No.1 Supreme Warrior

Chapter 2331-2335
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chapter 2331-2335

Chapter 2331 Jackie raised his brow slightly as he said, “Even though the eight-tailed snake is incredibly strong, it’s notlike it can’t be beaten. Since you’re ready, let’s go.”

Hearing Jackie’s words, Graham had a sour look on his face. He felt like Jackie was too pretentious andthat Jackie’s words were too monotonous. It was as if Jackie implied he was a powerful individual.Graham’s face darkened a bit, and he wanted nothing more than to say some foul words to incite Jackie.

He wanted Jackie to stop showing off like he was the best of the best. However, he knew as well thatJackie would not just take it lying down, and he might end up retaliating

If that awkward situation happened, they could just forget about working together. With that, Grahamheld back his exasperation as he walked toward the eight-tailed demonic snake with Jackie.

The masked man and the others saw that Jackie had made his move and could only look on withwidened eyes. The masked man’s anger started to boil over.

Moments ago, he had felt incredibly uncomfortable being laughed at by Jackie and the others, and hewanted nothing more than to find somewhere to hide.


Zamian, on the other hand, knew what was making the masked man uncomfortable and hurriedly startedwith his flattery.

“Don’t worry! With their skills, they won’t be able to stand against the eight-tailed demonic snake. Thebeast will bulldoze them completely, and the two of them won’t ever be able to pass. Only you will beable to climb the Divine Void Slope!”

His words sounded incredibly certain, as if he wanted nothing more than to shout it out to the world. Themasked man’s expression mellowed out, and his mood slowly improved, too.

The earlier awkwardness had sent his anger to its limits, and he felt like a few vicious slaps had beendelivered to his face.


The masked man smiled coldly as he said loudly,” You two should know your place. It’d be disastrous ifyou’re just swallowed up by the snake!”

The words were full of mockery, meant specifically for Jackie and Graham. The northern clans’ disciplesreddened in anger the moment they heard those words.

If it had been before, they might have kept quiet due to who the masked man was, but the masked man’searlier actions had been too evil.

If Jackie had not come out, the masked man might have slaughtered the rest of them. They were stillfilled with frustration and anger, and they could no longer hold it back after the masked man’s words.

Benjamin stepped forward. “Hey, disciple of the Corpse Pavilion, even though I still don’t know yourname, you’ve left a deep impression on us.

“Why does it seem like all you know is mockery? Have you forgotten that your words were always metwith a slap in the face every time?”

“When you saw us, you had such a shocked look on your face. Is it because you thought we’d neverguess your plan?! It looks like you’ve really overestimated yourself!”

“Who wouldn’t be able to see through that little trick of yours? Honestly, we have to thank you for oureasy trip here!”

To this, the other disciples of the Thousand Leaves Pavilion joined in, jeering.


“That’s right! Of course we have to thank that disciple with the mask on. If he hadn’t cleared so manyobstacles for us, we’d never have arrived here so easily. We didn’t encounter any dangers on the wayhere at all!”

They chimed in one after another and all those words were like stabs after stabs onto the masked man’sheart. His anger that had just been suppressed boiled up again and exploded.

Chapter 2332 The masked man was so enraged that he scrambled to stand up, albeit struggling when he did, wantingto fight with the northern disciples, even daring to bet his life on the line.

Alas, he had yet to recover from his injuries and could not even stand up.

The disciples next to him hurriedly helped the masked man up, and Zamian even tried to console him,saying, “Don’t get angry; these are just petty remarks made by insignificant people. If you weren’t injured,they wouldn’t have even dared to say all that. You’ll surely recover eventually, and you can show themwho’s boss after that!”

The masked man was so angry his entire body was trembling. His anger boiled within his heart, and hespat out another mouthful of blood.

Jackie’s lips twitched at the sight.

Even though the masked man was incredibly strong and talented, he was rather frail in his mentality. Justa few words were enough to have him spitting out blood in anger. He was far too weak on that front.

Just as Jackie’s thoughts wandered, a sticky energy suddenly enveloped his body. He immediatelyturned his head to look at Graham next to him, and Graham’s expression changed as well.

Before they could even figure what was happening, their vision blurred as they were suddenly pulled intoan isolated space.

When their surroundings cleared up, Jackie was shocked to notice that he was only less than a hundredmeters away from the eight-tailed snake that was in the middle.

When he stepped inside the barrier, the snake seemed to have come alive, and its beady red eyesstared right at Jackie.

Its breath reeked of blood, and the whole place stank of the same ominous stench of blood, too.

Jackie let out a sigh, not able to entirely suppress the surprise he felt. After all, he never expected that hewould suddenly be teleported.

He was not the only one caught unaware, as Graham seemed visibly shocked, too. The masked manhad naturally not been kind enough to tell them that they would be teleported inside.

Furthermore, the two eight-tailed snakes they were facing launched their attacks before the two of themcould even recover from their surprise.

The eight-tailed snake adopted an attacking stance, and Jackie’s eyes stared right into the snake’s redeyes.

