No.1 Supreme Warrior by Moneto

Chapter 2016-2020
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chapter 2016-2020

Chapter 2016 In fact, Jackie could not contain himself for long with the triangular-eyed man pestering him, right next tohim. To everyone’s surprise, Jackie abruptly turned around and stared at the man with triangular eyescoldly. Sneering, he said, “I’ve always been a vengeful person, and you’d do well to remember mywords.”

After he finished speaking, Jackie turned around and walked toward the battle arena in the middle. Atthis moment, Wesley was already standing at the east side of the battle area, and Jackie stood oppositehim. The two of them looked at each other, one of them expressionless while the other lookedcontemptuous. Wesley looked at Jackie as if he was an idiot or a dummy, but Jackie’s expressionremained passive for the most part.

It looked like no matter what expressions Wesley had on his face, it would not affect Jackie. The soundof people discussing what was happening beneath the stage was noisy enough to hurt people’s ears.After all, none of them expected things to develop until such a situation. A lot of busybodies started tosend transmission runes to their friends who were not there to watch the battle so that they would notmiss the great battle.

Both Brook and Noel stared at those two, staring at each other from a distance as they stood on thebattle stage, with frowns on their faces. They had no idea what to say at that moment. After some time,Brook lowered his voice as he spoke to Noel, “Senior Brother Noel, do you think that Senior BrotherJackie has given up?”

Brook was incredibly wary at this point, and he did not feel that there was something wrong with what hesaid. Instead, he was hesitant as he felt that Wesley would surely defeat Jackie, and that particularscene was unimaginable to him.

Noel frowned and sighed softly before he spoke with a hint of uncertainty, “I have no idea, but I don’tthink Jackie’s brain had malfunctioned or something.” In fact, he had no idea what he should say.

Although he knew that Jackie was very talented in terms of the soul attribute, he had no idea which levelwas Jackie’s true strength at.


Jackie was only at the initial stage of innate level, but Wesley had already achieved the intermediatestage of innate level. From the fighting prowess alone, Wesley was one level ahead of Jackie. On top ofthat, Jackie had only joined the Dual Sovereign Pavilion for a dozen days and had yet to be trained andgroomed by the sect. How could he be Wesley’s opponent when he had his talents but not theresources?

He might not be able to defeat Wesley even if he was In the same realm as Wesley, let alone challengingWesley at a lower level!

As they stood on the battle arena, Wesley could not help but sneered at Jackie’s seeminglyexpressionless face, commenting. “You’re a good actor, I’ll hand that to you. You still can be passive at atime like this. You have no idea what’ll happen to you, do you?”

Jackie raised his eyebrows. “Can you just get on with It? What’s the point of making these uselessremarks?”


The informal disciples sitting at the audience seats were baffled upon hearing Jackie’s remark. His brainmust have been filled with water, and the damage must have been detrimental. Why else would he saysuch a thing?

“Do you have any idea what you are talking about, young man?” jeered Wesley. “You’re challenging mefrom a lower level, and you’ve only joined the Dual Sovereign Pavilion recently. Do you truly think thatyou can defeat me?!” Wesley laughed as he spoke.

Jackie nodded and actually replied level-headedly, “I wouldn’t be standing here if I wasn’t sure I candefeat you.”

Right after that, a suffocating silence appeared first before somebody snickered, and laughter filled theentire area. A large group of people broke out into laughter because of what Jackie said, looking atJackie as though he was the biggest clown for thinking he could defeat Wesley. Did he not understandthat he was only in the initial stage of innate level and did not have the support of powerful resources?

On what grounds did he think that he could defeat Wesley? Was it just because of the fact that he rankedfirst place during the admission assessment? That admission assessment was nothing to the DualSovereign Pavilion disciples who joined the sect through the usual admission tests, and many of themthere could have done what Jackie did!

Wesley scoffed indignantly. “You truly are entertaining. The fact that I’m fighting with someone like you inthe battle arena is an insult to me!”

Chapter 2017 After his warning, Wesley did not bother saying anything else as he pulled his three-feet-long sword fromhis storage ring, gripping it tightly by the hilt. He raised his right hand, and the sword was once againilluminated with a silver-like light. Everybody looked on as the specks of starlight gathered that became asmall yet bright star within the sword’s silver-like light.

