No.1 Supreme Warrior

Chapter 2096-2100
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chapter 2096-2100

Chapter 2096 Two pairs of eyes stared beggingly at Jackie. They were too shocked by what just happened before theireyes. The eldest brother, who was stronger than both of them, stood no chance against Jackie at all.Was Jackie even human? How could he be so monstrously strong when he was only at the initial stageof innate level?

This kind of blow made all their resistance disappear. They were not shy to kneel before Jackie. After all,what’s the use of dignity when one is so close to death? Dudley vigorously knocked his head against theground three times. It was as if Jackie was the ancestor of his eighteenth generation. Instantly, hisforehead was swollen and red.

“My Lord, please be the bigger person and spare our lives. We really had no intention of killing you andwere just following orders,” said Dudley who was begging in tears.

Damian knocked his head against the ground too while begging, “I don’t want to die yet! I beg of you tochalk all this down to our youthful ignorance and let us go. We will definitely tell anyone what happenedhere. We will not stay here. We will immediately return to the Corpse Pavilion and never come outagain!”

The two of them desperately knocked their heads a few more times. Jed curled his lips in disdain andsaid provocatively, “Are you sure the two of you are the disciples of a fourth-grade Clan association?How can you be so spineless? A man should only kneel down to heaven, earth, his parents, and hismaster. You’re not a man at all to kneel down at this moment.”

After hearing this, Dudley suddenly raised his head and stared at Jed with an angry look. “You shut yourtrap. My life is more important than my pride. I bet you’ll be kneeling too if you’re in my place!”


The words struck Jed’s nerves. Just moments before, he did not really care whether they live or die butnow, he was a cock that had been defeated in a fight and was blowing up his feather.novelbin

“What did you say? Did you hear what he said, Brother Jackie? We should torture them before we endtheir lives!” He was shouting so loudly that Dwight had to cover his ears.

Dwight glanced sideways at Jed. He wanted to remind Jed how he treated Jackie before all this. Itseemed as if he had made a hundred and eighty degree change of attitude after Jackie showed themwhat he could do.

Jackie ignored Jed. In fact, he did not even look at him. Instead, he walked two steps forward, looked atDudley, and said, “Whether you can get out of here alive or dead depends on what you can do for us.”


He killed Derek because he was the strongest of the three brothers and also to use his death to frightenhis two brothers. After all, he still had a lot of questions that needed answers from them.

Derek’s eyes lit up when he heard the underlying meaning of Jackie’s words. The corners of his mouthinched up to a placating smile. “Don’t worry, I will gladly answer all your questions. I will tell you whateverI know, as long as you let us go…”

Jackie looked at them with a half-smile and he retracted back his awe-inspiring murderous aura. Withoutit, he looked just like the friendly boy-next-door.

“Then tell me, why did the Corpse Pavilion take so much effort to come to the Mount Beasts and how canwe deactivate the trap array you guys have set up?”

These two issues were the most important thing they had to figure out right now.

Chapter 2097 “You two bastards better not say anything! I’ll haunt you to the ends of the world if you do!” shoutedRobin suddenly.

Both Dudley and Damian trembled when they heard his threat. After all, they were of an inferior positionto him and had to bow to him every time they saw him. Their faces were already pale, to begin with, butall remaining blood drained out of them, making them even paler.

Jackie frowned and then raised his right hand, and a gray-black light instantly stabbed Robin again.

“Ahh!” screamed Robin in pain. This time his screams were even more violent than before. His soul wasalready riddled with holes after being hit by Jackie’s Destroying the Void move and now his soul wasrendered even more precarious with the latest attack.


This time he felt that his soul had been completely torn apart, and his consciousness gradually blurred.An injury of this degree could not be saved. He had at most another two to four hours to live.

His shrill screams reverberated in Dudley’s and Damian’s eardrums. Beads of cold sweat soaked theirtemples and neck. Both of them were breathing fast, and they seemed as if they would faint any time.

Jackie arched his eyebrow and said in a calm tone, “If you don’t tell me everything you know, I will makesure that you won’t enjoy a quick death like your dear brother. Robin is the best example. Do you knowwhy he is suffering so much? It’s because I am destroying and stripping his soul with the Soul Sword.The most unbearable pain in the world is having your soul slain.”

Hearing this, the two brothers fell into despair. Both of their breathing had become stagnant because ofthe immense fear they were feeling. Dudley felt that his scalp was numb and his face was stiff. Only thetrembling corners of his mouth showed that he was still alive.

He nodded heavily and said, “Rest assured that we will tell you everything we know. Just please don’tstrip our souls!”

Jackie arched his brow and said, “Then you will do well to answer my questions now!”

