No.1 Supreme Warrior by Moneto

Chapter 1201-1250
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Chapter 1201-1250

Chapter 1201 “Master Mason, what do you mean by bringing all these people?”

When the Chief of Windfall Pavilion arrived at the square, his face immediately sank to the deepestbottom of the abyss. He did not expect the head of the White branch family—Mason White—to bringover elders and experts of grandmaster level.

He knew by heart that the people in the White branch family had not dared to fight against them all thiswhile. Unless the White had a certain degree of confidence and certainty that they would win the fight.Moreover, he knew extremely well that the main White family had never seemed to care about thismatter at all, hence dared not act recklessly and launch attacks at them.

Besides, what frightened the other party the most was once they fought against the Windfall Pavilion;their loss would be so great that it would affect the whole White branch family. It was not worth it at all.

The only thing that the Chief of Windfall Pavilion did not foresee was that Mason had brought someonewith him today.

Mason snorted frostily. He clapped his hands as a signal.

Without warning, several men of the White branch family stepped out from the crowd and threw theheads of Patronum Lanich and the gang onto the ground.


The Chief of Windfall Pavilion’s face immediately went white as though all color drained out of his face.“Master Mason, what do you mean by this? How could you simply kill our men? And I don’t rememberany of us have robbed you recently!” The Chief hissed angrily.

“Master Mason, don’t think that we’d be afraid of you! We drink blood like the vampires; we’re notordinary men and certainly not afraid of shedding blood! And our overall combat prowess is no worsethan yours!”

Several elders of the Windfall Pavilion huffed and puffed.

“Oh, let me tell you. Today at the bottom of the mountain, near our village, your people robbed our elder’swife and daughter and even tried to force them both to…”

Mason sneered with an angry smile hanging on his face. “You people are getting bolder and bolder;you’ve crossed the impassable line! Today is your last day on the earth!”

“You’re gonna exterminate us? Heh! Funny! It’s easier to brag, isn’t it?”

The Chief of Windfall Pavilion laughed sarcastically at Mason’s statement. He then balled his fists, and alayer of chi energy enclosed his fists, vibrating vigorously. He swung his fist and blasted toward Mason.

Nevertheless, at this time, jackie moved like a thunderbolt and stood in front of Mason. He blasted his fistagainst the Chiefs.

A loud thud rang. The seemingly simple punch made a terrifying collision, and the next scene was theChief of Windfall Pavilion flying several meters backward.

It was thirty meters worth of strength. The Chief of Windfall Pavilion dropped onto the ground, his throattwitched, and a mouthful of warm red liquid spurted out of his mouth—blood.

“You…who the h*ll are you? You have the strength of a true god level, how is that possible? Suchcombat strength…you’re already at the middle stage of the true god realm, am I right?”

After testing out jackie’s true strength, terror thundered down upon the Chief. No wonder… No wonderMason and the others would dare to come up the mountain and announce the extermination of the

Windfall Pavilion. The White family did actually possess such a strong and powerful force.

“Who am I? It doesn’t matter anymore!”

jackie smiled blandly before he slowly spewed a few more words. “You only have to know that, fromtoday onward, your life belongs to me!”

“Kill them all and leave this fella to me!”

After the last word of his sentence dropped, jackie waved his hand and gave the order.

Chapter 1202 “Holy moly! A strength of the middle stage of the true god realm? That’s too..”

Several great fighters of the Windfall Pavilion’s faces slowly became unsightly after hearing the Chief’swords.

In fact, the Chief of Windfall Pavilion had always reminded them that since the White branch family wasin close vicinity to them, it would be acceptable if they snatched some of their resources, but they shouldnot cross the boundaries and kill any of them. If they had really angered the other party and the otherparty decided to fight against them, they would not at all be their opponents.

The Chief believed that if it was merely some petty snatches and robs, Mason and his people wouldendure.

On the contrary, for several other families, if they were out to hunt for the resources and materials, thepeople of Windfall Pavilion could act rougher and more reckless toward them. Once the men of WindfallPavilion finds out that the other party was alone or was a group of juniors, they would rob themmercilessly. After all, several other families did not even know where the Windfall Pavilion was. Hence,even if they wanted to avenge their people, it was not easy to do so.

The Chief of the Windfall Pavilion did not expect at all that Patronum Lanich and the others had targetedan elder of the White branch family. If this were not asking for a death wish, what would it be then?

The Chief of Windfall Pavilion’s face became paler and paler once he thought of it. “Hold up!” Heextended his arm in a panic and gestured a stop sign with his palm.

The men of the White branch family were just about to charge toward them but halted when they heardthe Chief’s words.

The Chief stood up from the ground and paced toward jackie. He bowed before jackie and said, “Sir, Idon’t understand. I have not offended you at all, why did you help the White branch family? Even if it’sone of my people who made a mistake that they shouldn’t have, you don’t have to intervene in thismatter, right?”

He knew by rote that, in general, such a powerful person did not like to meddle in nosy matters. Hence,he truly could not fathom the other party’s behavior at all. Why would a martial artist with a strength oftrue god-level intervene?

Without waiting for jackie to further explain, Mason stood out and spoke aloud, “Munro Quinn, do youf*cking have any idea who he is? He is the heir of the White family head and the Young Master of themain White family! Now you tell me, does he have the right to take care of this matter?”

“Young Master?”

Munro gasped at the answer. “The Young Master of the White family is already this powerful? His combatprowess and strength are more powerful than some elders, am I right?”

“I’m only at the early stage of the true god realm. However, it’s not hard for me to kill you!”

jackie gave a wan smile and said in an emotionless tone.

Munro was rendered speechless. The strength of a fighter in the early stage of the true god realm couldblast him away so easily and injure him that much? He was at the early stage of the true god realm, too!Moreover, he had stayed at that level for almost three years and could be considered as a strong fighterof the early stage of the true god realm! This was also why the White branch family had not dared to actrashly and went against them, though they had many men.

Obviously, the young man before him acquired the ability to kill every single life of the Windfall Pavilion.What a terrifying existence!

“Hold on!”

Munro immediately stretched out his hand and showed a stop sign. His face was ashen and his bloodfroze in his veins—he was in complete terror. “My men had made a huge mistake. It’s also true that Ididn’t discipline them well. But both the White branch family and Windfall Pavilion are located so close toeach other; we can be considered as living in the same neighborhood, and we should live peacefully andhelp each other, right? How about this, I’ll send you some spirited grass and resources, and we’ll call it awrap to this matter?” Munro proposed in a trembling voice.

“Heh, it’s too late!”

jackie laughed. “You still have the nerve to talk about the neighborhood? When you bullied my men in thepast, why didn’t you say you were a neighbor and that we should live peacefully and help each otherout?”

jackie gripped the black fine sword tightly, and a layer of chi energy enclosed the sword. He swept thesword and shouted, “Big Wave Hits!”

Like magic, waves of sword aura coalesced out of jackie’s sword. The sword aura went straight aheadwith formidable strength and horrendous power.

Most of these waves of sword aura, under the control of jackie’s chi control ability, went straight toMunro. A small portion of these waves was sent directly toward several strong fighters of the WindfallPavilion who were in front of him.

Chapter 1203 “Sh*t. What do we do in the face of a fighter who’s of the true god status?”

Someone was so shocked that all the color leached from his face. For a grandmaster or someone of thedemi-god status, there was no way to beat someone of the true god status. His aura alone had this muchpower, and it was difficult for them to close in on him.

An old man flipped his palm and took out an object that resembled a small tortoiseshell. He imbued inwith his chi, and the tortoiseshell emanated a flash of light before growing in size.

That thing was actually a shield.

The old man raised the shield before him and heaved an internal sigh of relief.

“You actually had a treasure like that!”

Munro went speechless when he saw it. Logically speaking, he should have gotten a treasure like that.He never thought that the old man would actually stash it away for himself. If not for the peril they werein, the old man would probably have never taken it out—and Munro would never have known that such atreasure existed.

An attack landed on the shield and glanced off; not a single scratch was left on the tortoiseshell.

Still, that powerful attack sent him stumbling a few meters backward before he regained his footing.

As for the fellows around him, although they had quickly demonstrated their martial skills, they stillcrumbled like paper before jackie’s attack, and they were all killed.

The old man took the scene in and loosened a breath. Fortunately, he had the luck to obtain such atreasure—which could change its size as well. It made it convenient for him to kept it hidden. He wouldhave been killed over it otherwise.

Munro was displeased because his First Elder had hidden such a treasure, but he did not have theliberty to give it much thought right now. Most of jackie’s attacks were being directed at him.


When he saw the attack, his expression tightened and he threw a fist out. A giant python manifestedfrom the chi that coalesced in his body.

After the python appeared, it roared and charged toward the waves of the sword auras.

Munro quickly constructed a thin, protective bubble of chi around him to keep himself safe right after hethrew that attack out. Only then did he feel a little more relaxed. He believed that he would be able towithstand jackie’s attack then.

After all, his attack was considered a pretty high-level skill—one that was second-grade elementary. Itcould be said to be his trump card.

A resounding explosion tore through the air. He never thought that his python was already starting tocrumble beneath jackie’s attack, although a few seconds had not even passed. It was going to disappearsoon.

“No way. It only lasted for so long?”

Munro’s eyes nearly popped out of their sockets; he was so shocked that he did not know what to say. Atleast thirty or forty percent of jackie’s attacks were being directed somewhere else, yet he still was notable to withstand the attacks, even after using a second-grade elementary martial skill!

“I have to hold on!”

Munro told himself that, but he already sensed that day might be his very last. That punk was far toostrong for him.

Chapter 1204 “I have to hold on!”

Munro was repeating the same phrase to himself inside, however, not even one second before herepeated the phrase, everything collapsed.

As soon as the thought of holding on was inside his mind, the giant chi python collapsed anddisappeared into thin air completely.

Although his python had successfully neutralized most of jackie’s attack, the remaining attack was stillterrifyingly powerful and strong. It landed directly on the top of Munro’s protective bubble of chi.

The sound of the blow was lighter than before, but Munro’s shield of chi could only withstand jackie’sattack for two to three seconds before it completely crumbled and shattered into pieces.

Even after canceling out jackie’s attack with the bubble of chi, the attack still had almost a tenth of thestrength left, and it blasted solidly on Munro’s body.

A mouthful of blood spurted out of Munro’s mouth, and he flew backward—like a cannonball—into theroof of the house not far behind him, smashing a hole in the roof and falling onto the floor of the house.


The scene before jackie made the corner of his mouth curl upward, and in the next second, he dartedinto the house at a lighting speed.

“He’s so fcking strong! Our Young Master is so fcking awesome! He actually killed several elite fighters inonly one move! And I don’t think Munro can survive this time!”

After killing a demi-god level fighter, Mason looked at jackie’s lightning speed, his eyes filled with shockand puzzlement.

Before they came to the Windfall Pavilion, he was concerned whether jackie could defeat Munro, afterall, even he himself was not confident in fighting Munro. However, unexpectedly, jackie not only injuredhim gravely but also killed several elite fighters for them.

Now, they only had to deal with the remaining, and the job was as easy as ABC.

It could be said that they basically only have to take care of the remaining without having to pay much ofa price.

Munro—who had fallen from the roof—hit the ground heavily and spewed out another mouthful of blood.He, who was already injured from the previous attack, was now even more severely injured. His facewent white, and all possible colors were drained out of his face; his breath turned weak.

He coughed a few times, and every cough was accompanied by a mouthful of blood. He could barelysupport himself to stand up.

The third daughter of the Cabello family managed to stand up from the bed. Her limbs were tied up, soshe could only hop off the bed and landed on the floor. She tried to muster her chi energy to break therope.

However, only then did she realize that the Chi Dispersing Pill that Munro had given her was too strongand effective, making it impossible for her to mobilize and gather her chi energy in her body.

According to what Munro had told her before, this strange pill would last for three days; one whoswallowed it could not control the chi energy in his or her body—whenever one tried to mobilize the chi

energy, it would immediately dissipate. Moreover, if one repeatedly tried to forcefully coagulate the chienergy in the body, he or she would experience some severe damage to their bodies.

Just when the Third Young Mistress Cabello was in despair, Munro fell down from the roof and ploppedonto the floor not far below her feet.

“Great, you son of a b*tch! You deserve it!”

The Third Young Mistress Cabello felt a sudden flare of joy inside her, but soon some thought popped upin her mind. “Strange! When I was captured, nobody from the Cabello family had witnessed it. Could it bethat someone accidentally saw it, informed my father of it, and then my father brought people to rescueme?” She babbled happily.

When the thought process came to this point, she quickly shook her head to deny it, feeling that it wassimply impossible. She was captured and brought there not too long ago, and the Cabello family was in aplace where it was almost impossible for the commoners to locate, not to mention that the distance tothat place was far. Even if the Cabello family knew about the kidnap, they would at least need ten days tocome to her rescue.

Chapter 1205 Therefore, the rescuer was obviously not from the Cabello family.

“Don’t tell me it’s another group of bandits who set their eyes on them?”

Instantly, the Third Young Mistress Cabello’s heart thumped at this possibility.

After all, no matter if the brigands were from the Windfall Pavilion or any other gang, they were all badpeople. The phenomenon of a big fish swallowing a small fish—the strong bullying the weak—wascommon among groups of bandits.

It looked like this time there must be another group of mountain bandits coming to rob the WindfallPavilion.

The Third Young Mistress Cabello’s thoughts ran wild within these few minutes, her heart was uneasyand her fear spiked. After all, she had the most good-looking face among the three daughters of theCabello family, though her sisters were beautiful. Furthermore, several other young masters of theshadow families were fond of her and wanted to pursue after her.

If such a good-looking woman were to fall into the hands of another stronger group of bandits, it washighly likely that she would be captured to be the wife of the chief of bandits.

She was in despair and could not even escape from the hand of the Chief of the Windfall Pavilion, whatmore a stronger and more powerful bandit? She would not even have the slightest chance to escape.

At this time, a figure dashed into the room and stood not far from her.

When the other party noticed her presence, the other party did not make any move but studied her.

jackie’s eyes lit up slightly when he saw the beauty before him. The beautiful woman before his eyes wasindeed very fascinating and alluring. Her look was somewhat perfect, and her body was even moreindescribable. That beauty could definitely compete against Selena and the result was hard to say.

jackie’s heart had actually pounded a little faster than usual at this moment.

“You, you, don’t come over! I warn you, you won’t get me! I am the third daughter of the Cabello family,and the Cabellos are strong and prominent! I’m warning you, if…if you dare to bully me, you’re deadmeat. My father will find you and kill you even if you’ve hidden underground!”

Seeing jackie staring at her attentively, the Third Young Mistress Cabello was even more frightened. Shestammered, trying her very best to use her tied-up feet to move backward.

jackie woke up from her beauty, then he walked indifferent toward Munro, stopped in front of him, andstabbed his sword into Munro’s chest emotionlessly.

When the Third Young Mistress Cabello saw that jackie killed Munro without blinking his eyes, she wasso done for; she could feel nothing but blind terror.

If she had known it earlier, she would not be stubborn and sneaked out to search for treasure. She feltconfident about her fighting prowess and martial status and wanted to come to the mainland to searchfor treasure. She longed for the excitement and fun, but little did she know that she would be captured.

“You’re the daughter of the Cabello family?”

After jackie ended Munro’s life, he paced toward Third Young Mistress Cabello slowly.

“Yes, yes, I’m the third young mistress of the Cabello family! My father likes me the most! You thisb*stard bandit, don’t come near me! Don’t you dare take advantage of me!”

The young mistress was scared to death in her heart, but she still clenched her teeth and tried her bestto threaten jackie.


jackie was rendered speechless. “Take a good look at me, do I look like another bandit?”

Only then the Third Young Mistress Cabello studied jackie in detail, she then huffed, “Hmph! You’re eithera bandit or a brigand and neither of them are good people! Don’t think you can cheat me just becauseyou’re good-looking! You bandit, none of you are good!”

Now, jackie was completely tongue-tied. He shook his head helplessly and approached the other partyslowly.

“Don’t you dare come near!” She shouted. “You…what are you doing? I have a good reputation, if youdare to ruin me, I…I’ll not spare you even when I become a ghost in the future!”

The Third Young Mistress Cabello was so scared that she tried to move backward quicker, however, sheseemed to have forgotten that her legs were all tied up. She wanted to move swiftly but her tied-up feetdid not allow, instead, she plopped back onto the ground.

Chapter 1206 jackie did not bother at all to pay attention to the Third Young Mistress Cabello who just fell heavily ontothe ground, instead, he continued walking toward her and aimed the sword in his grip at her.

“No, don’t!”

The Third Young Mistress Cabello thought that this would be her last day. Her brows puckered together,she closed her eyes and shouted with all her strength.

Unfortunately, the Third Young Mistress Cabello had guessed wrongly. jackie flickered the sword in hisgrip, and the next second the rope that she was tied up in, snapped.

The Third Young Mistress Cabello soon felt that the rope seemed to have loosened, only then did sheopen one of her eyes to peep. jackie had cut the rope.

“You…you’re not going to kill me?”

The Third Young Mistress Cabello breathed a huge sigh of relief, but soon her face sank again, “Wait,you must have known that I took the Chi Dispersing Pill and knew that I couldn’t control the chi energy inmy body to defend myself! That’s why you cut the rope and let go of me, right?” She assumed. “Let metell you straight, this beautiful body you’re looking at right now, you’re not getting it!”

jackie was once again at a loss for words. “First of all, I’m neither a bandit nor brigand. Secondly, I’mmarried and have a four-year-old daughter. Although you’re good-looking, I’ve no interest in you at all.”

jackie explained with a bitter smile on his face.

He studied the other party, paused for a moment before saying, “Count yourself lucky today to have metme, otherwise, I’m afraid that you’ll end up as the wife of the head of brigands. Hehe, now leave, you’refreed!”

“You, what you say is true?”

Color of disbelief and puzzlement was plastered on the Third Young Mistress Cabello’s face. Did shereally misunderstand this man before her and mistaken him as some sort of bad guy? Was he not a badguy?

“Young Master jackie, great news! We’ve defeated them all! All of us are well except for a few peoplewho suffered an injury. What a great victory!”

At this point in time, the sound of battling outside the house had stopped, and Mason bolted in excitedly.

However, he quickly noticed the beautiful woman in front of him, then he asked, “Who is this woman?And why are there ropes on the ground? Damn, that mother*cker Munro hid a girl here?”

