned pale and he shouted loudly to stop Jackie, but Jackie was one step faster thanAmbrose’s words. The moment he got right before Wesley, Jackie silently swung his fist sharply at hischest.

Wesley’s rib broke with an audible crack, one that the audience could hear. The impact from the attackrendered Wesley somewhat unconscious from the severe pain as he had already suffered from adamaged soul. He failed to see Jackie flying toward him, and when he realized what had happened,Jackie had broken his rib with a punch.

The physical agony he felt, along with the torment his soul was haunted with, made Wesley feel like hewas in hell.

Chapter 2027 No matter how willful Wesley was, he could not hold back his scream.

After seeing what happened, Ambrose instantly turned pale. “Stop! I declare that the battle is over!You’ve won now, Jackie, so stop what you’re doing!”


Ambrose could not just watch as Jackie’s attack crushed Wesley entirely. Although Jackie’s previouspunch broke Wesley’s ribs, it did not cause more fatal injuries. Cold sweat dripped down Ambrose’sforehead as he feared Jackie would continue his assault, even if Jackie listened to him. After all, theanimosity between Jackie and Wesley ran deep, and Wesley even insisted on crippling Jackie before thebattle.

Jackie was not someone who would just forgive and forget. He was also impressively talented and didnot place much importance on the fact that Wesley came from an important family.

Surprisingly, Jackie stopped attacking after hearing Ambrose’s declaration and slowly stood up from thefloor. He did not turn around to look toward the audience seats and instead glanced at Wesley, much tothe audience’s surprise. He chuckled softly and said calmly, “Now, do you understand why I asked you tomake those bets?”

Although Wesley was in so much pain that he was losing his sensibility, he heard what Jackie had said.His words triggered Wesley so badly, more so than the pain on his body. He struggled to open his eyesand glared at Jackie murderously. He coughed violently as blood and some of his internal organsspewed from the corners of his mouth. Despite better judgment, he growled, “I will kill you!”

Wesley’s anger nearly demented him. It felt like he was utterly humiliated without Jackie saying anything,let alone since Jackie decided to tell him why he agreed to the bet so calmly. Wesley finally understoodwhy Jackie behaved in such a way in front of everyone, even though they previously looked down onhim.

After all, no one believed that Jackie could defeat Wesley and thought that Jackie had given up.

Even the only deacon there also thought so, but the tables have turned against them, making them looklike a joke instead. What Jackie said had acted as a reminder to the others, and they finally realized whyJackie insisted for Wesley to make the bet from the beginningnovelbin

Everyone, during the time they were deciding on the final bet, looked at Jackie as though he was ajumping clown, but with everything that had happened, the audience felt their face burning in pain. EvenBrook and Noel, who sided with Jackie, were also speechless.

“You wish to kill me? Sure, just tell me when. With your current strength, however, I’ll be so far ahead ofyou after another ten years of training.”

Everyone would have laughed at Jackie had he said this at the beginning of the match, but not at thismoment. They were all exceptionally quiet as what Jackie said was the truth. Jackie had the ability tochallenge Wesley from a lower level. If he was given more time to train, he would be very far ahead ofWesley without a doubt.

Wesley could not just simply accept such things, but it was the truth, even if he did not want to accept it.Wesley’s face turned purple from anger and looked like an old man on the verge of death.

Jackie raised his brows, disinterested in talking to Wesley. How he wished Wesley would have died onthe spot in his anger, but that would not happen. At that moment, Ambrose had closed the protectiveshield as runner disciples waiting down the arena rushed toward Jackie and Wesley.

Chapter 2028 The runner disciples quickly transferred Wesley onto the stretcher. Every battle platformcame with five or six runner disciples, and their main task was to bring any wounded disciple after theirbattles for emergency treatment.

Jackie raised his eyebrows when Wesley was about to be brought down the platform by the runnerdisciples and said, “Don’t forget our wager. According to the rules of the wager battle arena, you need tosend the items you owe within three days. If you fail to do that within three days, not only will you bedetained, but you might be deported from the sect, too.”

Wesley was so angry that he coughed up blood hearing Jackie’s words. The chest area of his clotheshad already been dyed with blood. His hands quaked as he wanted to clap back at Jackie withsomething snarky. Alas, he had already lost, and it was useless no matter how much a loser spoke. Hewould only be ridiculed by others.

After Wesley was brought away for treatment, Jackie slowly walked down the battle platform. At thismoment, everybody had looked at Jackie in a different light.

