No.1 Supreme Warrior by Moneto

Chapter 1811-1815
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chapter 1811-1815

Chapter 1811 The Fourth Elder repeatedly shook his head; his eyes were flooded with shocks and disbeliefs. Howcould he have imagined that a seventh-grade ultimate god level fighter could actually blast a ninth-gradefighter away with merely one punch? This brat before him was freaking two grades lower than he was!Two f*cking grades of cultivation! How could that brat actually blast him away, just like that?

“Not bad!”

Jackie looked at his fist indifferently. He seemed to be quite satisfied with his current strength. When hewas at the fourth-grade ultimate god level, he was able to kill a seventh-grade fighter, and at that time,his combat prowess was comparable to an eighth grade ultimate god level fighter! Now he had increasedhis martial level by three threes at once, and he was able to overpower a ninth-grade fighter. This madeJackie feel that perhaps, he might be able to fight against a first-grade soul-penetrating level fighter aswell.

“You this nasty brat! You think you can win against me just because you have more strength? Don’tforget, my cultivation level is higher and better than yours! My chi energy is thicker and richer than yours,and I’m an elder of the Bloodshed Clan! My martial arts training would be more powerful and robust thanyours!”

Molten anger rolled through the Fourth Elder as he saw the smug look on Jackie’s face. He was sofurious that his face turned blue in a second. He then mobilized his chi energy and formed a giganticaura tiger.

The huge aura tiger was dozens feet tall and it looked powerful and almighty


Such a large aura tiger was hardly unnoticeable. Hence, some disciples of the Bloodshed Clanwitnessed this huge tiger from a distance far outside the forest.

“Look! Over there! That aura tiger looks like our Fourth Elder’s martial technique!”

One of the disciples flew upwards and exclaimed in excitement. They all knew that this martial skill of theFourth Elder was extremely powerful, and they could hardly see him casting it. They were truly fortunateto witness such a scene from afar today, although it was far far away; it was very eye opening for them.

“Wow! Who’s the other party that could actually force our Fourth Elder to perform this technique?”


After hearing the disciple’s exclamation, the First Elder as well as Edward Gray immediately flewupwards to affirm the saying.

However, because the distance was too far away, they could not see who the Fourth Elder was fightingwith. It was also because of the distance, that gigantic aura tiger looked like the size of a human thumb.

“Hmmm… It looks like the Fourth Elder has run into some elite fighters of the Nine Armies today, and thatelite fighter should be at least at the seventh -grade of ultimate god realm. Otherwise, the Fourth Elderwould not have used this technique. This technique is a third-grade elementary level martial skill!”

The First Elder spoked gently and a calm smile hung over his face.

The Second Elder, however, disagreed. “I don’t think so. If the opponent is only a seventh-grade ultimategod level fighter, is it necessary for the Fourth Elder to perform such a strong martial skill? Wouldn’t it belike breaking a fly upon a wheel? Using such a martial skill would simply be a waste of chi energy!”

“Hahaha! You’re right, Second Elder. But, no matter who the opponent is, he or she would certainly be adead meat now that the Fourth Elder is using this skill!”

Edward laughed aloud along with the First Elder.

However, his laughter soon faded. From where he was at right now, he could see two colossal dragon-like fists appear in the air over the forest. Those fists were gigantic and not the slightest bit smaller thanthe huge aura tiger! They were so huge that even those who were far away from the scene could clearlysee the two dragons shaped fists.

“What the hell? Isn’t this a third grade intermediate level martial technique, the Twin Dragons Fist?”


The Second Elder gasped the moment he saw the fists. “What the f*ck happened? There aren’t anypeople who can perform this skill! And who is this person who can perform this martial skill to such anextent? Is the Fourth Elder fighting with a strong person from our clan?”

The First Elder and others were dumbfounded at the newly witnessed scene; they were so confused.Such a strong fighter would not present in the forest—they were always outside the forest. So who wasfighting with the Fourth Elder right here right now?

“The Twin Dragons Fist! You acquired this skill? How is that possible?”

While the First Elder and the Head of the Bloodshed Clan were confused about the situation, the FourthElder was equally astonished at this very moment. He could not have possibly expected that this bratbefore him actually knew and acquired the Bloodshed Clan’s martial skill! Moreover, this freaking TwinDragon Fist was one of the most difficult techniques that most of them desired to acquire!