“This is the Third Young Mistress of the Cabello family. I don’t know how she got caught. Anyway, shewas saved in time.”

jackie let out a bitter laugh and explained.

“The Cabello family? Young Master jackie, aren’t we on bad terms with the Cabello family? The Cabellosalways compete and fight against us. How about we kill this Third Young Miss? The head of the Cabellofamily will not know it anyway. He’d only think that his daughter was killed by these brigands!”

Mason quickly thought of something and proposed to jackie, smilingly.

“Nah, although we have some unpleasant episodes with the Cabello family, all those episodes are ratherminor. If we really kill the daughter of the Cabello family, then the problem will become bigger andgraver!”

jackie smiled gently and said to the Third Young Mistress Cabello, “Miss Cabello, you’re free to leave!”

“Now I finally know, you’re the Young Master of the White family!”

Daniella Cabello smiled faintly and asked, “You’re the young master of the White branch family here?Your talent is amazingly good! I thank you for saving me this time… So, may I leave now?”

“What? This…”

Mason stepped forward, wanting to tell the other party that this gentleman was the heir of the family headof the main White family.

However, he was quickly held back by a sign from jackie. jackie held out his hand, signaling him not toutter further, thus, Mason immediately had his mouth shut tightly.

“This…? What?”

Daniella frowned and puzzled slightly.

Mason returned with an awkward smile. “Well, I wanted to say that this time it was the White family whosaved you, so don’t you ever forget our kind gesture!”

Daniella bobbed her head and replied, “Don’t worry. I’ll go back and tell my father about this. And I’ll letour people pay more attention in the future and not to collide with the White family anymore!”

After Daniella finished her sentence, she looked at jackie again and smiled, “I’m sorry that I’vemisunderstood you before this. Will—will you forgive me?”

Chapter 1207 “Heh. I never thought much about it because I’m not that kind of person!”

jackie gave a wan smile and wheeled around, stalking off.

Astonishment flashed across Daniella’s eyes as she watched his silhouette.

Many men fawned over her looks. The masters from the Cabello family and other families all clamored tocatch a glimpse of her.

That man was no brigand, but logically speaking, he should have at least asked for her name or showsome semblance of attraction toward her. Yet he just turned around and left. Dissatisfaction roiled in her.

She quickly chased after him. “Hey, aren’t you curious what my name is?” she said to jackie.

jackie turned his head to look at her. “Why should I?” he replied impassively.


Daniella was furious. The man was completely clueless. Did he not consider trying to show some interestin a beauty like her?

She rolled her eyes at him. “I’m Daniella,” she said. “You?”

“Oh. My name is jackie!”

After he said that, he walked out. At this moment, the White family members were sorting through theirwar trophies.

“Young Master, this is a true treasure. You must take it!”

The First Elder ran over happily, thrusting an object that resembled a tortoiseshell toward jackie.

“Yes. You must have this. We would not have been victorious if not for you today!”

Mason quickly said.

“Thank you!”

jackie smiled and took the object. He flipped his palm and kept it in his martial ring.

“We’ll burn the corpses along with this house later! Let’s take the war trophies and head back before wedo the cleaning up!”

jackie announced after thinking about it.

Daniella was stunned speechless when she saw this. Who on earth was this man? Was he a youngmaster from the main family of the White family? Why would the fighters from the branch families alllisten to him otherwise?

After considering it carefully, she felt sure that this was the case. No way that he would be so strong if hewere not from the main family—he would not have been able to kill Munro.

“Why haven’t you left yet?”

After everyone had cleaned up the corpses, jackie noticed that Daniella was still standing nearby. Acrease formed between his brows. The White family did not have good relations with the Cabello family.He did not want to show the slightest bit of weakness.

“Why so fierce?”

Daniella grew even more speechless when jackie seemed impatient. Never mind that he did not try tobutter her up, and now he was trying to chase her away? Never had she suffered such humiliationbefore.

She shot him a glare. “I’m not leaving. I’ll be staying at the White family’s place for two or three moredays!” she said.

jackie was internally speechless; his expression soured. “Miss Daniella Cabello, am I correct? I savedyou because you so happened to be there. It was an accident. Never mind that you don’t wish to returnthe favor, but why do you want to stay here? You’re stepping out of your boundaries.”

“Can’t a beauty like me want to stay a few days at the White family’s place? You really don’t know how toprune a rose when you see one. I’ve no idea how someone like you found a wife!”

Daniella folded her arms across her chest, speaking indignantly.

Chapter 1208 When Mason heard this, he grinned at jackie. “Young Master jackie, she said it herself—you truly don’tknow how to recognize a rose,” he said. “Since you saved her in such a dashing manner, of course, shehas an interest in you now. How cruel of you to reject her request so outrightly!”

Another elder from another branch family also chipped in, “That’s right. You two look as though you werea match made in heaven. Just agree with her request. The third daughter of the Cabello family is famedfor her beauty. How could you decline her just like that?”

Daniella’s cheeks reddened as the two spoke that way. She rolled her eyes at Mason. “What are youtalking about? I have no other way out, okay? I won’t have access to my chi for these few days, since Iate those Chi Dispersing Pills. If I run into any danger while I’m alone, I won’t be able to fight back at all.”

Here, Daniella paused before she continued, “That’s why I must stay at your place for two or three days.I’ll leave once my chi comes back!”

“Chi Dispersing Pills?”

jackie frowned. “I never thought that such a pill would exist. It’s my first time hearing of it.”

“Oh, it’s here, Young Master!”

Mason quickly took out one such pill from his martial ring and gave it to jackie.

jackie quickly discovered a counter pill’s prescription, as well as a small pill furnace. “I never thought thatMunro would have gotten this. It’s a first-grade elementary pill, but this pill can come in handy. It’s awonderful product!”

“Really? That man actually knew alchemy. Not everyone can do that. I never thought that Munro knew allthis!”

Mason could not help but exclaimed after he heard that.

“Hah. I’ll be keeping the prescription and the pill furnace. It’ll be useful for me!”

jackie laughed. Being able to obtain such items was indeed a propitious incident.

Furthermore, the shield that resembled a tortoiseshell from before seemed pretty good too. However,jackie would only determine how precious it truly was once he had the time to study it properly at home.

“Hah. Just take it if you like it, Young Master. The pills and the pill furnace are useless to us.”

Mason laughed. At that moment, the house on the opposite side began to catch fire. The corpse ofMunro’s men burned along with it.

After all the corpse had been cleared, jackie and the others head down the mountain.

“Hey, if you’re not saying anything, I take it that you agree to let me stay at the White family’s place forthese few days!”

When she saw that they were leaving, Daniella quickly skipped after jackie.

“Fine. It’s not like we lack rooms!”

jackie could not be bothered with her. This time, the White family had obtained plenty of martialresources. Mason and the others should be overjoyed now.

Mason and the others still had grins plastered onto their faces. Mason sang all the way down themountain.

“No way, no way. I’m tired!”

Not long after, Daniella was already tired. “All of you are martial practitioners. You all walked in a fastpace walk as though it were nothing. Now that I have no access to my chi, I’m as good as a normalperson. I don’t want to walk anymore!”

“You don’t want to walk? Then what should we do? Don’t tell me you want me to carry you?”

Mason stared at her. “What a pain!” he snapped.

Chapter 1209 “I’m not getting on your back!”

Daniella rolled her eyes at Mason. She had no inclination toward his hulky figure.

Her eyes sidled toward jackie. She pressed her lips together. “You–you carry me down!” she saidbashfully.

jackie did not know whether to laugh or cry. However, it was true that they were making slow progresswith her tagging along.

He could only walk toward her, huffing. “I can carry you down, but you owe me a favor then. Got it?”

“Got it. I’ll definitely return the favor. How could a man be so petty? It’s your privilege to be able to carry abeauty like me!”

Daniella scuttled toward jackie’s back and hopped on. “Let’s go, Young Master jackie!”

“Let’s go. What are all of you staring at?”

jackie roared when everyone was staring at him. Only then did they continue downward.

Meanwhile, Daniella’s heart was pounding wildly in her chest.

Once she knew that he was not a brigand and that he was the young master of the White family, herimpression of him grew more positive. It meant that he had a pretty lofty position. He could match her, atleast.

Daniella’s mind began to wander. After all, it was the first time she had met such a handsome man whoshowed no interest in her.

‘He’s strong too. So much stronger than the young masters I know!’

The more she thought about it, the more she realized how attractive jackie was. She looked at the sceneas they trod down, her face hot. She felt that this was fate.

“Hey, you’re a member of the White main family, right?”

Daniella rested her head against his back and asked softly.


jackie answered as he strode down the mountain.

“Can’t you walk a little slower? Be considerate of me.”

Daniella pursed her lips. With the uneven mountain road, hers and jackie’s body frequently bumpedagainst each other. Since she never dated before, she felt extremely embarrassed.

“You told me to carry you down. It’s a wonder I gave in to you. And now you’re complaining?”

jackie did not know whether to laugh or cry. “You must have been spoiled in the Cabello family and rarelyleft the house,” she said. “The treasure spots, the monsters, and the martial artists of the outside worldwill never entertain your whining!”

“You’re a psychic! I do very rarely leave the Cabello family’s house!”

Daniella smiled. “If I had never met you, I would have been a goner.”

“Really? Then are we friends now?”

jackie paused for a while. A scheme began to stir in his mind.

Chapter 1210 “Of course. You’re my savior. So I’ll definitely find a way to repay you!”

Warmth spread in Daniella’s chest. She thought of something and quickly added on: “But don’t you letyour mind wander everywhere. I won’t repay you with my body. Hmph. Anyone who wishes to go afterme must prove that they’re worthy. Got it?”

“You’re really confident, aren’t you?”

jackie did not know whether to laugh or cry. It was true that she was not half-bad looking, and the lightfragrance emanating from her was intriguing, but jackie was confident in his self-restraint.

“Hmph. I know all you men speak one thing and then think another. You’re definitely thinking ofsomething, what with a beauty like me splayed all over your back now!

“I’m telling you, it’s your privilege to carry me. So many men wish to do so but don’t have the chance!”

Daniella was as proud as ever, as though she were a princess high above the clouds.

“You’re saying that it’s my privilege to carry someone as heavy as you? Heh. I’ll be more than happy toget rid of this weight!”

jackie smiled. This girl was far too cocky.

She was pretty, but he was not the sort to butter up to nasty people.

“You-you’re calling me fat? What are you talking about? Hmph. So many people admire my figure!”

Daniella was furious when jackie told her that she was heavy. She resisted the urge to strangle him. Hisvision must have had problems. She was a little plump in some areas, but she was not fat at all.

After talking to her for a while, jackie popped the question: “Right. I heard that the Cabello family has aprecious ancient tome. Something about forbidden medicine, right?

“That’s right. How did you know? Do you know medicine?”

Daniella answered without thinking twice.

“That’s right. I have an interest in medicine. I heard that the tome contains precious knowledge, so ofcourse, I know of it. It’ll be fantastic if I got the chance to look at it!”

jackie told Daniella after he thought about it.

“Heh. You want to take a look?”

Daniella chuckled. “I don’t even get to take a peek at it even if I wanted to. It’s currently in our FirstElder’s possession. That old man hangs onto it as though it were his life source, always talking about

how complex it was and how he needed to study it. He even said that it contains alchemy methods ofcrafting third and fourth-grade pills. My father and the others know about this!”

“Third or fourth-grade pills?”

jackie took a sharp intake of breath after he heard this. Even second-grade spirit grass was extremelyhard to find, yet this tome contained alchemical records of third and fourth-grade pills? Did this mean thathe was getting close to finding the mother of pills?

Chapter 1211 If there were third or fourth-grade pills, that meant that the third or fourth-grade spirited grass existed. Ifthat was the case, where were these spirited grass? Spirited grass or pills like that would likely cause aperson of the true god status to combust with energy. This meant that the legends of the ultimate godstatus may very well be true.

“That’s right. My father said that the third and fourth-grade pills exist which means that the ultimate godstatus might be real.”

Daniella did not seem to have many walls around her, and she spoke easily with jackie, “That’s why thetome is a true treasure to the First Elder. He’d study it with every moment of spare time he has, trying todissect its secrets. And sometimes he goes looking for true treasure, to see if he can find the third-gradespirited grass described in the tome!”

“Have his searches been fruitful?”

jackie’s eyes brightened when he heard that. He asked her a question.

Daniella gave a bitter smile. “Zilch. He’s got nothing to show for even after all these years. I don’t thinkthe third and fourth-grade spirited grass exists. He did not find a single stalk. Perhaps someone wrotethat tome just to play a long-running joke on future generations!”

“I don’t think so. Your First Elder would have noticed that it was fake after studying it for so long. Besides,I heard that he’s pretty skilled in medicine. He’s pretty famous for alchemical research too!”

After jackie thought about it, he spoke with firm resolution, “I believe that the ultimate god status is real.We cannot give up on the clues that point directly toward it!”

“Heh. That might be a little difficult. All eight shadow families are trying to discover the path to theultimate god status. Everyone thinks that there is a method to break into the ultimate god status, but noone has found it! And it’s been so long!

“I think our heritage might have been lost after all these years!” Daniella said.

“It’ll be troublesome if that were the case. Once, our earth was filled with chi. Now there’s scarcelyanything left. We won’t be able to break into the ultimate god status even if we found the right method!”

jackie could not help but heave an internal sigh. It seemed that it would be impossible to break into theultimate god realm and live for two hundred years.

However, he could not think about this now. He needed to get that tome to see if there was a techniqueto heal Fernando.

“That’s right. At any rate, I don’t really believe in all this talk of ‘ultimate god status’ and whatnot. Besides,I don’t have a high martial level, and I’m still young. I’ll leave the thinking to my father and the elders—especially for those who are at the peak of the true god status. They have no way to improve anymore,so nothing else interests them more than finding a way to break into the ultimate god realm!”

Daniella smiled and said, “But there’s no way you’re going to look at that tome. The First Elder won’theed my commands even if I screech at him to take it out. He’s even the one to flip the pages for myfather when he wants to read it!”

“Your father needs to obtain permission from the First Elder if he wants to see it?”

jackie frowned. “That means the First Elder has a very powerful position in your family!” he continued.

“Of course. The First Elder is at the true god status, just like my father, and his martial skill is evenhigher. More importantly, he knows alchemy and medicine. That’s why he has even greater status in theCabello family than my father. My father has to be respectful to him!”

Daniella’s voice was full of pride when she spoke of her family. “Not many families have more than onefighter at the peak of the true god status like the Cabello family. Even you people from the White familymust only have one at most!”

jackie was internally speechless when he heard that. He did not expect the Cabello family’s First Elder tobe so powerful. It would be extremely difficult to get the tome from him.

Chapter 1212 “The Cabello family truly is strong!”

jackie gave a wan smile and threw the words out in a callous manner.

Yet he was internally speechless. It was evident that the First Elder treasured the tome more dearly thanhis own children—if he had any—and wanted to find the way to break into the ultimate god realm withinits pages. There was no way that jackie was going to be able to borrow the tome for a split second. If hedid not even allow the third daughter of the Cabello family to take a peek at it, never mind him, acomplete outsider.

That was why the only way around that was to get his hand on the tome.

Although jackie was still at the beginning stage of the true god status, he felt that it would not be aproblem to kill someone at the intermediate stage of the true god status. He could probably givesomeone at the advanced stage of the true god status a good run for his money.

However, the First Elder of the Cabello family was at the peak of the true god status. Even among thefighters who were ranked the same as him, he was outstanding. With all this considered, it was

impossible to snatch the tome directly from him.

Unless jackie was stronger than the old man. Only then did he have a chance.

“Of course. The Cabello family is probably one of the top 3 strongest families among the eight shadowfamilies. But the strongest still isn’t us!”

Daniella had a huge grin plastered onto her face. It was evident that the Cabello family gave her a lot ofpride.

Soon after, they finally arrived at the residence of one of the branch families. jackie set Daniella down.

“Not bad. I thought you would have abandoned me halfway down the mountain. I didn’t expect you toreally carry me all the way here!”

A smile curved Daniella’s lips when she saw the beads of perspiration on jackie’s forehead. She lacedher fingers behind her back. “Don’t tell me that you wanted to carry me for a while longer?” she said. “Isthat why you didn’t put me down?”

jackie was internally speechless. In order to dispel some of her worries, he had struck a conversationabout the Cabello family—at the same time, he could understand her family’s situation a little better. Asthey spoke, they gradually came close to the village. He was not giving her much thought, honestly.

He gave a bitter smile. “No one would want to carry you for a while longer, with you being so heavy,” hereplied. “I just forgot to put you down because I was talking to you. I would have dropped you at the footof the mountain if I had realized it earlier!”

“As if I’d believe you!”

Daniella rolled her eyes. “Where are you staying?” she asked bashfully. “I’ll stay in the house besideyours!”


jackie did not know what to say. “Why do you want to follow me? Don’t tell me that you like me now? I dohave some confidence in my charm, after all!”

He was only joking, but his words made Daniella panic. She quickly wheeled around, cheeks flushing.“What are you talking about? No way that I like you. There are plenty of other young masters who arebetter than you,” she said. “Hmph. I just had the impression that you’re a pretty good person, so youwon’t get any funny thoughts. That’s why I wanted to stay beside you!”

jackie did not know whether to laugh or cry. He stretched his arms. “I’ll get them to choose two talentedyouths and their branch family master in the afternoon, then I’ll be moving to another branch familytomorrow morning!” he said. “Don’t worry. I’ll tell the branch family members that I’ll skin anyone whodares to lay a finger on you alive!”

“That won’t do!”

Chapter 1213 Unexpectedly, Daniella immediately retorted, “If something happens to you and my purityis tainted by someone, it’ll still be a great loss to me, even if you kill that someone. Besides, not a singleone of the lives of your branch families is worth mine. Hmph! At any rate, I’ll be tagging you around forthese few days. I only trust you now. I’ll leave once my chi returns to me!”

“Fine. It doesn’t matter to me anyway!”

jackie brought her along and instructed Mason to arrange a room at the place he was staying forDaniella.

In the afternoon, Mason and the others had categorized their spoils of war—including spirited grass—and lay it before jackie, allowing him to choose whichever objects he liked.

After he studied the items for a while, jackie only chose a few stalks of medicine that would be suited tomake chi pills.

“There’s plenty of spirited grass here, Young Master. Why don’t you take more?”

