No.1 Supreme Warrior by Moneto

Chapter 1776-1780
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chapter 1776-1780

Chapter 1776 “D*mn it! What’s happening? How can people in the Third-grade ultimate god level appear?” The manseemed all haughty before, but his expression distorted into fear at the sudden turn of events. He neverimagined that there were those in the Third-grade ultimate god level among those who entered the area.

A man in the Second-grade ultimate god level flew over to the man who was in the Third-stage ultimategod level with a serious look on his face. “This looks bad, Senior brother. The sect felt that there weren’tmany masters among these people, so they didn’t send many strong disciples into the area. They saidthat this is our training and asked us to kill to our heart’s content, but who’d know that there will bepeople in the Third-grade ultimate god level among them!”

Frowning, the middle-aged man thought about it and theorized, “Could they be members of the NineArmies? These people couldn’t have broken through so quickly as they have just entered this arearecently!”

The man in the Second-grade ultimate god level shook his head. “Impossible! These people obviouslyknow each other, and they’re also from the abandoned grounds!”

“Haha… Stop guessing and just accept your death!” Jackie laughed, and with a wave of his hand, ahorrifying wisp of aura went straight toward both men.

Blood drained from the faces of both the Bloodshed Clan disciples when they saw the long wisp ofenergy.


“A casual attack of his is comparable to certain martial skill. This guy is in the Fourth-stage ultimate godlevel!” After experiencing Jackie’s terrifying attacks, the man in the Third-stage ultimate god level took asword out with the flip of his hand before waving it toward Jackie.

With the wave of his sword, a scary wave of sword aura went straight toward Jackie. It was a powerfulmartial skill, evident with the thick amount of energy it had.


Alas, his martial skill could not contend against Jackie’s attack. The sword aura was crushed by the wispof energy Jackie casually threw forward and turned into dust.


“How can this be? My martial skill can’t even compete with that spontaneous attack of his?” The man inthe Third-grade ultimate god level was so frightened that his eyeballs almost popped out of their socketswhen he saw the situation. He could not believe that this was happening. After all, he was the formaldisciple of the Bloodshed Clan with quite a strong fighting prowess.


The next second, both him and the man in the Second-grade ultimate god level were hit by Jackie’sattack, even though an aura shield covered their body. They directly exploded into pieces of meat beforefalling out of the sky

Jackie rushed over and killed two other disciples in the Second-grade ultimate god level disciples, seeinghow they still persisted desperately. Titus, Kenneth, and the others soon defeated the remainingBloodshed Clan disciples.

“Young Master Jackie, what’s your current fighting prowess? How can you be so powerful? Those in theThird-grade ultimate god level stood no chance against you. I don’t think you’re in the Fourthgradeultimate god level!”

Chapter 1777 Melody flew over and questioned Jackie curiously after thanking him.

“Haha… Isn’t it obvious? I’m in the Fourthgrade ultimate god level, but my combat power is just slightlystronger than those in the Fourth-grade ultimate god level!” Jackie smiled humbly. At that moment, Nashand the others had gone over to help gather their trophies.

Aureole was at a loss for words at what they said. She was certain that this young man’s combat powerwas not only slightly stronger than those in the Fourth-grade ultimate god level. His casual wisp ofenergy caused the Bloodshed Clan’s disciples in the Second and Third-grade ultimate god level to burstinto pieces.

“By the way, Young Master Jackie, we heard from these people that they’re members of the BloodshedClan and even mentioned the Nine Armies. What’s going on? We don’t really understand the situation ofthis place, and it looks like the descendants of those who entered this area previously aren’t thatwelcoming.” Aureole thought about it and looked at Jackie puzzlingly. She hoped to learn some answersfrom Jackie.


Jackie gave a small smile before relaying the things he knew, adding, “It’d be in your best interest tofollow what I’ve said and gather at the mountaintop over there. Don’t engage in battles throughout thejourney, and hide under the trees while being quick on your feet. You guys won’t be discovered thateasily if you do.”