As Jackie demonstrated his prowess, their view had shifted from disdain into one of admiration, takinghim more seriously and enviously. Some people could not help themselves but started to discuss quietlyamong themselves. “This guy’s talent is out of this world. I’m sure that he’ll become a chosen disciple inthe future. No wonder he was so relaxed previously. I almost thought he got brain worms!”

“You should shut up. Since when have our sect recruited idiots? People had never given up. Instead, henever placed much importance on Wesley. During the final attack, both of them used their full power andcaused Wesley to be beaten into such a state. This means that Jackie’s strength had already achievedthe top-hundred positions or even the top fifty positions!”

The surrounding onlookers immediately nodded when they heard this. There were a total of 3000informal disciples, and being able to be in the top 100 or top-50 among these 3000 people proved howincredibly strong this person was. Of course, many of these informal disciples were able to be in thetop100 positions because of their extensive practice time. Some of them were even in the final stage ofinnate level! The positioning of these informal disciples had nothing to do with their talents.

However, Jackie was only in the initial stage of innate level, and he was capable of being in the top-100because of his exceptional talents. This evoked the envy of many, but all they could do was nothing butstare.

Ambrose looked at Jackie as if he was looking at a monster. Zeph had been relieved of his position andincarcerated because of what Jackie revealed. Ambrose was so interested in seeing Zeph’s pitiful endingthat he purposely went to the dungeon where they held Zeph.

At that point, Zeph rambled crazily, “You people just wait and see. I won’t let any of you off the hook onceI leave this place. I failed in the hands of that stinky b *stard because I was unprepared. You should tellhim that joining the sect doesn’t mean that he has nothing to worry about. He’s just an informal discipleafter he joins the sect. I’ll be coming for him once I leave this place. Me being a deacon doesn’t diminishthe fact that I can easily kill an informal disciple like him!”

Ambrose only laughed coldly when he heard this. The mistake Zeph made was neither a large nor asmall matter. No matter how things were, he had been dismissed and detained. Ambrose was notworried about himself as Zeph would be incarcerated for at least two to three years.

Before Zeph was detained, he did not take any actions against Ambrose, and Ambrose knew that hewould be unable to cause any big trouble when he left the dungeon. Zeph might do something againstJackie, but Ambrose was not that well-acquainted with Jackie. He only felt good about Jackie because ofwhat happened to Zeph.

He had no idea how things would be by then, though Zeph would nonetheless be in for a surprise by thetime he left the dungeon, seeing how things had developed at this moment. Ambrose estimated thatJackie would be able to become a chosen disciple within two to three years.

Zeph was still capable of taking action against an informal disciple, but a chosen disciple was in a muchhigher position compared to Zeph. No one would know who would hurt who by then.

Chapter 2029 At the thought of this, Ambrose started to look forward to that surprised expression onZeph’s face once he was to be released.

Jackie, meanwhile, ignored the murmurs and gossip from the people around him, talking about him, andreturned to his seat among the audience. He decided It would be in his interest to sit and watch theothers battle as he did not have anything important to do today, more so having no more contributionpoints left at this moment.

When he heard that formal disciples would have a battle on the wager battle arena afterward, Brooklooked at Jackie with admiration as he sat, his eyes almost glued on Jackie.

The corners of Jackie’s mouth twitched helplessly.” What are you looking at?”

Brook coughed softly with an excited look on his face. “You’re very strong, Senior Brother Jackie! I’vereally missed it when I thought that you weren’t Wesley’s opponent. Who would’ve expected for you to hithim so badly!”

Jackie raised his eyebrows helplessly and said calmly, “Didn’t I tell you how I wouldn’t have agreed to thebattle if I wasn’t confident?”

Brook was still extremely excited. “I thought that you were bragging.”

Jackie was so speechless that the corners of his mouth twitched. Brook was such an honest person, andeven Joel laughed so hard at Brook that his eyes narrowed into crescent moons in his laughter. “Oh,dear me! Young man, you’re so excited that you can’t even control what you said. You’re that bold to saywhatever crosses your mind!”

Due to the fact that Jackie did not immediately leave the area, the informal disciples who purposely cameover to observe the fight did not leave the scene either. They were still having lively discussions and onlylowered their voice because Jackie was still there. Many people started looking at Jackie earnestly. IfJackie did not have a stern expression that kept strangers away, they would have come over to greethim. After all, Jackie had a bright future.