Their First Elder blurted after he noticed that jackie had picked out so few items.

“No need. I have enough!”

jackie smiled. “Mason will be leaving for the main family. Have you selected your next house head?”

The First Elder gave an apologetic smile. “They all chose me. So I–I have no choice but to take up themantle of house head of this branch family.”

jackie bobbed his head. “Then what about the talents? I need two names. Will you be using a fightingcompetition to decide on the champions, or do you already have obvious talents among you?”

“We do have two clear masters in our house, Master,” Mason explained as he stepped forward. “Amosand Dawson. We wanted to nominate them both, but the Second Elder’s granddaughter, Nikini, stillwants to have a martial arts competition, even though she’s not as strong as either of them… Whatshould we do?”

jackie was slightly taken aback when he heard this. “How big is the gap between them?” he asked.

“Amos and Dawson are at the intermediate stage of the demi-god status, whereas Nikini is at thebeginning stage of the demi-god status. Seriously, I don’t know what that girl is thinking. She’s a wholelevel lower than them but still insists on a battle to prove their position. No way that it’ll be easy for her tobeat them. Besides, she just broke into the beginning stage of the demi-god status. That kid…”

At this moment, a teenage girl not too far away stood up and cried out to jackie, “Young Master jackie,choosing masters is not solely a matter based on their current fighting skill, am I right? I won’t be

satisfied unless we have a competition, at least. My parents also wish for me to enter the White family.My chance to uphold my family’s name depends on this!”

jackie nodded his head after he heard that. “All right. We’ll have a competition since someone isunsatisfied with the selection criteria!”

After he said that, he addressed the audience, “Those of you who are not satisfied may step forward aswell to participate in the battle. Does anyone wish to pit themselves against the three of them?”

jackie waited for a while. No one raised their voice, so he spoke to Nikini, “All right, you can choose tofight either Dawson or Amos. I’ll judge your potential based on the duel!”

“Thank you, Young Master jackie!”

Nikini’s heart leaped in delight when he agreed to her proposal. Her eyes flickered between Dawson andAmos. “Heh, I’ll fight you, Dawson!” she finally declared.

Chapter 1214 “Challenge me?” Dawson White widened his eyes and was obviously not convinced.“Nikini White, turns out I’m not as good as Amos White in your opinion. Are you looking down on me?”

Nikini immediately smiled in embarrassment. “No. Brother Dawson, both you and Brother Amos havesimilar fighting prowess and your combat power is almost the same too. To be honest, I have to chooseone even though I really don’t know which one of you to choose. Hence, I choose you!”

Dawson glared at Nikini. “Young girl, I’m sure you feel that I’m not as good as Amos and that I’m aweakling, right?”

Dawson directly walked toward a slightly empty area and raised his eyebrows at Nikini provocatively. “Ifthat’s the case, Sister Nikini, I will not hold back. After all, the chance of entering the White main family isvery important for me. It’s relayed to me or my parents’ destiny!”

“Who’s waiting for you to hold back? It’s meaningless for me to win the competition if you’re holdingback!” Nikini soon arrived in front of Dawson. She curled her hands into fists and Chi started surging ontop of her fists.

“Alright, let’s have a serious fight today!” Dawson was immediately filled with the urge to fight when hesaw how serious Nikini was. He curled his hands into fists and the two of them soon started their battle.

It had to be mentioned that although Nikini’s fighting prowess was much lower than her opponent’s, theircombat powers were almost the same when they started battling.

jackie had a decision after he observed for a while. If Nikini’s fighting prowess was slightly stable, shewould be able to win against Dawson even if she did not enter the intermediate level of the demi-godstage.

Unfortunately, Nikini had just achieved the initial stage of the demi-god level and she was not so skilledin the utilization of her Chi. Together with the fact that the Chi in her body was not as sufficient as that inDawson’s body. Compared to Dawson, she would not be able to withstand the use of her Chi if the battlecontinued.

“This young lady has quite a good combat ability, does she have the opportunity to win?” Third YoungMistress Cabello could not help but ask jackie. She was also stunned as she looked at the duo fightingaggressively.

“She won’t be able to win! She might be able to win if they have the same fighting prowess. Sadly theyhave huge differences in their fighting prowess and she will not be able to hold it if the chi consumptioncontinues!” jackie smiled bitterly and continued to speak. “The main thing is that the both of them havealmost the same martial skills, hence she doesn’t have any advantages!”

Daniella nodded in realization after she heard this. “That’s sad!”

Sure enough, just as jackie expected, Nikini’s forehead was covered in sweat and she seemed unable towithstand anymore after the both of them battled for some time.

Finally, Nikini took a kick and she flew backward like a kite with no strings. She vomited a mouthful ofblood and her face turned pale.

“Nikini!” Nikini’s father could not help but sighed as his heart hurt for his daughter when he saw this.

“Nikini, you’ve lost!” Dawson stopped and looked at Nikini, who fell on the floor, and said, “To be honest,you have really strong combat ability. Unfortunately, there’s no other choice as there are only twopositions for us today and I have to fight for it!”

Unexpectedly, Nikini petted the floor and once again flew upward. She wiped the bright-colored bloodfrom her mouth as she stood there. “Haha… It’s just some attack and it’s a small wound. This is nothingand I’ve not admitted defeat. The battle is not over yet!”

Nikini stepped on the floor again after she spoke and directly rushed toward Dawson’s knife.

“Again?” Dawson was speechless. He had no idea that Nikini was so stubborn and would still want tobattle him.

Dawson dared not take it easy when he saw how fiercely Nikini was coming at him. He quickly curled hishands into fists and continued rushing forward.

A wave of fighting noises could be heard but everybody knew clearly in their hearts that Nikini, who wasalready hurt, would not be Dawson’s opponent no matter how hard she tried.

“My child’s father, please try to persuade Nikini!”

Chapter 1215 Beside them, Nikini’s mother could not continue looking at them so she asked herhusband.

“It’s alright, she has always had this character of unwillingness to lose. I won’t persuade her on this!”Although he was also extremely distressed, Nikini’s father still tightened his fists and said persistently.

“Sigh!” Nikini’s mother sighed.

After a while, Nikini flew backward once again and laid on the floor. She once again vomited blood andher face grew increasingly pale compared to previously.

“Nikini, admit defeat, you’re not my opponent!” Dawson also felt sorry for this young girl as he looked atNikini.

After all, they had a good relationship between them. To search for martial enhancement material, theyoungsters of the branch families had always been taking care of one another in that dangerous forest.They also grew up together and had good relationships.

However, they had to fight on that day for their respective futures.

“I have not lost yet! You will not admit defeat so easily!” Nikini gritted her teeth and once again stood up.She curled her fists and once again rushed outward.

However, her speed had obviously decreased and Dawson managed to easily evade her punch, insteadhe flipped his hand and slapped her on her back.

Nikini flew forward and fell face down on the floor. Blood splattered and some dirt sputtered upward.

“This girl!” Nikini’s mother could not hold it back anymore and yelled at her. “Nikini, admit defeat, you’renot Dawson’s opponent.”

“Mother… I…I can still fight!” Nikini once again stood up and still wanted to fight.

“Enough!” At this moment, jackie actually said softly and the entire area quieted down.

“Young Master jackie, I haven’t admitted defeat. This competition is not over yet!” Nikini looked at jackiewith expectations written all over her face.

“There’s no need to continue fighting!” jackie smiled at her before speaking loudly to the crowd. “Afterobserving the battle between them, I have to say that they are all masters that are hard to come by. It’s agreat thing for the branch families to have such great masters. I believe that they will definitely bemasters of the true god status in the future if they are nicely groomed and trained!”

jackie paused here before continuing to speak. “Hence, I’ve decided to add a position for this branchfamily. Dawson, Amos, and Nikini, the three of you only need to follow Patronum Mason and reportyourselves to the main family!”

“What! Is…Is this true?” Nikini’s parents were extremely excited and had no idea what to say.

“Your daughter is really marvelous, I’ll give you guys another quota!” jackie nodded in satisfaction andsaid while looking at them.

Chapter 1216 Overwhelmed with joy, Nikini’s eyes reddened as she almost cried.

“Thank… Thank you, Young Master jackie!” muttered Nikini shakily.

Mason, who was by their side, then chimed in, “Young Master jackie, I know that you’re kind, but isn’t thissomewhat unfavorable? We from the branch family are facing shortage in numbers. The other branchfamilies who also only have two quota will be unhappy when they see that three of our people go over.”

Nikini’s father also frowned and solemnly added, “Yes. If this is the case, the other branch families mightfeel that this is unfair. I’m afraid that this will affect your image by then, Young Master jackie. Althoughthey won’t say anything on the surface, prodigies from the branch families will definitely say somethingwhen they come down.”

The initially elated Nikini bit her luscious lips as she heard Mason and her father’s opinion and thusspoke, “Young Master jackie, thank you for your kindness, but thinking things through, it does seemrather unfavorable for you. I think it’s best if I don’t go over, but I’ll strive for it when there’s a chance likethis in the future.”

jackie was touched when he heard this and responded with an indifferent smile, “Don’t worry. Since I’vespoken about this, then it wouldn’t be a problem. So long as I feel that you’re good enough, it’s nothing tobreak the rules and increase the quota. You don’t need to worry yourselves over this matter. If the otherbranch families have prodigies with such talents, it’s not a big deal to add another quota for them. I’llspeak with those from the other branch families about this.”

“Then… If that’s the case, we thank you, Young Master!” Mason immediately gestured politely to jackiewith his hands. “You truly have thought of us kindly, Young Master jackie. We from the branch familieswill go over and beyond if you need anything, even if it needs our lives.”

Nikini’s father gazed at jackie admiringly and excitedly.“Young Master jackie, you… you really are ourfamily’s benefactor!”

“Haha… Don’t mention anything about benefactors or what not. We’re all members of the White family,and we naturally can’t let good seedlings go to waste! Apart from that, if Nikini had the same fightingprowess as Dawson, I think that even with Dawson and Amos working together, they can’t beat her.Won’t it be a waste of time if I don’t bring such a good seedling to go train with the White main familyfrom the start?”

jackie chuckled and added, “After all, a youth has the best talents and understanding for training. It’s alsothe best timing for training!”

Nikini’s mother gazed at jackie appreciatively. “Young Master jackie, can you stay a couple of days herewith us? We’ll give you cordial hospitality.”

jackie gave a small smile and turned them down, saying, “There’s no need for this. I’ll be leaving earlytomorrow morning after a night’s rest to go to the next branch family. After all, there are quite a lot ofbranch families and powers that rely on our main family. Even if we try to shorten the entire journey, it’llstill take an estimated time of two days on this.”

Everybody nodded— jackie’s position in these branch families’ hearts was obviously different.

When the Third Elder was still alive and Lily still in power, they would bully the branch family’s members.They handed in increasingly more martial enhancement materials that they worked hard to get. Therewas really too little in their hands for their training.

After all that was over, everything progressed for the better ever since jackie stepped in. Everyone washappy after the Third Elder died and Lily was removed from the White main family as nobody wouldcontinue this cruel treatment towards them.

Meanwhile, Lily was brought home to the Lagorios under the lead of an old man of the Lagorio family.

Her wounds gradually healed after several days of rest on her way back.

It was bad enough that her son’s status was uncertain and she was thrown out of the White family, butthe fact that Wade had used and manipulated Lily turned her haggard in just mere days.

Chapter 1217 Lily had lost almost five kilograms within several days.

Lily exhaled a long breath as she gazed at the entrance to the Lagorio family’s residence before enteringwith the old man.

Not long after, several young men guarding at the mountainside saw Lily. “Eldest Miss has returned!”

Someone immediately ran to inform the others after they saw them.

A girl walked toward her and smilingly spoke, “Eldest Miss, why did you come back alone?”

It was not long until the girl noticed something wrong with Lily. Once an all-smiles, joyful woman everytime she returned, the current Lily looked as if she did not have any energy and was extremely dispirited.

The young girl frowned and asked carefully, “Eldest Miss, what… What happened to you? Why do youlook so languish?”

The old man beside them sighed. “Young Susan, stop nosing in. It’s hard to explain everything in justseconds.”

The duo continued walking forward and they soon arrived at a huge square at the mountainside.

At that moment, Master Lagorio, along with Old Master Lagorio and quite a number of elders, rushed outto welcome them.

As Lily had not returned to her maiden family for many years, the Lagorios were naturally happy whenthey heard she was back.

“Daughter, what… What happened to you?” Lily’s mother immediately recognized that something waswrong with Lily the moment she saw her daughter and immediately guessed, “Had… Had they foundLance’s body? Could it be that Lance really died?”

Lily shook her head lifelessly before raising her head to look at her father. With reddened eyes, shespoke, “Father, I don’t even have my fighting prowess right now. That bastard Nash White chased me outof the Lagorio family and destroyed my fighting prowess. I’m a commoner right now.”

“What?!” Master Lagorio almost fainted due to anger after he heard this. He took a long while to regainhis composure before asking, “What actually happened? How dare Nash White treat you like that!”

The old man from the Lagorio family sighed and said, “Master, Eldest Miss was in an illicit relationshipwith the Third Elder, and they… They even wanted to rebel to take the White family master title. They

didn’t expect to fail, and Wade White was killed. Several elders and patronums that were ready to rebeltogether with them were also killed.”

Stunned at what he heard, Master Lagorio grew increasingly doubtful. “What is all of this? Wasn’teverything alright previously? Why do you want to rebel? Didn’t Nash catch a weird disease and wasdying? I just thought of visiting him in another two days, too. Why am I hearing treasons and illicitrelationships?”

Chapter 1218 The old man, who carried the surname Lagorio and brought Lily back, explained, “It allhappened like this: Lance has yet to return, and since there was no news of him, the White familymembers have been searching for him.”

The old man paused before continuing, “None of their searches came up fruitfully, however, and theWhite family members naturally thought that Young Master Lance is dead. Coincidentally, the Whitefamily master, Nash White wanted to meet his mistress in the outside world, Joan and his illegitimatechild, jackie. Displeased, Eldest Miss secretly poisoned Nash. Nash wasn’t suffering any weird disease—he was poisoned by a rather peculiar poison…”

The old man slowly told the Lagorios everything, from the beginning to the end, with a cold expression.

Old Master Lagorio was infuriated with everything he heard and pointed at Lily angrily. “Lily, what… Whatdid you do? No wonder Nash destroyed your fighting prowess and expelled you out of the White family.The Third Elder is so old, and you don’t cherish your position as the Eldest Madam. You actuallypoisoned Nash and even got together with the Third Elder?! You shame me so!”

The old master grew extremely agitated as he spoke, so angry that his entire face turned green. Henever thought his granddaughter would do something like this. If news of this got out, the Lagorio familywill lose all their honor.

“Grandfather, I did all of this for our family!” Lily, on the other hand, still had no remorse as she glared atthe old master angrily. “We supported the White family so much in the beginning,” she argued, “andshouldn’t they support us now that they’ve risen? I secretly took many martial enhancement materialstogether with the Third Elder, but he didn’t take much. Didn’t I bring all of it to our Lagorio family?”

Lily grew increasingly agitated as she spoke, “Apart from that, Lance is so talented. Why must theposition of the family master inheritor be given to the illegitimate child, jackie? On what grounds? Wegave so much, and I gave so much for the White family, so the next family master of the White family hasto be my son!”

Master Lagorio also nodded and said to the old master. “Father, I also feel that what Lily says makessense. Lily shouldn’t have been with the Third Elder and the others, but it was for our family. Otherwise,how could we have gotten so much martial enhancement materials over these years? Apart from that, Ialso feel that the White family master should be my grandson. Lance is so talented and worked so hard.Why should a young man who returned from the outside inherit the title instead?”

The old master sighed and said, “But Lance hadn’t returned after such a long time, and there’s a hugepossibility that he’s dead. No matter what, that guy named jackie is Nash’s son. It’s not going overboardif he wants to meet his son and wife after so many years. It’s also nothing if he wants them to return andrestore their positions.”

The Lagorio family master, Trenton Lagorio, solemnly nodded. “It’s definitely nothing, but I don’t agree ifhe, Nash White give the position of family master inheritor to jackie. Apart from that, even though mydaughter made mistakes, it doesn’t matter if he expels her out of the White family…but why did he needto destroy her fighting prowess? How many years does she need to train to get back to her originalfighting prowess? Even if she managed to train back, my daughter would be old by then!”

Old Master Lagorio was speechless—it did seem like Nash went too far. Yes, Lily made some gravemistakes, but the White family wouldn’t have had their current position if the Lagorios hadn’t helped. No

matter how huge the mistake Lily made was, it shouldn’t have resulted in her being expelled from theWhite family. Destroying her fighting prowess was much more painful than killing her.”

He also felt a wave of heartache when he saw how haggard Lily had become.

Lily almost started crying as she spoke, “Father, I don’t care. From today onward, the White family is ourenemy. I want to wipe out the entire White family! I want to make them pay!”

Chapter 1219 “Eldest Miss, why… Why do you think that? You were married to him, might I remind you,and you were the one at fault in the beginning. Master Nash wouldn’t have treated you in such a wayotherwise.”

The elder who carried the Lagorio surname tried to coax Lily after hearing her rather aggressive stance.“I think it’s best to just let it go; surely Master Nash won’t harm Young Master Lance should he return ifyou stand down. He’d surely ask him to return to us Lagorios since there can’t be two tigers in amountain. He definitely won’t let Young Master Lance to continue staying in the White family as you’vealready been expelled from the White family.”

The old man paused before he added, “As for the situation where both families really started a war…Firstly, the Lagorio family is definitely no match for the White family. Although the White family lost theThird Elder and several people who were faithful to you, Miss, but the White family can definitelywithstand this loss. Secondly, once the war starts, how do you think the White family members will treatYoung Master Lance if he’s alive and returns to the White family? They’ll kill him on sight!”

Old Master Lagorio also nodded in agreement after he heard this and said to Lily, “Lily, I think Xavier hasa point. No matter from which point of view we look at it from, we don’t have the capability right now towipe out the White family. Apart from that, Lance’s situation is unknown. Although he’s Nash’s son, jackieis the family master inheritor right now. Our relationship with the White family will affect Nash’s attitudetowards Lance after he returns.”

