No.1 Supreme Warrior by Moneto

Chapter 1996-2000
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chapter 1996-2000

Chapter 1996 Nash patted jackie on the shoulder and in a slightly pained tone said, “You should take more rest andtake things slower. There are still two more weeks to go. You’ll snap if you wound yourself up too tightly.”

jackie nodded and knew that his father was just worried about him. “Don’t worry, Father. I know what I’mdoing. It’s true Wesley is a formidable opponent but not one that is worth me breaking my back over. Heaccounts for only a tiny part of my motivation for training this hard. My biggest motivator is that I might besent to the frontline when the war breaks out. I can only sleep in peace if I keep on leveling up. Besides, Idon’t know why but I can’t shake the feeling that the Dual Sovereign Pavilion is planning something fishyfor us, new informal disciples.”

jackie had very good reasons to feel that way, one being Noel’s implications, and two was what hadhappened with the contribution points exchange. Moreover, jackie was well aware of his position of notbeing able to change anything in the Pavilion and should focus more on finding ways to protect himselfby leveling up so he would be worthy to them.

Nash nodded. He clearly knew that things were not the same as when they were in the Daxia World. Hemight have been able to support jackie then but now that jackie had surpassed him in terms of ability, hecould only let jackie do things his own way. “That Wesley is an intermediate stage of innate level which isone level above yours. I’ve been researching the difference in cultivation levels and one thing I’m sure ofis although the intermediate stage of innate level is only one level higher than yours, the potency andreserve of true energy is more than double of yours!”

Nash became even more worried and shook his head lightly. His eyes were filled with concern for jackie,I know you have the soul-gathering crystals, have absorbed a vast amount of the seniors’ soulfragments, and don’t lack any martial art techniques or skill but there still possesses an ocean-wide gapdifference in power between Wesley and you. Please don’t underestimate him. I have been worried sickabout you ever since I found out just how strong fighters in the intermediate stage of innate level are.”

jackie nodded slightly. He had given some thought to all these before but found nothing to be worriedabout. “Apart from increasing one’s cultivation level, what else do you think can increase the potency andreserve of one’s true energy?”


This question did not stump Nash. He laughed and in a buoyant voice said, “Did you really think your oldfather would not know the answer to a basic question like this? Why the answer has to be the skillsyou’re cultivating. The higher the level of skills you’re cultivating, the more potent and more reserve you’llhave of true energy.”

jackie nodded and smiled. “That’s right. Wesley might be one level higher than me but we’re cultivatingdifferent techniques. If I go by that vein, I might even come out stronger than him!”

Nash, of course, had thought about this but still could not shake off his worries. “I know you’re cultivatingDivine Void Heavenly Path and that this is the ultimate technique in the Divine Void World, stronger thanany of the techniques in this third world but you still lack the experience to wield this technique. Even ifyou have the experience of the seniors, it still doesn’t absolve the fact that you’re starting from squareone. Tell me honestly now, can you say you’re confident about your own cultivation on this Divine VoidHeavenly Path?”

The corners of jackie’s lips went rigid. He had been focusing on Void Slaying and had put the Divine VoidHeavenly Path on the backburner. Therefore, there was no way he could answer his father’s questionwith confidence. “No, I can’t say that with confidence but nonetheless, I have grasped some of the DivineVoid Heavenly Path and I’m sure that the potency of my true energy is stronger than an average fighterof the intermediate level of innate stage.”


Chapter 1997 “That, I’m confident about. Besides, the Divine Void Heavenly Path comes with a handy function. As longas I have that card to play, I believe I can beat Wesley.”

Nash raised his eyebrow. His curiosity had been stroked. “What kind of function?”

“Cultivating the Divine Void Heavenly Path not only increases the potency and reserve of my true energybut it also gives me a preliminary grasp of the laws of space because the Path itself contains the laws ofspace,” explained jackie patiently.