Before Jackie made a move, the eight-tailed snake bared its fangs and rushed right at Jackie.

In his shock, he immediately twisted space, suddenly teleporting 30 meters away and heard a crash.

The eight-tailed snake’s head viciously crashed into where Jackie was earlier.

Looking at the massive crater on the ground, Jackie started to have a nervous look on his face. The eighttailed snake’s attack had been far too quick. No wonder it raised its head earlier—it was charging up!

If not for Jackie mastering the laws of space, he might not have been able to avoid that speed. Jackiewas even more shocked that such a large crater had formed just from the demonic snake’s head!

The snake, on the other hand, was not injured whatsoever. Its scales seemed to be the strongest scalesin the world. It did not seem like any amount of force would be able to break through!

Looking at that scene, Jackie helplessly thought that If he did not know the eight-tailed demonic snake’sweakness, he would never be able to break through those scales on the snake’s body no matter how heattacked

When the outsiders saw that scene, they widened their eyes. Samson lost his voice slightly when heexclaimed, “That’s way too fast; it only took a blink of an eye! If I was there, I would’ve died from thatblow!”

His words were not exaggerated at all. If Samson had faced the eight-tailed demonic snake, he wouldnot have been able to avoid it!

Chapter 2333 Jackie successfully avoided the eight-tailed demon snake’s attack and seemed to triggerthe eight-tailed snake’s competitive spirit. The snake got faster and faster, and anger glossed over itseyes.

It was the first time Jackie had seen anger in the eyes of a beast. At the same time, he had no idea whythe snake would be so… infuriated.

Of course, the eight-tailed snake could not give Jackie an answer. A piercing sound met his ears as theeight -tailed demonic snake raised its tail and attacked Jackie with a speed that could not be seen bysome of the people.

Those constant, unending attacks gave Jackie a huge headache. It was at that moment did he realizewhy the masked man was so badly wounded.

The eight-tailed snake’s tail attacks were not something a normal person could withstand. Furthermore,the eight-tailed snake seemed incredibly versed in combat; each attack was aiming at a fatal blow.

Not even a god could withstand the constant attacks!

Jackie took a deep breath as he mentally lamented. If he did not have the memories left behind for him,he might not have been able to pass this stage.

After all, the eight-tailed demonic snake was far too strong. It did not have any martial skills or specialabilities, and it relied on pure physical strength!

Its whole body was covered with a layer of scales, and slaying it would be an incredibly difficult feat,especially if one knew not its weakness and if an individual had not the strength greater than the eight -tailed snake!

Thinking about that, Jackie could not help but mumble to himself, “I can’t delay it anymore! If I keepdelaying, my true energy will be exhausted!”

Thinking about that, he once again used the laws of space. This time, he did not avoid the attack byheading outward and instead teleported straight to the snake’s back.

He floated behind the snake and clearly felt that aura that could not be ignored coming from the eighttailed demon snake. A dense layer of demonic energy surrounded its body.

The scales on its back were as hard as steel, so much so that even steel might not be able to compare.The black scales looked incredibly strong under the blood -colored glow of the moon.

The masked man could not help but laugh coldly at the scene.

“What is Jackie trying to do? Is he planning on attacking the snake’s back? Is something wrong with hisbrain? Doesn’t he know that fiends usually had the hardest defense around their backs?!

“Even I wouldn’t dare to attack its back; that’d just be a waste of time. It seems like this brat lacksexperience in battle after all!”novelbin

The moment he said that, Griffin, who had just been quietly standing in the corner, finally found a chanceto speak up. Griffin hurriedly said, “You’re right! This guy has no battle experience. Based on what Iknow, he had only fought within the clan a few times. Even though he won every battle, it’s still a verysmall number of battles!

“Someone like him can’t possibly have the most basic of knowledge!”

Griffin’s words made the masked man incredibly happy. He nodded at Griffin, feeling like not killing thebrat, Jackie, at the start had been a brilliant decision. At the very least, it made him feel a little better.

Chapter 2334 “I knew there was something wrong with Jackie’s brain!”

At that moment, Jackie raised the black sword and unleashed an attack toward the back of the eighttailed demon snake, and everyone else watched on, their expressions changing as they spectated with acomplicated expression.

A few of them felt like Jackie was lacking in knowledge. Did he not know that beasts like the eight -taileddemonic snake, who were strong defensively and physically reliant, had their strongest defenses at theirbacks?

Did he think that his attack had already exceeded the restrictions of his level and would be able to piercethrough the eight-tailed demonic snake’s defenses?

This time, even those from the northern clans who had faith in Jackie did not know what to say.

“What’s Jackie doing? Why is he risking his life on the line to attack the eight-tailed snake’s back?! Is hetrying to waste his true energy?”

Their confusion was evident in their questions.

Jackie’s actions were no doubt difficult to understand.

