No.1 Supreme Warrior by Moneto

Chapter 1866-1870
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chapter 1866-1870

Chapter 1866 “Hiss!” Selena inhaled deeply upon hearing that, wondering if she was mistaken. Unexpectedly, Jackiehad already broken through into the First-grade souls penetrating level in such a short period.

“That’s incredible! It looks like you’ve refined a third-grade premium pill, too. Now that you’re in the First-grade souls penetrating level, it must be a piece of cake for you to kill someone in the Second-gradesoul-penetrating level!” Selena was absolutely excited. After all, it was not easy to break through into thesoul-penetrating level as it was an important realm.

Jackie was capable of killing masters in the First-grade soul-penetrating level when he was in theSeventh-grade ultimate god level. After breaking through into the Firstgrade soul-penetrating level, itwould be easier to kill masters in the Second or Third-grade soul-penetrating level.

Jackie chuckled and was hopeful of the future. “Haha… I’ll surely be the sect master. When I’m the sectmaster, I’ll give time to the fortress masters to train so that they can break through into the Firstgradesoul-penetrating level. If they’re able to break through, our new sect will be so much stronger than theso-called Pavilion Billow Cloud!”

To protect the remaining members of the White and Cabello family, whom he was familiar with, he had tomake himself the sect master and then hastily strengthen the sect. By then, they had no need to fear,even if the people of the Alliance Guard came causing trouble to them if enough time was given to them.

“That’s for sure. You’re so much stronger than the others!” Selena smiled happily. “You’ve broken throughinto the Firstgrade soul-penetrating level, and it’ll be so much easier to break through into the Second orThird-grade soul-penetrating level after you enter this huge realm. As for me, I think I won’t be able tocatch up to you in this lifetime.”


“Haha… Honey, you’re also very talented!” Jackie laughed and took two pills out with the flip of his hand.“I prepared this just for you, and it’s good for you. Your realm is quite stabilized right now, and you’vebeen training with martial art techniques to break through recently. These two pills will be enough for youto break through into the First-grade ultimate god level. You’ll have a longer lifespan once you become amaster with that fighting prowess.”

“That’s true. Putting other things aside, I am still very confident about my capabilities!” Selena smiledsweetly as she took the pills from Jackie’s hand. “It really is nice to have a husband who knows how tocultivate pills. Haha… With pills to help me train, how easy is it to break through into the ultimate godlevel?”

As she spoke, Selena recalled something and immediately said to Jackie, “By the way, Jackie, many ofour people broke through into the First-grade ultimate god level when you were in retreat. Everyone hadgotten quite a number of precious items from the forest before.”

“Haha… That’s great!” Jackie laughed loudly. He thought about it and said, “Alright, I’ll be paying a visitto some of the fortress masters. Do you want to come with me?”


Selena rolled her eyes at him. “No thanks, I won’t go with you. You can go ahead on your own. I’llprepare several of your favourite dishes. Let’s have a couple of drinks when you return, okay?”

“Haha… That’s great!” Jackie laughed happily when he heard this.

Not long after, Jackie arrived at where the Whittemores’ fortress was located.

“Jackie? Why are you here?” An elder frowned when they saw Jackie. As the day to choose a sectmaster grew closer, Jackie suddenly visited them.

Chapter 1867 “Haha…!” Jackie chuckled and explained, “I’m here to talk with your fortress master.”

“Alright, then. I’ll have someone to lead you.” As Jackie had a horrifying combat power, the people of theNine Armies respected him. The elder immediately ordered a young person to lead Jackie to theirfortress master.

As Jackie left them, the elder could not help but mumble, “That’s very strange. That guy has been busytraining in retreat every day. Why is he suddenly visiting our fortress master? We’re building a new sectand choosing a new sect master. I s this young man here to convince our fortress master and ourmembers to vote for him?”

