No.1 Supreme Warrior

Chapter 2021-2025
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chapter 2021-2025

Chapter 2021 Everyone was stupefied at what happened.

Jackie once again released the spell, and the black dagger shone brightly. He pushed the daggerforward with all his strength, and the black dagger instantly broke through the silver light, aiming straightfor Wesley.

Wesley’s eyes snapped open widely, and despite his hesitance, he habitually stepped back. The blackdagger was only three feet away from Wesley’s body as he hastily raised his sword to intercept theattack.

A sharp, resounding clang between metals was heard.

The black dagger clashed against the three-feet sword once more. However, the black light did notdismantle the silvery sword light this time. Instead, the black light enveloped it like a maggot latchingonto a bone!

Wesley’s expression contorted uglily at the sight, and he immediately activated his true strength toshatter the black light that spiraled upward the sword like vines. Unlucky for him, Wesley stillunderestimated Jackie’s attack.


Although he used his true strength to shatter most of the black light, a fraction of the dark-colored lightconquered the sword and crawled onto his arm.

Wesley felt a sharp pain coming from his hands, and It felt like 10,000 ants gnawed at his soul. Thesharp pain caused him to wail out in pain.

Wesley was a person who greatly prioritized his image, and he would not have wailed like he did-oranything else of that nature-even if someone wounded him terribly. However, the pain of the soul beinginvaded was not usual pain. Even those who acted high and mighty could never hold back their screamwhen they were invaded by the soul sword.

“What the hell is this?!” Wesley was in so much pain that he yelled out loudly. He realized, at thatmoment, that his dark-colored light was like a kind of poison, one that aimed to hurt the soul instead ofthe body.


Destroying the Void was a soul attack, and just a fraction of it was enough to submit the victim throughsheer pain.

Wesley stepped back, distancing himself greatly from Jackie. Meanwhile, the black dagger flew backtoward Jackie, though this did not mean that two soul swords were defeated by Wesley’s Seven StarsMeteor Clouds. Instead, Jackie was forced to retrieve the black dagger because the energy had beenexhausted.

At this moment, Wesley’s face was chalky-white, and his eyes were bloodshot. His hands seemed toquiver as he attempted to activate his true strength to suppress the sharp pain that assaulted his soul.

Everyone was speechless at the outcome, and the entire area fell into complete silence for a good while,save the sound of the breeze blowing past the tree leaves, proving that time was still ticking. EvenAmbrose looked toward the battle stage as if he had seen a ghost.

Finally, somebody blurted, “This guy actually hurt Wesley. How can he be so strong? What is the martialskill that he performed? Why does the black light have such a strong power?!”

“Are you asking me? How would I know? Regardless, we can’t underestimate that young man. I justcan’t fathom how Wesley failed to defeat Jackie when he didn’t even hold back!”

“The martial skill Jackie used must’ve carried the laws of poison. Why else did Wesley wail so painfully?On top of that, that dark-colored skill is incredibly ominous. Even though it was shattered, remnants of itstill climbed onto a person’s body…like maggots on bones!”

Chapter 2022 This time, even Ambrose chimed in, “That’s right! Our hearts shuddered at the fright. What is that thing?It rendered Wesley, a person who cares so much about his pride, to wail in pain!”

Dale, despite having been wounded by Wesley and having shameful sword cuts left on his body, couldnot help but sneak to the audience seats when he learned that Jackie and Wesley were at the battlearena. He ignored his wounds, even though he was supposed to be tending to them, and happened tochance at the sight of their battle-one that looked like both men were even. Dale was rooted on the spotat the sight, unable to assess if what he saw was real.


He ignored the pain that stemmed from the slashes on his body, one that even plagued his mind.

If this fight continued at this rate, Wesley might truly lose to Jackie. If Jackie was capable of that, thiswould no doubt shake the entire Dual Sovereign Pavilion.

After all, Jackie took up the challenge despite being on a different level, and he had just joined the sectas well. On top of that, Wesley was a talented person, and he might even become a chosen disciple inthe future. If Jackie managed to defeat Wesley, he would certainly become a chosen disciple in thefuture.

The man with triangular eyes almost bit his own tongue, while the subordinates that flattered Wesley justmoments ago flushed a crimson color. None of them dared say anything as the reality came as a slap totheir faces.