“Laws of space! This was the first time Nash had heard of this term. He could understand the meaningbased on the words themselves but did not have a physical experience of it.

jackie sipped his tea and said, “As I’ve mentioned, 1 only have a preliminary grasp of it. I’ll show youwhat I mean once I’ve got a complete grasp of it.”

Nash nodded his head, still not convinced jackie would be all right in the battle with Wesley. He sighedlightly and said, “I know you know your own strengths the best but I must say this, sometimes thedifference in cultivation level could not be crossed at all. If Wesley is one level higher than you, then he isone level higher than you. Even if your technique is higher than his, it doesn’t make you stronger thanhim.”

jackie nodded. He knew this more clearly than anyone else: “I know, I know. Having a high cultivationlevel is like having a high-end engine. The better and bigger the engine is, the more fuel it can hold andthus the more energy it can give out. No one is denying Wesley is at a higher cultivation level than mine,but you’ll soon find out which of us is the stronger one and which of us is the weaker one.”

Nash raised his brow and in a confused tone asked, ” Isn’t the fight two weeks away? Why do you say I’llsoon find out?”

jackie lowered his eyes and wiped out all the emotions from his face. He gently put the teacup back onthe table and in a calmed tone said, “Two weeks is too long for me. Wesley will be going against DaleWoodward tomorrow and I’ll be there to observe the fight. Besides…”


The next morning, a throng of disciples had already gathered around the wager battle arena. The newsof the fight had spread all around the Pavilion and the fact that the two fighters were both in the top twohundred rankings made it a fight not to be missed. Moreover, the two of them had a short cultivationtime. In the future, they were likely to become the top ten informal disciples and then be promoted tobecome formal disciples and their career will skyrocket from there.

The wager battle arena was located on the easternmost side of the Dual Sovereign Pavilion. This was ahuge open space specially designated for the wager battle arena. There were no buildings there apartfrom the seven huge battle platforms which were specially built with formations.

The wager battle arena was divided into two parts, one was the seven battle platforms located in thecenter, and the other was the viewing platform surrounding the battle platforms. The viewing platformwas filled with countless seats and at this time, half of the seats were already occupied.

Except for the chosen disciples, the other disciples must come to the wager battle arena every month tofight. If circumstances disallowed them to attend or if they were in a retreat practice then the fights wouldbe postponed until such time they were ready to fight. It was a guarantee that the seats would be full Ifthere were any fighters from the top three hundred rankings or if someone of celebrity status was fightingin the wager battle arena.

Chapter 1998 Observing a fight could let one understand the other disciples’ strength and also increaseone’s fight experience. Although Wesley’s current ranking was only 187, the fact that he had only been

there for a short time and also had the backing of Elder Sayer made him a celebrity. He would surely riseup to the top ten ranking in no time.

Even the informal disciples in the top fifty ranking did not have as much fame as Wesley because most ofthem got to where they were through long training hours and increased their strength little by little. Whatthey did had was more perseverance than talent and Wesley had both in abundance. Therefore, it wasnot surprising his fight with Dale had attracted the attention of many informal disciples.

Wesley, being the main character of today’s story, was sitting at the viewing platform with a bunch ofsuck-ups around him. These suck-ups wanted to win over Wesley’s hearts, and their words seemed tobe smeared with honey, as they piled on praises upon praises on him. Wesley, of course, was enjoying it.He was sitting with his eyes closed and a faint curl of his lips as they heaped on the praises upon him.

The man with triangular eyes was one of the suckups. “Although Brother Dale’s is strong, his talent isnothing compared to yours. Your talent if placed in Dual Sovereign Pavilion, nay, even in all of the otherthird-graded Clan associations, would come out the top amongst all of the other informal disciples. I’msure Elder Sayer will definitely recruit you as his chosen disciple and that you’ll surely rise up the levelslike a rocket by then.”