“Heh! It’s simple. I killed your people and retrieved martial tome from the martial ring, and naturally, I’d beable to learn and acquire this martial skill!”

Jackie chuckled nonchalantly. His unperturbed tone and expression had shocked the Fourth Elder to theextreme.

According to what Jackie had said, would that not mean that he only learned and practiced thistechnique not long ago? This brat was definitely a master among the masters!

“Brat, who the hell are you? There is absolutely no way that there is such a master in the Nine Armies!”

The Fourth Elder gritted his teeth and stared at Jackie with his eyes full of malice and hatred. If this bratcontinued to grow, none of them would be able to defeat him!

“You wouldn’t believe me even if I told you that I’m from the abandoned world!”

Jackie smiled bitterly, and then with a tingle in his mind, the two huge dragon -shaped fists were cast out.

Sensing the terrifying fluctuations of Chi energy in Jackie’s attack, the Fourth Elder was in a completestate of shock. He then turned serious and somewhat determined, gritting his teeth and injecting moreChi energy into his huge aura tiger. Only then did he make the giant tiger charge out toward Jackie.


The giant tiger let out a terrifying tiger roar as it charged. The startling roar pierced through the forestresounded into the sky


On the other hand, Jackie’s Twin Dragons Fist also emitted the sound of a dragon’s roar. The battlescene resembled an epic fight between a dragon and a tiger!


The two huge fists instantly crashed onto the gigantic aura tiger. A white ray of light flashed the momentthe two Chi attacks collided, blinding the witnesses.

“No way! Our Fourth Elder is no match for the other party? Who the heck is he? That person is definitelynot from my clan. The strong fighters in my clan are all here and we definitely will not strike at the FourthElder!”

Noticing that the huge fists had gradually gained the upper hand in the battle, the First Elder startedsweating in fear.

The Second Elder, on the other hand, expressed his concerns, “First Elder, I’m afraid that the one who iscurrently in the battle with the Fourth Elder is also the one who killed your disciple, Simon. Is that personfrom the Nine Armies? But, that’s not possible either! We know all the strong people in the Nine Armiesand they were in their fortresses just now!”

“Motherf*cker! I must go over and take a good look!”

Rage flowed through the First Elder like lava. In a flash, he flew straight to the battlefield.

“They’re too far from us, First Elder! It ‘s too late to go there now!”

The Second Elder, Edward, and the others flew into the sky as well, and when they saw that the FirstElder headed straight to the battlefield without looking back, they could not do anything else but chaseafter him.


The huge ferocious tiger was soon blown into pieces, however, the two colossal dragon fists had onlybecome slightly transparent and dull. Although its Chi energy was reduced by a lot, it was still very solidand powerful, carrying a lot of Chi energy. The dragon fists went straight to the Fourth Elder withoutmercy.

“F*ck! No way! It can’t be…”

Watching the two huge fists coming at him ceaselessly, the Fourth Elder screamed in despair, his legswere wobbly with fear and his hands were cold and clammy. Finally, in his horrified eyes, the two hugedragon fists landed on his body, blowing him away and he crashed onto the ground, hard. The scenewas a bloody mess and one could hardly recognize the Fourth Elder anymore.

Jackie flickered, flew down, and took off his martial ring, then quickly gilded toward Nash and the others.“Go! We ve to leave this place now! The commotion is too big, and I’m afraid that some other strongfighters would come here, including the Master of the Bloodshed Clan! I’m afraid that all of thosepowerhouses will come!”

Chapter 1813 “Young Master Jackie, you really killed that old man in the ninth-grade ultimate god-level?”Melody looked at Jackie with expectations written all over her face.

Nash and the others also looked at Jackie as they really wanted to know the ending

After all, that was one of the Bloodshed Clan’s elders and could be considered one of the BloodshedClan’s top powers.

Jackie nodded. “Yes, I killed him. I’m not afraid now even if I have to fight the Bloodshed Clan’s sectmaster as I might be able to kill him. However, it would not work if too many of their people come over. Iwon’t be able to protect you guys. Come on, let’s leave now!”

Jackie quickly led those people away from the place after he finished speaking

Around ten minutes after they left, around a dozen people appeared at the place. These people wereeither the elders or the patrons of the Bloodshed Clan. All of them were looking at the body on theground with a sad and indignant look on their faces.