However, the old man soon shook his head and smiled coldly. “This young man truly is na?ve to havesuch thoughts. How could we choose him to be sect master instead of our fortress master when we’remembers of the Nine Armies?”

Jackie soon arrived before Fortress Master Whittemore and asked him to have everyone else leave themboth in the yard.


“Brother Jackie, please just speak straightforwardly with me. I know why you came here even if youhadn’t said anything, just by looking at how cautious you’re acting.” Fortress Master Whittemore smiledsoftly.

Jackie raised his eyebrows and smiled playfully.” Really? Enlighten me, and see if you made a correctassumption.”

“Haha… That’s very simple. You came to me with hopes that I and the members of my fortress, who’vealready achieved Fifth-grade ultimate god level, would choose you during the voting process so that youcan become our sect master, right?” Fortress Master Whittemore smiled coldly before he added, “T o behonest, Brother Jackie, you have an impressive high combat power, and you’re a strong fighter. Our FirstFortress Master might not even be able to defeat you

“Everybody knows that this election is to choose one person between the two of you, but you shouldunderstand that you’re not at the soul-penetrating level. On top of that, the First Fortress Mas а memberof our Nine Armies, and we’ve known him for so many years.”

Fortress Master Whittemore glanced at Jackie before h e continued, “Of course, this doesn’t mean thatwe have to choose him. The main issue is that we won’t be able to explain ourselves should we notchoose him, and I fear he’d take it to heart as well.”

“Haha!” Jackie suddenly chuckled. “What’s there to b e unhappy about? I think there’s another reasonthat you don’t want to choose me, and it’s because you don’t know my other identity.”

“Another identity? What identity?” Fortress Master Whittemore frowned when he heard what Jackie saidand looked at him, bewildered.

“Alchemist,” enunciated Jackie.

“Alchemist?” The other party was surprised and quickly said, “No wonder… That explains how yourfighting prowess increased so quickly. It looks like you’re not only an alchemist, but you must be at leasta third-grade elementary alchemist, no? Such pills are extremely suitable to be used by people in theultimate god level. That’s really rare—so rare!”

“What if I told you that I’m a third-grade premium alchemist instead of a third-grade elementaryalchemist?” Jackie’s voice was once again heard.

Chapter 1868 “Third… Third-grade premium?” Fortress Master Whittemore’s voice sounded shaky, albeitslightly.

He understood well that third-grade elementa alchemists were extremely rare. Such alchemists werecapable of increasing the training speed for those in the ultimate god level. This was extremely useful,especially for those who were in the First and Second-grade ultimate god level.

However, such pills had not much use for people like him, who had achieved the Ninth-grade ultimategod level and failed twice to break through into the First-grade soul-penetrating level.

After all, the power of a mere third-grade elementary pill was still not enough to allow them to breakthrough into the First-grade soul-penetrating level. The energy might not be sufficient at the mostimportant moment, affecting the process of breaking through before causing them to fail in the end.

However, third-grade premium pills are completely different. The energy in such pills was several timesmore compared to third-grade elementary pills and was sufficient for him, who was in the Ninth-gradeultimate god level, to break through within one go. The success rate was also greatly increased.

That went especially when he had failed twice in a row to break through before, and this affected hisconfidence. It was possible that his confidence to break through would increase with such third-gradepremium pills.

“Brother Jackie, are…are you joking? Are you truly a third-grade premium alchemist?” Fortress MasterWhittemore was no fool. Was Jackie not hinting at him when he said such words? After all, Jackie longedfor something from him. Would Jackie give him if he and his people voted for Jackie?

If so, then it was an easy choice for him. After all, the voting rules did not state that they could notchoose Jackie.

Met with Fortress Master Whittemore’s expectant gaze, Jackie nodded, and a third-grade premium pillappeared in his palm with the flip of his hand.” Look: this is the third-grade premium pill I cultivated. Thispill isn’t only a third-grade premium pill, but it has exceptional fineness. The pill is round. Can you smellthe scent of this pill? How is it? Doesn’t it smell good?”