Isaiah clutched Nelson’s hand incredibly tightly. He then spoke to Nelson, his voice lowered, “What doyou think Jackie is doing? I know he’s always had his own opinion of things, and I feel like he’s notsomeone who would do things frivolously…”

In truth, Isaiah did not know any better way to describe it. Nelson knew what Isaiah wanted to say; Jackiewas not an idiot. However, everything Jackie was doing seemed to be proving that Jackie lacked somebrain cells!

The masked man started to laugh out loud. “I can’t believe he’s genuinely attacking the hardest part.Graham would indefinitely not do something like that.

“Everyone knows that no matter what manner of fiend they are, their stomachs are the softest section oftheir body. The stomachs are always the best place to attack! Yet, this guy seemed to not understandanything. I want to laugh just looking at him putting his life on the line that!”

Griffin stood behind the masked man with an elated look on his face. Just like the masked man, he wouldbe over the moon as long as something unfortunate happened to Jackie.

Jackie looked like a fool, doing something that completely lacked common sense. Griffin was so happythat his mouth was about to fall off from smiling!

He had never cared if he would be punished when he returned to the clan or not. After all, he hadalready been certain of the fact that Jackie would not leave this place alive. Isaiah and Nelson wouldabsolutely not make it back, either!

The Dual Sovereign Pavilion had sent 20 of them here. Other than him, no one would be allowed to goback!

Howard had already died in the hands of the masked man. Even though that stained Griffin’s impressionof the masked man, he still suppressed all his hatred for the sake of survival.

He ignored everything else that happened.

Who cared about what those people outside were talking about? Whatever they were talking about,Jackie did not care at all. His mind was purely on the eight-tailed demonic snake at that moment.

The eight-tailed demonic snake was intelligent, no doubt, different from any regular beasts. At thatmoment, it should have already noticed something wrong with that brat it could not handle.

The brat insisted on tickling the beast’s body. It definitely felt like something was wrong with Jackie’smind, attacking the scales that could definitely not be pierced through. The eight-tailed snake hadactually started to relax against Jackie.

It was like a mouse being toyed by a cat after being caught. It happily wanted to torture Jackie.

With a clap, Jackie once again avoided the eight-tailed demonic snake’s attack. He had already used upquite a lot of true energy.

After all, bending the laws of space required a lot of true energy.

Instead, Jackie did not seem to be too focused on attacking the eight-tailed snake’s back and seemed tobe sending in a few symbolic attacks.

Chapter 2335 Just as everyone genuinely thought Jackie was a brainless individual, Jackie took another deep breathas he formed a few seals on his hand. He activated the laws of space again, using it to its limits.

He went from floating around the eight-tailed snake’s back to suddenly appearing in front of it, catchingthe eight-tailed demonic snake by complete surprise.

The eight-tailed demonic snake took its time attacking Jackie all this while, thinking Jackie was dull-witted. It definitely did not expect that Jackie would suddenly appear in front of it.

Jackie narrowed his eyes, his mind quickly churning as his eyes settled on the area beneath the snake’sforehead.

Jackie shouted out in a low voice, “Two meters below the snake’s head! The scale should be there!”

The moment he said that, he launched forward like a bullet and headed to the position he determined. Atthat moment, he had nothing else in his mind, not even wondering if the eight-tailed demonic snake hadnoticed his plans.

His hands constantly formed some seals as a grayish-black light glowed from his fingers. After that, hequickly formed 35 Soul Swords on the black blade!

“Destroying the Void!” exclaimed Jackie. “Die!”

The moment he said that, the black blade surged forward, piercing into the snake.

Everything had happened far too quickly. The eight tailed demon snake never thought for a second thatJackie was, all this while, a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Attacking the scales on its back were merely toattract its attention.

In truth, he had long known the eight-tailed demonic snake’s weakness. Its body was fully covered inscales, and the only weak point was two meters below its forehead where a gray scale was positioned.

That gray scale was where it absorbed true energy, and it was the weakest point on its body!

Everyone heard a crack at the scale shattered. The black blade pierced right into the eight-taileddemonic snake’s body, and a gray energy surged out of the blade in Jackie’s hand.

It was a massive Soul Sword formed by 35 Soul Swords merging together. It was the strongest attackJackie could use.

The massive Soul Sword pierced its body. In a flash, it penetrated the snake’s body and killed its soul!

The fiend’s soul was never that strong in the first place. Being attacked by Destroying the Void causedimmense pain on its soul, sending the snake into a ballistic frenzy.

It opened its mouth and let out a roar as its whole body started to twist and turn.

Jackie was already completely depleted of energy at that moment. The snake’s wild thrashing hadcaused its eight tails to constantly assault its surroundings!

Alas, Jackie was hit with one of the beast’s tails with an audible thud. Jackie felt like his internal organshad been shattered as he flew across the air.

Thankfully, the snake’s soul had already been attacked. All of its actions were merely a reaction to painand not targeted attacks in any direction.

Despite being sent zipping across the air, Jackie was miraculously safe, not suffering any seriousinjuries.

With a bang, Jackie fell to the ground. He coughed intensely as he grabbed one of his arms, sitting upfrom the ground

His hands trembled slightly, and the black blade had already flown out of his hand from the earlier attack.


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