Master Trenton also nodded after he thought about it. “It’s true, my dear. I also understand that you wantto kill Nash and jackie badly, but we can’t act impulsively on this matter. As the saying goes, ‘a starvedcamel is bigger than a horse.’ We’d get nothing out of a war, so we’ll have to keep ourselves in check onthis matter.”

Lily’s mother, Diana Simpson, also stepped forward to persuade her daughter, “Daughter, it’s best if yougo back to your room and rest well for the next two days. I believe that Lance is still alive, and for thesake of Lance’s safety, we shouldn’t fight with the White family right now. Fret not, my dear—theLagorios will deliver justice in your stead, little by little.”

Only then did Lily nod in agreement. She thought about it and spoke again, “Father, our Lagorio familyalso needs to send some people into the woods to search and see if we can find Lance. It’d be best if wecan find him.”

“Alright, alright, alright. I promise I’ll send people to carry out the search.” Trenton nodded continuouslyand promised Lily.

Diana glanced at the servants by her side and ordered, “The few of you, bring my daughter so she cantake a rest. Cook some good soup tonight for her to replenish her body.”

Soon, Lily left with several servants in tow.

Finally, Trenton looked at the old man who sent Lily back and asked, “Xavier Lagorio, how about you?Do you plan to go back to the White family or stay at the Lagorio family from now on?”

Chapter 1220 Sheepish as he was questioned on the spot, Xavier smiled bitterly and said, “Master, I planto return to the White family. After all, the White family master treats me well, and he even saved meonce… While I am a Lagorio, I used to be a mere member of the Lagorio branch family…”

Hearing his response, Trenton smirked bitterly. “Amazing. Never thought you’d be the White family’slapdog despite being there for several years. Haha… This is absurd! Have you forgotten that you’re aLagorio?”

Xavier was enraged to hear Trenton’s remark; never once was he treated well when he stayed with theLagorios. extremely angry. Instead, he was bullied.

Surprisingly, upon entering the White family, not only was he given an important position but he was alsosaved by Nash once. He had secretly vowed from that day on that his life belonged to the White family.

That was why he chose to side with the White family instead of being with Lily and the Third Elder.

Never did he think that him kindly sending Lily back to the Lagorios would be met with sarcasm fromTrenton, who even called him a lapdog.

Through gritted teeth, Xavier denounced, “I’m well aware I’m a Lagorio, Master, but as humans, we needto push forward, not to mention that I owe Nash White my life. My family name is Lagorio, but Iunderstand the need to have gratitude. A person can’t be without their conscience! My sons died fightingfor the Lagorio family, and I don’t owe the Lagorio family anything!” He turned around and was preparedto leave.

“Are you insane? How dare you speak to our family master like that!” The First Elder of the Lagoriofamily flipped his hand and took a sword out, ready to attack.

“Stop!” came the sharp order from the Lagorios’ Old Master. “Let him leave.”

Xavier stopped walking and turned around to look at the crowd before gesturing with his hands.“Goodbye.”

After he spoke, Xavier stepped with the tips of his toes and Chi appeared under his feet. He directlyrushed upward into the sky and flew downward.

Within several breaths, Xavier had disappeared from everybody’s sight.

The Lagorio family’s First Elder said to Old Master Lagorio anxiously after Xavier left, “Old Master, Xavierhas a high martial level, and we can’t let him leave. We’re considered enemies of the White family, andwe’ll be in war against them sooner or later—it’ll be in our best interest to kill such a strong demi-godmaster. He’s at the peak level of the demi-god stage, and he might be able to break into the true god-level someday soon!”

Chapter 1221 However, Old Master Lagorio shook his head. “We can’t kill him no matter what. If newsabout this gets out, our Lagorio family will be the laughing stock of the entire world.”

“Why? We’re getting rid of a hidden problem. Apart from that, he’s a member of our Lagorio family, andnow he’s an accomplice to the enemy, willing to work for the White family. Could it be possible that theother families will say something if we kill him?” The First Elder frowned, unable to comprehend his logic.

Old Master Lagorio replied, “His sons died fighting for our Lagorio family in the past, and he did nothingto wrong our Lagorio family. Won’t others say we’re savages when news about this gets out?”

Old Master Lagorio placed both arms behind his back and looked at the area where Xavier left. Hecontinued to speak, “He would’ve died if he sided with Lily from the beginning and instead of being withthe White family to repay their kindness. Sending Lily home is a generous act from his part.”

At this moment, Trenton also nodded. “True… If nobody escorted Lily back after her fighting prowesswas destroyed, who knew what dangers she’d face as she returned alone. Surely, the White family won’tsend somebody to escort her back. Xavier’s action of proactively sending my daughter back here isconsidered as him doing something great for our Lagorio family.”

The First Elder, after hearing their rational thoughts, nodded. “You’re right… And I acted out of impulsejust now. Thankfully, the old master stopped me, or I would’ve done something I’d regret for life. After all,

Xavier sent Eldest Miss back without anyone telling him and if I killed him then and there, we’d get thebad brunt of it all if people found out.”

“Nevermind, nevermind… We’ll be enemies in the future, and we can attack without holding back thenext time we meet him.” The old master sighed before he added, “Lily gave us a lot of martialenhancement material during the previous two to three years, and our family has grown quite a lot,though we still beat them—both parties will lose. We still need to make plans if we want to avenge Lily.”

Diana said angrily, “It’s indisputable Nash is responsible over how my daughter ended up in this situationtoday. Why did he have to get Joan and jackie back home? None of this would’ve happened if he didn’thave such thoughts. He should’ve focused on solely searching for my grandson and making him thefamily master! He’s the one in the wrong, and that’s why my daughter would go to such extremes.”

Another slightly younger middle-aged man also said angrily, “We have to avenge my sister. Sadly, it’sbeen four months and we still haven’t found Lance without even a clue or lead to where he is. It’s goingto be very difficult. Not only him, but there’s also no clues about those from the other families. After all,they went hunting for treasures together!”

“No matter what, let’s send a dozen people to start searching from tomorrow onward. If we don’t do that,Lily will forever be restless.” The old man smiled bitterly. He thought about it and soon his eyes lit up. “Ohyes, I almost forgot. One month later, there will be a martial art competition among the youngergenerations of the eight shadow families, right? A martial art competition that happens once every threeyears. Perhaps we can use that to our advantage.”

Trenton’s eyes also lit up after he heard this and smilingly added, “Yes, this is a huge event. The Whitefamily definitely suffered a huge loss after what happened this time. If we tell others about this, manyfamilies which are of the same capabilities as them won’t agree to their position and identity!”

Diana thought about it and said, “Some families had quite the rift with the White family, such as theCabello family, and there are also those who had smaller disputes with them. If we can drive a wedge

between them and deepen their conflicts, we’d be able to act together with them. There’s a possibility forus to win if we fight against the White family together!”

Old Master Lagorio also nodded and said, “Seems like rallying with other families will be our only option;we’d be delusional if we plan to wipe out the White family on our own.”

Chapter 1222 Diana frowned when she thought about it. “Though these families have misunderstandingswith White family, it’s nothing too bad, too much. Previously, some families suppressed them and didn’twant them to rise, but Nash was really good at handling issues. He disciplined his subordinates andstopped them from having conflicts with the others. Hence, it’s obviously very difficult to let them and theWhite family completely start a war with just mere misunderstandings.”

Old Master Lagorio also nodded and said, “Don’t worry, there will be opportunities. Otherwise, we’ll makesome our own.”

From then on, The Lagorios readied themselves and became the White family’s enemy.

jackie woke up early the next morning and went to wash up. Walking to the garden soon after, he notedDaniella was already waiting for him there.

Smiling, jackie spoke, “You’re up so early this morning, Young Mistress Cabello!”

“Can’t I do that? Hmph. You’ll probably sneak away had I woken up any later. What should I do by then?”Daniella pursed her delicate mouth and placed both hands behind her back before she poked, “Anyways,I don’t care. I’m following you for these two to three days before my fighting prowess returns, when I canuse my Chi again.”

“Alright, you can follow me if you’re alright with wearing yourself out. After all, you can’t keep asking meto carry you on my back as we’re traveling for such a long journey, no?” jackie shrugged his shoulders

and walked toward the main entrance.

“I never thought of that! You came up with that yourself!” Daniella’s face flushed a crimson red as shefollowed behind jackie. She then pursed her lips and said, “Did you have that thought since you carriedme yesterday? Did you gain something out of it?”

jackie was speechless. “You seem really confident of your own beauty.”

“That’s for sure. My beauty is obvious for all to see!” Daniella had an arrogant expression on her face asshe followed behind jackie, though she grew abashed at what she spoke. “But, seeing you rescued meyesterday, I guess I can let you carry me.”

The fact that jackie allowed Nikini to join the main family yesterday made Daniella see jackie in a newlight. It seemed like jackie was quite kind, and his act could win the hearts of the people. This causedmembers of the branch families to completely venerate him.

As they walked toward the village’s entrance, jackie noticed that Mason and the others were alreadythere, waiting for them.

“You’re all up so early in the morning!” jackie smiled and was slightly moved—it was evident they wantedto see him off.

“Young Master jackie, we prepared a fine steed for you, and this is the best horse among all the horsethieves’ horses!” Mason led a horse over and smilingly explained, “This is Blood Dragon Horse and canbe considered a low-level monster beast. Swift and speedy, it won’t take you long to reach the nextbranch family. The most important point is that you’ll be able to conserve your Chi if you don’t use it to fly,right?”

jackie’s expression shifted uneasily as Mason explained it all. “What a gift you’ve prepared for me, butI’ve never ridden a horse before, and I don’t know how to ride this even if you give it to me.”

“How’s that possible…? You don’t know how to ride horses?!” Many were stunned at jackie’s reply.Everybody was a trainer, and most of them knew how to ride such horses. jackie not knowing how to ridea horse baffled them.

However, it seemed true when they thought about it. jackie was different from the others as he hadreturned from the outside world. It was normal that he had not practiced riding a Blood Dragon Horse.

“I know how!”

Chapter 1223 Although she could not use her Chi, Daniella still retained her physical strength.

Hoisting herself up with one hand, Daniella saddled herself on the back of the horse, smiling at jackie asshe called out, “Come sit behind me; I’ll carry you!”

“This doesn’t seem right, though…?” jackie felt slightly embarrassed, seeing they were of two differentgenders. This Young Mistress Cabello was not only pretty, but she had a nice figure to boot as well.jackie tried not to hold back unnecessary thoughts when he carried her on his back yesterday, though hewas still a young and vigorous man, so there were occasions where he still had some interruptions in histhoughts.

If he had to sit behind Daniella on that horse throughout their journey, he feared that…

Daniella, on the other hand, silently harbored interest in jackie when she noted how shy he was when arather ‘interesting’ opportunity was given between the two.

She rolled her eyes at jackie and sourly remarked, “Are you a man? You don’t even have the balls tojump up here. I’m only willing to carry you because you carried me up the mountain yesterday, and I wantto pay back this favor. Alas, though you’re a man, you’re still not man enough to get up here.”

Mason tried to bite back a smile as he stood near. Why did it sound like these two were flirting likelovers?

Apart from that, he prepared one horse for today with hopes to see them riding a horse when Daniellaleft with jackie. Who could have expected that jackie would not do it?

“Who says I’m not man enough? You’re no tiger—you think I’m afraid of you?”

jackie threw himself up and saddled the horse behind Daniella.

However, jackie dared not sit too close, seeing the physical differences of men and women. Hepurposely distanced himself so their bodies would not touch.

“We’ll meet again at the main family’s residence, Young Master jackie, but it seems like we’ll have to waitmuch longer, seeing as you may need around one month to finish doing everything.” Mason waved hishand with a smile when he saw how awkward jackie had gotten.

“Goodbye, Young Master jackie!” Everybody immediately waved and said goodbye to jackie.

“Alright, everybody, do go back. You’ve gotten lots of martial enhancement materials after we wiped outthe horse thieves, so it’s best if you guys take this time to train well. Those who are able to break throughshould strive to go up another level.” jackie looked at the crowd as he waved and bade farewell.

“We’ll take our leave now. Go!” Daniella pulled the reins and softly nudged the horse with her heel. Thetall and handsome Blood Dragon Horse, with that, began to race away.

“Ah!” Caught off-guard at the sudden motion, jackie was frightened as the horse rushed forward,stopping for a while before it raced again. jackie fell right against Daniella’s back due to inertia, huggingDaniella’s waist in a conditioned reflex.

“Ah!” Daniella shrieked at the sudden contact, blushing sheepishly as her heart raced. She was inwardlyrelieved, nonetheless, as the horse had brought them several hundred meters away from the eyes of theWhite branch family members… How embarrassing would it be if they saw it all!

jackie was flushed out embarrassed. “This… This horse runs really fast!” His heart thumpeduncontrollably as he hugged her delicate waist. Their bodies rubbed against each other as the horsegalloped and ran. All out of ideas and embarrassed, jackie attempted to shift the awkwardness with adifferent topic.

Chapter 1224 “This horse is rather fast!” Daniella had ridden a fair share of Blood Dragon Horses whenshe was young, though she stopped as she grew up and trained her fighting prowess instead.

Never before had a man sat behind her with his arms around her waist; never did she think such a daywould come as well.

Her heart was thrashing against her ribcage that it felt like jumping out of her chest at that moment.

All Daniella could do was act normal and speak normally. With jackie’s chest against her back, she feltmuch shier than she was yesterday when jackie carried her.

It was not long when jackie realized something quickly reminded Daniella, “No, no, we’re going thewrong way. Go right!”

That baffled Daniella. “Well, why didn’t you say so earlier? I don’t know where your next branch family islocated!” Not knowing where to go, she only knew to continuously run forward and had totally forgotten toask jackie which direction to go.

“There’s a small power that relies on our family over there. Although they’re not members of the Whitebranch families, they’ve been treating the White family well. They had always handed in materials basedon the requested percentage. We can’t leave any of these powers when we’re choosing prodigies to jointhe main family!”

jackie smiled and spoke, “We can’t let them down, right?”

“No, we can’t… Seems like you really think for everyone else. You’ll make a good family master ifsomeone like you becomes the family master!” Daniella blushed. “However, the family master’s positionis normally inherited by the family master’s son. If your father isn’t the family master, you won’t inherit thefamily master title no matter how talented you are.”

That caught jackie off-guard.

Daniella obviously knew jackie was one of the young masters from the White main family. He might bethe son of an elder or a patronum and was out running chores for the family. What she did not know wasthat jackie was indeed the White family master’s son and the main family master’s inheritor.

He smiled sheepishly. “I’m not really interested in that.”

Daniella wore a silk dress, and though it was made of good material, it was still rather thin. With nowhereto place his hands, jackie wrapped his arms around her waist and felt the silkiness of her skin at thesame time.

Considering it was his first time riding a horse—and a rather feisty, fast one at that—he feared he wouldfall down. Because of that, he could only act nonchalant and placed his hands on her waist.

He purposely made small talk with Daniella the entire trip with hopes to ease the embarrassingatmosphere.

“You’re genuinely not interested in the family master position. You’re quite a special person!” Daniellagrew interested in getting to know jackie in their journey, and she noticed that. This man was obviouslydifferent from the other men she met previously.

However, Daniella could not help but frown after they rode on for some time…

The embarrassing thought occurred to her as she blushed so much that blood seemed to be bursting outfrom it.

jackie was also speechless, thinking of how disappointing his acts were.

Soon, the both of them arrived at the entrance of a small village.

Chapter 1225 Both jackie and Daniella got down from the horse right after it stopped.

The blushing Daniella tied the horse under a tree not far from where they were before she walked backto jackie. “Well? How’s your first experience riding a horse?” she spoke in an attempt to diffuse theawkward atmosphere, only realizing moments later how wrong it sounded.

Did she just ask jackie how he felt?

To disperse the tension, jackie so casually replied, “It’s my first time riding a horse. I felt quite nervousinitially, but it became exciting soon after!”

jackie noted that Daniella’s face turned a crimson red after he spoke as she lowered her face, not daringto meet his gaze.

“Alright! Let’s go in!” jackie’s behavior baffled her—this man just blatantly said it was ‘exciting’. What apervert! How could it not be when he held her by the waist? jackie probably liked her, but he refused toadmit it.

jackie was also speechless as he knew that this pretty lass had misunderstood him. However, he did notknow how to explain himself. Why did he even say it was ‘exciting’ in the first place?

Not long after they entered the village, two men guarding the entrance walked forward to them andspoke, “Greetings. The two of you are…?”

jackie smiled indifferently. “I’m from the White main family. Please ask your family master to come out.”

“Somebody from the main family?” One of them was stunned as they had never seen jackie. Theynodded in doubt before going in to make the report.

Soon, the master of this clan came out with several people, his expression shifting into excitement whenhe saw that it was jackie. He quickly brought his people with him and greeted them, “Greetings, YoungMaster jackie!”

“ jackie? It’s jackie!” Many from this small clan that relied on the White family had never met jackie,though they had heard about things happening in the main family after their family master returned.When they heard that the person before them was jackie, all of them were extremely excited.

“Greetings, Young Master jackie!” Everybody immediately saluted him.

“There’s no need for such politeness. I’m here today to choose two prodigies for training at our mainfamily. I believe that Master Asher Owens has informed everybody?” addressed the smiling jackie.

“Yes, he told us!” One of the elders of this power immediately walked forward happily and nodded insatisfaction. “The family master told us that Young Master jackie might come over to pick prodigies andasked us to make a pre-selection. We’ve made our selection, but we thought that you won’t be coming.After all, we’re a small clan that doesn’t carry the White family surname… We thought you won’t becoming.”

The elder then glanced at Daniella as he smilingly added, ”However, our family master only said thatYoung Master jackie was coming; we never thought you’d bring your wife as well. We’ve heard rumorsabout how extremely beautiful Young Master jackie’s wife is. Seeing her now in person, she really livesup to the rumors!”

“Wife?” jackie was baffled, stunned silent at such a remark. It seemed like this old man had never metSelena, so he thought Daniella was his wife.

Daniella, who stood next to them, blushed so hard, wanting to bury herself in a deep hole.

Chapter 1226 “Oh my, Mrs. White is so abashed that she’s blushing like a little girl! Nonetheless, you stilllook sweeter. No wonder Young Master jackie chose you!” added the elder, much to everyone’s surprise.

That comment filled Daniella with mirth.

She rolled her eyes at the other party flirtatiously before speaking, “You’re right about me being beautiful,but I’m not his wife.”

