No.1 Supreme Warrior

Chapter 1908
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chapter 1908

Chapter 1908 Master Hackford felt as if the right side of his face was slammed against an iron mountain. The forceshattered his aura shield also known as ‘attached spirit’ to the people of the sacred grounds. Once thisattached spirit was broken through, Jackie’s punch landed squarely on his face. All of Master Hackford’steeth were knocked out and his jaw was dislocated causing him to not be able to scream before he wassent flying through the air and finally landed on the ground with a heavy thud.

It was a coincidence he landed not far from where Master Loador was. The rest of the Alliance Guardwatched as the scene unfolded before their eyes, their mouths agape. They did not even have time toreact—that was just how fast Jackie was. The realization that they had heavily underestimated Jackiedawned on them and they finally understood how he could be so confident before them.

It seemed to Master Mackenzie that Jackie had no intention of giving them time to gather power and hisface darkened at this. Master Hackford was the backbone of the Alliance Guard and yet he had been soeasily crippled by Jackie. Though Master Mackenzie could not imagine the pain Master Hackford wasgoing through, he knew from his motionless body that he would forever be bed-bound if no high-gradepills were given to him. The same could be said for Master Loador.

Master Mackenzie’s expression turned darker than before as he knew Jackie would be targeting himnext. He took a deep breath and assessed the young man before him, well aware of the terrifying powerhe possessed. He was proud to fight against Jackie but the desire to do so had left him a while ago. Hisonly wish was to escape as far as he could. He would go to the ends of the earth if it meant he did nothave to face this abomination. Forget about the Alliance Guard! Forget about honor! All these meantnothing to him anymore.

What was the point in going head-to-head with an opponent stronger than one when death was theinevitable result? Under the surprised gaze of everyone, Master Mackenzie turned 180 degrees andescaped into the distance just when Jackie turned his eyes toward him. It was absurd that they thought it

was a joke! All the Clan associations’ masters swaggered in with their oppressive aura, talking abouthow they would eliminate their sworn enemies, and yet the result could not be further than the truth.

Two of them were heavily injured and the other escaped with his tail between his legs! The AllianceGuard’s elders were livid that Master Mackenzie did not once turn his head back. “Master Mackenzie,how could you abandon us? What kind of leader are you!?” shouted them.novelbin


Alas, their beseech did not bring Master Mackenzie back as he was no fool. He was well aware thatdeath was the only choice if he did not escape now that Jackie had grown so much! He had alreadydecided to live out his life in a hidden place. To him, It was better to live cowardly than to die valiantly. Allshreds of honor had drained out of his body.

Jackie knitted his brows together. He had no intention of letting Master Mackenzie escape because hewas worried that the latter would seek revenge upon his close friends and families in the future. It wasbetter to take him out now than to dwell in regret if that really happens. He narrowed his eyes and turnedto face the Nine Gods Clan’ elders. “I’ll leave the rest to you all.”


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