Fighting with Jackie did not require Wesley to use much strength. He formed two silver stars when hefought Dale, but he would only need one to blast Jackie away completely.

Jackie raised his eyebrows. When he was at the audience seats back then, he noticed Wesley using theSeven Stars Meteor Cloud, but standing right across Wesley, he could clearly feel the overwhelmingstrength of the Seven Stars Meteor Cloud. If he was a usual martial artist in the initial stage of the innatelevel, he would have lost his imposing momentum under such a strong suppression. It was possible thatsome with weaker fighting prowess would not be able to stand straight.


The Seven Stars Meteor Cloud was truly a Red-level intermediate martial skill. Jackie raised his eyebrowas he slowly took out a black dagger from the Mustard Seed. There was nothing special about this blackdagger. It was only the length of his fingers and was not much different from Dale’s weapon apart fromthe color.

Jackie had been thinking about what weapon he should use before he went up the battle arena. Evenafter thinking it through, he still felt that the dagger was more suitable for him. Although daggers weremore suitable for assassins, Destroying the Void was a soul attribute martial skill, and it seemed suitablefor him to be an assassin.

It might have been because of how ordinary the dagger Jackie had looked without any formation orrunes carved into it, but the gossip and murmurs below the stage amplified.

“This young man can’t even come up with a decent weapon. This is looking really shabby.”

“He’s just a guy without any background, and he had just joined the sect recently. How could he ownweapons that could rival or be on par as ours?”

Wesley harrumphed indignantly as he stared at the black dagger Jackie had at hand. With a move of hissword, he went straight toward Jackie, planning to defeat him with a single move. He wanted to injureJackie to the point Jackie would not be able to counter him, all so Wesley could regain his honor. Jackiehad to pay dearly!

Wesley moved extremely speedily, like an arrow released from the bow. He came rushing toward Jackiewith the sound of wind whistling. His sword looked ominous as it contained his will to kill. A regularperson in the initial stage of the innate level would not be able to withstand the strength of his attack.

Frowning, Jackie performed the seal with his hands. Soon, a streak of black light appeared from hispalm.

Until that moment, Jackie was unable to estimate Wesley’s true strength. However, Wesley realized atthat moment that Jackie did not pay much importance to him. Hence, he decided to not use all hisstrength, and this sword attack only used a portion of his strength.

If that was the case, he had to remain calm.

After the black soul sword appeared in Jackie’s palm, It immediately covered the entire black dagger.The dagger trembled before it seemingly hummed, looking as though the dagger could barely contain thepower inserted into it.

Jackie frowned as he once again performed the seal with his hands. This time, the black daggerimmediately floated into mid-air.

Unfortunately, Wesley’s attack was right before Jackie in the blink of an eye.

Jackie pushed his hands forward calmly, and the black dagger moved forward toward Wesley’s swordattack.

Wesley scoffed haughtily and snapped, “You’re biting off more than you can chew!”

Many started to feel sorry for Jackie when they saw this scene. In the beginning, everybody wasanticipating the martial skills that Jackie was going to perform. When they realized that Jackie had onlyinfused his black dagger with a streak of black light, almost everybody shook their heads at the sametime.

Chapter 2018 Any powerful martial skill would be accompanied by a ferocious power motion when it wasreleased, However, no one among the audience sitting could feel any power movement from the dark-colored light when Jackie activated the martial skill.

The spectators’ reactions were similar to those who observed the fight between Jackie and Warren.Everybody heard a clear clanging sound of weapons knocking into each other. The black dagger and thesilver sword in Wesley’s hands collided with one another.

The silver sword shone glaringly, and a confident smirk appeared on Wesley’s face. To him, Jackie’sblack dagger was like a piece of trash he could easily knock off into the air…but the smile on his facesoon fell after a few seconds as he felt a blunt force coming toward his right hand, the hand that held thesword.

This particular force stunned Wesley for a moment before he took a step back.

The next moment, Wesley’s eyes almost popped out of their sockets as he discovered that his SevenStars Meteor Cloud was equally matched to the martial skill Jackie had performed.

Jackie took a step back, in sync with him!

The silver light from the stars and the dark-colored light disappeared after their intense collision midair.However, the black light contained dark energy that nobody understood. The energy traveled up hissword and impacted his arm instantly!