Fortress Master Whittemore swallowed a mouthful o f saliva and widened his eyes, his sight neverwavering from the pill.

Looking at the pill in Jackie’s hand, Fortress Master Whittemore nodded. “It smells good-really good.Brother Jackie, then this pill…”

“Cough, cough… This pill is a true treasure!” replied Jackie as he coughed lightly. “In my opinion, thosewho have broken through into the soul-penetrating level in the future would surely be the elders of thenew sect. I’d treat the elders nicely if I become the sect master. I might just break through and become afourth-grade alchemist in the future, and b y then, those who are in the soul-penetrating level would needmy pills terribly. Those who are in the Seventh or Eighth-grade ultimate god level would look at me in anew light.”

Fortress Master Whittemore was filled with hope when he heard this. How much strenuous train timewould he be able to shorten if Jackie gave him fourth-grade pill in the future?

He swallowed his saliva and said, “Young Master Jackie, voting for you isn’t an issue as I’ve always beenoptimistic for you. After all, you’re the true, destined son. I’ve already decided that I’ll choose you in thevoting ceremony for sect master in the coming days.”

“Cough, cough!” Jackie purposely coughed, and he then hinted once more, “Ah, but it won’t work ifyou’re the only one like that. I’ve thought about it, and I’ll give this to anyone who chooses me and iscapable of making members with a fighting prowess of Fifth-grade ultimate god level and above tochoose me.”

“Me, Young Master Jackie. L… I’ll ask them over privately and have a meeting with them. I’ll make themvote for you. This pill is extremely suitable for me.” Fortress Master Whittemore was no fool as heimmediately expressed his loyalty. He knew, at that point, how to get this pill as he realized the pathJackie had taken him in their conversation.

Jackie laughed and remarked, “You said it yourself, Fortress Master Whittemore-I didn’t threaten you. Asfor this pill, I’m giving it to you as a sign of friendship. Did I bribe you with anything?”

Chapter 1869 “How is that possible? I’ve long had my eyes on Young Master Jackie’s talents. You werecapable of killing a person in the First-grade soul-penetrating level when you were in the Seventh-gradeultimate god level. Who can be our sect master if it isn’t a master like you?” Fortress Master Whittemoreimmediately laughed and flattered Jackie, all while staring at the pill in Jackie’s hands. “Still, I’m afraidthat the First Fortress Master would be unhappy. How about this: I alone will vote for him, but all mysubordinates shall vote for you. By then, I’ll be able t o deny any knowledge when the First FortressMaster asked me what happened. I’ll say that you’ve won over my subordinates. How does that sound?”

“Haha… That’ll work. As long as I’m able to win! Jackie laughed and placed the pill into Fortress MasterWhittemore’s palm. “Alright, then, I’ll be taking my leave now.”

“Take care, Young Master Jackie. I won’t be able to show you out as I’m afraid that people will see us!”Fortress Master Whittemore immediately walked forward and opened the door for Jackie.

Once Jackie left, Fortress Master Whittemore immediately looked at the pill in his palm excitedly.” Oh mygod-a third-grade premium pill. It’s no surprise that Jackie was able to break through so quickly. He’sactually an alchemist. Tsk, tsk! Even big sects don’t have such alchemists. I know that it’s considerednice for several big sects that have a maximum of several third-grade elementary alchemists!

“Let’s start training. After all, there are several days. Let’s try and break through into the First-grade soul -penetrating level for now!” Having obtained th pill, Fortress Master Whittemore giddily returned his roomto train.

After Jackie left, he went straight toward the Lavigne Fortress and soon arrived before Fortress MasterLavigne.

“Haha! Why are you here to meet me so late at night, Brother Jackie? Did something happen?” FortressMaster Lavigne laughed before he commented, “You even asked the others to leave. Seems like youwant me to elect you as the sect master.”

