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Chapter 3225

“Just like you said, it’s purely because he looks down on your clan. So what? Isn’t that somethingnormal when it comes to disciples of high grade clans? You’ve done this before as well. Are you theonly one allowed to do it?”

“I told you to watch your temper before entering the inner city. After all, there are warriors from fourworlds here! Even if the Golden Continent ranks low among second grade worlds, it’s still a secondgrade world. We can’t underestimate them!”

The younger man tried very hard to advise the older man, hoping that the older man would be able toaccept his words.

The older man only thought of venting his frustrations. He could not stand what had happened. He feltlike his dignity had been trampled on.

Jack raised an eyebrow at the arguments below. His eyes had a curious glint in them. He had notexpected there to be warriors from four worlds there. Even the warriors from Chaos Continent were notable to act like kings.

In the middle city, the warriors from Chaos Continent were stronger on average. That was becausetheir world was the strongest one out of the three.

It was said that Chaos Continent was only a sliver away from becoming a second grade world. In just afew more centuries or millennia, they stood a good chance of being promoted. However, even with thatpossibility, they were still a third grade world. There was still a gap between them and the GoldenContinent.

Rudy’s expression darkened when he heard the conversation below. He looked up at Jack with someworry.

Jack’s expression remained calm as if he did not really care about what was happening downstairs.

The two of them did not say much as they walked upstairs. When they got to their room, Rudy couldnot hold himself back from pulling Jack to the table in the room, and sitting Jack down before Rudy satin front.

He held his words back, pouring some tea and putting a cup in front of Jack before he took a deepbreath and said, “Is the Golden Continent dangerous?”

It was a bit of a sudden question.

Jack sipped some of the tea before he laughed and said, “Are you worried that I can’t beat the warriorsfrom Golden Continent?”

Rudy’s lips stiffened, wanting to deny it. That was because it would look like he did not trust Jack.novelbin

He thought about it for a while but still nodded. After being with Jack for so long, he already saw Jackas an elder brother. He did not want to hide these things.

When Jack saw the node, he let out a laugh, “You don’t have to worry. Even though I don’t know howstrong the warriors from Golden Continent are exactly, normal warriors are still no match for me…”

Rudy sighed before he gulped down his tea, pushing down his panic.

“I know that third grade worlds have never been your goal. Even second grade worlds are beneath you.You’ve always been looking at first grade worlds, but you still don’t know how strong the warriors ofsecond grade worlds are. The unknown is dangerous…”

“You usually make a lot of enemies too. We should be careful. just like what that person below said,let’s not provoke them. We should just keep our distance!”

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