“W…What?” The elder was embarrassed when he heard that. Had he gotten it all wrong?

jackie gave an awkward smile before he walked forward to explain, “This is Third Young MistressCabello, Ms. Daniella. Please don’t misunderstand us.”

The elder was shocked to hear jackie’s explanation. “Third Young Mistress Cabello? She’s one of thewell-known belles, which is why I assumed her identity wrongly. After all, I heard Young Master jackie’swife is also extremely gorgeous and that…that’s why I misunderstood. Please forgive me, Third YoungMistress!”

“Don’t sweat it—one who doesn’t know, isn’t guilty! After all, you’ve never seen me before, too!” Daniellawaved her hand dismissively, though the butterflies still fluttered in her stomach. After all, that meant thatshe looked gorgeous, and any girl would have been just as flattered with such a compliment.

jackie was dumbfounded at the elder. “Seems like you’ve got a knack for flattery!” He could see that thisold guy was flattering them with wishes so he could make a good impression or familiarize himself withjackie. Never did the elder think the person following jackie was the young miss of the Cabello family.

“By the way, since you had your pick from your people, ask them to come out so that I can register theirname,” said jackie, getting back to business.

Startled, the Owens’ family master stuttered, “They c—can register right now?”

jackie was slightly stunned before he said, “Definitely. It’s alright since you people have made yourchoices and there are no objections. It saves up my time too!”

“It’s no trouble at all! I just feel like we’re dreaming right now… I thought that you’d ignore us afteranalyzing our people, knowing their fighting prowess isn’t good enough!” The Owens’ family masterglanced at the boy-and-girl pair from his clan before he added, “After all, small clans like us normallydon’t have any martial enhancement resources, so although they’re quite talented, their fighting prowessreaches only the ninth-grade grandmaster level. They aren’t even in the elementary level of the demi-godstage. I fear you’ll regret having them when you find that their fighting prowess is too low…!”

jackie immediately replied with a smile, “It’s not about whether anyone’s suitable or not. It doesn’t matterif you’re big or small clans—you’re still clans of our White family, and every clan has at least twopositions. How can I take your two positions because of a low count of members or ‘not good enough’prodigies? This would be hard to explain. Our White family isn’t like that!”

After he spoke, jackie looked at the two young people and said, “What are your names? Come andregister yourselves.”

“Thank… Thank you, Young Master jackie!”

The young man and woman glanced at each other, joy filling their eyes as they walked toward jackie andregistered their names.

jackie smiled and said, “Alright, you guys can prepare yourselves to register at the main family.”

“Young Master jackie, do you want to go in and take a rest? It’s still early, no?”

Chapter 1227 One of the elders walked forward and looked at jackie expectantly.

jackie glanced at the young man and woman in front of her. He thought about it and said, “How aboutthis: I’ll go take a rest first, but can you both meet me in my room about one hour from now?”

“Alright, Young Master jackie!” The young man and woman looked at each other. Although they wereslightly puzzled, they still nodded and agreed to it.

Soon, the Owens family arranged residence for jackie and Daniella in a secluded garden.

“Weren’t you in a hurry? Why aren’t you in a hurry now?” Daniella glanced at jackie and said curiously.“Why did you ask the masters of this family to meet you in your room later? Is there something that youneed to personally tell them?”

“The two of them are ninth-grade grandmasters, and they’re only one step away from the elementarystage of the demi-god level,” jackie explained to her. “I happen to have several groups of ingredients forpills. I can cultivate one for each of them and help them break into the elementary stage of the demi-godlevel.”

“You… You know how to cultivate pills?” Daniella was taken aback by the news; she did not know jackieknew how to cultivate pills.

After all, alchemy was not something any random person could learn… That meant jackie had to betalented enough and had a high mental capacity.

Smiling, jackie replied, “I learned by myself and had some knowledge as to how to cultivate certain pills. Ican’t say that I’m well-versed in it!”

That added more shock into her system. It was difficult to enter the field of alchemy without a teacher, oranyone for that matter, to guide him, yet jackie told her that he learned everything himself?

Goodness… What a master!

“You’re really clever.” Eyes lit up with interest, Daniella insisted, “No, I need to see it with my own eyes!”

jackie frowned and glanced at her before he spoke, “I’ll let you, but you can’t make a sound as it’ll disturbme. The art of alchemy requires the alchemist to be one hundred percent focused, and no one shouldinterrupt them.”

“Alright, alright, I get it!” Daniella pursed her lips and smiled.

They both closed the door to their room and, with a flip of jackie’s hand, he took out a small pill furnace.

Meanwhile, at the entrance of the village, the young man and woman stood under the trees as theyconversed.

The man leaned against the tree and looked at the young woman in front of him curiously. “Why do youthink Young Master jackie asked us to enter his room after an hour? Is there something important that hehad to purposely stay here for?”

“Who knows? We’ll know about it in a while, won’t we?” The young woman had a smile on her face.“Never thought Young Master jackie is that fetching, and added to that mix is his kindness in offering ustwo positions even though we’re a small clan. We need to train well in the future and fight to breakthrough to the demi-god level. We need to be masters of the demi-god level after we reach the Whitemain family!”

Her excitement was met with the young man’s worried expression. “I’m worried. You’re so beautiful—could Young Master jackie have other thoughts toward you? I mean, why else would he change his mindwhen he planned to leave right after finishing his business here?”

Chapter 1228 However, the young woman rolled her eyes at the young man. “What are you talkingabout? Why would he ask you to go come along if he’s interested in just me? Unnecessary, no? Wouldhe ask you to observe us when he takes advantage of me?”

The guy smiled bitterly. “I’m worried because you’re quite the pretty face. What if jackie made up thatexcuse because everyone else was present—including the family master—and have me leave after weboth go to him later? What if he asks you to go into the room alone? We’ll never know!”

“What are you talking about? Young Master jackie isn’t that kind of person!” The young woman onceagain rolled her eyes at the young man before a sweet smile appeared on her face. “It’s good if such aprepossessing man like Young Master jackie can fancy me…but I heard that his wife is drop-deadgorgeous. You can see what a beauty that Third Young Mistress Cabello is. I think those two share atight bond, which probably explains why such an angel is willing to follow him!”

The young man frowned. “Didn’t they explain themselves? The woman isn’t his wife, and they’re onlyfriends!”

“Are you really dumb?” grumbled the young lady. “Just think about it: If they truly are just friends, howcan they both share a horse? I can see the eyes of the Third Young Mistress of Cabello lighting up whenshe looked at Young Master jackie. They obviously have an unusual relationship, even if they aren’thusband and wife!”

“You got a point. Why didn’t they ride two horses and instead rode just one? Seems like it truly is someambiguous relationship!” The man nodded and thought about it before speaking again, “Of course, noharm in them both being together; the Cabello family is hauntingly powerful after all. The White family’sposition must’ve plummeted after what happened with the Third Elder and First Madam. If jackie can betogether with the young miss of the Cabello family, it ensures a prosperous development for our Whitefamily!”

The young lady frowned. “Yeah, that’s true, but the relationship between the White family and Cabellofamily has always been strained. Hence, it’s definitely difficult for the Cabello family’s master to give themblessings…”


Busied with cultivating pills in the room, jackie would have been appalled to hear whatever the Owensfamily’s prodigies were discussing outside.

Daniella, who was by his side, fell silent in awe at what she saw—the pills jackie cultivated were indeedfirst-grade intermediate pills. The most important thing was how skilled jackie was. He looked almost thesame as a First Elder who had researched pills for many years.

Daniella was completely attracted to jackie when she saw how focused he was. As his expression wouldshift from frowning to smiling lightly, jackie’s expressions seemingly affected her thoughts. She eyed thechanges in his mood, his nervousness, and happiness. It was as if jackie was not the person cultivatingthe pills but her as well.

“Done!” Finally, jackie raised his hand and finished cultivating a furnace of pills. Two pills flew upwardbefore landing in jackie’s palm.

The pills looked round and plump. They carried a faint smell of herbs and medicine and were obviouslyof good quality.

“Look at you, you’re all sweaty!” Daniella could not help but take out her handkerchief and helped wipejackie’s forehead when she saw that jackie had completed cultivating the pills. Her beautiful eyes lookedvery serious when she helped him.

“Err, well… Thank you!” jackie had an embarrassed expression on his face as he smiled shyly, placingthe furnace away.

Chapter 1229 Resting for a couple of minutes, the Owens family’s prodigies came to jackie’s room notlong after.

“Young Master jackie, is there anything important that you’ve asked us to come?” asked the duocuriously, glancing at one another when they realized that Daniella was also in the room.

jackie had cultivated five first-grade intermediate-level pills just now. He took two out with a flip of hishand and said, “Here’s one for each of you. These are first-grade intermediate-level pills, used toincrease fighting prowess. They should be able to help you both break through and achieve theelementary level of the demi-god stage. I suggest that you both spend some time here and leave for themain family after you’ve broken through. That would help increase your speed when you travel.”

“W—What? This…this is for us?” The young man gulped, wondering if he heard wrongly. These werepills, and having these were much better than having spirited grass.

It was because of this that pills were extremely precious and hard to obtain.

jackie had genuinely taken two incredibly rare items to give them both!

“Thank you, Young Master!” The young girl took the pills with a small frown on her face before herexpression shifted into utter shock and awe. “Why… Why are these still hot?”

The man took the other pill and was just as surprised. “Oh, my stars… It’s still hot! Are these recentlycultivated?”

jackie nodded at their shocked faces. “Haha…! Yes, they are, considering I had just cultivated them.There’s no loss of Chi from the pills, so the effects are best if you take it right now. While it’s not much,the pills will gradually lose their Chi.”

“You’re incredible, Young Master jackie! Did you truly cultivate these pills yourself? That’s mighty kind ofyou to cultivate these yourselves for us!” The young girl was extremely excited. “I… I don’t know how tothank you for this!”

“That’s right, Young Master jackie. I had no idea that you’re so nice and considerate toward us…” Theguy gazed at jackie appreciatively yet guiltily, as he did second-guess jackie while he stayed in theresidence merely to cultivate pills for them. He thought jackie had his eye on his beautiful prodigy

companion from their Owens family. Thinking back at it, he truly was gauging the heart of a gentlemanwith his own mean measures!

“Alright, we should leave. I need to save time and complete my mission as soon as possible!” jackieglanced at the two prodigies and said, “The two of you don’t need to send me off; just train well. The bestway to repay me is to break through the demi-god level soon.”

They then left for the village’s entrance once more. At this moment, the Blood Dragon Horse was full andwas enjoying the warm sunshine.

Daniella brought the horse over, subtly shy when she glanced at jackie. Getting up the horse, she said tojackie, “Come up. I don’t know which direction the next branch family is at, so you need to lead the way!”

Chapter 1230 “Thank you very much…!” Still embarrassed at what happened this morning, he fought hisshyness and got up the horse’s back, sitting behind Daniella.

“Are you sure you don’t want to hold on to me? Don’t fall later!” reminded the blushing Daniella.

“Alright…!” replied jackie before placing his hands around Daniella’s waist from behind.

Recalling something, Daniella then said, “Oh, right. The triennial martial arts competition among theshadow families is coming up next month. Although it’s just for us to learn from each other, it bears greatimportance for the eight families and the other shadow families. As a member of the White main family,you have such high fighting prowess. You’ll definitely join since you must be a master of the main family,right?”

jackie nodded. “My father told me about that, and that’s why I got to make this trip of choosing prodigiesfor the main family short. I need to go back earlier so that I can join this martial arts competition, andthat’s why I don’t want to rest here for too long, leaving once everything is settled.”

jackie paused for a moment before a smile grew on his face as he spoke, “I’m lucky that the Whitebranch families aren’t far from the clans depending on us. I’ll get to wrap up everything if I get to itquickly.”

“But you’ll still be out of time!” Daniella thought about it and said, “I got an idea: Why don’t I just take thereins on the horse from now on? This will be much faster. You’ll only wear yourself out and deplete yourChi if I leave and you rely on flying. You’ll also need more time, too!”

“It doesn’t sound too good…” jackie was embarrassed. Riding the horse from one place to another wouldspare him several days, and they would need an estimated 20 days to get things done.

If things went out of plan, however, they would need at least 20 more days, meaning he would not haveenough time to return for the tournament.

“Hey, what’s not good about it? If it wasn’t for you, I would’ve been assaulted by that bastard back then,and that’s even worse than killing me. This is the same as saving my life, do you understand? You savedmy life, so what’s the big deal about me helping you?” Smiling, Daniella then added, “Of course, you’llhave to repay me since I’m helping you!”

“What is it, then?” jackie frowned, never expecting she would ask for a favor after she offered him helpwithout him asking for it.

“It’s simple: I’d like to follow you to the White family and take a look after we’re done. I’ve never been tothe White family yet. Will you welcome me there?” Daniella was filled with expectations. Not only wasjackie handsome, but he had a respectable position and identity. He was nice to people and even knewhow to cultivate pills. To her, jackie had surpassed many of the young masters who had courted her.

Those master young masters who bore great positions seemingly paled insignificantly when compared tojackie, and that was no stretch nor lie.

“This doesn’t sound too good, right?” jackie was slightly worried. After all, the Cabello family and theWhite family never had a good relationship. Should the Cabellos turn hostile entirely, things would take aturn for the worse as Daniella knew where their branch families were.

“Hey, what’s so bad about that?” Daniella soon thought of something. “I get it… Knowing that the Whitefamily and the Cabellos aren’t on good terms, you don’t want to let me go there, right? True, the Cabellofamily doesn’t have a good relationship with the White family, but it’s not that bad, right? Apart from that, Ican’t completely represent the Cabello family. I just want to go to the White family and play!”

Chapter 1231 jackie fell silent for a moment before he spoke, “That’s not the only problem. You’ve beenout for so long, and if you don’t go back, the Cabello family members will search everywhere for youwhen they learn you’ve been captured. Won’t your parents be worried if you don’t go back for such along time?”

Daniella’s face darkened when she heard this. She thought about it and said, “They don’t know I wascaptured by Munro Quinn. All they know is that I’ve gone out to play, so they won’t be too worried since Ihave good fighting prowess, though they’ll still worry if I don’t come home after quite some time.”

Stopping the horse at that moment, she turned to jackie and smilingly spoke, “However, I’ve made up mymind to follow you to the White family to play. After all, you guys will be joining the martial artscompetition within several days, so I’ll follow you to the competition and meet my parents then…”

“A… Alright!” jackie nodded, agreeing to her stance. It was nice to have a genial relationship with thisThird Young Mistress of the Cabello family, and he would at least get information about the Cabellofamily…even if it was to learn about the Cabellos’ first elder so he could take the ancient book fromthem.

jackie kept his thoughts in check, however, reminding himself that he needed to prioritize breakingthrough into the intermediate or the later stage of the true-god level. Only then could he get the ancientbook.

Otherwise, he would not stand a chance against that person.

jackie thought about it and set a goal for himself. “It’s alright. Fernando has three years, so I’ll try my bestto strive and grow as quickly as I can.”

“That’s set, then. You’ve made your promise!” Delighted that jackie agreed to her, she then called out tothe horse as it began to gallop again.

As the saying went, ‘familiarity breeds fondness,’ they both met every day for the next 20 days as jackiewould sit behind Daniella and hold her waist. Unknowingly, an unfamiliar feeling for Daniella blossomedwithin jackie.

There were even times when jackie could not control his excitement when he sat behind this beauty andcaught whiffs of her pleasant scent.

His understanding of Daniella had grown over those 20 days. While she was considerably arrogant andspoiled by the Cabello family, she was not a bad person. Apart from that, she was also a simple anduncomplicated person.

She did not seem to place her guard up against jackie, at least.

“Goodness, I’m tired from all this running around with you during these couple of days!” When they finallyleft the last branch family, Daniella, who was on the horse’s back, could not help but complain. “Apartfrom that, there are several clans and families on this trip who think I’m your beautiful wife. I’m reallylooking forward to seeing how your wife looks.”

“The past couple of days must’ve been tiring for you!” jackie smiled. “As for my wife, you’ll meet her asyou follow me to the White family.”

“‘It must’ve been tiring for you’? No, that won’t do—you gotta treat me to a drink at least!” said thegrinning Daniella.

“Alright. Let’s go left and follow that direction. We can rest for a night if we see a town, seeing that it’salmost nightfall. I’ll treat you to a drink tonight as a reward for your help these past couple of days. Howdoes that sound?”

“That’s more like it!” Daniella rolled her eyes at jackie, but her heart felt like it was lathered by somethinghoney-like and sweet.

Chapter 1232 Thus, they continued their journey ahead on their steed, with Daniella eager at the thoughtof having dinner with jackie alone.

Moreover, she found that being next to jackie gave her a sense of security. Although he was six or sevenyears older than her, the mature jackie made her even more fascinated as she spent days with him.

He was a far cry from the other young masters that gifted her roses, chocolates, jade pendants, andspirited grasses. They bored her senseless.

Eventually, the duo arrived outside a small town as the sky slowly turned dark.

The small town seemed rather vast as it was brightly lit at this hour, festive-looking as many night marketstalls were put up on the streets.

“Not bad… This small town looks much like an ancient, bygone town. What a sight for sore eyes!”Daniella had a smile on her face as she walked on the wide bluestone street with the tall Blood dragonHorse in tow.

“Feel free to tell me whatever you’d like to eat, Young Mistress Cabello, there’s no need to be polite. Youcan choose from any of these restaurants!”

“There’s a hotel in front that looks promising, too!” said jackie to Daniella as he enjoyed the night view.

“Well, I don’t want to go to big hotels. Let’s just find a small restaurant with a better environment; that’sthe highlight of it all!” Daniella nodded before turning to jackie again and said, “By the way, can you stopaddressing me as Young Mistress Cabello? You know that you…you can call me Daniella, right?”

“Alright, Daniella.” jackie smiled. The two of them walked for a while before they found a quaint yetpleasant restaurant.

“Let’s go to the second floor. We can still sit on the side of the second floor and enjoy the night view ofthe streets below.” Daniella pulled jackie, ready to go to the second floor after asking the waiter to bringthe horse to the stables.

Two muscular men guarded the staircase that led to the second floor, however, and when they sawjackie and Daniella about to go upstairs, one of them stopped the duo with an extended hand.

“What’s the meaning of this?” Daniella frowned, confused at the sudden gesture.