“Number four!” The First Elder flew down and directly knelt in front of the Fourth Elder. “Number four!Why… Why did you die such a horrible death?! Number four, who was the one that killed you? I willdefinitely avenge you! We shall definitely avenge you!” The Fourth Elder had a good relationship with theFirst Elder but no matter how the First Elder called out to him, the Fourth Elder was dead and was nolonger breathing.

“Who was that? Could it really be somebody from the Nine Armies who’s at the ninth-grade ultimate godlevel?” Edward had a cold expression on his face and he felt extremely bad.

“Pavilion master, take a look over here. There are two other disciples in the seventh-grade ultimate god-level here and many other disciples in the ultimate god-level have died here!” Finally, one of theirpatronus discovered a lot of Bloodshed Clan disciples’ bodies on the other side.

Edward and the others immediately flew over to take a look. They were so angry that their mouths weretrembling.

“I finally understand! I finally recall that there’s a person and he’s definitely the one who did this!” At thismoment, the Second Elder yelled loudly as he seemed to have remembered something.

“Who?” Edward and the others immediately looked over to Second Elder with a puzzling look on theirfaces.

“The First Fortress Master’s brother. Have you guys forgotten that he returned not long ago? He said thathe was wounded when he went to a place to search for treasures. He has been bedridden throughoutthis period of time because he was suffering from some weird poison. We haven’t seen this person untiltoday and I think it must be him. As for what he said about being wounded and poisoned by some weirdpoison, it must be fake or he has recovered since a long time ago!” The Second Elder said with anexpression on his face like he understood everything.

“F*ck! It must be him. Let’s go, sect master. Shall we attack the Nine Armies together?” The First Eldertightened his fists and said fiercely.

“However, there are still some fighting noises inside this forest. It looks like quite a number of people whocame from the abandoned world haven’t been completely killed yet.” Edward started frowning at thismoment. Although he was also very sad about the Fourth Elder’s death, he felt that it was too reckless todirectly attack the Nine Armies now.

The most crucial point was that the Nine Armies were not weak. They were not afraid of those people inthe past but quite a number of their masters have died. If they started a fight with the Nine Armies now,they would suffer huge losses even if they won.

“Pavilion master, those are people with low fighting prowess. On top of that, lesser fighting noises can beheard after we’ve killed them these two to three days. What does that represent? It means that almost allthe people who entered this area have died. They do not threaten us as much as the Nine Armies do!Besides that, our disciples will be unconvinced if we do not avenge the Fourth Elder!” The First elder saidangrily. He felt extremely bad that his disciple and best friend had died.

Chapter 1814 Edward was placed in a difficult situation when the First Elder said this. He had to admitthat the Nine Armies was definitely a thorn in their flesh and they had wanted to uproot this force for along time.

Previously, they planned to directly kill these people who entered from the abandoned world and theNine Armies would definitely join the fight as they were members of the Anti-Alliance Guard. They woulddefinitely do it even if it was just for show.

They had already secretly notified another force that was a member of the Alliance Guard to come overand assist them. This would ensure that they would be able to get rid of the Nine Armies easily.

By looking at the time, he estimated that the people of the Sword King Clan were arriving soon and hewanted to wait for them. However, the First Elder and other members were furious because of the FourthElder’s death. It looked like he did not have a choice apart from attacking the Nine Armies.

“That can work but we need to at least find an excuse? It definitely will not work if we don’t have anyreason to do that!” Edward thought about it and said with a frown on his face. “After all, we had justvisited them and they did not acknowledge that they sent people over to help those who entered thearea. I even gave them an ultimatum saying that I will kill those people they sent over and bring theskulls over to them. It would make sense if we go to them after we manage to capture or kill their people.It doesn’t make sense if we directly go over now to cause them trouble!”

The First Elder immediately replied, “What sort of proof do we need? Us, the Alliance Guard, and theAnti-Alliance Guard have always been opposing forces. On top of that, we don’t come to this treasure-filled forest often and search for precious items here because the Nine Armies is here. All of this is justso that we don’t get into fights with them. This is a great opportunity to get rid of them!”

The Second Elder also said, “That’s right, sect master. Don’t their refusal to admit to things show thatthey are afraid of us? Haha… You are so much stronger than their First Fortress Master now. If we goover now and kill their First Fortress Master, we would have defeated them, in terms of power. Whywould we need any excuses? We can just say that we saw their people kill quite a number of our peoplebut we failed to capture them!”