Wesley’s facial expression darkened as he realized that a piercing pain came from his soul afterexchanging a single martial skill attack with Jackie. What was that?! Wesley was in disbelief. All this time,he thought Jackie was no match for him, that he would be able to get rid of him with the power of a singlestar.

It seemed, however, that they were of equal power, and Wesley even suffered an unexpected blow.

He activated his true energy to suppress the pain in his soul. His right hand trembled slightly as his entireface turned chalky white. This was mainly due to his shock and fury.

Both of them took a step back after exchanging a single attack. Every informal disciple in the audienceseats inhaled in surprise when they saw this, and they even thought they were hallucinating.

“Oh my god! Have I lost my mind? How and why did that happen? Jackie is actually strong enough toexchange blows with Wesley where both of them took a step back, and none of them managed tosuppress the other?! What was that martial skill he used? It’s capable of competing with the martial skillof the Red proficient level!” The corners of that person’s mouth twitched uncontrollably after he spoke,and the people around him could not hold their surprise, too.

“Don’t forget that Jackie is one realm lower than Wesley, and this means that he’s challenging Wesleyfrom a different level. Even so, the fight between them still ended with a tie!”

Even though they understood that Wesley did not use all his strength, it was enough to shock everyonepresent. After all, Jackie was only in the initial stage of the innate level and had only joined the DualSovereign Pavilion around ten days ago. He was already so much stronger than many informal disciplespresent as he was capable of performing with such strength, despite the huge difference between himand Wesley.

Brook’s eyes widened as he started to ramble, “No wonder Elder Lee said that Senior Brother Jackie hasthe strength to be among the top three hundred informal disciples. I thought he was just saying that toplease Jackie, but from the looks of things, Elder Lee was telling the truth!”

Meanwhile, Noel exhaled deeply as amazement filled his gaze. He knew earlier on that Jackie’s talentswere much stronger than many disciples in the front positions of the sect.

From what had happened, it seemed like he had still underestimated Jackie’s strength.

Chapter 2019 Wesley’s followers gaped at the scene so much that they nearly dislocated their lower jaw,especially the man with triangular eyes, who was stunned on the spot. His mouth was wide open assheer disbelief overwhelmed his face.

He had never expected Jackie to be so strong. The corners of his mouth slightly twitched as he growled,“Impossible! This can’t be real! How could this guy have such strength?!”

The person that suffered the greatest shock among everyone present would be Wesley, who stoodopposite Jackie. Wesley gripped his sword tightly with his right hand. If they looked carefully, they wouldbe able to see the blue veins popping out on his right hand because he was overusing his strength.

Although Wesley tried his best to suppress the surprise and disbelief in his eyes, he failed to do so. Heexhaled deeply, looking like he had lost himself with his craze evident in his eyes.

“No wonder you could act so ferociously before all this. It turns out you do have some tricks up yoursleeves. Still, don’t you dare think that you can show off in front of me with that!” Although he wassurprised that Jackie truly had some strength, Wesley still did not think that Jackie could defeat him. Afterall, he did not use all his strength but only a portion of it.

Jackie looked at Wesley emotionlessly, seemingly unperturbed even with Wesley’s comments, whichWesley hated.

He hated this overly confident, fearless expression Jackie had. He glared fiercely at Jackie and grittedhis teeth. “I won’t hold back this time! Prepare to face your death, young man!”

With that, he once again performed the silver seals with both his hands, and they grew stronger in hispalms before those silver beams transformed into twisted runes midair. These twisted runes gathered toform a second silver star within a single breath. The star floated and rotated speedily on top of Wesley’ssword.

The operation energy in the sword also grew increasingly strong. At this moment, Wesley’s strength onceagain increased to a new level. When the Seven Stars Meteor Cloud achieved the perfection level,seven stars would appear on the sword. Wesley had not achieved the perfection level at that level andwas only in the preliminary level. Even so, commonfolk were no match for him.

In the previous fight, Dale was defeated when he unleashed two stars on the sword. The speed thatthese two stars were rotating started to increase, and soon, a small swirl of energy formed around them.

“Wesley’s getting serious now, and that guy’s going to lose this time. Even though he’s stronger thanregular people, Wesley is one whole realm higher than him!”