“Yeah! Even the top ten informal disciples here nodded their heads in recognition of your talents. You’llsurely come out the victor in today’s fight and in no time at all, you might even be able to fight against thetop fifty informal disciples. Then, it’s a one-way street for you to become a formal disciple.”

Wesley raised his eyebrow. On the surface, he declined to give a comment to all of the praises but in hisheart, he accepted their words wholly. He never once thought his talent was inferior to anyone else. Thechosen disciples, maybe, but definitely not the other informal disciples, even those in the top ten. He feltthat his cultivation time was still short, and if it was the same as their cultivation time, they woulddefinitely be trampled under his feet. Just when the flattery was about to reach its climax, they suddenly

heard one low exclamation after another which made Wesley and the others look toward the direction ofthe cause, only to see a few wide-eyed informal disciples chatting with each other in an excited voice.

“Oh my god, I can’t believe Brother Duncan is here! He has actually come out of his meditation retreat! Iseem to recall he had been there for three months as he had been in the retreat ever since he hadbeaten the third-ranked informal disciple and thus becoming the third rank himself! He might even bestronger than the first ranked informal disciple now that he had completed his three-months long retreat!”

“Yeah! He’ll surely challenge the formal disciples after becoming the number one informal disciple. Histalent is truly abominable. I remember he joined the Dual Sovereign Pavilion at the same time as BrotherWesley and it didn’t take him long to break through to the intermediate level of the innate stage. I can’tbelieve he’s even stronger now. Comparing myself to him makes me a sad potato.!

These words drifted into Wesley’s ear and he felt as if he had received a slap to the face which shatteredall of his previous enjoyment of flattery. If he had to choose who was his biggest rival in this lifetime, thenit would no doubt be Duncan Pierpoint. He joined the Dual Sovereign Pavilion at the same time a sDuncan Pierpoint and yet had always been suppressed by him. He could only watch with vehemence asDuncan surpassed him time after time. The thought of Duncan becoming third-ranked and coming outstronger after his meditation retreat made his heart twist with rage.

Chapter 1999 That was not the hardest to accept. The hardest thing to accept would have to be the wayother people kept on comparing him to Duncan and with him always coming out the worst of the two.Just a moment ago, he felt his talent to be only a little inferior to the chosen disciples but now that illusionhad been shattered with the arrival of Duncan. No matter how great he thought he was, there was noway he could possibly convince himself that he was better than Duncan as Duncan’s existence was likea sun that made all the other stars disappear with his powerful light.

The man with triangular eyes was the best at sucking up. He could tell with one glance, what and howWesley was feeling, so he quickly said, “Brother Duncan is strong, no doubt about that. After all, he has

the support of the Pier points. The Big Elder of the Dual Sovereign Sect came from the same clan as himand if I were him, I would have done everything in my power to support him as well. Anyone, even thosewith the worst talent, would have quickly leveled up under those conditions. What’s more to say aboutBrother Duncan?”

These words seemed to have achieved their intended effect and Wesley felt slightly better. The man withtriangular eyes was right, Duncan must have gotten to where he was with the support of the Big Elder.The Big Elder, being second-in-command of the Dual Sovereign Pavilion, must have an arsenal ofresources in his hand which he had spent on Duncan. So it was only natural Duncan had surpassed him.If Wesley had the same resources as he did, he would have left Duncan in the dust too.

At that thought, Wesley felt even better. It was then he saw a familiar figure amongst the crowd. Seeinghim there, made him startled but that soon changed to derision. He scoffed and said, “He dares to comehere? Could it be that he’s here to observe the fight between Dale and me?”

His question made all the other suck-ups around him turn to look at jackie. They were well aware of allthe animosity the two had between them. When it came to Duncan, they dared not say too much abouthim but it was a totally different story when it came to jackie. After all, to them, he was the disciple thatgot to where he was by luck. They did not even feel he had the qualifications to become an informaldisciple and thus should not enjoy the same status as them.

jackie was dressed in an informal disciple uniform and he had brought Brook along with him. After all, hewas not familiar with many things in the Dual Sovereign Pavilion and feared that he would get lost on hisway here so he might as well bring him along and for him to act as a commentator for the fight. Theviewing platform was already half full and the two of them quickly found a secluded spot to sit down.jackie never once looked toward Wesley, as if he was only there by chance to observe the fight.