With some difficulty, Dudley took a deep breath and said, “We are really just minions. We know little ofthe Corpse Pavilion’s plans but what I can tell you is that we came from other states to Mount Beastsusing the transporter. We arrived a month ago. After entering the mountain, we set up the trap array andbegan building many transporters. I think they were hoping to bridge the gap between the north and thesouth so that the disciples of the Corpse Pavilion can come to the north without any hindrance…”

Jackie narrowed his eyes, pressed his chest forward, and looked down at the trembling Dudley who waskneeling on the ground. “You swear you’re telling the truth?”

Dudley nodded vigorously and even put up his hand. “I swear to heaven everything I said is true. I willdie a thousand deaths if any of it is untrue.”

Jackie nodded, his expression still frightening. After hearing these words, Jed and others frowned, andthe atmosphere became a lot more serious.

Chapter 2098 “I knew they were definitely up to no good! I can’t believe they’re building transporters..Could it be that they plan to launch a war against the Thousand Leaves Pavilion? But as far as I know,the Thousand Leaves Pavilion and Corpse Pavilion are on par with each other. There’s no doubt that itcould end up with both sides suffering heavy losses and even if they win, the benefits would far outweighthe cost,” muttered Dwight.

Albion nodded in agreement. “You are right, even if the two Clan associations really fight, the final resultwill not be a one-sided victory. Unless…the Corpse Pavilion has some tricks up their sleeves…”

Generally speaking, two Clan associations of equal strength would not engage in a large-scale battleunless they have deep grievances or it involves significant interests. After all, doing so would result in alose-lose situation. In the end, even if one side won, it was very likely that the gain will not be worth theloss, so there would be no war between the two Clan associations without a last resort, but it seemedlike a war was what the Corpse Pavilion was aiming for. Otherwise, why would they go to such length toset up so many transporters to bring their disciples over?

Albion took a step forward, looked down at Dudley, and asked, “Is the Corpse Pavilion planning to launcha war against the Thousand Leaves Pavilion?”

Dudley shook his head. “Didn’t I just say I’m a minion that doesn’t know anything? Why would the higher-ups tell us what they’re planning to an ordinary informal disciple like me?”

Albion thought about it then nodded grudgingly. Dudley was indeed a minion and there was no way hewould know any confidential information. He blamed himself for being impatient to ask something likethat.

“And the second question?” asked Jackie.

Dudley frowned slightly as if he did not want to tell, but he knew that if he did not answer Jackie, hewould be dead in a second. “You’ll need an entry token to get out.”

Jackie straightened up and asked, “Do you have it?”

Dudley shook his head. “Not everyone has an entry token to prevent this exact kind of situation fromhappening. You will be able to get out of the trap array once you get your hands on the array token butthen you will also be found out…”

Jackie sighed lightly and stared regretfully at them. Seeing this did not make Dudley feel the slightestrelief at all. Instead, his neck tightened, for he had immediately understood what Jackie was thinking.

In other words, he did not prove to be useful enough, for he did not have the entry token. In the end,death still found its way to him. He shuddered and quickly said, “But I know Robin has it. Not everyonehas the entry token. It will only be placed with important people for emergencies. Robin is close to ourelder clan brother since Robin had always fawned over him. He gave Robin an entry token which youcan find on him. An opening will appear as long as this entry token is integrated into the trap array with aspecial method and then you’ll be able to get out of here through that opening.”

Jackie arched his brow. ‘Which means I still need to keep you alive.’ Time would tell whether Dudley wastelling the truth. Lying still on the ground, Dudley took two steps forward with his knees and reached outto grab Jackie’s pants but his hand was smoothly evaded by him.

Chapter 2099 “There’s no need for that. Just say whatever you need to say.”

Dudley’s face turned a little purple. He did not care about anything anymore. “I beg you. Please spareme. I will definitely take you out and keep our mouths shut as long as you let us go.”

Jackie nodded. They were his best shot. Jackie and the others should be safe as long as they keptwatch over the two brothers to ensure that they could not send any message to the other disciples of theCorpse Pavilion.

However, Jackie keenly perceived the different meanings of what Dudley had just said. He turned aroundand stared at him with cold eyes. “How many days has it been since the trap array was set up?”

After calculating in his mind, Jackie realized that it had been more than ten days since he stepped footinto the mountain. He did not feel any obstruction coming in here, that was to say, the trap array had notbeen set up at that time.

“Around nine or ten days,” said Dudley after mentally calculating it.

“And not one Thousand Leaves Pavilion people came here during that time?” asked Jackie.

Dudley shook his head and replied very sincerely, “Not that I’ve heard of. The trap array we set up hasnever been attacked. Several cultivators who escaped our line of sight attacked the trap array from withinthe trap array.”

Hearing this made Jackie even more surprised. According to his statement, the trap array had been setup for at least nine days and yet the Thousand Leaves Pavilion never noticed anything strange duringthat period?