Aureole felt that Jackie’s plan seemed perfect as she nodded in satisfaction. “Alright, Young MasterJackie, we’ll listen to what you say. We hope that Young Master Jackie can catch them by surprise and

kill more of the Bloodshed Clan’s disciples. We’ll make this accursed Bloodshed Clan suffer so they’llknow that we’re not ones to be trampled over!”

Jackie nodded. “We can only try our best to secretly cost some losses among their people and wreakhavoc among them, but I won’t help those from the Cloud Sky Sect or those who came from the seas. It’sgood for them to be killed by the people of the Bloodshed Clan!”

“Haha… That’s for sure. Who knows how members of these two forces learned of our agreement andfollowed us into this area.” Aureole smiled and said to her people, “Everybody, come with me!”

Chapter 1777 Unexpectedly, Melody hesitated momentarily before she spoke to Aureole and Jackie,“Pavilion master, I’d like to stay with Jackie and the others. Those from the Bloodshed Clan have killedso many of our disciples, and now that I’m already in the Second-stage ultimate god level and not theFirst-stage ultimate god level, I believe that I’ll be of great help to them.”

“This…” Aureole was somewhat hesitant. After all, it was incredibly dangerous to stay, and Melody wasthe Supreme Clarity Sect’s sacred lady. She was the Supreme Clarity Sect’s next sect master, and theywould have no successor if Melody died.

Despite having other talented disciples, however, they were very much behind compared to Melody.

She eventually nodded as she gazed at Jackie.

“Alright, you can stay. At least you can be of help and can crush those in the First-stage ultimate godlevel.”

Jackie thought about it before he finally said, “Alright. It isn’t a problem if Ms. Melody wants to stay withus. I’ll cultivate a pill for you when I’m free, so let’s break through together. You should try your best toincrease your fighting prowess so we can teach the members of the Bloodshed Clan a lesson!”

Aureole then led her people away. Nash and the others had also stored the trophies they obtained intoseveral martial rings.

Once Aureole left with the rest, Melody offered Jackie a smile as she apologetically spoke, “So sorryabout what happened previously. We were too petty.”

“Haha… Don’t worry, I didn’t pay much attention to what happened. On top of that, what your people saidmade sense as we really are members of two different forces!” Jackie laughed heartily, looking as ifunfazed about what had happened.

Chapter 1778 “Haha… Ms. Melody, leaving with Jackie is the wisest choice. If I didn’t meet Jackie, wouldI be in the Third-grade ultimate god level now?” declared Alejandro earnestly beside them. “However,your current choice is quite right. Since you aren’t afraid of death, following Young Master Jackie willcertainly benefit you. Our Young Master Jackie is already a third-grade intermediate alchemist. I can seethat you have a stable realm, and I think everybody’s realm will stabilize after two more days. Let’s find achance to train together. You’ll surely break through into the Fifth-grade ultimate god level if you manageto refine a third-grade intermediate pill!”

“You… You’re already a third-grade intermediate alchemist?” Melody’s mouth hung widely after hearingall that, wondering if she was mistaken.

“Yes, but this isn’t enough. Recently, I don’t have time to continue trying out the cultivation of third-gradepremium pills. We’ll see what to do when I’m free. Now, we need to buy some time to cut down theBloodshed Clan. Let’s go. I’m afraid that the fighting noises here would attract new Bloodshed Clandisciples or monster beasts. With the current situation, we can only act when we need to rescue othersso that we won’t waste time.” With a nod, Jackie turned around and flew to another direction after hespoke.

Nash and the others immediately followed after him.

Melody, flying right behind them, was overwhelmed with shock. A third-stage intermediate alchemist wasalready extremely strong, and the pills cultivated by such an alchemist was enough to shock the peopleor masters in the ultimate god level.

