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Chapter 3370

Jackson said, “I just can’t understand anything they do anyway. I can’t figure out why they would do thisand let us figure out their goals. Would they have anything to gain from that? I feel like there are onlynegatives…”

“We’ll end up fighting back, and the more cowardly ones will end up hiding, causing them even moretrouble. Dragging things might not be good for them.”

Christian nodded emphatically, feeling like Jackson was right.

After Trent thought for a long time, he suddenly said, “Don’t use our logic on them. Since they’ve doneit, it must benefit them in some way. When we notice something wrong with the situation, we won’t justfight back. We will also start to feel fear. We’ll constantly be tortured by fear.”

”Fear and pain are things that can speed up blood essence flowing into the heart. That’s also whythey’re torturing us. Pain will cause blood essence to flow into our hearts and form Heartblood.”

When he said that, everyone widened their eyes.

Rudy nodded and shot Trent a thumbs up.

“You’re still the most reliable one. Why didn’t I think about that? That has to be the reason. All thesepeople are putting in so much effort to gather even more Heartblood. Even though we still don ‘t knowwhat it’s used for, there has to be a reason they’re putting in so much effort for it!”

Jackson’s expression froze as he started to tense up.

He said in a rough tone, “Those despicable animals are even worse than I thought. In order to tortureus, they’re tryng everything they can. We shouldn’t fall for it…”

“We really are living in fear at the moment. We’re afraid of the future and afraid of the uncertainty ofdeath. It causes us to feel even more tortured. I can even feel my blood essence flowing into my heart,fulfilling their wishes!”

As he said that, pain could be seen in Jackson’s eyes.

Jackson hated the warriors from the second-grade worlds incredibly deeply. He wanted nothing morethan to rip them apart, but his abilities were limited, so he was forced to suffer in this endless pain.

Christian sighed as he looked into the distance, “This has always been a world where the strongdominated. I thought that I was already used to cruelty, but it looks like I was too naive. I neverexpected this world to be so much crueler than I had thought.”

No one could hold back from sighing. No matter what they did, there was no way they could change thesituation in front of them.

They were forced to hope that someone as strong as Jack would be able to turn the tables. At the veryleast, they wanted to leave this place alive.

Trench said helplessly, “I wonder how Jack is doing. Could he have stumbled on anythinginconvenient?”

In truth, Trent wanted to ask if Jack would be in danger, but he changed what he said. After all,someone as strong as Jack would not be in any danger unless Jack wanted to.novelbin

He was worried that something unexpected would happen to Jack because Jack was the hope in hisheart. If anything happened to Jack, then they would lose their last flicker of hope.

Trent despaired just thinking about it.

Right at that moment, they heard footsteps coming from outside, and everyone was on full alert.

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