After all, would it not be strange if none of the disciples returned to the sect in those nine days? Undernormal circumstances, they would definitely find something off about this so how was it possible that theydid not send out men to annihilate the Corpse Pavilion disciples in the mountain?

If Jackie were a senior member of the Thousand Leaves Pavilion, he would immediately send people toinvestigate after he noticed something amiss, and then launch an attack to rescue the disciples trappedIn the array and destroy the plan of the Corpse Pavilion. However, nine days had passed and there wasstill no movement from the Thousand Leaves Pavilion.

Neither did they send anyone to rescue the disciples trapped inside, nor launched an attack. It was as ifthey were blissfully unaware of what was happening. Jackie’s expression became more solemn at thethought of this.

He glanced sideways at Dwight and the others and saw that their expressions were also very strange.This was definitely not a normal situation. Maybe the Thousand Leaves Pavilion was under attack rightnow or ran into some other accident. However, they had no way of finding out since they were stilltrapped there.

“Jed, bury the bodies and tidy up the surroundings. We will set off to the mountain border once all that isdone,” said Jackie.

Hearing this, Jed became baffled. He pointed at the bodies on the ground and asked, “Why do I have tobe the only one to do the cleaning up?”

Jackie chuckled and gazed at him softly, “Because I find you displeasing. You don’t have to do what Isay. I just won’t bring you out with me.”

They were strangers, to begin with, and though Jackie found Jed to be friendly at first, he soon provedhim otherwise. Besides, Jackie not only provided them with a place to heal their wounds but also tookthem out of their predicament. Without him, they would have been long dead.

Chapter 2100 Jed kept talking nonsense along the way. As long as Jackie said something wrong, he would ridicule himwith harsh words. Jackie was not the type of person who allowed others to bully him. The fact that hehad endured Jed for so long was mercy enough.

Jed looked at Jackie’s cold face. Although his tone was calm and there was not a hint of anger on hisface, he also knew that if he defied Jackie’s orders, he would leave him there without hesitation.

Albion wanted to say something to ease the atmosphere but was held back by Dwight. Dwight wasobviously smarter than Jed. He knew that if Jackie did not get his revenge on Jed now, there would bemore hell to pay later, down the road.

“Why do you find me displeasing?” asked Jed, flushed with humiliation.

“Think about all that you have said to me before. As I said, it’s up to you whether you want to do what Isay or be left alone here,” said Jackie with a smirk.

He then called Nash over as if getting ready to leave the place. Seeing this made Jed panic. “I’ll do it! I’llbury the bodies!”

He immediately began to deal with the dead body on the ground and restored the place to its originalappearance, leaving no trace of the previous fierce battles. After doing all this, he wiped the sweat fromhis forehead and though his face was a little stiff, he still did not dare to say anything.

Jackie nodded in satisfaction. He tied up Dudley’s and Damian’s hands firmly and sealed their meridianswith true energy. Finally, the group of people left the place. Through Dudley’s guidance, they found theshortest way to leave the mountain.

They remained alert even though they had tasted victory. Dwight walked in the forefront, his perceptionon high alert. They walked cautiously, for fear that they would meet one or two disciples of the CorpsePavilion, though, with Jackie there, they were not particularly afraid.

Still, Dudley had told them that there were not only powerful clan brothers in the mountain but alsoseveral elders and deacons stationed in the mountain. They were afraid of attracting the attention ofthese people, so they moved very slowly, taking every step carefully, and after four hours they finallycame to the border of the mountain.

Standing on tiptoes and looking out, they could still see the spring smoke from the town outside. The traparray was like an invisible barrier, and the entire mountain was trapped inside.

They sighed with relief at finally having reached the border. The past few days had passed by in anervous haze; it was as if a shackle had been locked around their throats, making it difficult for them tobreathe.

“We can finally leave this place!” said Jed, overcome with emotions.

Just when he wanted to say a few more words, there was a sudden movement from the field in thedistance, as if something was rubbing against the grass, and the nerves that had just loosened tightenedagain.

Several people glanced at each other and suddenly looked in the direction of the sound. It was a thickeucalyptus tree, its trunk spanned ten arms width. Jackie frowned and shouted, “Who’s there?”

One could not blame him for behaving like a frightened bird. After all, they were all so close to getting outof the mountain and desperately wished for things to go smoothly.

Albion stretched out his hand and patted Jackie on the shoulder. “Calm down. Maybe it’s just a smallanimal. The mountain is known for its abundance of beasts after all. It’s probably just a small animalwandering on the edge.”

Jackie glanced at Albion, hoping what he said was true. It was then that an old voice came from behindthe big tree. “Are you all disciples from the Thousand Leaves Pavilion and the Dual Sovereign Pavilion?


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