“This punk surely knows how to put up an act. He must have not understood the true strength of the toptwo hundred ranking of the informal disciples for him to accept Brother Wesley’s challenge without any

hesitation. He must have thought he could beat you because he just so happens to be stronger than theaverage people outside. What a joke he is! He should have taken a good look at himself in the mirror!”

Chapter 2000 The man with triangular eyes was looking at Pane with a disdainful expression on his face. He laughedcoldly and said, “Look at him acting all cool and as if he doesn’t care about anything at all. If he didn’tcare, he wouldn’t have come here at all. He must be scared sh*tless about the upcoming fight withBrother Wesley to come here to check you out.”

This time, he did not say all this to flatter Wesley but meant it as it annoyed him to no end when he sawjackie looking as if there was not a care in the world. How could there possibly be a person like him? Hlethought that even the strongest hero in the whole of Hestia Continent would not act like he was somehotsh*t, undefeatable by anyone, What gave jackie the right to act like that? He was nothing but a newinformal disciple!

Then, there was the fact he did not get in the Dual Sovereign Pavilion through the usual means. Hewould not have gotten in if it was not for the war that was about to break out. Yes, it was true that jackiehad received praises for his strength by Elder Lee, but how much weight did that hold anyway? In fact,he was only a little better than all the trash out there, not worthy of being called an informal disciple,

It was obvious that Wesley felt the same way as the man with triangular eyes. He chuckled and said,”Yeah, who does he think he’s impressing by acting all cool. He should just admit that he’s here to checkme out instead of pretending he’s not scared of the upcoming fight with me.”novelbin

After saying that, he suddenly thought of the day when jackie humiliated him in front of all the otherdisciples. At that thought, he narrowed his eyes on jackie. Although there was a rule that said fighterscould not cause permanent damage or death to their opponents, that did not mean he could not beatjackie until he could not get out of bed for a few months.” I’ve warned him before that I’ll one day makehim pay!”

The man with triangular eyes nodded. He was looking forward to the day Wesley beat jackie into a pulpthat his own mother would not even recognize him. He deserved that for comparing him to a worthless,uncultured animal. Actually, he would not mind if jackie dropped dead right now.

“He was so cocky that day! We were all there and saw how he acted! He should not be forgiven soeasily. We need to teach him a lesson that the Dual Sovereign Pavilion is not a place for him to act sococky!” said the man with triangular eyes. The others immediately joined in the demeaning of jackie.

“Yeah! He needs to be shown his place! Does he really think he can act all cool in front of us justbecause he’s a little better than all the newly recruited informal disciples!”

“What a joke! Everyone knows the newly recruited informal disciples are all a bunch of trash! They’reonly here to become cannon fodders. I can’t believe h e thinks he’s as good as the rest of us.”

“It was only a few days ago, I saw some of the newly recruited informal disciples challenging the olderdisciples to a fight in the wager battle arena, and lo and behold, it did not take them long to go down ontheir knees to beg for their lives once the fight started. They should stay in the trash bin where theybelong instead of running around here.”

The man with triangular eyes exhaled deeply and in a regretful tone said, “It’s a shame we can’t tear hislimbs apart. If we do that, we’ll surely get punished for causing permanent damage.”

Wesley smiled enigmatically at that. “It’s true we can’t do that but that doesn’t mean we can’t break everybone in his body. Imagine the pain he would have to suffer through then.”

They excitedly kept up the conversation for quite a long time and all the while sneaking glances at jackie.jackie, of course, knew what they were saying about him but decided they were not worth twisting hisknickers over.


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