Still, Jackie spoke in such a nonchalant manner about it.

Not long after Jackie and the others left, more than a dozen Bloodshed Clan’s disciples arrived at thearea, gazing at the corpses on the ground in sheer shock.

“What’s going on? What… What is this? Three who are in the Third-grade ultimate god level and manywho are in the Second Grade ultimate god level died? It doesn’t seem like most of their opponents havedied as well!” An old man who was in the Fourth-grade ultimate god level was stunned when he saw thebodies of the Bloodshed Clan’s disciples on the ground.

They met a group of trainers who came from the abandoned world, but they easily settled these peoplewho did not have a high fighting prowess. They immediately flew over when they heard fighting noisesnear them.

They did not expect the fighting noises to stop before they arrived at this area and · met with such ascene instead.

A Bloodshed Clan disciple in the Second Grade ultimate god level thought about it and, with shock stillplastered on his face, said, “Three of our people in the Thirdgrade ultimate god level had died. Doesn’tthis mean that there are people in the Fourth-grade ultimate god level among them? Otherwise, the threeof them wouldn’t have died here. Even if they failed to win the fight, couldn’t one or two of them escapeeasily?”

“Fourth-grade ultimate god level?” The old man had an extremely darkened expression on his face afterhe heard this. “Curses! How can people from a foreign land achieve such fighting prowess within one totwo months? Logically, those people have just arrived at this place less than two months ago, so how

could there be those in the Fourth-grade ultimate god level within such a short period? The members ofthe Nine Armies must’ve helped them!”

“Let’s go! We’ll report this to the elders and sect master immediately!”

Chapter 1779 The old man had forwarded his suggestion upon deliberation when he saw that the skyhad darkened.

They left the place afterward, leaving the corpses to be scavenged by prowling monster beasts.

At the same moment, Angus, Ella, and several young people were sitting on boulders located at ajunction outside the Nine Armies’ base.

“Oh, they’ve started fighting, alright. Members of the Bloodshed Clan sent people over early in themorning, dispatched into the forest to assassinate Helena and the others.” Angus thought of Helena’sbeautiful appearance and was worried.

Skye, who was by their side, smiled coldly and remarked, “You guys are still talking about Helena. Haha!Helena is probably a goner now, and it’s probably a horrible death, too. Her body might’ve been eaten bymonster beasts already!”

Angus clenched his fists in anger at Skye’s words and shot her a livid glare. “Impossible! I know she’llsurvive. After all, she’s in the First-stage ultimate god level, and seeing how many they were in numbers,they might be able to escape!”

“Haha… Young Master Angus, weren’t you quite smart all this while? Why has your intelligenceregressed just because of a woman? It’s true that she’s in the First Stage ultimate god level, but did youforget that there’s a Seventh-grade ultimate god level master among those who are hunting them? Howcan such a master fail to kill a person who’s in the First-grade ultimate god level? Would she be able to

escape from such a master?” Skye met his glare with her own heated stare at the thought of how Anguscared for Helena.

Unexpectedly, Hendrick chimed in, “No matter what, I refuse to believe she’s dead until I see her corpse.I hope that she’ll survive, even though there’s only one out of ten thousand possibilities.”

Ella frowned, face riddled with hesitance. “Sigh… There’s no other way. If the members of our NineArmies arrived at the forest earlier to help them, I’m sure Helena’s father and sisters could survive,whether or not Helena lives. However, since the Nine Armies plan to stay put right now, I’m afraid thatboth her sisters and her father could be slain by members of the Bloodshed Clan along with the others.”

“This is quite a large forest, but the Bloodshed Clan has lots of disciples. If they did a sweep of the entireforest, eighty to ninety percent of the people who entered this area might die. I’m afraid that not manypeople would be able to escape.” The fatty smiled bitterly before he continued, “If they comb the entireground two to three times or spend more time in this area, more of those people who came to this sacredground would die!”