After a period of time long enough for half a stick to burn, the remaining excitement from the previousbattle began to disperse slowly. The others who participated in a wager battle today once again enteredthe battle platform. Brook sat at the audience seat and spoke non-stop by Jackie’s ears like a machinegun, and though this irked Jackie, he did not stop him.

He purposely looked at where the man with triangular-eyes was at. When he looked over, the man andhis companion had already disappeared.

They must have booked it because they were scared.

Jackie intended to shake up the man with triangular eyes a little; that man irked Jackie to no end. Jackiedid not have any conflict of interests with him, and he only caused trouble for Jackie because he wantedto flatter Wesley.

Compared to Brook’s constant chatter, Noel seemed to be far more level-headed. It was only after sometime did he speak, “You held back, but I still feel that Wesley was badly wounded.” Jackie slightlynodded.” Aren’t the rules clear? I can’t cause any permanent damage, which I didn’t do. I only broke hisribs and didn’t heal his wounds. He’ll be alive and kicking after several months of treatment.”

Chapter 2030 In truth, Jackie had only told half the tale. After all, the worst attack was not breaking Wesley’s ribs.Instead, it was how the remaining power from the Destroying the Void attacked his body and caused thewound on his soul. Others did not know what attribute Jackie was training in, but Noel knew it very well.

Lagarioring his voice, Noel commented, “Did Wesley suffer from a wound on his soul due to how muchpain he’s in? If that’s the case, it doesn’t seem good.”

Jackie raised his eyebrows and took a meaningful look at Wesley after he heard this. He saw howserious Noel’s expression was and responded with an equally serious tone, “I don’t think that he’sseriously wounded. Although the martial skill I performed was strong enough, the Seven Stars MeteorCloud isn’t so weak. It canceled most of the attack, and only a small amount of the attack rushed ontoWesley’s body.”

Noel felt that Jackie did not understand what he was trying to get at. He could not help but sit up straightand leaned toward Jackie. “The wounds suffered by the soul are different from those the body suffered. Ifhis soul is gravely wounded, it’s difficult to rule if it’s permanent damage. However, it takes more pills andtime to recover.”

Jackie gave a light nod. He could feel that Noel was dancing around with his words, thus he waved hishand. “Just tell me what you want to say; there’s no need to beat around the bush.”

Coughing lightly, Noel then replied, albeit a little exasperated, “What I mean to say is that you took it alittle too far this time. Even though I know that you dislike Wesley that much, you shouldn’t have givenhim an additional punch in the end. Yes, he acted all high and mighty before, but he has the support ofElder Sayer. If you only wounded his soul, it can temporarily be explained away by saying that it wasunavoidable. However, your last punch was obviously aimed to humiliate Wesley— “

“I know what you mean, but I’ll still do it again if this repeats,” interjected Jackie, not allowing Noel tofinish. “Although he has a great background supporting him, I’m not somebody he can bully at his will.Consider me a nice person that I only punched him once, no matter how much he did before.”

Noel merely nodded at Jackie before he shook his head silently. He felt that what Jackie said madesense. After all, it would only be hellish if Jackie continued to put up with all of that.

Nonetheless, Jackie’s action had completely dishonored Wesley by what he did. He was only afraid thatElder Sayer would be a petty person and take revenge on Jackie. However, Noel also knew that Jackiewas somebody with his own ideas, and he was certain that Jackie knew what might happen.

Jackie stared at the battle platform for a good while before he began to feel rather tired.

The main reason was due to the low reference quality toward the battles between these people. After all,not many of those 3000 informal disciples were stronger than him. Just as he was about to get up andleave, he heard a familiar voice from far away.

Jackie chose a slightly secluded place to sit, which was near to the exit, after he entered the place. Hismain concern was so that he would not get into a fight with the others. After all, he knew that he woulddefinitely attract criticism from everybody as he joined the wager battle arena hastily, especially whenWesley was also there. Hence, he chose a place that was near the exit and secluded.

The familiar voice came from the exit, and Jackie spotted a familiar face when he looked over.

What surprised him was two people who used to hate one another were having a genial conversation asthey walked together. These two were Morton and Gerald, who caused trouble for Jackie. The two ofthem had also joined the Dual Sovereign Pavilion from the previous assessment. After theaccommodation was arranged, Jackie never saw the two of them in the sect. A dozen days had passed,and he almost forgot these two people…that was until these two showed up.

What surprised Jackie the most was how they were all smiles and good talk as if they were friends for avery long time. Noel raised his eyebrows and also took a glance at the exit. “Isn’t that Morton andGerald? What a rare sight…!


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