Eyeing them both, one of the men sneered, “Guests, in our restaurant, the first floor is for thecommoners, but the second floor is different. Only the young masters in our town can afford to pay forthings that are served on the second floor. Besides, the recipes here are different. They serve monsterbeasts’ meat, and spirited stones are used to pay the bill, got it?”

Spirited stones were materials that martial artists often used for training, and they contain immense Chi.The purer the stone, the more Chi it contained.

Ordinary low-grade spirit stones were similar to Chi Congregation Pills, but its effects were not as goodas Chi Congregation Pills.

However, the more advanced middle-grade or high-grade spirit stones were far more potent than the ChiCongregation Pills, especially the high-grade spirit stones that were awfully rare. A high-grade spiritstone was equal to one hundred medium-grade spirit stones.

Of course, there were also the legendary top-grade spirit stones, which only existed in legends. No onehad ever seen them since top-grade spirit stones were also rarely seen. It was considered good enoughto occasionally see some middle-grade spirit stones.

Being a martial artist meant that they obviously did not have much interest in money. They basically tradewith spirit stones, as spirit stones were much more practical.

Therefore, the two Herculean men thought that jackie and Daniella could not afford to be on the secondfloor when they could not recognize them as any members of the families in this town.

Chapter 1233 Much like casual martial artists, people like them would only have small amounts ofspirited stones. It was considered nice to have several pieces, though they would use such spiritedstones to train and try improving themselves as much as possible. How could they use it for food?

“This is ridiculous! Open your dog-like eyes and see who I am! Do I look like somebody who can’t afforda meal?” It was apparent that Daniella had never received such treatment in the past as she was on theverge of exploding. She never expected to be looked down on when she came to a small town for food.

“What are you talking about, young girl? Do you know who the boss of our restaurant is? How dare yousay ‘open your dog-like eyes’ to us! Haha…! Let me tell you this: even employees like us aren’t peopleyou can simply offend!” The burly man immediately got angry and looked at Daniella despicably. “You’rea stunner, but that’s all you are, no cash on you. Women like you are trophy women—what else wouldyou know apart from looking pretty?”

“That’s right!” The other burly man also immediately chimed in. “I think you’re just a trophy woman, too.Haha…! If you can’t afford things, just let this handsome young man treat you to a simple meal. You wantsomething nice instead? You look like the leeching type, those who’ll dip after having their fill!”

Not forgetting jackie, the man turned to him next. “Young man, you look like a good person, so I’ll leaveyou a piece of advice: There are many women out there who suck people dry these days. You should be

careful and not let her control you.”

“What the f*ck…? I’m really, really angry now!” Daniella saw red at that instant. She was the Third YoungMistress of the Cabello family, a family completely capable of entering the top three positions among theeight shadow families. They had three people with the fighting prowess of peak level true god stage, andsuch power was much stronger than the White family, who was at the bottom of the food chain.

As the third young mistress of the Cabello family, she was treated as a precious girl among the ThreeGolden Flowers. Both her sisters spoiled her and her entire family loved her. How could she not be angrywhen somebody called her a trophy woman that leeched off of others?

Before jackie could speak, she threw her fist at one of the men, squarely at his abdomen.

The burly man flew backward for a couple of meters before landing on the ground, and blood leaked outof his mouth.

Daniella could utilize her Chi, one with power of a peak stage demi-god level master that no regularperson could withstand.

Hence, a simple punch would inflict intense pain on her opponent.

“How dare you cause trouble here! Do you have a death wish or something?!” The other burly man wasenraged at what transpired. Balling his hands into fists, he threw one at Daniella.

“Pfft! You, alone?!” Noting how the man was charging straight for her, Daniella swung her fist and sentthat person flying.

That guy also fell to the ground and vomited blood.

A man soon rushed in from the entrance with a dozen people and surrounded the duo. “Who are you?How dare you cause trouble in the place owned by our Murphy family?”

Chapter 1234 Upon seeing who came for them, both burly men scrambled to their feet from the floor asthey whimpered and muttered, “Young master, this young girl is too…too much…! She hit members ofour Murphy family!”

Annoyed, Young Master Murphy glared at both men. “You’re both useless. You can’t even win in a fightagainst a woman!”

“Young Master, this woman has the fighting prowess of the demi-god level, and it’s only natural that we inthe grandmaster stage will lose…!” one of them reasoned as he held his abdomen, face scrunched up inpain. “She doesn’t look to be from around here and seems to be more than just a casual trainer!”

“Demi-god level?” Young Master Murphy’s face darkened when he heard this. A person with this level offighting prowess would be regarded as a master.

His father was also in the final stages of the demi-god level and was a considerably formidable force inthis town. Their family also had several masters, but they could not go offending some master of thedemi-god level, especially those of the last or peak stage.

That was why he held back from promptly acting out, even though many were present.

jackie, who was next to them, smiled indifferently and said, “They deserved what came for them. This isthe Third Young Mistress of the Cabello family, yet they dared to ridicule and said she’s a trophy woman.Aren’t they asking for it?”

“Cabello family…?” Although Young Master Murphy was a young master in this small town, he was quiteknowledgeable. He inhaled sharply when he learned she was from the Cabello family and noticed howbeautiful this young woman in front of him was.

The Cabello family was one of the eight shadow families.

“Here, this is my token.” Daniella flipped her hand and revealed a black-colored token, shoving it to theirfaces soon after.

The other party broke out in cold sweat when he recognized the token and thanked himself for notpicking a fight with them both. He was also lucky that he did not have other thoughts when he saw howbeautiful this girl was. Otherwise… Forget the restaurant—their entire Murphy family would disappearfrom this world in a blink of an eye.

“It really i—is the Third Young Mistress Cabello!” The man from the Murphy family gulped before turningto the two well-built men and barked, “You buffoons! This is the third young mistress of the Cabellofamily! How dare you two offend her?”

Terrified, both men knelt on the ground and bowed incessantly as they begged Daniella, “We’re sorry,Third Young Mistress Cabello! Please forgive us! We’re really ignorant and had no idea that Third YoungMistress Cabello would come to such a humble place as ours. That is why we offended you!”

“Hmph!” Daniella indignantly spoke, “Who gave you the right to call me a trophy woman? Take them outand kill them, or I’ll wipe out the entire Murphy family!”

Overwhelmed with horror, Young Master Murphy inhaled deeply and snapped, “Take them both out andkill them!”

There was nothing he could have done. Under such circumstances, comforting Third Young MistressCabello was better than anything befalling on the Murphy family.

“Please forgive us, Third Young Mistress…! We know that we’re at fault, and we won’t do it again!” Bothburly men were so frightened that their legs turned into jelly and were paralyzed on the floor.

Several other men pulled up both men, ready to take them outside.

“Let it go, Daniella. You can’t blame them, seeing as they genuinely don’t know who you are,” interjectedjackie after assessing the situation. “I say, have them slap themselves a 100 times and we’ll let this go.”

Daniella blushed when she heard what jackie said, but she nonetheless turned to the Murphies and said,“Alright, alright. I won’t take your lives as jackie is treating me to a meal today. Since he asked forforgiveness on your behalf, I’ll spare you both. Slap yourselves for a hundred times then!”

“Of course, of course…!”

Chapter 1235 Relieved that they were pardoned, both burly men knelt again and started slappingthemselves.

“Thank you for forgiving the faults of these petty people, Miss Cabello!” Young Master Murphy was alsorelieved. After all, these two subordinates of his were at the grandmaster level. They were fifth or sixth-grade grandmasters, and such fighting prowess was considered stellar to the Murphy family. That waswhy they were sent to guard the restaurant.

He never foresaw such an event would happen, and it made him feel helpless.

He thought about it and said again, “All of you, listen to me: Everything Third Young Mistress Cabelloorders tonight will be free, understand?”

“Yes, Sir!” The other waiters in the restaurant immediately replied.

“That’s more like it!” Daniella patted Young Master Murphy on his shoulder when she saw howunderstanding he was. “Remember to ask your subordinates to not look down on others in the future. I’mnot the only one they can’t afford to offend. This good friend of mine is the White family’s young master,and they shouldn’t cross him as well. He can wipe out your entire town with one hand. Do you believethat?”

“I believe… I do believe…” Young Master Murphy’s sweat dripped down his forehead unknowingly. Still, itmade sense that the friends of Third Young Mistress Cabello had high positions. How else could they bequalified to stand beside the Third Young Mistress Cabello?

jackie smiled and said, “Let’s go.”

Danielle turned and walked upstairs before remembering something. “Serve us a serving of everyspecialty you have here!” she called out.

“A…Alright!” Young Master Murphy wiped his cold sweat and nodded vehemently.

“That’s more like it!” Daniella smiled and turned to walk up the stairs.

“Goodness… Who would’ve known that the Cabello family’s third young mistress and the White family’syoung master would come to our town? F*ck… My heart shook at that! Our Murphy family nearly gotdestroyed!” Young Master Murphy relaxed as both jackie and Daniella went upstairs, and he then notedhow his legs turned to jelly.

“Luckily, that guy helped us to beg for forgiveness, or we would’ve died!” The two burly men, their facesswollen and bruised from all their slaps, were inwardly relieved. They never imagined that two people ofsuch honorable positions would dine at a humble place like theirs.

“We have a situation, Young Master!” At this moment, a guy standing beside Young Master Murphyyelled in surprise.

“What? What happened?” Young Master Murphy nearly fainted from fright. He just got the time to take abreather! Why did his subordinate shock him again?

That subordinate immediately said, “The young master of the Ladenberg family, Ezra Ladenberg is alsohaving dinner upstairs tonight.”

“Ezra Ladenberg…!” Young Master Murphy’s face darkened. The Ladenberg family was the enemy of theMurphy family, and their overall power was slightly stronger.

That was why Ezra Ladenberg had been tyrannical and bullied those around him all the time. He neverpaid whenever he had meals in their restaurant, much to Young Master Murphy’s chagrin, yet there wasnothing he could do.

Chapter 1236 “Yes young master. Ezra Ladenberg is not a nice person and the Third Young MistressCabello is really beautiful. It so happens that Ezra is an extremely lecherous person and I’m afraid thatsomething bad will happen later!” The subordinate looked anxious as he thought about it. Heimmediately said, “Young master, this won’t work. We need to rush over and remind Young MasterLadenberg or they will definitely get into a fight!”

However, Young Master Murphy stopped him. “Remind? Why should we remind him? The Ladenbergfamily had been suppressing our Murphy family all this while and that Young Master Ladenberg is wildlyarrogant. This is a great chance to get rid of the Ladenberg family. Those two almost died because theyoffended that woman. Do you think that they would still be alive if they took advantage of Third YoungMistress Cabello?”

The subordinate’s eyes lit up when he heard this. “That’s right, why didn’t I think about this. I was onlythinking about how our tables and chairs would be destroyed if they get into a brawl later. With theprotective nature of Master Ladenberg, he would definitely avenge his son without finding out the reasonif Young Master Ladenberg was killed. If that’s the case…”

Young Master Murphy nodded. “There are many guests upstairs and who knows how the news is goingto reach the Ladenberg family later?”

A smile appeared on the corners of Young Master Murphy’s mouth when they arrived at that point of theconversation. He said to his subordinate, “Immediately go and send the message to the Ladenbergfamily if they get into a fight later. Do you understand?”

“I understand!” The subordinate smiled with his face filled with anticipation.

jackie and Daniella sat at the space next to the window after they went upstairs.

The view from the second floor was extremely beautiful.

However, as what Young Master Murphy and the others had expected, Young Master Ladenberg andseveral others also saw the two over there.

“Psst psst, what a scene. Why haven’t I seen such a beauty before?” Young Master Ladenberg could nothelp but swallow his saliva and exclaimed after he looked around for a while.

The guy opposite him said with a smile, “It looks like these two are casual trainers who passed by thisarea and are here for a meal.”

“Casual trainers?” Young Master Ladenberg had a smirk on his face and said, “Then we can’t let themleave so easily. Since they are not people from our town, it would be difficult for others to find them ifanything happens to them. If we let such a beauty leave, it would be difficult to meet one the next timeeven if we want to!”

“Haha… Young master, don’t worry about it! Leave this in my hands!” The subordinate opposite theyoung master directly stood up after he smiled and walked toward Daniella.

“Young lady, you are really gorgeous! Your beauty will make the moon and flowers shy!” The man saidflirtatiously as soon as he arrived in front of Daniella.

Daniella frowned and glanced at him as her facial expression darkened. “I don’t know who you are, howcan I help you?”

The man smirked as he glanced toward where Young master Ladenberg was and said, “Young lady, ourYoung Master Ladenberg would like to invite you over for a chat. I hope that you will give him face!”

Daniella looked over and a fatty was sitting there with beautiful women on each side of his arms. He hadoil stains on the corners of his mouth and was smiling at her like a lecherous fool.

She directly glanced at the man in front of her with a cold expression on her face. “F*ck off! I’m notinterested in such rubbish!”

“Haha… Young lady, you don’t need to be in a hurry to reject us!” The man in front of her did not seem tobe angry. He flipped his hand and came up with a middle-grade spirited stone. He placed it on the table.“This is a middle-grade spirited stone and it has an equal worth to one hundred low-grade spiritedstones. Casual trainers like you have never seen spirited stones like this right? Haha… How about that?”

“You’re giving it to me?” Daniella glanced at the spirited stone on the table in despise.

The man nodded with a smile. “Of course. Young lady, we’re all smart people. You only need to keep ouryoung master company tonight. As long as our young master enjoys himself tonight, this middle-gradespirited stone is yours! Not any person can meet with such a good opportunity!”

Chapter 1237 “Haha… Is this a joke? You expect me to accompany that fat-ass with one piece ofuseless spirited stone?” Daniella laughed.

jackie also could not help but stand up. “Didn’t you hear when she asked you to f*ck off?”

This was the first time he purposely brought Daniella out for a meal and it started off with an unhappyincident. jackie was also unhappy as they were suddenly disturbed hence he did not want to be nice tothe other party.

Daniella was secretly happy and touched when she saw how jackie was slightly angry.

In her opinion, jackie proactively stood forward and got mad meant that he had some of affection towardher. Why was jackie so angry if he did not like her?

“Who are you? How dare you speak to me this way?” The man was one of the butlers in Young MasterLadenberg’s family and he was considered a highly positioned person in the Ladenberg family.

However, he never liked to take action under normal circumstances. In his opinion, most of the situationscould be resolved by using spirited stones. There was no need to take action if the issues could beresolved by using spirited stones.

“Who am I?” jackie humphed coldly and directly punched the other party in the head.

jackie did not use much strength but this butler of the Ladenberg family flew directly several metersbackward before landing on the floor with blood trickling down his nose.

“What the fck?!” Young Master Ladenberg directly slammed his hand on the table and stood up when hesaw that his subordinate was hit. “Attack them and kill the guy. Capture the woman and bring her over.Fck, they need to submit to pressure after turning down my nice request.”

“Attack!” Several of Young Master Ladenberg’s subordinates immediately rushed toward jackie.

“Don’t blame me since you guys are the suicidal ones!” jackie flipped his hand and took the black swordout when he saw the group of people daringly rush forward.

With several swipes of his sword, the people who rushed forward were killed.

Many guests on the second floor were frightened and hid directly by the side when they saw that therewas a fight.

“Who are these two? How dare they kill the Ladenberg family’s people!” Some of them could not help butstarted discussing what happened. Everything was moving so quickly and they only realized whathappened when the Ladenberg family’s subordinates were killed by that young man.

jackie directly went in front of the Ladenberg family’s butler after he killed all those people and looked athim coldly.

“Young man, do you know who our young master is? I think you…” The Ladenberg family’s butler wantedto threaten jackie. However, he was killed by jackie before he had the chance to finish speaking.

The butler fell onto the ground, dead.

Chapter 1238 “Ah!” Both women in Young Master Ladenberg’s arms were so frightened that they turnedpale. They immediately ran away and hid at a corner.

“Young…young man, I’m the young master of the Ladenberg family. You will be going against theLadenberg family if you dare kill me!” Young Master Ladenberg stood up and pointed at jackie. His voiceand his finger, however, were trembling and he was obviously afraid.

jackie did not pay much attention to him and carried out his attack. He then turned around and walkedtoward Daniella while putting his sword away.

Young Master Ladenberg fell onto the ground in disbelief as he covered his neck with both his hands.

“This… This…” Several subordinates of the Murphy family were surprised when they ran over to take alook. They immediately ran downstairs.

One of them went toward Young Master Murphy. “Young master, this is great! That guy really killedYoung Master Ladenberg! Haha… Even heaven is helping us!”

“Is that true? Why haven’t you guys sent the message to the Ladenbergs yet? Go change your clothesas it’s bad if the Third Young Mistress Cabello and the others learned that we were the ones who sentthe message!” Young Master Murphy reminded his subordinate with a smile after he thought about it.

“Haha… Alright, young master! I’m on my way now!” The subordinate then went to change his clotheshappily.

After jackie killed those people, he went back to where Daniella was and sat down. “What an annoyance.Who knew that we would meet such annoying people the first time officially treating the Young MistressCabello to a meal. I hope this has not affected your mood for food.”

How could Daniella blame jackie when she felt as sweet as if she had taken honey. She felt that jackiehad killed those people because he was unhappy with them bullying her. Apart from that, she wasextremely happy as jackie acted in such a decisive and unhesitating manner just now.

“Don’t worry, such a small issue would not affect my mood!” Daniella placed her arms on the table andplaced her head in between her hands as she looked at jackie happily. Her beautiful eyes were filled withlove for jackie.

jackie’s heart stopped for a moment when he saw how Daniella looked at him with the infatuated smile atthe corners of her mouth.

He was not dumb so he had already realized that Daniella had feelings toward him and he had no ideahow to respond to her feelings.

Luckily the waiter served their food at that moment. All the dishes that were served smelled extremelygood.

“It smells so good! We can start eating!” jackie smiled and said to the waiter. “By the way, please serveus some of your best wine here!”

“It’s coming, it’s coming!”

Chapter 1239 At this moment, Young Master Maack walked over with a smile on his face and placed two bottles ofwine on the table.

“Third Young Mistress Cabello and Young Master White, I present to you the legendary monkey wine, awine whose sweetness is unparalleled, and its aroma thick and flavorful. It’s extremely beneficial forthose who are training to become chi masters!”