Ella thought about it and said, “Don’t worry. The Nine Armies would only allow them to attack this placefor around three days, and they won’t pretend that they know nothing later on. Otherwise, the peoplefrom the Pavilion Billow Cloud would be unhappy when they arrive and see that the Nine Armies didnothing about the matter.”

Skye also nodded and said, “That’s right. We’re the nearest ones to this forest, and we normally seekprecious items in this forest. If we allow the people from the Bloodshed Clan to stay inside for a longtime, the people from the sects would be displeased for sure—those disciples might sneakily collect theprecious items in the forest, too!”

“This won’t work; we can’t stay here like sitting ducks. How about this: Let’s gather some people andsecretly enter the forest to give them a helping hand,” suggested Angus boldly as he grew increasinglyfrightened the more he thought of what was happening.

Chapter 1780 Angus’ suggestion infuriated Skye, who shot him a fiery glare. “Angus, have you gone crazy? Do youknow how dangerous that is? And you want to go in, too? Haha! Can you, with so many people guardingoutside the forest?”

Hendrick interceded, saying to Angus, “Young Master Angus, you can’t act impulsively. We can’t go inlike that; their men might kill us. After all, the Nine Armies won’t immediately make a huge scenebecause they killed several people. Let’s wait and see.”

Ella was also surprised and immediately helped to persuade Angus, “Angus, this is too impulsive of you.Do you think that the people from the Bloodshed Clan will allow us to go in? Allowing us to go in isallowing us to help kill their disciples. How would they allow that? They might cut us down the momentwe get to the entrance!”

Angus sighed and went back to sitting on the boulder he was sitting on previously. “Sigh… I can onlyworry for them as I listen to the ongoing fights in the area before us and how the Bloodshed Clandisciples are guarding outside the forest.”

His eyes lit up at this moment, and he spoke naively, “By the way, those people won’t be that vigilant atnight, right? At least they won’t think that somebody would want to go in by then, no? They’ll only beguarding against those inside who will rush out. If we fly right in at night, would they mistake us asBloodshed Clan disciples where we’re going in to help hunt Helena and the others down?”

“No way, no way! This is too dangerous! We’ll all be done for if they capture us!” Skye was tongue-tied. Itlooked like Angus was head over heels for Helena, willing to take such a great risk for that woman.novelbin

Angus thought about it and said, “If they catch us, we’ll just say that we don’t know what’s going on in thearea. It shouldn’t be a problem if we’re only entering the forest to search for treasures and spirited grass,right?”

However, Hendrick smiled bitterly. “Young Master Angus, do you truly think that they’re fools? If we’rethere to search for spirited grass, we’ll go over during the day and in the morning. Who’d run into theforest at night in search of spirited grass? Everyone knows that even a trainer with high fighting prowesscan’t go against the monster beasts at night. The monster beasts are so used to moving around duringnighttime, and some of them have exceptional eyesight that allows them to look a far distance. It’sillogical for us to go in at night if we’re really going over to search for precious items!”

“Sigh… If we wait for another two to three days to do something, who knows how many of those from theabandoned world will die!” Angus looked in the direction of the forest and sighed helplessly.

“There’s nothing we can do. The decision the First Fortress Master and the others had made is the mostbeneficial one for our Nine Armies. The Bloodshed Clan had always been somewhat stronger than ourNine Armies, and the First Fortress Master can’t compare to the Bloodshed Clan Master. We might notbe able to defeat them if we go straight into a battle against them. Allowing the people who entered thisarea to fight off some of the Bloodshed Clan disciples is really a good thing for us.”

The fatty smiled bitterly before he said, “Young Master Angus, I think you should stop thinking about Ms.Helena. She seems to have bewitched you and Young Master Hendrick’s. This won’t work, and the twoof you need to brace yourselves that she has already died. On top of that, we should focus on training asmen and not get caught up in relationship issues.”


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