They degraded Jackie so badly, and it even sounded like Wesley only had to move his hand for Jackie tobe beaten into a dead dog. At this rate, however, no one knew who would be done for.

The man with triangular eyes trembled as he looked a t Jackie with a hint of fear in his eyes, instantlyunderstanding something. Even if Jackie failed to defeat Wesley in the arena, his future wouldnonetheless be prosperous.

Eventually, he would successfully become an informal disciple and even a chosen disciple. Of course,until the day Jackie became a chosen disciple, the man with triangular eyes would not be able to survivein the Dual Sovereign Pavilion. After all, was It not all too easy for an informal disciple to pick on aninformal disciple without any background like the triangular-eyed guy?

The triangular-eyed guy’s flushed face instantly turned incomparably pale. His hands that were hidden inhis sleeves shivered unnoticeably. At this moment, gossip and debates were heard across the entireaudience seats.

“Seems like we won’t get to guess who’s going to champion this. Who would’ve thought Jackie to be sostrong? It’s surprising, really. After all, he had just joined the Dual Sovereign Pavilion for a dozen daysand had never been trained and groomed by the sect. Looking at the way things are now, though, hemust’ve gone through something before he joined the sect. The martial skill this young man practiced iscomparable to the Seven Stars Meteor Clouds Wesley performed. It’s even possible that the level of hismartial skill is higher than the Seven Stars Meteor Clouds!”

The people around the person who said this agreed, but many were still amazed with everything that hadhappened.

“If the martial skill that Jackie practiced is at a higher level than the Seven Stars Meteor Clouds, it shouldbe Red level premium martial skill. If that’s true, this young man is very talented!”

Martial skills were not something a person could practice just because they wished to do so. Practicingthe Red level martial skill not only required a person to be extremely talented, but they had to achieve acertain fighting prowess as well. Taking Warren as an example, he was at the initial stage of the innatelevel like Jackie, but the martial skill he practiced was at a much lower grade compared to the SevenStars Meteor Clouds.

This did not mean that Warren was unable to get Red level intermediate martial skills. On the contrary,Warren would not be able to practice the skill, even if he managed to attain a Red level intermediatemartial skill.

Chapter 2023 “Who would’ve thought that there are talented disciples among the newly recruited onesthat they simply took in? Jackie’s talents are comparable to Senior Brother Duncan!”

Duncan, for many, was like an untouchable ceiling. Not only did he have a strong background, but histalents were so impressive that others just could not breathe when facing him. Many people worshipedDuncan as their idol.

It was an extremely high note of approval for them to compare Jackie to Duncan.

Every debate and comment from the audience traveled to Wesley’s ears; his sense of hearing was sharpafter all. The more these informal disciples talked, the darker Wesley’s expression became. At thismoment, it was as if he had swallowed a couple of flies as his expression gradually turned into a ghastlypale color.

His right hand gripped the three-foot-long sword, albeit with a shaky hand. He stared at Jackie like ahawk, and his expression showed just how much he wanted to bite Jackie to relieve his hatred. If lookscould kill, Jackie would have died several tens of thousands times.

“You must be very proud of yourself, huh? You’re probably all fired up just listening to these commentsabout you, aren’t you? I’ll admit that I’ve underestimated you. I never expected that you’d be so strong!”spoke Wesley, though harshly and forcefully through gritted teeth. His eyes were bloodshot when he saidthese words as his envy and hate nearly spilled from his chest. He even grew envious of Jackie, whowas extremely talented. Duncan alone was not enough, and all of a sudden, another talented individualappeared, suppressing him at the bottom!

Jackie raised his eyebrows. “Why do you always talk so much nonsense? I have a tight schedule, and Idon’t have much time to waste on you. You shouldn’t think that I’m purposely going against you. To behonest with you, I don’t care about you that much.”

Jackie’s response came as a challenge to Wesley’s sensitive feelings, and these words were like harshslaps on Wesley’s face. Moreover, Jackie’s expression barely shifted as he said those words. Wesleyknew that Jackie really had such thoughts and was not doing this on purpose to provoke him. Comparedto being provoked and abused, it was even more difficult for Wesley to accept such disregard.

Wesley scoffed indignantly and gritted his teeth to the point that the veins on his forehead protruded.”Don’t think of defeating me. I, Wesley Sayer, have achieved what I have, and I’m not someone you candefeat just by saying so!”