Edward remained silent for a couple of seconds before he finally nodded. “Alright, let’s just do that!”

After he finished speaking, the group of them quickly flew out of the forest and sent a flare to the sky.

“What’s happening? Why are they suddenly gathering us?” Many of the Bloodshed Clan disciples werepuzzled when they saw the flare as they were still fighting. However, they still flew up to the sky beforedirectly heading out of the forest.

“Are they retreating?” Many people who were almost killed were slightly relaxed when they saw that theBloodshed Clan disciples had retreated.

“I wonder how Jackie and the others are?” At this moment, many people had gathered on one of themountain tops and all of them were training in a sitting position.

Many people had broken through after spending several days in training. Some of them who were in thepeak stage of the true god-level previously had also successfully broken through into the first-gradeultimate god-level after they obtained the martial art technique.

“Everything should be fine if there aren’t any accidents, they should have broken through again by now!”Helena thought about it and said while smiling.

“They must have refined the third-grade intermediate pills if they managed to break through again andtheir fighting prowess must have increased greatly, especially Jackie. Based on his combat power… Tsk,tsk… It’s hard to imagine how he will be!” Daniella’s heart was jubilant when she mentioned Jackie. Shewas in a great mood for the past two days because Jackie hugged her when they said their goodbyes.

Chapter 1815 “That’s right! We’ve never seen such a talented master!” Many people started laughing

“That’s for sure as this is my eldest brother!” Randall also had a proud expression on his face as he saidhappily. “I’ve finally broken through into the firstgrade ultimate god-level. Unfortunately, it’s really toodifficult to catch up with my brother. I think it’s impossible during this lifetime!”novelbin

“That’s right! If Young Master Jackie hadn’t given us the martial art technique, how would we be able tobreak through into the first-grade ultimate god-level!” Another elder of the Tudor Family said happily. Hislifespan after breaking through into the first-grade ultimate god-level has increased by 200 years. Suchan increase in lifespan was definitely exciting for an old man like him, who was already in his seventies.

Apart from that, he looked so much younger after he broke through.

“If you guys want to repay their kindness, fight with your life in the battle later on. Jackie and the othersare buying us more time in order for us to break through faster with the martial enhancement resourceswe obtained. When the time comes, I’m sure that we can’t escape from a great battle and we have noidea how many members of the Bloodshed Clan are there. Sigh… There are only around 100 thousandof us here. More than half of the 400 thousand people have died!”

One of the old men started smiling bitterly. “There should be some of our people in the forest below butthere isn’t many.”

“I believe more people from the seas and the Cloud Sky Sect have died. Young Master Jackie and theothers did not extend their help to these people. On our way here, we saw many bodies of the Hall ofDivine Royal’s disciples. The Hall of Divine Royal and the Cloud Sky Sect can be considered destroyed!”Pavilion Master Harry of the Divine King Sect said after he smiled bitterly. “However, this forest is quitebig. I’m sure there are around ten thousand of their people who are still alive.”

“Those who can stay alive are those who are lucky or extremely talented. This is how the world is. Thereshould be around 600 thousand of our people and those from the seas that entered this area. Now, theremust be less than 200 thousand people alive with both forces combined!” One of the second classaristocratic family masters also sighed. He took a look at his family and only two thousand people wereleft out of the ten thousand people who came in. Many of their family members’ bodies lay in this forest.

“We have to thank Young Master Jackie for that. Without them, more of us would be dead by now.Previously, everybody was killing one another in order to obtain precious treasures. If Young MasterJackie did not notify us, we would still be clueless that there’s a force known as the Alliance Guard in thisarea. And by now, they would have wanted to kill us, the people who entered this area!” The sect masterof the Supreme Clarity Sect, Aureole, also sighed with extreme lament.

“Hey, the fighting noises seemed to have stopped. The Bloodshed Clan disciples seemed to have flownout of the forest!” Venus looked towards the direction of the outside of the forest and said with asurprised expression on her face.

Those condensed figures were obviously the Bloodshed Clan disciples.

“Could it be that they don’t plan to continue hunting us because they think that not many of us are left?”Harry was delighted. “This is great. What a wise choice Jackie made by asking us to wait here. Theyheard that there weren’t any fighting noises and after they searched for a while, they let us go as theythought that not many of us were left!”


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