Jackie smiled indifferently before saying, “Fortress Master Lavigne, you truly are smarter than others.You got it right, though, but I’m sure you won’t agree to that unless something’s in it for you.”

“Is that? Can you give me something good, then? Haha! Not many things interest me right now.”

Fortress Master Lavigne smiled funnily at this, sure o f himself that Jackie could not come up withsomething beneficial that would change his mind.

Unexpectedly, Jackie took a pill out with a flip of his hand and showed it to Fortress Master Lavigne.

“Third-grade premium pill!” Fortress Master Lavigne was shocked to the core to see this. “Oh my god…You actually have such a treasure?”

“I’m a third-grade premium alchemist, so I surely can take out such a treasure.” Jackie smiled andcontinued, “On top of that, I’m capable of cultivating third-grade premium pills at such a young age.Cultivating fourth-grade pills won’t be too difficult for me in the future!”novelbin

“Deal!” Fortress Master Lavigne caved in and snatched the pill in Jackie’s hand. “I’ll obey whate you say!”

Chapter 1870 “Haha! Great! What I need is very simple: just have your fortress members vote for me.” Jackie laughedout loudly. Unexpectedly, the Fortress Lavigne’s fortress master was in such a hurry and took the pillwithout much objection, even agreeing to his condition without much protest.

“Sure, that won’t be a problem at all! Everything is fine as long as I’m able to break through to thesoulpenetrating level,” remarked Fortress Master Lavigne elatedly. He soon thought about somethingand immediately added, “By the way, Brother Jackie, don’t forget about us when you become aFourthgrade alchemist later on!”

“Don’t worry. I’ll surely reward those who are hardworking in training and contribute to the sect. After all,it’s not difficult for an alchemist o obtain such items, as long as there are materials to cultivate the pills.”At that point, Jackie was secretly making plans of his own. If he formed a sect in the future, would it notbe easy for him to obtain martial enhancement materials? More importantly, h e would be able to ask thesect’s disciples or elders to help search for materials required to lift Selena’s curse.

The thought of it eased Jackie. If everything went smoothly, he would have more time to cultivate pills,and he would then try to lift Selena’s spell as soon as possible.

Soon, Jackie left Fortress Lavigne and went to meet the other six fortress masters. Apart from the FirstFortress Master’s fortress, Jackie visited all the other fortresses.

He only returned to his residence after handing them the pills.

By the time he arrived, Selena had already prepared a table full of delicious dishes and was waiting forhim.

“How was it? Did everything go smoothly?” asked Selena impatiently upon seeing Jackie returning,

Jackie smilingly replied, “Everything went incredibly smoothly! We just need to wait until the day theyelect the sect master.”

“That’s great! To be frank, I know that you aren’t very interested in being this sect master. It’s not asrelaxing as being an elder,” continued Selena as she sat down. “The main reason you wish to become

the sect master is that you fear that Austin would treat our White family and everyone else who enteredthe area with us differently once Austin becomes the sect master, am I right?”

Jackie nodded. “It looks like my wife knows me really well. Apart from this, there’s still one benefit of mebecoming the sect master. I’ll be needing materials to cultivate pills in the future, especially when I needto cultivate fourth-grade elementary pills to lift your spell, and it’s difficult to search for these materials. If Ibecome the sect master, I’ll only need to appoint disciples with some missions and give them somereward. It’ll be much easier to d o that.”

Selena was genuinely moved upon hearing Jackie’s conviction, and she gazed at him earnestly. “Honey,you treat me so nicely. I never expect you to consider me no matter what happens, yet you’re workinghard to help lift my spell every second of every day.”

Jackie held onto Selena’s hands. “Of course, my dear. You don’t know this, but when I learned that it’ll bea challenge to lift the spell cast on you, I was awfully afraid. I was afraid that my incompetence wouldcost me to lose you, but I’m confident in myself as I’ve already had such achievements in less than threemonths.


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