A second later, Wesley raised his right hand and threw the three-foot sword into the air. The threefootsword buzzed and trembled as it floated in front of Wesley. Once again, Wesley continuously performedthe formation with both his hands.

The silver light circulated between Wesley’s fingers, and the twisted runes poured into the three-feetsword were like mud being poured into the sea. Everyone noticed that the light emitted by the silversword only grew stronger.

Soon enough, a loud cracking noise could be heard coming from the sword. To everyone’s surprise, thethird star appeared, and this silenced the audience once more.

None of them expected that Wesley was capable of forming the third star. No wonder some informaldisciples that had a better insight mentioned that Wesley was already halfway into the proficient level ofthe Seven Stars Meteor Clouds.

Forming the first and second stars only proved that Wesley had achieved the preliminary level of theSeven Stars Meteor Cloud. However, if he was capable of forming the third star, it proved that he washalfway into the proficient level! When he successfully formed the fourth star, it meant that he hadalready achieved the proficient level. There were a total of three levels when it came to practicing martialskills. These martial skills would only exert their overwhelming power when the martial artist achieved thesecond level.

Wesley took in a deep breath and said solemnly, “I didn’t want to show my true strength before the sect’sranking battle, but I can no longer hide it, even if I wanted to. Consider it your honor, Jackie, to haveforced me into such a situation!”

Chapter 2024 Jackie’s lips twitched upon hearing Wesley’s bold claim. It seemed like Wesley loved toboast about his strength pridefully no matter what he was doing. To Wesley, it was not Jackie’s strongpowers that forced him into doing this. Instead, Jackie should be honored that he was doing so.

Jackie was stunned for a moment, however, and he even felt like laughing at Wesley’s words.Nonetheless, he did not want to waste time on nonsense with Wesley at such a crucial moment. After thethird star was formed, all three stars attracted and controlled one another. They continued to spin brisklyon top of the three-feet sword and stirred the surrounding energy into a small-sized tornado.

Everyone’s eyes widened at the sight. Many of them were already mentally debating if Wesley couldcompete with the top 100 or even the top 80 informal disciples when he performed his strongest hit!

“It seems like my trip here today isn’t in vain; I get to see such an interesting fight. I never thoughtWesley had hidden his last resort during his fight with Dale before. This is his true power!”

“That’s right! I came here today because of the duel between Wesley and Dale. Surprisingly, the battlebetween Wesley and a newly recruited informal disciple was what amazed me the most. If I tell anyoneelse who has no idea what’s happening here, they’d probably laugh at me, thinking I made it all up!”

“Let’s not discuss this right now. Who do you think is the stronger person, now that Wesley has shownhis true strength?”

This question once again haunted the surrounding spectators, and many of them frowned as they lookedat one another. None of them could come up with a conclusion, though. After all, the battle depictedchange after change in the tides of battle, which confused everyone of their judgment.

However, there were still people who spoke plausibly, “It’s Wesley, no doubt. Although Wesley isn’t astalented as Jackie, he’s already in the intermediate stage of the innate level. On top of that, his SevenStars Meteor Clouds has already achieved such a high level of proficiency. I believe that he’s evencapable of fighting somebody who’s in the top 50 of our pavilión!” said one individual.

Many agreed to this person’s statement, nodding in agreement as they did.

Dale was stunned when he saw this scene. He originally thought that Wesley had used his completestrength, which was why he lost his battle In the end, but what Wesley was showing in his fight withJackie proved him wrong. Wesley did not use his strongest power to defeat him, and it finally madesense why Wesley was all proud and confident before. It turned out that he did not even regard Dale toan extent.

Realizing this, Dale could not even mask the defeat visible in his eyes. His self-esteem had suffered apowerful blow.

The discussion grew increasingly heated in the audience seats. The person with the most solemnexpression among the audience was definitely Ambrose, who was seated in the middle among them, hiseyes fixed on the battle arena.

Ambrose was not a disciple, and as the only deacon In charge of things present, if anything happened tothe important people on the battle arena, he would be the first to face the wrath of upper management.