Young Master Maack introduced the wine to jackie, grinning. “My father stores it here, and I usually don’tdare to drink it. I only take a few sips when he’s around. Best of all, a wine like this is extremely hard toprocure!”

jackie noticed the other man’s bootlicking demeanor and frowned. “If this wine is truly as rare and asgood as you say it is, why would you bring it out for us?”

Daniella’s brows creased together when she heard jackie’s words. Her gaze toward Young Master Maacksharpened. “Don’t tell me that you’ve spiked this drink, Young Master Maack. We’re not as gullible as youthink we are!”

Young Master Maack nearly collapsed after he heard that. “I would never dare to do something like thateven if you gave me a billion dollars,” he replied hastily. “How could I do that? I have no right to eventouch either of you, being the powerful heir and heiress you two are. Why would I harbor ill intentionstoward you!”

Here, Young Master Maack paused for a while, his eyes skittering toward the body of Young MasterLadenberg. “To be honest with you, that dead fatty is the young master of the Ladenberg family,” hefinally said, huffing. “The Ladenberg family is the most powerful family in our city, and that fatty regularlybullied us. I was so glad when you killed him, so of course, I had to thank you in some way. Besides, it’sjust two bottles of wine. It’s nothing compared to what you did!”

“Good. I knew you didn’t have the guts!”

Daniella swiped for one of the bottles and uncorked it. Its thick, heavenly scent hit her nostrils, and shefelt as though she could get drunk from its smell alone.

“My God. That’s the smell of monkey wine. I want some too!”

A few guests sitting at the surrounding tables caught a whiff of the wine. All of them gulped and stared atjackie and Daniella in admiration.

No one thought that the Maack family had such a prized possession—and that it would be taken out justfor the two of them.

“My God. This–this is beautiful!”

jackie’s eyes brightened once he smelled the wine. He liked alcohol and had a high tolerance for it, sonaturally, a wine like that would make him excited.

“Then I’ll go for it!”

jackie smiled and opened the other bottle, gulping it down straight from the bottle.

He only reluctantly set the bottle down after taking a few gulps. “This is fantastic. It doesn’t burn at all,and its aroma is so strong. This is one amazing wine.”

Daniella and Young Master Maack stared at him, boggle-eyed. He had downed the alcohol a little toofast, had he not?

“Eat something, jackie!”

Daniella smiled and heaped a piece of monster meat onto jackie’s plate. Then she poured the wine outinto a glass and took a sip out of it. “This is really good!”

“You’d better eat up too, Daniella!”

After all, she was of a significant position, and she had taken a piece of meat for him. jackie felt slightlyembarrassed, so he did the same for her as well.

However, this simple gesture stirred Daniella’s heart. jackie had actually given her food. Was he trying tohint at something else?

“Take your time here. I’ll get out of your hair. Just inform me if you need anything!”

Young Master Maack, who was very observant, noticed the slight flush on Daniella’s cheeks. Hesurmised that the two might be a couple, and he left with a grin on his face, not wanting to become thethird wheel.

Chapter 1240 Daniella could not help but feel worried as she watched jackie practically inhaling the wine. She frownedand said, “ jackie, I know this is a rare wine but don’t down it like that. You’ll get drunk!”

jackie gave a careless smile when he heard that. “Heh. Don’t worry about me. I have a pretty goodalcohol tolerance. No ordinary person can lure me into a drunken state. And do you know that martialartists have a far higher tolerance for alcohol than normal people? Martial artists have a far strongerbody composition, so that’s why normal people can’t compare to us.”

“That’s true!”

Daniella flashed an awkward smile in return.novelbin

The two drank for a while. Master Ladenberg then brought many fighters from the Ladenberg family over.

“F*ck. Who killed my son?”

Master Ladenberg rushed over and scanned the area, absolutely livid.

He quickly realized that many of the guests had their attention directed toward jackie.

“Were you the one who killed my son, you little sh*t? Do you have a death wish?”

Thomas Ladenberg flipped his palm and took out a sword, pointing it at jackie.

jackie stood up and flipped his palm as well, staring at the intruder impatiently. “I think you’re the one whohas a death wish here. Your son was stupid enough to want to have Miss Daniella Cabello, so of course,he had to die. And you’re trying to avenge him?”

“Of course!”

Thomas was so furious that a vein throbbed at his forehead. He could not be bothered to talk to jackieanymore, so he gathered his chi in his palm and channeled it into his sword. Then he slashed the bladetoward jackie.

A sudden sword aura infused with a lot of chi slashed toward jackie, arcing into a flash of light.


The master of the Ladenberg family was a pretty strong fighter.

However, jackie did not care for him. After he harrumphed coldly, he threw out his own sword aura.

Another sword aura appeared. It was evident that it was much longer than Master Ladenberg’s, and theamount of chi that the older man’s attack contained could not be compared to jackie’s.

A frightening clash rang out. The next second, Master Ladenberg’s sword aura had been destroyed byjackie’s. He had been no match for jackie’s power.


Master Ladenberg was so shocked that he took a sharp intake of breath when he saw what happened.All color drained from his face.


The remaining energy from jackie’s sword aura was rushing toward him. Master Ladenberg released acry and used the elder next to him as a shield without giving a second thought.


A dull thud rang out. Blood sprayed, and the elder stared at the gaping hole in his chest in disbelief. Helooked at Master Ladenberg. “You…”

After he said that, and as Master Ladenberg released his grip, the elder collapsed onto the ground, nolonger breathing.

Chapter 1241 Large beads of perspiration dropped from Master Ladenberg’s forehead. His face had gone white. Hewould have been the dead one if he had not reacted in time.

“Go for him! Attack him together!”

However, he saw the body of his son on the floor, and he saw the numbers he had on his side. MasterLadenberg gave the order.

“Heh. You think that you can beat me because you have more people?”

jackie chuckled and looked at Daniella. “Please continue to eat. Just leave these vermin to me!”

After he said that, he stamped his foot and rushed toward the men.


A smile tinged Daniella’s lips. Warmth filled her chest. jackie actually told her to stay put? It seemed thatthe man truly cared for her.

Frightening sounds of fighting rang out. Many of those who were dining were terrified and jumpedstraight from the second floor in fear of being roped into the cacophony.

The men from the Ladenberg family were no match for jackie. In a flash, they had all dropped onto thefloor, chests no longer heaving.

“Young Master jackie, you–you’re so strong!”

Young Master Maack had pretended to find out about the situation and leisurely came forward to checkthe scene out. He was wickedly delighted when he saw the bodies on the floor, yet still, he pulled a maskof bewilderment. “You’re so strong. The master of the Ladenberg family is the strongest fighter in our city.I never thought that you would beat him so fast!”

jackie gave him an impassive look and kept his sword. “Can I trouble you to clean the corpses up aroundhere?”

“Not a problem at all. I am at your service, Young Master White!”

Young Master Maack immediately ordered his subordinates to clear the bodies up. He had been waitingthat very day for a long time, but never had the opportunity to do so until then.

“That felt good!”

jackie walked over and sat beside Daniella. “I don’t think anyone will be disturbing us now.”

After he said that, jackie took huge swigs out of the wine bottle.

Daniella was internally speechless when she saw him drinking as though there was no tomorrow. “Youcan’t just drink like that, jackie,” she hurriedly reminded him. “It’s monkey wine. It’s not regular alcohol.

You can’t drink it that way even if you have a high alcohol tolerance. It’s extremely potent, and evenmartial artists can easily get drunk on it!”

Here, Daniella paused before she continued, “Besides, only people who have drunk this twice or thricebefore will be able to drink more as their bodies have adjusted to it. But even then, they can’t just gulp itdown. You’ll definitely get drunk if you’ve never drunk it before!”

“No way. Is–is it that strong?”

jackie was internally speechless. He did not feel anything at all and had only thought that it was goodwine. He had not cared much when Daniella had advised him to drink it slowly, but he never thought thatthis wine would make even martial artists, drunk.

Still, he suspected Daniella’s words. Others might have gotten drunk because their alcohol tolerance waslower. His was naturally high.

He smiled and replied, “Don’t worry. I know my own limit. I won’t drink anymore once I get dizzy!”

“Oh, okay then. I just wanted to tell you because you were gulping it down!”

Daniella offered a wan smile and scooped some vegetables for jackie. “Eat up. This hotel’s restauranthas pretty good food!”

Young Master Maack, who was arranging for the bodies to be cleared up and the area to be tidied,noticed her gesture toward jackie. What a lucky guy, to be able to be served by such a beautiful woman.

Chapter 1242 The two continued to savor the wine; jackie felt his muscles relaxing as he drank from the bottle.

After a while, the area had been cleaned up. The broken tables and chairs had all been carted away.However, there was no way to fix the gaping slashes along the walls and the floor for the time being.

Fortunately, jackie had been controlling his strength during the fight. The hotel might have beencompletely destroyed otherwise.

After drinking for a while, jackie felt his head growing heavy.

“This is some wine. I didn’t feel anything just now, but now I’m getting dizzy.”

jackie’s face had gone all red. He blearily stared at Daniella’s perfect features, as if he was being pulledtoward them.

He had to admit that the longer he looked at her, the prettier she seemed. No wonder many youngmasters of the shadow families wanted to court her.

“Slow–slow down. I told you just now, didn’t I? People who are drinking this for the first time can’t taketoo much. And you didn’t believe me…”

Daniella felt extremely embarrassed with jackie staring at her. She dipped her chin slightly, her heartpounding.

She had never experienced a feeling like this before.

By the time she raised her head, she saw that jackie was already slumped over the table. It seemed thatthe alcohol had finally worked its way into his system.

“Jeez. He’s completely drunk!”

Daniella did not know whether to laugh or cry at jackie’s drunken state. She walked over with a ruefulsmile on her face, lifting him up.

“Let’s go, jackie. You’re drunk!”

She supported jackie down the stairs.

“I’m not drunk. I can take some more of that delicious wine!”

jackie’s speech was slurred.

“Never mind. I’ll just carry you!”

At the staircase, Daniella hefted jackie onto her back and strode downward.

He was heavy, but he was easy enough to carry for Daniella, who was at the peak of the demi-godstatus.

She only put jackie down when they were at the concierge. “Give me two rooms please!” she told thestaff.

The beautiful woman at the concierge looked at the two of them. “My apologies, Miss, but only one roomis left since it’s late,” she replied, smiling.


When she heard this, Daniella drew her brows together. It was evident that she was in a dilemma.

However, she took one look at jackie beside her and said, “Fine. I’ll take the room!”

After she paid, Daniella supported jackie and went up the building.

Chapter 1243 Master Maack also quickly arrived at his family’s hotel. He headed for the concierge to look for hismonkey wine.

However, he got angry after searching for a while. He immediately called his son over. “Where’s mywine? There were three bottles of it. Why is only one left?”

Young Master Maack proffered a smile when he heard that. “I gave two bottles of wine to two of ourcustomers!”

Master Maack was so furious that he nearly spewed blood when he heard this. That wine was soprecious that he could not even bring himself to drink it, yet his son just gave it away to customers. Evenif he had allowed customers to drink it, they should have at least paid a considerable sum of money for itinstead, it was given away just like that.

“Are you getting a kick out of seeing me angry? Those are my treasured possessions, which I had keptfor so many years. And you just gave it to someone else?”

Master Maack was livid. He shot his son a stormy look. “You ungrateful pig!”

Young Master Maack gave a bitter smile. “You can’t just accuse me of that, Father,” he explainedhelplessly. “You would praise me if you knew the circumstances, and you would think that giving thosetwo bottles of wine away was worth it!”

“Worth it?”

Master Maack was so angry that he was speechless. “Fine. Explain everything to me,” he huffed. “Let’ssee how ‘worth it’ it can possibly be. If I think otherwise, I will give you two hard slaps. Don’t think that I’llspare your dignity!”

Young Master Maack was internally speechless. “We had two extremely important figures who visited usover dinner, Father,” he explained. “One of them was the third daughter of the Cabello family. The otherthe young master of the White family. Heh. They helped us kill the fighters of the Ladenberg family, andnow the Ladenberg family’s territory is ours. I’ve already ordered our men to handle the takeover. Do youthink that it’s worth giving the two bottles of wine to them now?”


Master Maack took a sharp intake of breath after he heard this. “Are you serious? So you’re saying thatMaster Ladenberg and his men are all dead?” he said excitedly. “If that’s the case, giving away those twobottles of wine was the best possible exchange to make!

“Oh, are Young Miss Cabello and Young Master White still around? I need to drink with them just to seetheir faces for a bit.”

Master Maack was extremely excited. The fury on his expression had long dissipated, and in its place,there was pure delight.

“They’ve gone! You don’t have the chance to drink with them anymore!”

Young Master Maack smiled. “We were fortunate. It so happened that Young Master Ladenberg wasdrinking upstairs when he spotted the third daughter of the Cabello family, and he could not help buthave dirty intentions toward her. That fellow sentenced the entire Ladenberg family to death!”

“That’s fantastic. This way, nobody will dare to bully the Maack family in this city anymore!”

Longing suddenly flashed across Master Maack’s features. “It’s a pity though. Third Young MistressCabello is famed for her beauty. Not many can hope to compete against her. It would have been nice if Icould even catch a glimpse of her. I’ve never gotten the chance to see her myself.”

He did not know that Daniella had carried jackie into the room. She nudged the door close with her footand supported jackie onto the bed.

Yet just as she heaved a sigh of relief when they were at the foot of the bed, jackie fell straight onto themattress. She was unsteady on her feet, so she fell along with him and landed atop his body.

jackie’s handsome visage was right before her. Her heart thudded against her chest, and nervousnessclenched her veins.

“Water. I want water!”

jackie felt extremely thirsty and spoke thickly.

“All right. I’ll get water for you!”

Daniella shook herself to her senses and got up hurriedly, pouring water onto a cup for jackie.

She helped him drink the water before placing it on the bedside table. Then she noticed that jackie wasdead asleep on the bed already.

“No way. He’s already sleeping!”

Daniella could not explain why a pang of disappointment filled her chest at the sight of his sleepingfigure.

Chapter 1244

Daniella took a shower after taking off jackie’s shoes, then she settled herself on the bed beside him.

She grew even more nervous as she studied his face.

He was asleep, but this was the first time that she was lying next to a man in her entire life. Furthermore,he was a man she liked. How could she not be nervous?

“He won’t realize it if I peck him, right?”

Quickly, a daring thought fleeted across Daniella’s head.

Then she could not help herself anymore. She steadied herself on her palms and crawled over so thatshe was leaning over jackie, then she kissed him on the cheek.

She quickly laid back down after that kiss, her heart drumming erratically. She was so nervous she coulddie.

“Is–is this my first kiss!”

Daniella felt as though her heart was about to burst out of her ribcage. She had never been so daring inall her entire life before.

However, she quickly thought that this did not count as her first kiss. Only a direct kiss would count, sothat kiss was not counted.

After she thought about it, Daniella leaned over jackie’s body again, her gaze shifting toward his lips.

After much deliberation, she clenched her teeth, supported herself on her palms, and planted a kiss onhis lips.

Warmth spread throughout her body after she kissed him. She had given her first kiss to someone sheliked.

“My first kiss has been taken by you,” she whispered as she looked at jackie. “You’re responsible for menow!”

After she said that, she laid back down and finally closed her eyes contentedly.

Slowly, she slipped into slumber as well. By the time she woke up, the sky was bright.

She had been awake for two or three minutes when jackie also cracked his eyes open. He slowlyregistered that he was in a strange room, and took a sharp intake of breath.

When he saw Daniella beside him, he was completely stupefied.

“I–I was sleeping on the same bed as you last night?”

jackie gulped when he saw Daniella, who was wearing a nightgown. He never thought that he would getdrunk. Besides, he had no recollection of how he had arrived there.

“That’s right. There was only one bed here, so of course, we shared it!”

Daniella quickly sat upright and ducked her head bashfully. Her cheeks flamed so redly they looked asthough they were about to catch fire.

“No–no way. We–we didn’t do that right?”

jackie was speechless. If he had bedded Daniella while he was drunk, it would be troublesome.

Chapter 1245 Daniella was stunned, and suddenly an evil thought popped up in her mind. Teasing might be a goodidea under such circumstances, to see how jackie would react.

After plotting the evil idea, Daniella deliberately nodded her head and uttered in a diffident tone, “I’m yourwoman now. You…you have to be responsible for me!”

“What the…No way, really? Did we both…”

jackie was tongue-tied. For once he did not know what to do. How was he supposed to explain to hiswife this time?

“The bedsheet was even stained red last night, and I had to ask the housekeeper to change the sheet.You acted like a barbarian, didn’t even know how to treat a lady tenderly…” Daniella informed in a morebashful voice.

jackie’s mind went foggy.

His head was buzzing and spinning. He did not expect at all for himself to do such a thing with Daniellaafter he got drunk.

jackie took a while before he could react. “Why didn’t you get an extra room? Besides, I was drunk, whydidn’t you push me away?” He looked at Daniella, helplessly.

Daniella’s face sank immediately when she sensed a hint of malaise on jackie’s face. “Now what? jackie,I didn’t expect you to be such an irresponsible man! I’ve given you my precious first time, how could…how could you deny it!”

Daniella groaned; her face full of belligerence. “Do you know how tired I was to carry you back alone lastnight? I asked for two rooms but there was only one available!” She barked. “I was already exhaustedand planned to get some rest after taking a shower. But at that time, you thought I was your wife, andyou…you…you bully me!” She said in a sobbing tone.

jackie could not bear to see a girl crying. With the fear of seeing Daniella cry, he immediately comfortedher and his tone was full of panic. “Don’t, please don’t cry. I don’t mean it that way. I just…I just think thatI’m a few years older than you, and you were not drunk at that time, so you can push me away!”

Daniella raised her head and faced jackie. She bit her alluring rosy pink lips and pouted, “But, I don’tcare about your age at all. I like you, that’s all. Besides, I was exhausted after carrying you back to theroom and I was a little tipsy at that time too. That’s why I didn’t push you away!”

“Sigh! What should we do now? I promised my wife that I would only love her. But now we two… Sigh!Moreover, you’re still very young!”

jackie gazed at Daniella, who was six or seven years younger than him and felt bad about what hadhappened. This time he had stirred up big trouble. But, no matter how hard he tried to recall, he could notremember anything. Only images of him drinking, and more drinking ran across his mind. Then he feltdizzy and was eventually carried by someone on his or her back.