“That’s right! Not only is Wesley one whole realm higher than him, but the level of the martial skill thatWesley practices is much stronger than usual informal disciples. At the very least, he’s much strongerthan me. He must’ve achieved the preliminary level for his Seven Stars Meteor Cloud and is going toachieve the proficient level soon. I haven’t even achieved the preliminary level yet!”novelbin

“It truly is quite odious to carry out comparisons between people. Nonetheless, that guy is quite strong,and he must’ve achieved the preliminary level with the martial skill he practiced, even though he can’tcompare to Senior Brother Wesley. Otherwise, how could he be so strong and achieve a comparableresult as the Seven Stars Meteor Cloud?”

“Still, what was the martial skill that guy used just now? There weren’t any obvious overpowering energymotions, and I even wondered if that guy pulled a prank or something.”

Murmurs and gossip rumbled throughout the audience seated. Among everybody there, only Noelguessed correctly that the martial skill Jackie had used belonged to the soul attribute, and that was whythere was no overpowering power fluctuation.

Chapter 2020 Jackie glanced at the small stars that spun wildly on Wesley’s three-feet-long sword. Jackie seemed tobe unfazed, even though the stars spun rapidly and formed a whirlpool-like funnel. Once the starsexploded and released their power, ordinary people would not be able to withstand the overwhelmingpower.

He once again performed the seal with his hands and formed the second soul sword, one much darkerthan the first soul sword. At that moment, Jackie had solid control over the soul sword that he couldcontrol both soul swords to attack freely or merge into one.

Jackie narrowed his eyes as he once again infused the soul sword into the black dagger. The blackdagger once again released a striking dark-colored light. When they took a closer look, the black daggerfloating midair was releasing a wave of greyishblack mist. It looked weirdly seductive and seemedcapable of enchanting anyone.

Wesley, of course, noticed what had happened, remaining silent as he frowned. He stepped forward ashe once again waved his sword outward. This time, both his speed and strength achieved the extremelevel.

Regular folks could not even make out what was happening with such speed. In the blink of an eye, thesword lunged right toward Jackie’s face.

Everyone gaped at the sight in utter shock. They originally thought that Jackie would be cut into twohalves by the Seven Stars Meteor Cloud. However, Jackie managed to evade the attack from a weirdangle!

The martial art technique that Jackie practiced was the strongest in the Divine Void World, Divine VoidHeavenly Path. Practicing this martial art technique allowed him to control the laws of space. AlthoughJackie only understood a slight portion of the laws, it was sufficient for him to use it during this battle.

The laws of space were much more accurate compared to pure speed. If Jackie was just ‘fast, he wouldbe wounded by the overpowering energy, even if he managed to avoid the attack. However, he activatedthe laws of space which granted him the power to ignore the limitation of distance. Although it looked likeWesley was attacking this space, Jackie had already used the power of space to transfer himself toanother space and evaded Wesley’s attack.

However, Jackie felt his true energy trembling in his body, and he had used up a large amount of hisenergy after he performed this martial art technique. Beads of sweat trickled down his forehead as hepanted heavily, and he silently warned himself that he should not execute this technique so carelessly inthe future. After all, he had not succeeded in practicing this technique. Even though he evaded the attackby utilizing the space, he had used up a large amount of his true energy, which was not worth much.

Everyone’s eyes widened at the sight.

“How did he evade the attack? He’s actually unharmed! Wesley’s sword was right at his face, but hemanaged to evade the attack by turning around. Something’s weird with that.”

“That’s right! Seems to me that something doesn’t add up, too. It felt like Jackie wasn’t within the rangeof attack at that moment. What’s going on here?!”

How could these informal disciples understand the laws of space when it was such a peculiar matter?Moreover, the Dual Sovereign Pavilion was only a sect in the West Cercei State, and all they could thinkof at that moment was how difficult it was to understand what Jackie did.

Even though Wesley was shocked by Jackie’s capability of avoiding his sword attack, he did not stop.There was a saying that went ‘it’s impossible to evade the unavoidable,’ and there would be a time whenJackie would fail to evade.

Wesley turned around in the air and waved his sword, evoking a silver light to appear midair. He raisedthe sword with his right hand and once again pointed it toward Jackie. He was much faster than before,and the attack aimed straight toward Jackie’s head.

With a slight frown, Jackie raised his hands. One after another, the black runes merged with the blackdagger in front of him.

The moment the sword brandished toward him, the black dagger released a black light and once againcollided with the three-feet-long silver sword. Another audible crack was heard, and almost half of thesilver light dispersed after its collision with the greyish-black light.


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