The upper management would not pay much attention if the people involved were regular informaldisciples, even if one of them ended up badly wounded or disabled, so long as it was not a permanentdisability. However, the situation was different at that moment. Wesley was supported by Elder Sayer andwas a rather talented disciple. He had been one of the key disciples being focused on by the DualSovereign Pavilion. If something bad happened to him, Ambrose would also suffer.

On the other hand, even though Jackie did not have any support or background, his talents werespectacular. If he was seriously injured or ended up disabled due to Wesley under Ambrose’ssupervision, Ambrose would pay dearly, too.

Ambrose’s expression continued to darken as he silently prayed for nothing to happen to these twopeople. His gaze never wavered from both Jackie and Wesley. If one of them looked to be seriouslydefeated, he had to immediately stop their fight.

At this moment on the battle stage, Wesley was completely unnerved by Jackie’s provocation, andnothing else mattered to him at that point. He held the three-feet sword in his right hand, and the silverlight was so strong that it could envelop his entire body.

He let out a deep breath, and a silver light burst out of his eyes. “Young man, I, Wesley Sayer, will showyou my might, one that can render you incapacitated!”

Instantly, he rushed toward Jackie like a ferocious lion. The three stars spun sprightly on the swordWesley had in his hand. The moment he rushed over, he suddenly grabbed the sharp blade of the threefoot sword with his left hand and the sword cut his hand. Blood instantly soaked the blade, and thebright-red blood looked increasingly ominous under the silver light.

Chapter 2025 The next moment, the three-feet sword spongily absorbed Wesley’s blood. The three stars rotatingcrazily around the three-feet sword, meanwhile, increased in speed.

Jackie was sure this was Wesley’s desperate tactic. At this moment, a solemn look appeared on Jackie’sface, and he even felt slightly uneasy. Despite that, he could not retreat even if he was hesitant.

With that, he performed the seal continuously with his hands, and the black light was once again injectedinto the dagger.

The dagger, like before, released a streak of black light, and the third soul sword was fused into the blackdagger. To be safe, Jackie made up his mind and increased his true energy. Even though he could easilyfuse two soul swords with his current abilities, it was still difficult for Jackie to merge all three soul swordsin one attempt.

He could not focus on that drawback, however.

He had to force himself to fuse the swords, even if he typically could not. His hands turned continuouslyand became faster. One after another, the seals appeared in his hands like a running streak of light.Jackie felt waves of piercing pain on his soul, signifying that he had reached his limit, but he pushed thatto the back of his mind. He had to merge all three soul swords, even if it hurt his soul!


Following a strong gust of wind, Wesley got right up to Jackie. The silver light covered his entire being,and the sword shone brightly as it went straight toward Jackie’s face!

Jackie narrowed his eyes and stepped on the ground to quickly retreat. He was so close to succeeding!

Wesley was breakneck-fast, one that disabled commonfolk from defeating him. Luckily, the martial arttechnique Jackie practiced was very special and contained the laws of space. Although he only mastered

a small portion of the technique, it successfully increased Jackie’s speed greatly.

A fierce look appeared in Wesley’s eyes as he roared angrily, “You wish to hide from me? Nothappening!”

Wesley’s roar delivered his rawest feelings of hatred and envy, and it was evident how he roared with allhis strength.

Ambrose almost stopped breathing as he stood up from the audience seat, standing in a way that hewas ready to rush up the battle stage. As long as there was something wrong, he would not pause foranother second.

Jackie retreated speedily. At this moment, he was still performing the seal continuously with his soul. Thesharp pain in his soul reminded him that it was too much.novelbin

Wesley naturally knew that Jackie was forcing himself to withstand his attack, and he, of course, did notwant to give Jackie the time and opportunity to. If he lost to Jackie, his self-confidence would suffer ahuge blow, and this would have a deep effect on his future. He could not allow himself to lose to Jackie.

He roared furiously and once again increased his speed. This time, Jackie was unable to evade theattack, even with the help of the laws of space. A smirk gradually appeared on Wesley’s face. “Acceptyour death, young man! You can’t hide away from this!”

The decisive voice filled the entire arena, and everyone stared at the stage. At this moment, Jackiesuddenly stopped retreating backward.

He suddenly raised his head and pushed his hands forward. The black dagger once again met the silversword, and everyone heard it-a loud explosion. The center where both energies collided sent out wavesof energy that impacted the formation surrounding the battle stage.


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