Daniella smiled sheepishly, looking at jackie’s embarrassed face. “Don’t worry about it. What’s done isdone, it can’t be undone now. I’m now your girlfriend. But don’t tell your wife about us first. Wait until

we’re closer with each other then we’ll tell her.” Daniella comforted him, trying her best not to laugh.

jackie cast Daniella a look and replied, “But, it won’t be fair to you right now!”

Daniella kept her laughter in check, trying not to burst into laughter. “Hey, hey. It’s okay. As long as youtreat me well in the future, I won’t feel unfair!” Daniella put on a solemn tone and patted jackie’s shoulderto comfort him.

jackie went silent for a long time, before he finally said to Daniella, “Then…then later on when we returnto the White family, you’ve to tell everyone that you’re my friend, okay? Sigh! I haven’t thought about howto tell Selena this…”

jackie was kicking himself for getting so drunk and making such a foolish mistake. Daniella even warnedhim not to drink the wine too quickly then.

However, he was full of himself at that time, thinking that his alcohol tolerance was good, so hedisregarded Daniella’s warning. Now he had to reap what he had sown.

“No problem!”

Looking at lines appearing between jackie’s brows, Daniella smiled contentedly. She then got up andwent to the bathroom to change.

jackie sat on the edge of the bed and smoked a cigarette, in hopes that it would calm his panicked soul.He waited until Daniella was done washing up only then did he went to wash up too.

When he stood before the mirror in the bathroom, jackie took a look at his cheeks, red lipstick marksimprinted on his cheek. “I’m so done for… It looks like last night we did really… What’s more, Daniella isstill a young girl. If I shove the responsibility away, the head of the Cabello family would kill me, right?”jackie sighed defeatedly.

Chapter 1246 jackie was rendered speechless. There was nothing he could do right now, he could only shut himselfdown, trying not to think about it first, and hoped that he had the chance to explain to Selena soon.

After washing up, the two rode on the blood dragon horse and set off toward the direction of the mainresidence of the White family.

Nonetheless, this time the feeling of awkwardness left jackie when he was holding Daniella’s waist frombehind on the horseback. Perhaps, it was because of what happened last night that had made jackie atease.

On the contrary, he felt that Daniella was stiff and awkward in front of him. Her cheeks were kissed pink,and her blush extended to the root of her ears.

Soon enough, the two arrived at the bottom of the mountain and both hopped off the horse.

“Young Master jackie!”

The two bodyguards at the gate were shocked at jackie’s early return. jackie was supposed to visit plentyof White branch families by himself to select young masters to come over to the main White family. Buthow could he return in merely twenty days? Moreover, he brought back a beautiful woman!

What shocked them the most was that the two rode on a horse together.

“This is the Third Young Mistress of the Cabello family. It just so happens that I coincidentally met herand saved her from the hands of brigands. She wanted to come over to visit the White family as well,that’s why she’s here with me!”

jackie let out dry coughs, trying to cover up his embarrassed face.

The two bodyguards were taken aback at this new piece of information. This beautiful woman beforethem was actually the legendary beauty queen of the Cabello family. The person in reality was muchmore stunning than in hearsays.

“May I trouble you to take this horse to rest and feed him well? I won’t be riding him for a long time.”

Daniella beamed and handed the horse to one of the bodyguards.

jackie eyed Daniella and introduced in a serious tone, “Miss Daniella, our residence is not as spaciousand as large as your Cabello family. Let me bring you to meet my father first!”

“Hehe, it’s okay. Let me look at this place. The scenery is breathlessly exquisite, not bad at all, and thespiritual energy surrounding your residence is dense too. No wonder the White family has developed sowell and fast in recent years!”

Daniella chuckled. She followed jackie’s pace, walking toward the top of the mountain.

Just after arriving at the square halfway up the mountain, jackie ran into Kylie who was playing with Lanaand the others. He felt a sudden surge of happiness at the scene before him. “Kylie!” He beamed.

Kylie wheeled her head. Her bright and brilliant huge eyes were immediately lit up. “Daddy!” She skippedtoward jackie.

“Sigh! That fella has finally returned!”

Fiona smiled as she saw jackie at the square.

However, after she noticed the other person’s existence standing beside jackie, an attractive and lovelywoman, her brows immediately snapped together. “Who’s that woman beside jackie? How come shecame back with jackie? This woman looks like a vixen. Don’t tell me jackie found himself a second wife!”

Lana immediately responded, “That’s not possible. jackie is not a callous man. Besides, I’ve never seenthis woman before, and since she came with jackie, I guess she should be one of the masters that jackiepicks from the branch families. She just so happened to come with jackie.”

“Oh, that makes sense!”

Fiona nodded, then again she furrowed and said, “This woman is a natural beauty, isn’t she?”

Lana could not help but look in the direction of Daniella after hearing Fiona’s compliment for that woman.Not knowing why, Lana was feeling bitter, and perhaps jealous, in her heart. This woman looked youngerthan her, more good-looking than her and her skin was even more supple and smoother than hers. Shewas envious.

“Hehe! Kylie, do you miss Daddy?”

Chapter 1247 jackie picked up Kylie who ran to him and planted a kiss on her cheek; his action was full of love anddote.


Kylie bobbed her head and said in a childish tone, “Mommy said she will ask you to take me to the townbelow the mountain to have fun when you return!”

“Haha, alright, alright! I’ll take little Kylie and Mommy to go to the town and play together tonight!”

jackie chortled wholeheartedly.

“This is your daughter? She’s cute and good-looking!”

Daniella, who was standing next to jackie, could not help but smile awkwardly at the affectionateexchange between the Father and the Daughter.

“Yup, her name is Kylie!”

jackie smiled. He held Kylie in his arms and paced in the direction of Lana, Fiona, and the others.

“Well. Needless to say, this beautiful woman, she is your wife, am I right? She really has a good figure!”

Before jackie could introduce the others to Daniella, she studied Lana and uttered with a smile plasteredon her face.

Lana’s spirits immediately brightened, and her cheeks turned red. “No, no. I’m not his wife, I’m hisdisciple! My name is Lana!” She quickly explained.

After the explanation, Lana looked at jackie and asked, “Master, and this girl is?”

Only then did jackie smile and introduced Daniella. “This is the Third Young Mistress of the Cabellofamily, Daniella Cabello!”

“The Cabello family? One of the eight shadow families?”

After hearing jackie’s words, surprise dawned upon Lana’s face. How could she have imagined that theThird Young Mistress Cabello knew jackie and followed him back to the White residence?

Moreover, they looked close. It seemed that the relationship between the two was good.

“Yes! You’re right!”

“I heard that jackie’s wife is the queen of beauty. And when I looked at you, I thought you were his wife. Ididn’t expect that his disciple would be such a beauty too. Hehe. The White family has a lot of prettywomen, I presume.” Daniella chucked and continued.

Lana could barely conceal her delight after hearing Daniella’s sincere praise for her. “I’m nowhere near abeauty. I heard that the Cabello family has three beautiful daughters who are known as the Three Golden

Flowers; they’re all famous for their beauty. I think only those who live in the secular world would havenot known your presence. Many shadow families are keen to meet any of you!”

On the other hand, jackie smiled at the exchange and approached Fiona, “Ma, how’re you guys doing?Everything fine here?”

Fiona laughed in return. “Of course, everything is fine! Although Andrew and I were a little too old to startpracticing martial arts, I heard from our in-laws that this place is full of spiritual energy. So, if we live hereall year round, we can live to very old age.” She chuckled and then continued, “Oh ya, the Taylor familycame here as well and everyone loves it, especially your Grandpa Taylor! He planned to retire here andnot leave this place at all!”

jackie’s heart stopped a few beats after listening to Fiona’s words. An unsightly look scrawled up hisface. Fiona and Andrew were his own parents-in-law, therefore it was still logical to bring them here. Butit was strange to bring Old Master Taylor and the other Taylors here!

“And my father allows it?”

jackie frowned and asked.

Fiona bobbed her head. “Yes. He even asked his men to build a house over there for some of the Taylorfamily to live in. Your Father said that since there are not many of us, it won’t be a big deal. Besides, ifsome of the young martial artists of the Taylor family want to improve their status, they would help topurify their bodies so that they can train better!”

“Auntie, do you and Uncle want to train too?”

Daniella’s voice suddenly interrupted the conversation. After hearing the exchange, Daniella, withoutblinking her eyes, approached Fiona and popped the question. This was a golden opportunity to please

her future parents-in-law! If they liked her and were happy with her, they would probably speak up for herin the future, then it would be more likely for Selena to accept her!

Chapter 1248 “Of course, we want to train! It’d be good even as elementary martial artists. At least our bodies will growstronger and won’t catch a cold or fall sick easily. After training, the overall being is certainly strongerthan ordinary people!”

But, Fiona let out a bitter smile and said, “Unfortunately, jackie said that we have long passed the age ofbecoming a martial artist. When you’re old, you can’t train and become a martial artist. It’s not only aboutthe martial talent but also about our old body, it can’t withstand the process of purification!”

However, to everyone’s surprise, Daniella flashed them a smile. “Well. There’s a way for both of you totrain and become martial artists! And I know how!”

jackie could not help but gasp at the information. “That’s impossible! What other ways do you have to beable to make them into martial artists?”

“Are you serious? That’s amazing! Miss Cabello, do you really have a way? It’d be really great if wecould train and become one!”

Andrew felt a ray of sunshine flooded his old soul when he heard Daniella’s words. He asked with anexcitement plastered over his face.

Daniella nodded again to affirm them, at the same time, rolled her eyes at jackie. “Tsk tsk. jackie, you’venot experienced everything in this world, have you? There’s a forbidden pool in the Cabello family. Thewater inside that forbidden pool is a real treasure! This treasure allows the old or people with incapabilityto train to become a martial artist! This water is called the Bone Marrow Cleansing Water. The persononly needs to drink a small sip of this water, and his body will be cleansed and purified! What’s moreamazing is that there are no side effects and pain at all!”

Excitement streaked through jackie like a comet. “Is that real? The Cabello family has such a treasure!It’s really out of my expectation! So, does it mean that if my mother takes a sip of this water, she will beable to train and become a martial artist?”

“Your mother is also a commoner?”

A quiet joy spread through Daniella upon hearing. She was smiling inside. If that was the case, would notthat mean that she would be able to please jackie’s mother as well? After all, jackie’s mother would beher future mother-in-law!

“Yes, my mother is a commoner now. I hope that she can train and become a martial artist or perhaps agrandmaster in the future. Then that will be wonderful!”

A bitter smile crept on jackie’s face. “The Bone Marrow Cleansing Water, since it’s a treasure of theCabello Family and it’s at the forbidden place, I’m afraid that you can’t just take it, right? Besides, thiswater is too precious, there shouldn’t be much of it, right?”

Daniella peeped at jackie and responded with a faint smile, “Don’t worry. Indeed, this water is veryprecious, even if others want it, I won’t hand it over. But since you’ve saved my life, and we’re nowconsidered good friends, I’ll get it for you. Even if I have to steal it, I’ll get it for you!”

“It’s not a good idea for you to steal. Why don’t you try asking your father if he’s willing to spare yousome? If it’s not possible, just forget about it, I don’t want you to be in a difficult situation!”

jackie gave some thoughts to the matter and uttered with a frown.

However, Fiona—who stood beside him—heard jackie’s words and her face immediately turnedunsightly. She went forward and shot jackie a deadly glare, “What nonsense are you spewing?”

After reprimanding jackie, she immediately approached Daniella with a wicked smile. “Miss Cabello,there’s absolutely nothing wrong about it. This treasure belongs to your family, even if you took some of it

when no one is looking, it’s alright too. You’re the Third Young Mistress Cabello, you’re only takingsomething from your family, it won’t be considered as stealing, right? Because that treasure is originallyfrom your family!” Fiona held Daniella’s hands in her palms and persuaded her in a sincere tone.

Fiona paused for a moment before she continued, “Also, even after you took it, your father and theothers won’t know that you’re the one who took it, right? If they don’t know about it, surely, they can’t doanything about it, and they won’t blame you either.”

jackie and Lana exchanged glances on the side, not knowing what to say. If a person took somethingwhen there was no one, was that not considered stealing? How could Fiona spew some unreasonablelogic? Even though the treasure belonged to the Cabello family, it was not an ordinary thing. That watercould be considered as one of the most precious and priceless treasures in this world. If that treasurewere to be taken to an auction, it could be exchanged with a lot of high-grade spirited stones andmaterials!

“Yes, Auntie, you’re absolutely right!”

Daniella smiled awkwardly, but she still reassured the audience, “Auntie, don’t worry about it. I’ll go getsome for you guys no matter what. It’s indeed not much of it, but it’s definitely enough for a few people!Just think of this as a payback for jackie saving my life!”

“Hehehe! Yes, you’re so right! You’re such a good kid who knows how to show gratitude!”

Chapter 1249 Fiona’s joy unfolded like a flower and her mouth curved into a smile. “Right, you and jackie are goodfriends, so whenever you have time, you should come to the White family to hang out together! Just treatit as your own home, do visit us more often!”

“Ma, what are you talking about? The Cabello family is actually not on a good term with the White family.I don’t think such an offer is appropriate right now.”

jackie was speechless at Fiona’s behavior. He reminded her.

Daniella, on the other hand, rolled her eyes at jackie and pouted unhappily, “Can’t I come to visit at anytime too?”

jackie was tongue-tied once again. “Except for you, of course!” He smiled awkwardly.

Lana studied the scene before her; she could not help but frown slightly. Why did she feel that jackie wassomehow afraid of Daniella? Was it her illusion or something else?

“ jackie, you’re back!”

At this time, Joan, who was strolling together with Nash, approached the group.

“Yes, Mom. I thought the competition would start soon, so I came back early for that!”

jackie responded, smilingly.

“This…isn’t this the Third Young Mistress of the Cabello family? Daniella Cabello, right? May I know whyyou’re here in the White’s residence?”

Nash quickly recognized Daniella of the Cabello family. His eyes were full of surprise but soon a few linesformed between his brows. After all, the Cabello family was not on good terms with the White family. Whydid jackie bring her here?

“Master White!”

Daniella looked at Nash and a hint of surprise flared in her eyes. “Strange. I heard that Master White,you’ve gotten some strange disease and couldn’t even get off the bed now, right? But I can see that youlook healthy, and your spirit is good!”

Daniella had come out of the Cabello family for more than a month and apparently, she did not receiveany news about the things that had happened in the White family, not to mention the incident about themutiny of the Third Elder and Lily Lagorio. If she was to stay in the Cabello family all this while, shewould have known of the news.

However, she was busy accompanying jackie in the selection of masters among the White branchfamilies, hence she was not well-informed of the news.

Nash smiled, “Hehe, thanks to my son who not only possesses powerful combat prowess but alsoacquires excellent medical skills and knowledge! He studied my condition and made an antidote for me!”

Daniella turned to jackie and then wheeled back to Nash. “Wait, what…what do you mean? jackie is yourson? He…he is the son of Master White?” Daniella took a sharp intake of breath.

“Hahaha! Yes! He is my son, my best son and I’m so proud of him! He is also the heir to the family headof the White family!”

Nash exclaimed with his face full of pride and delight, as though his son was the king of the world.

Chapter 1250 “What’s wrong? You didn’t know jackie is my son?”

Nash lifted an eyebrow, confused about the current situation. Daniella followed his son back to the Whitefamily, but she did not know that jackie was his son? It seemed like this young woman had no evilthoughts.

Perhaps, jackie knew that she was kind-hearted and without wicked thoughts, only then he allowed herto follow him.

“I didn’t know! He didn’t tell me!”

Daniella rolled her eyes at jackie again. “Eh? Wait a minute! Don’t you have only one son, called LanceWhite?”

“Miss Cabello, I’ll explain it to you personally when I’m free later. As for why I didn’t tell you that I’m theson of the family head, it’s because you didn’t ask about me either!”

jackie gave a wan smile and replied.

Daniella chortled, “I thought that you might be the son of some elder or Patronum. I didn’t expect thatyour background is actually that noble!”

“By the way, Miss Cabello, may I know why you have come to visit the White family?”

Nash spoke out the doubts in his mind with a faint smile on his face.

“It just so happens that I encountered some strong b*stard in my journey; they captured me and YoungMaster jackie rescued me from their hands. Besides, I was curious about where the White family was, soI follow him to take a look!” Daniella chuckled in return.

Once the last word dropped, Daniella flipped her palm and two second-grade elementary spirited grassappeared in her grip. She then handed them to Nash and said, “Master White, this is my first visit to theWhite family and I didn’t prepare any good gift. These are just some small gifts, hope you would like it!”

“Second-grade elementary spirited grass?”

The two elders who were standing beside Nash exclaimed aloud and their eyes lit up at the appearanceof the spirited grass. They rubbed their eyes, wondering if they had seen it wrongly. First-grade premiumspirited grass was already considered as a relatively high-level treasure and a rare one; it was suitablefor artists who were at the demi-god level or perhaps those who were at the early stage of the true godlevel.

As for this second-grade elementary spirited grass, the chi energy inside was several times more thanthe first-grade premium spirited grass! Such treasure was absolutely incredible.

The elders gulped at the second-grade spirited grass. Was this Third Young Mistress Cabello a little bittoo generous? She could simply give only one stalk of spirited grass, but she gave two!

“This, this is too generous of you! Miss Cabello, such treasure is too precious to take!”

Nash thought that the spirited grass was too precious and expensive to accept. He shook his hands,refusing to take them.

“Oh no. If you don’t accept it, it means that you look down on the Cabello family. Or you secretly thinkthat the gift is too petty?”

Daniella pouted and put on an angry expression on her face on purpose.

Nash sweated with awkwardness. This young little woman was a little too domineering, was not she?How could she actually use a provocative method on Nash?

jackie, on the other hand, chucked aside. “Father, just accept it. It represents Daniella’s sincerity too!”

“Alright then. I’ll take it. Thank you!”

Nash gave a warm smile, and only then did he take the spirited grass.

jackie turned to Joan and said, “Mother, by the way, Daniella said that the Cabello family has a treasurethat allows people to train and become a martial artist without any side effects after drinking it. And shewill find a way to get it for you, and also for parents-in-law!”

“What? Are you serious? But is it okay to take it?”

The words elevated Joan’s mood in an instant and she felt dizzy with excitement. She imagined such atreasure must be worth a lot. The White family did not even possess such a treasure, only the Cabellofamily had it. She truly did not know how to thank Daniella for such a treasure.


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